!f _„'.^r r-~rsgral~~~'- lr~ -'e:rrrtai r,-- t':.,~_, .. ;~ ~_;- - i : r, ~., ~t~~~,Petti- i• ~.rtrn--sn ,,,~,~.r~_ t .,.. i . -r.; I~~;~:+_.
<br />•si:+6l ,.{,i 1;, c+o Ifuer tl::s~i !~xuasa,~?i~ar.ely t,na,r4 tc; errs a=i= „i r!~. l rc,aa,.ra~ i,r +r, :a+.! :rtiru++u; b 1., .. k•!;+,~;~
<br />t~~~.rld h~ !;onder~a t'd,4'ri.mr,=d~:dlw~,~~r:Yrtif):, ai,-~ r~i`ral!l ~.e~5,.e., qf, .a;lt:-. ~r•..t i~,.~ II,;.. ~p,,rr~:,n'~
<br />3. Application of Payxr+ettts. flocs+~• ~rl,l„trest,,c iavE IYrtr~Lelrs +r:.irt~~r<_e, ~k, isy•rie~r+t~ r+~.~~ ~..-. l,y l.~uucr
<br />unrlgr flee `vr~t,e and {'>s~sty,ra~~olt~ ~! '~tncf i> her~e~u4 sE+ar11 tu= aptat¢ed l,~~ X ~^rsda~r fi-a,f n+ {~,oayntci,r :i vn'soeer+t:u payab'+~ tu~
<br />I~~side~r by 'i3ekrrower unda:¢• paa•utgrnttla "3 E,r>ra~cuf; then to interest to~yu3ak Qr, rite iYute anal s~~r Futu~ !'1dv'sn~ce~, if
<br />any, and then to the principal of the \ate and rc tl+e princital of F'utum Advancr~, tf any
<br />;. ~~ 13saa. Borrower shall pay rii Farce, st,stscsratE;nts and arises charges, finis and impositions attrib-
<br />utable to the Property which may attain a priority aver this_4fortgage, snd ground rents, if sny. at I.eixier'e
<br />optioaa in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or b}° Borrower sttslting psyateni, when due, directly to
<br />tyre payee thereof. Borrower shall pratrptly furnish to tender ail notices of amounts due under this taragraph,
<br />and in the event $otrower shall make paymcat directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evi-
<br />daacittg stools payments. Borrower shalt promptly discharge sny tier. which has priority over this 3ortgage; pro-
<br />~ vided, that Borrower shall not be required to discharge any each lien mo long a.4 Borrower skrall agree in writing to
<br />~ the payment of rho obligation secured by sorb lien in ;+ manner acceptable to Lender, or shall in good faith soreteat
<br />~j rush lien by, or defend enforcement of aurlt lien in. legal proceedings which opera.e to prevent the entoreaaetrt of
<br />~ the lien or forfeitttm of the Property or any {sort thereof.
<br />5. Bsustrd terur®ew Borrower shall keep the improvements gran existing or hereafter greeted on the Prop-
<br />ert; iaeured against faro by fire, hasards inetuded wiihin the terra "extended coverrge", and sttci: other lrawrda ae
<br />Leader tray require and in such amounts snd for such periods as Lender may require: provided, that Lender shop
<br />~ rre!t that the amount of such wv exceed that amount of covers
<br />n regwre stage ge required to pay the sums seoured'b;
<br />thg Mortgage.
<br />1'ke imwrauce carrier tiroviding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by I+enda;
<br />provided, that such approval shalt not be unreasonably withheld. Al! premit»ru on insurance po-iciss shall be paid
<br />aC Lender's option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower making payiitent, when due,
<br />direetry to the insurance carrier.
<br />In the avast say policy is sot rertered alt or befaro tort days of its e>tpiration, tlbe I,essdee. W pttotaot
<br />its iataeet, tray prot'ttn instaraaoe on the itaprovetuenta, pay the peamitmos ttmd such anma tthaH b!aoe®e
<br />iatmodiatdy dtte sad payable with interest at the rate sat tosth Lt said awe roll! paid sad shall b.
<br />sscnrad by this Martpge. Fafltttro by Borrower to ewmpiy trttty, at option of I.oeder, ottnefitute a dteladt
<br />aaietr ire tmrma of this Moryfage.
<br />AU itsattrt.rtee pelieiee and renewals tbtmef shall be in [arm acceptable to I,endsr and abaft ittehtde a etaadaud
<br />mottia/e slaws is favoz of sad in form acceptable to Leader. Lender shall have the right to bold the polfsirs atad
<br />rettewa~ themaf, and Borrower shall promptly fnrnakr to Lender elk renewal ttotias snd alt receipts of pakl pn-
<br />miusaa. Ta fire event of lace, Borrower shalt give prompt notice to the insurance carrier sad Leader, tstad Letaior
<br />!mtylr aoake prtrot of loo if a~ made ptemptry by Borrower.
<br />T3uiesa Leader sad Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applies to radoeatioa or
<br />tepwir of tkx Property damaged. provided snob rcetoratior. or repair is economically teaaibk attd the ssemity ed
<br />E6Yr ltgeet!gye is sot thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is not economiealh feasible or if the ssawity
<br />d t6ia Matip~e wottW be ittrpaired, the iasttrance proeeeda shall Ire applied to the emu neettrud by thin )I[etet;a~e,
<br />itrkh tl'ie areas, if any, paid to Borrower. H the Property ie abandoned ha Borrower or if Borrower fait to >ta1p61td
<br />t0 Leader within 30 days after entice by Lender -o Borrower that the insurance carrier afters to settle a cltltsa for
<br />itttauranoe beaeBts, Lender h authorised to t:oliect sad apply the insurance proceeds at I.etrder's ~~ ttitthsr to
<br />rastoistSo~n or repair of the Property or tc the sums secured by this Alorigage.
<br />IItaleas Leader atrti Borrower otherwise agree in wt+ting. sny such applicatton of proceeds to pnneipal abaft
<br />ad attend or postpone the due date of fire monthly ittstallnrenta referred to in parsgraplte 1 and 2 hereof or change
<br />the amount of alert installments.
<br />U sstias paragraph tfi ttereot the Property is aaquind by lender, all right, tilde and lateral of BotROwce to
<br />sad to any irmuraaes poiieiee +-~ in and to the proceeds tktereof i to lire extent of the sums eerured by ~~ l-{eat-
<br />giys iaomediacely prior to audt sale err asquisitiont re>rukting iratn damage to the Property r=ues to the sale or
<br />x~ akratl paro to lam,
<br />~ ~ ~ Apr of kartsparty: Lantehelda: C~ Harrower eull keep Prep-
<br />erty to good r+epatr arni she!! set per:att err earrtmtt waste, impatrment, err detcrtioration of the Property earl droll
<br />T with the -isi=__ of any lease, it *_hi: ~Icrtgage i. on ssta~hakd. I. ,..~ sfo:,~-r :b s E
<br />~ chalk perform raft t3f Borrower's obligatiwta under the deeiarstron of caruicxntntun; err ttta~ae .
<br />the by-fora and regulations of the condominium project and constituent documents.
<br />T, lhalaetlaa d lwdar'a ffeeavitp. It Borrower fails to trerfornt the covenants sad agrestm~~tta coutatnsd ro
<br />Chia , et it say action or proeeedittg is cotrtmenced which utaterially aAecta L.rrulor'r iatenrt ro the Prop-
<br />etty, iaelttding, but net limited te, grniaent dm :,ern, tnsolvrney, cods enforcement, ur arrangements or prooeeed-
<br />iap irrvaivfr~ a bankrupt or decadent, there l~cxkr at I,etufrr's option, upon notice to Borrower. may snake such
<br />appaarasoa, disburse each sutras and take ouch srt.ton sa +s necesnry to protect Lender's interest, irrcludiag, but
<br />tt+Dt limited to, dtabutsenrnt of raaaaaabk attarttay s tees; and entry upon the Property W tasks repaim. AaY
<br />aataortats disbuneai by I,smdr:r pttnuant to thrs paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additieaal i~daM.
<br />adaem o! Borrower accused by this :1lartgage. Unless Borrower snd i.eoder agree to other terms of parraatt, salt
<br />amttuuts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting uayment thereof, snd shall bear inter-
<br />est from the date of dkebursement at the rats states! in the Kota unless payment of interest •t such rate would be
<br />cwaatraty tv applieabie :err, in which e.Fnt sough asrtounts shall hear trterst at the highest rates permissible by
<br />appkitmYrle hew. ~kothing °ontainrd rn this tEaragrapf+ 7 shall ,-c~getre Leader to incur sny atpenae or do any ad
<br />Lender mty make or caws to be made reawnahk eatria ttpoa std iaapeetiam ~ the Zstst+-
<br />a'tg, prtrefc~d tk~t I~der sita!i g4ve fiorrawer tt3±tirr {=star :o one garb ingicrtltsn •.pt+flfyirrg r
<br />thesa~ related tq Lsadtts`tt iat€reat in tkse Property.
<br />>lt GmdsttMwiMMrr. '~ ptaaeds of any award err claim for danatga, direct or rat~egttsatisl, in eamasEiat
<br />with 4tgr eeadtmaaatieo or other taking ~ the Property. or start tkieYeof, ar for tgavepat3ee is lieu of eaerdsama-
<br />tiaa,gas hatfsby tts~-ed and ihaU ere {said to .
<br />A {#M avert of a total tatthtg ~ the- Frpperfiy, eke pruseada ahaN lee applied to the wins xrured ~ this Mort-
<br />. ~ with the crease, if any, pweid to Htrrrewer. in the event of a laartMl wkisrX of the Proprrtr. rtnha!s Betrotrar
<br />ar4 ..dnts ia- ttrrir .erg, thtiue ahaA'he applied to the aaesa aarurad bg this Mortgage euefr Prapm`
<br />t#t~# if ttgtss! to that pupa w!=ieb the ate ~ the sums secured by this Mort`age itatme-
<br />dialreiy prior ter the data of taking bears to the lair market vales of the lsr+operty immediately prier to the dot. of
<br />wi~i#~te tialaaea of flue pMSeasds paid to 13ortvrrer.
<br />~{~~ is sbaadontld by l3oarswec or if afta• notice by I.enrler to Borrower tbu the condemnor oQers
<br />to tam sit asrsttd or aartls s ooa f~ ~, Ao»trrer fads to tmpttort to Lender within 30 days of the date
<br />of sw#t~: Leader lea atttltariaed t& ~ Arid tt~ly tote pirteeeir at Leader's option euircr io restoration or
<br />repair of tbs Ptop~ety or ter the rsatra ~" ltY tlria .lfortgags.
<br />C3aless Lender and Bari-owor cthertvise agree in wrktang, any such application o+ proceeds to unnetpai Khali
<br />~, }
<br />...%.
<br />