trait eR',teatd +;nr Nrse~yl#,g3d1e ti; ~'ul:Q' ilatUf i'S1 ^1d~: i~ unCNrdG~ [~ t i„iYar-lEl: stir"r''•fY~ t<, n, ~~~'t•r.~.aapl,W 1 lunii r l•1e~re~ol' fir
<br />rlisunge the ;sn_tuarnt rrt', wut la ti+st.aR;ta~a,r~~t.s
<br />Ill. 8otrower Mot Relwersd. ISxtcns~rnn c,f th<~~ tsn7e for laavrt~~trt 7r znadificzatf~,tor thE' ,rre.orw;~~ratuot: er" the suntn•
<br />se~urcd by this .'klorl'.gagr gracri Nov i..rr,cier to as•,;v -?.e~•cessur ,n irtzrer>st of Borrrrwer swra?i rat;t a{grate to aelwse,
<br />in say tnannez, the liabiiic~- of the origins! Borrower and Borrnwer's succe-•aaors in interest. I.endet shall not be
<br />required io eomuatnce prtseeedtnga agaitrst sirt-h successor or =eft,se to eztettd time for payment or othenriee modify
<br />satortsra-tion of tt,e €ums €ecured br• this \Iortga~r h,- reason of ~-ny demand male icy the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's suocemom is int~rrat.
<br />11. lfarbrarmw bt Lsaedtr ltdot a Warvtr. Any forbearance by Lender in ezereiaing any right or remedy
<br />~ hereutder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a ;velvet of or preclude the excreisa of spy right
<br />+~i or remedy hereunder. The i>rocuretnent of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Leader
<br />shall not be a waiver of Leader's right to aceeier:tte the maturity of the indebtedness assured b}• this Mortgage.
<br />12. frCtrmakriivt. All remedies provided in this Mortgage are disiinct and cumulative to spy other
<br />right or remedy under this \lortgnge or atiotrird by law or equity, and ma}• ix esereised concurrently, independ-
<br />errtiy or tntcceesiveh•
<br />ls. 9ttawttes sad Atsiyas Bound: lout and Sevrral Liability; Captiops. The eovenapta and agroemeats
<br />~ hertip contained shall bind, and rite rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigtra of Lender
<br />~ and Borrower, subject to the provisrons of paragraph 17 hereof'. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall
<br />` be joint and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and
<br />are sot to be used io interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14. Notice. Any rwtier' to Borcower providcvi for in this \tortgage• shall ix• given by mailing such notice by
<br />certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Pmlrerty Address stated below, except for any notice required under'
<br />paragraph I8 hereof to 6e given to Borrower m the manner prescribed be applicable law. Any potiee provided
<br />for in this Mortgage shall !>r deemed to have been given to Borrower when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />I5. IIaiftem Morigaga: C+avaraiaq law: $tverability. 'Chic form of mortgage combines uniform eovenanta
<br />fttsttiional use and ncn-t:niform covenants with limited variations by jurisdictiop to constitute a ttaiform ssett-
<br />ti6y ins#rument covering real property. This Mortgage shall trc governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Ptwpaety is located. In the event that any provisiat or clause of this Mortgage or the Note t:opflieta wiMt
<br />apphabk lax, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Mortgage or the Note which tratr be Given
<br />e!leot wltApYt Lhe capflictipg provisiop, and to this end the provisions of the ~iottgage and the Nate are detdarad
<br />t9 he anetable.
<br />]it iMaorst's Caps. Borrowrer shall be furnished a conformed copy of thin tifortgage st 6he time of e:eat-
<br />raoa a af#+er reeordatiori hereof.
<br />17. !1<+OIt16t a[ tie Prepatrly: Jlttateeptita. If all or any part of the Property or an intsaest thaau it stld
<br />er trataderred by Borrower without Lender's prior written cortsart, ezcitiding ta} the creation of a lien err taets-
<br />branoe subordinate to this Mortgage, lbl the creation of a purchase money ssautity iatetest for hetu~eW a#'R-h-
<br />saera, (e) a traaafer by devise, descent or by operation of law upon the death of a joint rennet or (dt the groat e(
<br />arty htts~eid interest of thrx years or lesa,not eoatainiitg an option to purchase, Lender may, at Len~r's opiioa,
<br />drelane all the arms assured by this MoRgage to be inunediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived ouch
<br />option ~ aceeltrste it, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender aird the person ro whom the Property is to be sold err
<br />tranNatrred reach agtteement in writieg that the credit o{ such l,ersop is satistactory• cG Lender and that the interest
<br />payablsm the some secured by this Mortgage dull be at such rate as Lender shall regtust. It Lender has waived
<br />the option to accekratc provided in this paragraph i7 and if Borrower's succeeeoc in interest has ezecuted a writ-
<br />ten aawpsptinn agreement accepted is writing by I.ender, Lsrnder shall reksse Borrower front alt nbligatioai tteder
<br />this Mortgage apd the Note.
<br />IS Leadst ateweues suelt optuts to aeeelerate, Loader shall !uad Borrower aotiee of aeesleratiort bt aeasr3aaac
<br />rrit3i paragraph 14 As;~:,f. Ali rustics= =lrali provide s peria~. of not ;€~ th$n 3p .rays frz,rn the datr fI~ n36ies
<br />ssaiisd wit6ia which Bot7uwer may pay the solos declares due. if Borrower tabs to pay stub sums prior to the
<br />of etch period, I.eoder ma_y. wtthout further nutue or derpantl uu Burrower. ruv~dte any r+s~dkt ps;-
<br />mtttatt b7 psrap'utft t8 hsrrof
<br />~A~-Iierr~n~rrr fA14tIf~V'IY, RQt'eQw'PY arttl I1"1Ddpr fp rtlwr ~vx•$nant ry,ti agrYe »ri fr311L'tv+!:
<br />H. ~ [itctyu a€ prttvx#trti to ;,aragrat.i, 17 iu~tvof, utwtr Borrnwer`s breath of anp
<br />eotretiaat or agiwemettt of Borrower in this ~IortgaRc. including the twvrnants t•, luy witeti due any sunuc sceumt
<br />by this lortgage, Lender prior to nceelenttion shall niuil notice to BariR~ ~ nrevdt•zi to Iaragraph 11 hereof
<br />speeifyiag: 111 Ehe breach: 121 the action nKluirMt to sore enC~r`1'~e~'I~F ~, a att~ not less than thirty days
<br />trtxrt the date the notice is ntailecl to Borrower. 1,~ wlurl~ ~iicit hrsi~~,,ttBet sytpt~.~ptksl4f that failure to cum
<br />such breath op or before the date specified m the notice utay result m accelerittion of the aunis secured by this
<br />:Mortgage sad sale of the Property. li the breach i- noE cured on or betom thr .late specrficvl in [he notice, Lender
<br />at Larder's option may declare all of the aunts seeumf i,y this Mortgage to tre imrnrctiately due and payable
<br />without further dentund anti iiiay forteloae this Mortgage by fucfuial pmrredink. ixnder xlutll tx• entitiecf to collect
<br />in such proceedutg all exlxnses at' loreclosurc. uzcluding, but not liuutcvi to cost, of dcx•uuientan evidence.
<br />abetrsots and title reports
<br />111. Dess+~wer's 1luMit to 1letatltrir. \otwirhstandmg I.endera w-celrrauon of fire supis seetirrd by this
<br />IMortgage, 8orrowei ehtrll have fire ri;lit to have any prureeaiinits begun by I.endrr to cnfoMr this ~lnrt~e dis-
<br />mat flax prior Gtr entry of a jiidy~tent enfaetrtg this tiortia~ tt: ta} 13turower WYs l+tttder all
<br />tam ~~r fall tltsN d11s ttttadst this Mortgage. the Nate and aeMt Flrture Ativaatts, ~ tray. had fl6
<br />~ taetsnwl: (bt Boetnwer epee all hreaehea of any other emwnanta or agreemeaG of Hat~s+ner cpa-
<br />talatd in tit Mort; to t ]~Orrnarsr pays all reawtnali4r- eatwtasea ipcurred by fender in +viffuring the Poveuants
<br />ad1~ d I~est+owsr ~ in tick Mlrtg~e stud tH eariareing I ~tr..ler • ibttt_•die~ ~ I.rovpJc?i in para-
<br />Il<Mmst, iaelttd~g, bG, set limited ta, rpwsonabk attoniey's fees: anti id? Borrower takes aueh nation as
<br />~ ~ tDtQfMre tla lattice that the lien of tAa M~gaRe, Lender's iffierest ip the PrOp~Ntp and
<br />~411A14°b e~iats 4 pyr fit sweta d l;tar this shall otiatmus unimpaired. Upon arch paymsat
<br />a~+-~aBlt~_ rrs~r,t~1 ~ sad Wte efatJswaaeotttgd Ftetrt~y aba11 eemain in full tarE and elCect as if
<br />rte hied ~.
<br />~ N~IlIt1 i~.~ '~ ~ falNt~wettt irlllii~s is trtasasiea. As additisuul security here-
<br />ao~tr. $~+Inia[ ~itllBhjr tr~i4/"~ tb 1~ 'cd l~s Fsgp~rty, pre>~eti that 8orrarrer dull, prior to accekr-
<br />atioa trader pe~yttpit lft h weal trr t of,the Property, have the right f n collect and retain such rents
<br />tr tlry bratmt dbta tad payahk.
<br />Upart afrtslfr'atjaa ttaiar td itss+et-f ox ahltadearaeat of tht Property, Leader, in iteraon, by agent
<br />or by !may apptipted t+eativer tt~ bt tl!ed to et~r ttpan, tdrt poesess~t+ of sad manage the Pro{>zrty
<br />sad to eailast tt,e rents of Met Pt~eperty, ittslts~tlt th¢re part due. All rents colicrted by Leader or the receiver
<br />shall bt s~tiisd ftret to paytasnt ~ tbs evsis ei raaattt of ttie Property and collection of mots. ,neiuding, f,ni
<br />oat limited to, receiver's fees premiums on receiver's boruls and reasonable uttornev's free :in,i then t., the ~un;~
<br />secured by this Mortgegc. Leutter and the .eceiver shall IK• tiahlc to account ook for those rcnt~ m f uallr n•i•rn r,?
<br />