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<br />it .r:j,:r ; aru;;a'3lri- I+~ ref:i >k }'rr;•p>rr ,- ;;ia ..F {'r~ °r ~ i . ; ~„r
<br />tuii.npp:~, ra„ lark. .i.rr. rriurri+r+',5trat~!} ;,r~,r t~: .ri ~1i, xn rq.•i. I rr+~y'Mrt~, .i ,.-~~~-,,i•rrnr i~, i r~~l•-r ,r }i~.rr~1l~~
<br />u~~. -sw' I,ra~nti e!,~,tl tF!r'rlli ar .?[ a.pg,kteatta+, ~~.e :. r;.', -. r.. t :, ~. i,, .•,. ~~ .~. - ,. \1.,r7. t;,+,~~
<br />~. ~tp)slicailion a1 Paym-nta, t'n{!',~~ n{.I+.~s ~. ~~-r ~,rr'r9~dl~• ,,r!~,n~°rc -~.tL l'ati::,isnt~ r- ti~~ysr,l
<br />y~' Lien ll4lat
<br />Vmtier'thv 4V ~Qi Hnd l;ta YaA,rafrlf~ i AA FIrI .~. h4'riH,}( +Ilal; I,+~ i.llf iJ YC'~I { Y i. A.±3<°i u11"WT fit 3'~W YP4iY,•?lE ~!, :p,rYa 6;+;'ftifl t'k I. W'Sp1l!` tG~
<br />I.enr:itar by Borrewer ureter Nretragrapl+ 2 lre~rof- t{!c+~ to it,te~rt-et L~,°s4>Ye utt tk+a- \nt ^ ;sniff r,ar F;ut,ur; O N rar:c:ws, ii"
<br />any, and thP.n to the principal of the \Tf3te at,d to ti+e principal of Future A!+.~anre+. ,f an}
<br />~. Charg+a~: Liens. $orrower r4ha11 pay all taxer, assemtenents and oihez charge, fines end irnfwsitians attritr-
<br />utsbk W ttte Property which may attain a priority over tl:rs Mortgage. and ground rents, if any, at Leader's
<br />option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 Hereof or i:y Borrower making lrsymant, when due, directly to
<br />the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Ixrxter all notices of amot:nts due under this paragraph.
<br />and in the event Harrower shat( make payment directly, Borrower ales!! prompth• furnish to !,ender receipts evi-
<br />dencing such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which 1~ priority over this Mortgage: pro-
<br />vided, that Borrower shall not be required to discharge any such Lien so long as Borrower alts!! agree in writing to
<br />the payment of the obligation r;ecured by such lie++ in a rtmnmer acceptable to bender, or shall in Rood fst'.h corttgt
<br />such Lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in, legal Ittoceedirgs which operate to prevent the ettforeement of
<br />the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any tart thereof.
<br />S. 1~d Ieaurmtu. Bormwer shall keep the improvements now exir'ing or hereafter erected on the Prop-
<br />ertq insured against loss by fire, hazards inctuded wiffiin the term "eztended coverage", and such other hazards as
<br />Leader may require and in such amounts and for such lxriod. ss [,ender may require; provided, that Lender thal]
<br />Hat roquire that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage reyuiretf to pay the sumo secured'bT
<br />this Mortgage.
<br />The insurance carrier providing the in;uramee shall i,e chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lander;
<br />provided, that such approval cball not be unreasonably withheld. All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid
<br />s6 Leaders option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hrrrof or by Borrower making payment, when due,
<br />directly to the iaatuttn« carrier.
<br />In the event any policy ~ not renewed oa or before ten days of its ezpiratioa, the Leads(, to paotact
<br />its Merest, rosy procure imtrnrrae on the improvemer_tr, pay the preminms and each wm shall become
<br />immediately due and payable vrith interest at the rate set forth in said note rut:il yard imd sbaB bt
<br />secured by this Mortpge. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Leader, ooastitute a de>ladt
<br />under tiwt terms of this Morteaae.
<br />Alf insurance policies and renawalt thereof shall be is form seceptable to Lender and shalt inchrde a stsadard
<br />raartgage alattse in favor of and in form sc«ptable to Lender. Lender rhall have the right to bold the potieiat sad
<br />ronswaht theraot, sad Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lander alt renewal notices and aU receipts of paid pro
<br />arittws. In the event of loos, Borrower shat! give prompt Mice to the insursn« carrier sad Lenr'a, and Irsedsr
<br />rosy auito praot of lots if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Uafaar Lender aMl Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied Co reatoralirta er
<br />r of the Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is economically feasible and the teeur;ty of
<br />tlds Mort;aglt rs sot thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is Hat economically feasittk or if the seeuritl
<br />of thisldoet~a{e would be impaired, the inwranee proceeds shall he sppiied to the sutras secured bq this Mertpge,
<br />with the ete~; it any, paid to Borrower. Ii the Property is abandoned by Borrower t-r it Borrower tails to
<br />to Lender within 30 days after notice by Lender to Borrower that the inaunn« carrier oBen to settle a thr3m far
<br />irrnttaaee benefits, Lender is authorised to collect and apply the imuran« proceeds at Lender's option either to
<br />restoration or repair of the Property cr tc the sums secured b}• this Mortgage.
<br />TTnlaar Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of procetda to prineipa! (!tall
<br />not eslend or postpone the due date of the tuanthiy installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 heron[ or ahanee
<br />Pht aattaaet at atreh iaNallmeats.
<br />I! trader paragraph 18 hersef the Property is acquired by Lender, all right, title and interest of Borrower ht
<br />and tP say ina»rsutce policies arty' ;n and W the proceeds thereof f to t}te extent of the attma accrued by this Mert-
<br />es iaamsdiattly prior W such sale or aequisitiont resulting froth damage tm the Property prior to the taM or
<br />a~ sbaU peso to Lender.
<br />i. PMaartstiotr ®d h6a of 4% I.e~ofds: Coadattatiuaa. Fiormwer shalt keen thr Prt~
<br />arty is good repair and shalt not permit or ronsmtt waste, impairment, or drtenoration of the Property and bull
<br />ooraply whit the provisions of any Tease, if this Mortgage is on s ieasehoid If thra ~tartgage is an a condominium
<br />twit, Berrower shall perform ali of Borrower`s obtissttona. under the declaratiom of eo:uloraixtitun or master dttd,
<br />the ~-~wa sad rsgtrlations of the eondarunium project and constituent doattments.
<br />Ptetealian al !.(alder's SantsitT. It Borrower Toile to perform the covcosnts and agreements eontaiued in
<br />(bit Moths, or if say action or proceeding is commenced which materially stfeets Leader's intarost in the Ptop-
<br />erty, inel+tdiag, but not limited to, emtmmt domain, u>solvency, rate enforcement, or arrsugementa ar proesed-
<br />itsp involving a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at Tender's option, upon notice w Borrower, nmy malts streh
<br />~, disburse such suttu and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender's interact, iaelrrding, but
<br />ant lfanitatt te, disbursement of roasonable attorney's fees and miry upon cite Property to make ropauin. Aqr
<br />azsouata disbursed by Lender puquant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, steal! become sdditiaoal indebt-
<br />edaea of Berrower a~ecursd by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and bender agree to other terms at payment, such
<br />smouats shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower regrreating payment thereof, cud shall bear tntar-
<br />est 1r~ the date of disbursunent aL the rate Mated in the Note unless payment of interest at such rate would be
<br />coatruy to applicable Isw, in which event. such amounts shall tzar interest at the highest rate pertnisibk by
<br />Taw. dloibiag ssa6aisrrrd u: titr+ fw-ragratdt 7 shall tttquiee Leader to atwtr atrgt tx dlt srltgt ;at
<br />L Itati~teliala, !.Haler stay rtultt or cause to tte rttade reaseanble entries span acrd inatpeetieea ~ the pmP-
<br />~t,provitisd etutt Leaber shall give Borrower rurtire (+t'tOr t0 any surli trt~Netton spaettvtaft teaWnabte eavae
<br />(lit to Ls~tr i irttta+ett i8 tht l`taapaaty.
<br />S. Mss The proeseda o! any award or claim for damages, diroet or otroesgttsotial, in twaRaotioa
<br />wi6h ~ tA~sAStita9 or other taking et the Property, or fort thereof, or tar etnveyarrce in iieu rat oaedemists-
<br />~r LttMlMtwbr aasi fnad sad (bail lee paid to Leader.
<br />La the eat of a total taking ~ the Property, ~ pracgeds ,hats be applied to the sums sec ur+ed by this Mat-
<br />h ~ it any, paid to >i;asrewsr Iu t}u~ Mwat of s f taking of ti,e Prtapecty, unlMS Beertarv
<br />t~ ~rtdik ~~~ arp~te is , thw+t -(ball bt ~ to the tttma tttur+eld by tlrit Mortgage such prgtw'-
<br />frkte ~ tiitspt+otteds mn ~ is !bad ~ + tie snsoueit of the ~ teeured by this Mortpgs iamase-
<br />tt the date of taking-bears to .~ fair tnat')€et value d flue Proptrty imtaerliately prior is the daft o[
<br />w~~~ltlitAQe ,~~be ptome+hF t~ lA ~YR~ptlr.
<br />~ 41~t-~AtT'ls al7rndoa9d bF Harrtavrtr alt ~ shoe-rtaKiea ~r !,coder to Borrower tho' the o~demnor ofiera
<br />to t1rl~ a'tCntd m settle s Qlidlrt €Ot ;'HesreL'ratr fails to reepoad to Leader wit-hin ~ days of the date
<br />M (!catch treks Lender is authtsfaed to collect aid tlpply the patetixeds at Letder's option either to testorstion or
<br />h' of the Fropetty ~ to the sutrrs eecbi~td erg tBia :ttortgage.
<br />Unletr Lender and Harrower othenrias agree in writing, any ouch applicatton of proceeds to pnnripal shall
<br />