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.-.iC, .e M'~ ~. ~~. ~l I' ~.~ax+ i :~r. .i.~~ .L~He~t. ..-~. ,i r,,".-E_ti _,,.i _~~ ~a _r,P„~. .~ _~ -n=t~,..., r__ - .. rc. <br />*ta.iFi.nb~gwr rNie ~~rkr~rtovsns rrl~ ~~ue ;'»tcai#ur,ie~~+cA <br />tg. rowusrc lte~t I[aioawad. ).xt?.r., ann^. cr: €,+ter =,;a!w .~~~ =~~ua;,~r,~v,i' ,. r er. ~ i-- a.r[=r _' s:ri;,r^ ra- -., ~f _;.,~ xr-=n~ <br />secured by this °+iorigage yranteu b~• l.enc:er *.o acp =:-zeeese+ir ~- ;r*teros! .,i $~rrrm :-r xis i ...,, ot,zra'e w r€SCast <br />in say n;s^=rter, the Eiahiiity of ti:e nngicai li#rrmtwgr arm Bozr,~r>=r = 3;FrF~r= :z, tn:e*--t lxr,<ier stiali not be <br />r+~uired tc conxmcaee latoeeetlirsga ags;tsst saris st:cceasor ar -efose to eztxs;.-! tune for l~ytrerr or otherwise tliiv <br />amortisation of the earns secured by tli. Mortgage to rcascx of am deman.t trade by the original Borrower sad <br />[Iarrowe~s sneCeasera in interest. <br />IL Ferbammee bT Lsndar 1lfot a Wana3. Any Forbes-snee by Lender in tsercising am right or rtmedp <br />hraetutder, or otltenriee afforded by applicable law, shall oat be a was-aer of or preclude the exemtee of say right <br />ar retn~y hetwnder. The procurement of irtauranre nr the psg•enent of taxer or other liens or charges by bender <br />~ shall Cwt be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity cf the indebtedness secured by this htorigage. <br />!w'y IZ Ra®edias Cuanriatira. :tl) remedies provideA in t)tis ~tortgage ere distinct and cumulative to anq other <br />~. tight or reatody under this lfortgage or afforded by ?aw• or rtit:ity, and ^ta~° .,r exert iced ~~onrurrently, irtdspend- <br />~ etrtlp or encenervely. <br />~, i9. 8 atad Resigns Satasd: foist mtd Savara! Liabirbtq; Captima. The cat enarrta and agreeaamtr <br />here oontainett shall bind, and the rights }tereunder shalt irate to, the respective suceesaors and assigns of Lender <br />and Borrower, subject to the provisions o{ I~aragraP~e 17 hereof. All covena:.ts and agreem~~s of Aorrorrw sl+all <br />be joint a~ several. The Captions and headings of ti.e paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience on)y and <br />~, an sot irp be telert to interpret or define the provtsions hereof. <br />IL I'toKoer. Amr notice to Borrower provided for in this \tottgage shalt !,e given try mailing such rfotiee by <br />c~xrtif3ttd »saii addressed to Borrower at the Property n~'dress stated below-, except for any notice required under <br />psntgrgph t8 hereof to Fie given to Borrower in the rnarmer pre3mbed by applicable law-. Anp nonce provided <br />for is this ~3entgage shall tie deemed to have been given to Borrower when given in the manner designated herein. <br />li. T+~libsee r Law: SmeaOiiitY. This form of nwrtgtrge rontbin~ trniteets eovenssta <br />fqt ttatitmal true and non-unitorrr: covenants with lirtrited cariatiorus by jurisdiction W cormtittN,e a tmitorm seeu- <br />itsfirarrtESt Conring rtal property. This Mortgage shall bte governed by the taw of the jtrriedietaoa in wlgeb <br />Cie k located. In the event that say provieort or clatree of Chia Mortgage or the Notr is with <br />apl-IieaWe tax, arch Conflict ahal! trot affect other provisions of this tifoetgage or the Nate which eaa be gitrst <br />eLI<eet without the eonflietiag provision, and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage sad the Note are declared <br />- to be ne+erable. <br />Ii. >taeretew'a Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy o[ this Mortgage at the time of asestt- <br />tiea or tdtca recerdstion hereof. <br />17. 'lkaecetee of ~ FrerpeslT; Aenrrm~ptiae. If all or say part. of the Property or an iatermt therein i. add <br />or traaatatzed by Borrower without Lender's prior written eortsertt, excluding (s) the entatiort of a Ilea or a~- <br />braaoe euhecdoate W this Martgsge, (b) the crestioa of a purcbaee trtesey saeurity iat~+snt ter ltotteehotld appti- <br />a$eac, {o} a trstrcder by device, desrzat or by operation of law upon the death of s joist tenant. or (d} the, gt~rt6 of <br />aegr lucehdtf lateral of three years or less not containing as option to pureJtace, Lender may, at Larder's optics, <br />declare all the sutras aecttr+ed by this Motgage t4 be immed'utely due and payable. Lender shall hays waived <br />option to accelerate if, prior to the sak er transfer, Lettdcr sad trite person to whom the Property is to be acid or <br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person ic: satisfsetory• to Leader sad that the interact <br />payabk on the sums secured by this Mortgage shall be at such rate ro L.«~eier shall regtreat. If Leader hoe waived <br />the option W accelerate provided in th+s paragraph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has mtecttted a w~it- <br />ten assumption agreement accepted i`s writang by Lender, Lender shall release Burrower from all obligations 'J~ <br />this Itiortgage and the Note. <br />It I.mider azettoues stteh option to aeee-erete, Leader aha11 trail Borrower ~,a of aoceferaiioa ie aeoerdaaea <br />with paragraph I4 hereof. Such notice bltall provide a period of not ie:e than 30 days from the date ttte notice is <br />t~tl within which Borrower tray pay the cattle declared riot If Borrower fail to pay such soma prior to the <br />of aVCh persod. L~tdez :.zap, aithovt furtlrer ttot:er or detna-xl tot Borrower. tnvott€ one r g~- <br />try ~rsgra.{zh 18 hereof. <br />~-`.~x- I~rt f`.~. ~aaA e. i3:,rrow2r I.2i:der fut•tl«•r i.:v.=i,aa`!? uis-i asr*K a• €oes';,ova <br />Ii. 1E~It ~. Eta~,t as l,raviticef in pat•agrai~lr 17 ,Pr±~i. accts Borrower y ttr4aelt of troy <br />sotraeant or agrcetneat of Borrower in this MortgngC. ineiuding the Mvrnunts to rev when due any strrna treetrred <br />by this tlettgage, Lender lzrior to acceleration shall mai! notn~: to Borrower as provtdrd in parttgntplt i! hereof <br />specifying: (1) the breach; (2) the actton r'equimcf to rum nuclr hrcacls. t31 a dart. not leas t!~an thirty days <br />from the date the notice is mailed to Borrower. by ~cl+tch such broach must be cured , anti :; r that (silum to Cure <br />sttdt brerelt on or before the date epertfied in t;,r t:aicr way result in acceleratton of rhr aunts secured by this <br />Aloe gage sad ale of the Property. If the breach is not cuttti on or t, the dart srect6tvf in rite notice, Lender <br />at I.wader's option may deelam all of the swtts secured by thin Mort.gagt to be tmmediatelr due sad paysbk <br />rithou. further desrtarstt stnl tray fomclosr this Mortgage by judicial proceeding l.cnder shall F,e entitled to collect <br />m each protbCdirtg ail e:pertaea of toreclosum. rnctuding, liar not huutai to. costs of documentary evidence, <br />a6steaets and tick reports. <br />I!, lwewrar'a litight to Osiaslota. \otwithstandreg Lendersr; acceleratior. of the sums secured by this <br />Alortgage, Borrower ~zsll lour the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enfom this Mortgage die- <br />e~ at ~~`_ prime to catty of s jttdlpuzent ent't¢cing this _llortgage if: iai t3or•tvwcr pays 1 ' all <br />sYrlt~l~ich Ntr~ >w f~ t~1lt under this Mortgage, the NNa~~a sad notes aetrrisg flrturr• Advarrea, it say, herd rte <br />aeerilwrtli9+t oeelren,a; fh} iflerrewer ettrea all bnaehes of any other Covenants or agreements of ~te+rer oca- <br />t hi Lhhi ~; fc) $arra9rer -+aya all ressonabie cs}zertses incurred biy T.en~r in eniorreisg the es;.~naais <br />sad of Bisaurrn caatairted in this Mortgage aml in enforcing i,etujer's retttedir!. as rrovid«1 in psra- <br />(t, R~i1 !3 h~e~, iaa~ug. ~t rapt }hnitad ta, masonable attorney'r fern; and t d 1 Borrower tastes such action ea <br />~,ribtafee ~ rs to acwre that the ties of this ttortgsge, 1xr~r'a interact in the Property sad <br />B'a ~agilR ~ V4Y ~e ease seattsed lilt '' ~± Mortar atzall Cantiane unimpaired. Upon cuett payment <br />tttid ease ~ tltis.MoelgaBa area the obligation secw~ed hereby shall remain it toll force acrd ettect as if <br />ae +aieciceafioe ded oesornea; <br />'~inl~f ~ et TlMalitrast Lsrrttlaic Ta laerseicioa. Aa additioatti security here- <br />t~$eltsgrvFfirapby~illi~ttits tetiEa of t~ Ft'operty. provided that Stsrnvtrer ahsH, ;rrmr to aCCekr- <br />att3o® 1E'Rersst er ant M the )P'rotxrty, have the right to collect and retain such rents <br />at try iaeoiaite diu aed payable. <br />Yl`poa-siaDSi~s~igs t psA t$ h6rsrif @1[ ant of the Property. Lender, in person, by agene <br />o! by ~ reee'verlbrall be eta iIB tratw ton. take )zneeesion of and ctmmge the Property <br />sad to collect the trots et-the Property, ~.thsee pau due, All rents coileiKed by Lender or the receiver <br />t+~1}hsipplieai} Hra,6ntof the Property and callCrtiun of rerw. inrludrng, but <br />not limited to, receiver`s face, pratniarae on receiver's bomb anti rcasonahlr utiornev'. fern .user then to the sunr~ <br />secured by this'vfortgage. Lender and the r+seeirer shalt fx liable to account only for !t ,+r rent.. a,•t wally ter r:. ~'r1 <br />