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nil-r±. .a.;- -n n-~~ - , r -. _. - } . °.p ~ , <br />N.~ !}lj~Ea9ti~ ~ ~+jaeusata. t~nA 3. ~- . i , :4'R ~ . ~... ~ ~ r .- -'vi .+'a ~, ~ - J E. YI;:N- <br />umiet ttsr i -. :tai ; ars~ru;t!€s s ..._ i : ;zt.«.v: ,t. , . a;,t.,e-! _ t.., i- .,r-• .,a„t,+ rn ., ,.., t. payable t,. <br />l.eadet b~ tSsrrewe~ a;,rrer ,.,}rrsgra?:. < <,.--rani. ; f:c~, rv trr rcpt ;,.ysY~ic au 'trc~ '~,rt,~ a.mi or r uturc 9~ivarue~, .. <br />any. and torn to t?;c E,nncipst o[ the lot. ~:i<t to tt}e sxi:;cit~i of 1•utu>- ~i°:arncc~ .f ar;y, <br />•. C~ftsgaa; I.i~. Snrrower si}aiE tray sEE taxes, aeseaa:rrent~ aril at rcr e,'-,a!-g~.'ftn~ arcd impaaitions sttrib- <br />utsbk wthe Property wh~l} raaY attains ;.noritr orer this ~.fortgagt= a .d ground rent., i[ any, at linden"s <br />oP~ in the wanner prev~ed urtdcr paragraph 2 t;en-o[ as Env Borrower malang t>syment. tahea ~fiue, directly to <br />~^,.. the payee thereof. Horrower shah promptly furnish to Lender ail notices of amounts due under this paragraph, <br />~ sad in the event Borrower shall make payment directly. 13orrou•er shalt rTroa}ptiy tarnish w i,erder receipts -vi- <br />4 dens~g such paylt~tts. Harrower shad prom{}try discharge any tier, which has prtorty over this Mortgage; pro- <br />~ vided, that Borrower chart not be reyuimd to discharge Rnv such lien so tang as Borrower shall agree in writing to <br />~ the payment of i}te obligation secured by suet} Fier, m s manner s.:eepta6te to lender, or shat i in g+rod fain} oemtrat <br />ss}eh lien by, or defend enforcement of sucf: I}en m, regal proceeding which operatr to prerent the eaforceaient of <br />the lies or forfeiture of the Property or any hart rhercof. <br />~ 3. >Ei~d lhrmrmn. Borrower strati keep tare iml;rovements noa• existing or hereaft^r rrected on tht Prap- <br />.~ny iast}tted against foes by fire, hassrds iceluded within the term "extended coverage', and such other hasarrle u <br />I.eadermay regtrirti and in such amounts and far such periods as Linder may require; provided, that I.sader char <br />• not require that the amount of such twvtrslge exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums seetueid'by <br />this Mortgage. <br />The insurance parries providi~ U}r insurance shall he chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lem; <br />provided, that ouch approval shall not be unrrasonably withheld. All premiums on insurance paliei~, shall be paid <br />at Leader's option in the n}anner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower making payment, whoa due, <br />diteetlq to the itgurance carrier. <br />In the event arty policy is not t+noowed tm or before tm days of its artpiieatien, the Lasds~ to psi <br />i4 interest, may procure insurance oa the impro~emertta, p.y the ptmiiuma and aueh sum ahaIl become <br />immedirtely due and payable wi~r ~tateat at the cafe set forth in said Hate until paid and shall be <br />senued by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to cornpJy may, at option of Lender, constitute a ddauft <br />s~ the terms of this Mortgage. <br />All insutarlce policies and regswala thereof shall be in form aeeeptsbk to bender aqd shall iaeltt~ a standard <br />mortgage cbtree in favor of and is iorm acceptable to Leader. leader shall have the right to hold the policies sad <br />ressrvals thateof, sad Borrower shall promptly fnrnisF! to Lsadsr all reaewa: goticea sad all reoeipte of paid pse- <br />miums. In the event of leas, Borrower shag give prompt notice to Rhe insurance carrier aqd Lewkr, and Costly <br />may make proof of Joss if noL made promptly by Harrower. <br />IIn/tp Leader and Borrower otherxiae agree in writing. itlsiirance proceedr shall be applied to restoratios m <br />repair of the Property damaged, proved such restoration or repair is economically feasible and the security of <br />tlsis Maetga®e is not thereby impaired. If such restorat~n or repair is not economically feasible or if the eaotafty <br />of this Mortgage would Ire impaired, rite insurance ptoesade shalt t}e applied to the sums eeeured by this h9ortpge, <br />witfi the axcesc, if any, paid to Borrowsr. ~f the Property is abandoned by Borrower or if Borrower failr to <br />to Leader wi#hin 30 days after noose by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to settle a tlaiss far <br />iasaraaee benefits, Lender is authorised to entree! and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's optima either to <br />reatorati,tm or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Lfnless Lender and Borrower othernise agree in writing, any suck application of proceeds to principal shall <br />set s=tead oz postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to i~ parsgrophs I and 'l hereof or slr-ngs <br />tktsasse~t at > irrtallmanta. <br />u under paragraph 1$ hatzof the Property is accjuira<i by Lender, art rigt}t, title andrnt-t of Horrtirrrsr im <br />amd to arty ir~ragce policies aqd in and to Ehe proceeds thereof tto the anent of the sums secured tip thffi 3datt- <br />r$~ immorl:.frlti prisn• t4 ss}ch sale }!r scgtlutt.tani t't!i}}ItlAg from t}g!}}age tc, }.t}e Property enter is t~ sole er <br />6ha11 pass to bender. <br />i'i. irsstdes srsd Mofats~~as of Property; l,oo~holda: Con~dam®:::®:. Burrower ailui Reaq, Rhe gf9p- <br />erty iq erxl fir .red .h.lE ,,.,f rw*r.,cf „r co!r}tnit wsste.:,,,..a;...,,o... e• ,,o,e...,.-a•:,,., or the Pr~..e.f - ad 'fit <br />comply with the procisiors of any lease, if this Mortgage is on a leasehold. If this \lorigsge is on a condominium <br />unit, Borrower shall psrforat ail of Borrower's of}3iga[ions under the declaration of condom}nium nr tnasesr dead, <br />the by-lava aqd rsgutatiogs of the eondon>iniutn project and constituent documrnts. <br />7. Ptobetlos at Lender's Security. if Borrower sails to {,erform the covenauty and agreements contained in <br />this Mortga~, or it any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects: Lender's interest in Rho Prop- <br />erty, ineltidiug, b;tt not limited to, eminent domain, in..o,vency, code enforcement. ur amngemeats or proeesd- <br />iap igvolviag a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at Leader's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make such <br />appeaeaaces, dirsbunre aueh sums and take suet, action as is necessary to protect Lender's interest, iaeludiag, but <br />set limited to, disbursetaent of reaeotlabte attomsy's [ees and entry upon tht Property to make repairs. Aqy <br />amounts disbursed by Leader pureusat to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall Leeome additiogal isdebt- <br />edae:E of Borrower secured by this ~foragage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tem:s of payment, aueh <br />amotw4 at,a[l tae payable upaGi notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment tber~eof, and shall best iater- <br />eat from the Bats of disbursement at the rate stated in the :Vote unless payment of interest at aueh rate would be <br />eontratry to applicable law, in which event such amounts shalt bea• interest at the highest tarn psnniaeible by <br />.law. hotlusg cwtuaised %u tliic 1>wragrapli i slia[I rec{uire i..eader W ilwur say sgytwsa os do say sat <br />~'~ <br />t. ?~. Leader ntay -q~ks ar cause to 1!e garde reawrwWs entries open sad irtapectiens.of tlx Prap- <br />artY, provrdae that ~tAler shalt Five forrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reseonabk esewe <br />ther~Qr related tit Lstder's interest iq the Property. <br />3. Cam. The psoeaeds et any award or ciairn for damages, direct or caoeegtiegttial, in oaaaeetiort <br />with aa~ ~ or othtar taki~ of the Prflpertp, or part thereof, or far cagveysaee in lieu of eoad~sna- <br />. siarar.a.rd,bitu,bepaid W Lender. <br />In.the event of t tW 41 Eakieg of the ~Y, the !}fie shall be. applied to the soma secured by this Mert- <br />~° if say, paid to '.SOrttnrer. In, the everts of a-partial. taking of the Property, unlew Borrower <br />1~ra i Y ~"'w is w'~iag, t}a~a+e tEtati be ~plidf to the ensue secured by thin ~iostgage such propor- <br />t$~n +~ I~ as je-ognslt to that praportisq which the ttitrwiat ~ the attq~ secured by this Ildortgage imm< <br />diatsiy prior to tIx date of taking. bears to the fair luarket value of the Drapery immediately prior to the date of <br />w#~Sai{~t'pt.ihe prot:eeda pad m Horrewer. <br />I#i1Mt3~ is abandoned by 8asiarrer ati it shat ussiss by Leader to Borrower that the condemnor offers <br />60 gAt 8G`ikatd clr aRttk a ela>rAd far dek, Scrrower fails W d to Lender within 30 slays of the date <br />of such notice, leader is saittioiis*d i®vttiiect sled apply t1~ praceeda at Lenders option either to restoration or <br />rs~ of ~ Protfeaty or W tits susas aet~raa<#, by. t~ 3liutgage. <br />Unless Lender arld Harrower oWerwiac agree in writing, anp sash application o. proceeds to pnncipal shaft <br /> <br />