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~, <br />~~soi F"stwll~ror; rrv f~.kxtp,rre .,, =tsar €iute r.ri ia_ .nor. :c ._ ., r .,~,.. ~ -. : r ~ ~~~rsN, ~ ,.:- ... . . :~T~,•, .., <br />i~d:ssragw tlae~ arnuos+aat s~ri :aue% ansr6allac•~w,~:trx <br />10. Dseraswr peat Delsmted. f":xtcnsira~ cif tau- tnxie frrr nnswroa^i+eaa4 err rnorlsta~ess~rra crV' aa.,:.•?-.:a.ata~rr of ttg yarns <br />seared 63'` this :4inrtgage granted in l,eraopr to any surcrssor ar: interrs2 srf Borrower slrali rcct cxperate to release. <br />in say manner. the fiabifity ai the arigiaai Etorro.ver anti Borrower's ~teresgors an anterest. Ixnder shad not Fx <br />to caaree ~ agrtinat r:rgfr successor or refus.~ to erturw? tirrg fax ~vment or o~tawir- modify <br />amortisation of the sums secured by thi> 1lortgsge lrp' reason of any desassxi ansdr by the ori>Raal Borrvwa ~$ <br />l3arrower's snecessax's in iM,ete~,. <br />IL Fael+ammtoe 1sT I.eotsMr pot a Vitaswar. Atry forbearance by Leader is acereiaing any r~ or remedy <br />herevrader; arc othenciae atfersled by appiicablc taw, shall not be a waYrer of or preedttde tag esersi.e of >sa7 rti~ <br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of iasw•ance or the payment ,.f twres or otah<r tacos or charsv ds teodcr <br />shall rrot be s waiver of Lertds's right tar seeelerate the tnstr,rity at the indebtedness secured by this yrlaet®s®s. <br />I$ (;>s. A}l remedies provided in thrs ~lmtgage are distinct and c-umulativt to ~y orbs <br />right s remedy tends Phis Mortgage or a$orded by iar+~ r>r equity, anal may he exereisdl cAn~trram[iy, rruiepead- <br />errtdp or sucoetsively. <br />"C~ ti. Sslabstoes ®d llsdg~ss Dowd; Iaau send *uerarai I.wbiifty; Captions. Tice rsvertante and apeemeaAs <br />r^ heraa axntained shalt bind, and the rights Irereuada aE:atl inure to. the respective sucweosra s_xi asti~s d Maier <br />'~r and liormwa, subject to the provisions of paragraph l9 hereof. Ait covenants amf agrzente;tts of BarTawer ebstl <br />C be jtnd sad several. The captives and headings of the paragraphs of Chia \lortgsge are for eonveeie~e only and <br />L•, are not to he ttsai to interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />~ 14. peliw. Any notice to $orroFer provided for in this \loatgage shalt he gives b~y mailing srgh noRiee by <br />' certified tnsil addressed to Borrower at the Property Address states: below, except for any notice required nrtder <br />~ paragraph IS hereof to be given to Borrower in the ananner prescribed by apphrable law. Amy notice provided <br />r. fa ~ tbis Mort~e shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower when given in the Hanna mated iraeein. <br />l5..palbs>s Mertgstge~ Goveenietq Laver Sevasa~tT. This form of nwrtgage eorohmea ensifeim <br />fatnitisoa! tre and non-uniform ~venaate with limited variation by jurisdiction to cattle a uedkma asN- <br />ri~ tdtsumeat towering real property. This tifortgage shs8 6e governed by the law of the juriadaetion in nhislt <br />tie Pespraekys located. In the event that nay pevvision or olatrte of this Mortgage or the Note esstAieb ts16t <br />agyDiM~bis 1Rw, srrcb eon8iat shall not affect other proviso of this '_Nortgage ar the Note which e6n htt ~vse <br />tRset teiiLoat the Proms. and to the end the provitioot of the iVfortDa®e and the I4sie leis dailrssld - ;_ <br />se b>e. <br />N. pilptewsiii CetitY. Berrewer the!{ be fura~ted s conformed copy of this Mortgage tl the' tons of atteeil• - - <br />tiea ee al3tr rseetdatiee hereof. <br />H. lkmriss of 16s l;kapaslt; If all or any part d the Preostty or ~ iataest therein Ia sold <br />or tesaaferted by Sorrows without Leader's prior written consent, exoltrding (a) the cr~tioa d a lien ~ tostirltt- <br />braaessnbmdinatt Le this Atottgage, (bl the orvstion at a purttase mosey seestritp interest far hoaeelsdd a@pli- <br />a»eat, (aj a tratnim• by devise, deceent or by operation of taw upon the dmth of a joint tenant or (dk ~s~pegt d <br />aa*.hrass6eid itmsrtyt d thtse ptnis s leas net eentainiag an option to purehace, Lender may, at Lsndsi's alias, <br />aeelsie a!i We ass seeand try this Moit~s to be imtaeaiately due acrd psyalsle. t.enda shall have waitroi shah <br />optim to accelerate if, prior to the sale or trarrafer, Lender atxi the person to whom the Pmpeity is to be veld at <br />traasisrred rtsaoh agremiart in writing that the credit of Bach !xr'ssn is satisfactory to Leader sad that the interest <br />payable on the sums scoured by this Mortgage shall be at such rate as Ixnder shall request. If Lender has waived <br />the option to accelerate provided in ~hffi paragraph 17 and if Borrower's suecesaor in interest has etsecuded a writ- <br />ten atssaoptisa apcememt aceopted fn writing by Ixnder, Lender shalt release Borrower fr+~ alt obiigaEiosu tntd,er <br />this DRmtgsrge sat! Lire Note. <br />I# Lsoiet surlt optiou to aeceksate, Letder sirali mail $osrower entice d ~ ~ r~as~ape <br />w~ pph I4 tscreof. Such notice she!! provide a period of n.u less ttasn ~? days from the data- trite nabs is <br />maliedwithirr trhteb Borrower may pay the earns dcelared due. Ii Borrower fails to pay surd: snms prhx 1» fir <br />of such pseiod, Lender may, tvitttout further notice or demand on Borrower, 3nYOlu gay eem~ ptx~ <br />mittsd ~ ~ aft heselrf. <br />jr?nx_Ilxtrcaaas (7ovrxsx•rs. Borrower and Ixnder further covenant and a>rtree as follows: <br />~ ~ $sasadia. Etcuept a< l?toviclecl in iearagra+r}, I? trereof. u}goo Botr+ower's hr~Ia of acv <br />covenant ~ sgreeatettt of Borrower in this Jlortgagc, including tlac covenants to pay when dru say aunts sectrtetf <br />by that ?.iortgage Lender prior to aereleratioa elasii s arovidtd in partigrapit 14 hereo! <br />speeifyiag: I1! the brescfi; (4t the action mquiatxi to ~ ~ciatc. not Icss than thirty days <br />frmn the date the entity is utailed to Borrower, by n;aaY; eacir;:cj;~; and +i) that tatlum to cure <br />suett breach on or before the date specified in the entity away result in sccefer~I'ion of the ew»>s secured by this <br />lflortgage and oak of the Property. If the breach is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Leader <br />at bender's option may declass all of the awns secured by this ~lortgsge to be immtdiate+y due and p.ya4ie <br />tritbota furtherderttsnd and Huy foreclose this Mortgage by judicial proceeding. Ixnder shall he entitled to ooiletx <br />in such proceeding all expenses of toreelosurc, iuchading, but not Iinrited to. costs of dorumctrtan' evidestx, <br />abetaadt and title reports. <br />lL lasower's Dl4ht to Ssinatnb. tiotwittwtanding Lender's acceleration of the aunts secured by this <br />Borrows all have the right to have any proeeedingr begun by + eauler to enforce the Mortgage tiis- <br />etadimted at say time {srior to entry of a judgment enft*eing than \lortgage if: tat Borrower pays Lender all <br />~ be~trdiiMi Vtliblr this ~; #l~e_ i~pte aaiE tiaras :It~"1rl~r ifii <br />~wlillltiiielt asae~ei; fl>!1 der auras ail lYt+eatlte+t of say ttthtr eoveiasat* or ag1+lCfMtt~ d <br />t~sld ~i4~ia-: ter} Serrearar psyt sl! rvitlr ~ irutitrtewf by i.snder in eaf~ae+eiteg tits eeaaete>>txtt~+r <br />std [ of 1#beftvrrC eel in the Mortgage std is enforcing I.ent(ei`s retraediea es Provided in pa»- <br />f ~"6ei!aK, I~dmdlLt~, E~ nYVrF ttositd ter, tseaannable sttornev s fens : and t d j Idmiower takes atmh aetaast as <br />r,~lrar~ ~,taq~le ~ asitre.~t Nse,tiea of this ~• Lenders later "rn the Prepe~q and <br />~4-alrl~t~itn #o$,- lYtasMtat aft tltnr ~ slrslf cuntiauo untmpairsd. LTpost .ttdt psyrmant <br />itttir tltiies ltd t1~s~: a elurif resntl#a its-full fares sad dfeot ere ii <br />uassMfllltlw,trtit+~ eottrp!s+d. < <br />'~ rf'~a.wlR~'1M1Ml~ariiflN~llt'~Ml~t~!esa14 lYU1MMMItiem, As adlroil--etlCUrity here'. <br />ttlii~,~liMtfl~'.F. ~ 7itiata aP-~'; t~ tM,t Bonvtver tlydt, prior to seseler- <br />1i"~ i~tY~atr~~ of the Pte, ltliee pre rtgttt to ewllecc std t+etain cash rr <br />#rD ~ptd p <br />~t ~. ~ ~rsot as-t of !#ie I'repertY, Lsndtr. in person. by agent <br />atF~:~ ~i~~#taiiMas'ts~ll. tape potee+sion of -lad anaaaRe the Property <br />ttitita~ t!x'rPrata ad ffir~ . due. A!+ :eta collected by Lender or the receiver <br />th~lsalfti+tto'imeatdt#faetitfitaf~of'the Property and collection of rents. including. but <br />rrot iiiasted to, retwiyt;r's Isla. lmrrtiams on reeeiver'i, iwruls acid masonable attornev'~ fe•e- :tnd then to th« Duna <br />seeweel by thin Mortgage. Lerder and the receitirer eb9!I he liable to account onh~ for tho~« rent- yr•rrrtil~~ rrrs•it'c~ <br />