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<br />i .. ,. , <br />-? t.ri,+~,t ,r,~,r;~4~',f ttfi .. -v. rw., .~„ 4-,~,r ., , -. 7. 4'r~r:,q .. r•. _. -.-a ~,s .. .~ ~1 -.'3e. <br />hrui' s{,u{,EVy, ere ;arc'd+€r eau w:.fxa~>rr,Cri4 f---srr'c. : ~.z4=r n zac 1''rrm .~.~ ,rr r ~ ~~~,._-,, ., : ~v i. -r =r, <br />_ ~, .. <br />~~E~t; 'laq' l~~c~a6er;at. ti°em u,eei~~ nt ao~{xltrzercaar em, ai. , r ~ir> sK_~,i.r¢ tiua~ ~r.wa a • ~+rri.~r'~- ._. rt ~r .., . <br />T. ,1t~lisn sy1 ems. I rx,rr- ~ wt~lc a=rn<r azw , o 'd~~n~,m ,~.i~~r~i+in~ ,, ~ ~aora:e,~+ ~ ~ ~y,F° l.e,uir?r <br />underth+- torte and lxaragtaphs 1 a:td 2 u•rvhsi s;a€. lac sl>j,liea? i,, lj~rcer sin,t :r. i:spz~ut ui atra<xttnts ~ayaule tr. <br />Lanrder by t~rrtzwer unxter fasragranp-t Z l;ezeof. flees to irterest exaxyatxle exa, tiaf \mr atz+! nre f'utuar A,ivsnreS; <br />any, and rhea to the ixtittcipsl of t1zE \otw w.~ tr: +k:a^ {::i:,c~,a! t.f r:iiurc .id.arrt-r~, it anv. <br />~ Cbesagaa; Baas. Borrower slzall pay alf taus, sssetarnents and xhcez chsrg+e+b, fines and impaeiti~ attrib- <br />~ utetltie to the Prrrperty which ~y attain a priority ove2 tlaie )iortgsge. and grocrnd ate. if any. st Lender's <br />option in tlae mwor provided under paragraph Y titreOI 0r irv Borrower usakinS payment. wizen dne, ,tirertly W <br />0 the payee therx-f. Bortewer shall piomlNlp F»rnish to Leader sii notices of amotzrKs dtre under this paragraph, <br />'~ and is the event Borrower rzha[i make payment directly, Borrower stall promptly iurnisl, tv I.enc#er receipu evi- <br />`~ droning such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge say lien which has priority over thin aiortgsgt; pro- <br />tided, tbs6 Borrower shall not be required to diseharRH any avelt lien aw loth sa Borrower shar!i agree in writing ro <br />~ the psyreat of the ohligatior aeetrred by etch lien in a manner acceptable to tender. asr shall in good faith <br />pna6 Herr bp, or defend entorcament of such lien in, legal proceedings which operate to prevrnt the enfommerzt of <br />the flea or torfeittrre of the Property or any {xart thereof. <br />5. limrd (awereeaes. Borrower shall keep the ianprovetnents now existing or hereafter erected at the Prop- <br />arty iaatrred sgainaa for by fir.., baasrda inehrded within the term "eztendetl coverage". arzd such other hazards r <br />Lu:dsrmay regttir and in such smounie and for such periods as [.ewer may rewire; provided. that Lander shell <br />• dot reQttire that the ar~ttnt of >azeh coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the rntaRS rrear:sd'try <br />this Meetgrtge. <br />3'hesneutaace carrier providing the insurauce shall be chosen by Barrmwer subject to arpproval by L,rmder; <br />provided, ;hest such approval shall ~t be unreasonably withheld. All premitmre on inatrraace policies shall be prod <br />at Leader's option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower making paynxat, when dne, <br />ditaeily to the irurursace ate. <br />In tln street say policy is sot teaeered on ee bretota trt days of ire esp~atiea, the Lrtder, ba gealaret <br />its irrteteet, racy procure imtrraace on the imptorsme:ib. pay the peeminms sad toeh awn shsB bseoma <br />imme~ateiy due atul payable wilt iaterest at the me set Teeth is said torte until paid and shall be <br />secured by this Mort~tgs. Faihue by 13orrow+er to ceeoply may, at option of Lender. oonetituts s d~elrtdt <br />uetdiR the tneaos of this Mortpge. <br />~ imrwsnee pelie~s sad r€newsis thereof shall be is form acceptable tt Leader rind ~Il iaeltrde : tAaedaM <br />elsrtee in favor of arttd in form arceeptsbk to Lender. Lender shall have the right to ito&t tl-e poBeies sad <br />repews{f thereof, sad Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lewder all renewal notices and alf receipts of paid pes- <br />raiumt. In fire ererzt of loss, Borrower shalt give preropt notice to the iruttrsnce carrier and Leader, and Lrrdec <br />may msite proof of loss if sot made proomptly by Borrower. <br />Un{er ;.order sad Borrower other~riate agrex in writing, insurance proceeds arhs-1 be applied fro resiaerliss es <br />repair of the property damaged, provided such re~orataoa or repair i eeonomicaHy fesaribk sad flee saea+ity of <br />this M~~ » ant thereby impaired. If streh rratoratan or repair is not economically feasible Q it the Mstirilx <br />of fha Mortgage would be impaired, the ituunnce proceeds shall Ix applied to the sums secured by this h4trrtplQe, <br />with the atttsas, if any, paid to Borrower. If t-ze Property ie sbandonett by Borrower or if Borrower taibr to rseposd <br />to Leatat within 30 days after aotdx by Lender to Borrower that the instuanee carrier oAers to riel4lt a claim fe,r <br />iaeuraar:e benefits, Leader is authorized to collect sad apply the insurance proceeds at header's eptiem either to <br />restorati~ or r~zsir of the Property or to the sums secured by this 4fert~ge. <br />IJaler Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall <br />sea eoReettt or postpone Lhe due date of the moatbly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 arzd Z hereof rrr ehsoge <br />tie saasuat of errcb irrdathaertte. <br />II trtkr Aar'aBAPh 18 hereof itze Property is acquired by Lender, ell right, title sad interert. of 13oerower is <br />arl to say irzsn:sacc policies and is sad to the proceeds thereof tto the extent of the etmrs secured by this MMt- <br />a lmraediatEfy txtior to streh safe ar acuu>artax: r€arktn€ from. datnsse to the Property prate to the stale >a <br />aegtriaitie,o sia11 pass to Lender. <br />S. pesiesrstioa oad d Y[apaatT: t.sasehelds: Cerr~iums. Iiorrawer shall keep the F'roP- <br />ert~ in ~ repair and athsll not pesmii or cossmit waste, imptrirnrent, or ~e±eriorstion of she ITZUgerty and del <br />fly with the provitfi©na of any ieaee, it this Mortgage ie on a leasekofd. If t~tis hfort~ag€ is on s ' <br />tmh, $onower shall puforw all of Borrower i obligations tznder t he declaration of condominium or master dead, <br />the b;-laws a~ raegzilations of the condominium project uzd conetittrerzt doeumente. <br />T. te,elea6ea d lsadaia SaeuritT. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and a~gteements eontsiaed is <br />flue Mortgage, or it any action or proceeding ie co.-.,nzettoed wl»ch msurially aHeeta Lender a interest ia the Prop- <br />erty, iadzediet$, but not limited to, eminent domain. insolvency. cwde enforeemeat, or arrangements or preeasd- <br />inp imolring s bankrupt or decedent, thin Lender ,zt l.ender'a option, upon notice to Borrower, may make aruoh <br />appearsnea, disburse such cam and take such action as is neceassary to protect Lender's interest, inehrdiag, but <br />nef, tleaibed to, disbt:rserrzent of raeble sttatney's fees and entry upon the Property W make repairs. Any <br />amounts disbtrrsed by Lender pursuant to this paratgnrplz 7, with interest thereon, shall b,etrotne additional iadeht- <br />edger of $orrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree w other terms of payment, such <br />stoouats shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and ehali bear iater- <br />er from the date of disbursement at the rate stated in the rou uu{ens lxrynzent of intenxt at stzeh rate wouM be <br />oaat€arT to applicable law, is which event such amounts shat' bear interest ai the highest rate permiesib-s by <br />Jaw. INt~tag aeagtiasd is this p.rairrtpit 7 shaft ~n l.errder to Taste say ae da azQr set <br />~.~aeslsw. Lender may raske a etsuse to he made nxaaoable entries ~ and iaspestisats of the Prap• <br />atajry ptswided flout bender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection ,specifYint reasonsbk zrit~ <br />thwrtdoe i is IAarlseisiaferrt in the R'ePm'ty. <br />~. 1~ept'•oraeds of say award or etaim ter dturaga, direct as eooeoquer-tial, at noaneaLisn <br />witi ~ !ae otlte tr.itipg of fist Property, or part theteoi, or foe coaveyatroe iu lien of s- <br />f1~s,r tilrsh~ ~MR~d and sWl bs paidio~I.enter. <br />In"tie e+tat at a foie! ~ tie par, rite tt,naeaeds sltau he ayrplied to the etmts eeeured by Chia McQc- <br />gw ~ a .,,gr, prtdd to 7eerewar_ Ia-the etrent,.of a~asiaal tasking of the Property. unlosa Borrower <br />tlOd,~ate tlgrae iO tiwe rrlridt 6e a~tplied to tlse strme aetcured by ti»s Mortgage such ProPr- <br />tiAa a~ ~ ae ie,.gaal to tlrt prapetetisar tzthi~h }ire s at the somas eeeured by this 3lertgage irnme- <br />' disttstg peter#o fife darned takitog bttasato the fair raaakst raltx of the Property immedutely prior to the date of <br />tee, rrl6h t fralistteit t#[ the l p~ la Hvrrswa•. <br />?#!ie PIty il~beutdeaad t}g $otewat[sftff after nstirpe bq Lasradet'to iorrower that the ,xzrtdewnar o6ars <br />to r~iGraM atll ®r saW. s elate hie~itgrripi~ >l faits to ettstwnd to Lewder within 3o days of the Sate <br />of sash rtt~iee, Larder is st#wzFlted toaca#art srld itplrly lie proems at I.ender'e option either to reatorstion or <br />rapeiir et fife l of to the s+iaa seeutrotT~tYr tiia ?z#r~ge. <br />UD[er Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any aruch agzplioation o' ,arocaeds to principal shall <br />~ ~ <br />