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,f'!t'F? v't)fY:Y;A(;t)R F'f'H"f"t{!H !Yi4"F:tiAtiT!4 A`:D A'',ttF:E5 <br />7het the Mortgsa':r w;li pav the :ndvinert.nest m herr+n t>rtme ?„ ; _ ~~ <br />i£E <br />~ 5 ~ ~i <br />That ~ta~-~ x tke cwrser d tasrid P+wAerty _~ lac atrpie nail ilia tread rust aril ia+iai wtAcrr-+tY is srt! and <br />convey the atLae +tr~ tihit2 ttte Mtlls~tt fis Ere+ ar+d tfesr of trop lien er ditr told tfitf Mml~et .nH warrarA a+rd drt±.nd tFre <br />title b fattt P~~ >'•ar~. tlt alt UQrtlDI'b MlrtmaplHT. <br />Af Ta} ptgr iararakaMlaiilat- d >t ~ t Morr~tlsllk loses. aprctai saawmerta. water chae/ea, seerer sers- <br />tt~t~a ier ciarpea„ atad aUrlr larq, ~- eftiri 1~ 4fd i~ tllaaa levteri on tlr debt wcv red Iservt>y. and b farwal+ ills <br />~"~- WoAptpe. ~tpatF ~#ZgalFB: tai;k tea aei/ttnal ur duplicate tatte7p~ tberslw. 7'}ar Norts+~pt asr«•~ trot them siu11 it added :o <br />~,"` adt mmttMY font tr~utrrd Ivrwrrder or utsder thr rvidenee of debx rerutrd hereby air arruwnt estrrtutsd try the Mortytsee <br />iTi~• b be wt6airnt to enable tae 1W4xttpyter! to pray, as they Yato4ae dye, as tbttes. asa«iaw[eMs, and ,nmr4r chasers upon thr prem- <br />~ ices sub)act tle5sk,ttq~t:ltet :~ tMe trratlF.exttey of such additional pr~rsenta shall be furthwtth depts[ted by the . <br />Mortgasor . ='i~'taemerd by the Mortgagee- Atitr default under tbie paraaraph shag rte drosses! a dCSt®It is <br />payiiieiit rrf tazeir, athihanent, rtr amilar cfiarges required hemunder <br />~ Tlr Mortsattot agtrees that there shall ahro be added to eaeit monthly Payment d principal aril itAeres[ wqutred here- <br />trader an nn4tnE eateeatld by the Idortgttsee to be aa/feiaN to znabkr the Mmtsasee b pay. r it bseasaeg Ave. the iawraae+e <br />praeium un any inwrarror polices drlivered W the Mostp~ee. Any deimeaey beeasue d the itr$ieocy d tatrb additional pt1Y•. <br />menlrr ehaii 6e &trtltsvith deposited by the Mort~or with the Mortgasee upon itemand by the Mortsasee. Any default ttttder this <br />` Darasraph shall be deeinsd a defauSt :n the payment d iawrance ptetrniums. if ttte policy or priiriea daf'ritefd aa, rys4:+l~ksme- <br />twriters er all rich policies. and ffie deposit are irwttt6cient W pay the entire premium. [he Mares may apply file` dFpoit b <br />pay pesmiuma on rska rrqutred W rte tnwred by tfiis mwtgase. <br />Psymenta matia by the Murtsapr under the above parasraDhs may. at ills option d the Mortgagee, 6e held by it and <br />coa~ad lsit6 -egkar suck foredo w ib own funds for fire payment d ssttt items. and anti! ao applied. au~sft t»Ytaenta are hereby <br />pledged r aeeurity for the unpaid bala,tee d the mortgage ittdebtedaeas. <br />T• w-oeuaa, deliver as, and suiMaiw (w the beneAt d the Morppsee during tie Sffe d tiia nottptse origin! pdiaiea ssd <br />teetewata tks:eef. deaiv=re_d at feast ten days 6etoee the ertpinbun of any tweFt pdiriea, irw[riea asaimtst Gpa astd;.~{}~ raturabla <br />IragPAa, asestdGea, and ODRttn[@adla r eke MorLpgee may ~, in sit a®Wat agYa! !G the talrt.Yrd Iq t~ <br />1-fiaetgrtgs, atad in companies ateoepbble to the Mortgagee, with loos payable douse in favor „! and in fwm aarptaik to the Mttrtsa- <br />gae. In tlr scent any VdxY u not rcnrwed on or baforc ten days d ire eapirahon. the Mortgagee may poseurs inaurNnte wt fhe <br />ieaporemanb, pay the premium therefor, nail eaich cam shall hetv+ne imioediately doe and payable with ittterrt at tits rate set <br />foeth a said sole anti{ paid and shall 6+e trecured by this nu>rtga[e. FaiIUR on tFte paR pf the Moft~s~or to tUrf[ia{[ riCtt rrttew+ais <br />r an herein [squired w failure to pay any cams sdvattced hereunder shall, at rite option of the MaAgagee, axastituae a default <br />nrider Use Mrvs d thn mortgage- The delivery d such policies shall. in rite event of default. ettistitute an asaittnteeat d Ns an• <br />earned preeitam- <br />Any wma recrivtd by the Mortgagee by reawn d lass or damage rnwred agsrnst may he rctairted by the Martgagtre <br />aril aPDiie'd toward thr payment d the debt hereby secured, or, a! the optwn o[ the Mortgagee, such shim either whdly w in <br />part sway 6e paid over to the Mortgagor W he used W -epair wch truildirrgs or to build ~ ne+r bwldiags in their place w fnt any <br />other purpose or obtect eatratactory to ttte Mortgagee without affcMing the Iren on the mortGage for the full amount aecu red hire <br />by each paY~nl ever took place <br />Ta prranDtly repots. restore ur rebuild any bi.ildings ar improvernent new ur hrreattrr m the prcmurrs whrcfi may 6e- <br />taisre damaged of daatruyed: to keep said premises in good enndition and repair arK1 ices !corn any rrrectrank-'s it<n ur other lien or <br />cLirir d tern not eapeeeaty wbordrrorted to the lien hereof: not to wfter ur pcrmtt any unlawful ur of w any rwinanar to east on <br />said prepetty nor W permH carte em rid premises, rror to do any dher act wherrby the Properly hereby rnnxyed aheH ktts±rraae <br />Ira tait~Sile~. st~~arrr Yo tf7tSiriialt or irst~tr its ya}ue by ary set or omist•±tt io at-±- to t±~*rrpty 4rir}, 3tl ~L*FSrtrtrn*T of tat: vrilfi eesgn et <br />t0 the ~[Clti~ prer~r isrs 3_.t ±}te 1Y ttleieof. <br />That should [he preen tees or any part thrr«tf be taken ur damagtvt ht- rvax+.n ..f e : puhl u~ tmprovrmrnt a t..nrtemnati.a+ <br />pm[wdtrta. w under the rrght u! emtrwnt .ltanern. ur to any utiwr loans<r. th< Murtaag«nshall b.- <ettu<u t+~ ati e-.+mpensattwu. <br />awned, tttd any dt+er paywwrrf or rctie.i thereiw. and ahaii 6e entitled. a[ tin opuon. W rvrrrtmer[ce. appear in and pruiai9tte in i~ <br />owu [trine say nelson w procredtng, or to make any ixrmpramiae or aettMrrtEnt to connection wiih such taking or darnye. Al! wch <br />eoatpeaaatioer, awards. damages. rrgfit of action acrd proceeds are hrrehy saigrred W the Mortgagee. who may. diet tkduetiag <br />Marefem all ila aperraes, rcleaae any moneys so re[rtved by tt ur apply the same un any tnciebtedness sea .gyred hrretrY The Mort <br />gs~r tlstsw to aaeeste such further assigrtmenb nt any eompentutuut awards, damages. and rights of xhon arm prttcetda as the <br />tigarigagas saaY rwqutn <br />Thal m case of facture b perform any u( tfir covenants hrretn. the Mortgagee rtvy do nn the Mortgagor , twhal! everytlriag <br />ao eovanaalad; that the Mortgagee may air, d.. any act tt may deem necessary to protect the lien thered, that the Mortgagor will <br />;spay upon deanand any moneys yard nr d:sb„rserl by the Marta ogre (..r any d the aline purposes and such mrtnevs tngetiier with e~ <br />ittteryt tilet'eon at else rear provided to sold nuts .hail ltecamr su mua~h ttddt<tunal :nrieht«Irre® hereby s«'urs!d and may rte in~ a~ <br />dodrd in any deeres tareciwiets this mortgage acrd M paid out of the scot or pntceeds d .air ut said lrrcmtsrs it met otherwise sw <br />paid: that it rdtall not be o6ligalorl upon the Mortgagor W inquire into the validity d any ben encumbrances or claim in ad- <br />varttint moneys as above authenaed, but nuthtna herrtn r~..rttamed sh~l1 be r. m.true-ri a. rrqutnrra ttu M:,rtgatSrr to sdvart[>• any <br />moneys ins any wch purt><.re nor to du eny ar< h."rNU nda~. and rhos .`vt+~. rtaaRr< Yhal! ru.t re+ur a,. r+.,nal ':a!e!: n- twcsusr +,1 anv <br />trki~ it rsy do err errait b sb lsaeewetdar. . <br />la the wfsit d tbe.dtilauh by klautgager in Ute ptymetr! d any irotaNasent, r requin9 by the Tialte aaetrted Yttstl~h ag <br />is tha padorsnartc~ of tka tibligatiun h, Lht tr[artgage ut in the nitre scoured t~reby- t#t=- Mortaa~ =al; '~ rut.t6?~: t„ xfa[e eke <br />debt aecurrd hercbY due and payal,le wit#tuut nutit~', acrd the Mortgagee coal! `~< ent:tted at its optr::r,, wtsP~t tt;-tie, ei€hes tsy iLwt! <br />Ot by o resaeiver to he appointed by the court thereof. and without ntgard to tfie adequacy of any security for the inAebtednerr w <br />Shari, to tether upRtt toad take poaeeasjon of the mortsaged premises, and. to collect and receive the rents. aatte,r Ned Profits <br />iba.aante+~ cor11a.41 opedtsoa acrd colllCtlolL Upf/rl the tndebtsdnr'fa accused by this mortgage, Yid rents. <br />>tj„tutgt t~ pltt~ltt~li~ Aet~by ttastgaed kr the 1Kattgasee ae turtbeT security [tx the pavmrnt of alt Indebtedneea secured hereby. . <br />The Mottgirise t~saA tiaras the powe[ to appoix[t any agetrL er /tC~b it ttffiy tlesia for the pu rFr.4r ni reps*ri rig sairi f+reen' <br />Tara; reaturg tilts came; rnilectiai the resin, revenues and income, acrd i/ mry-pay erirt ttf atnd ittdaste all a:prtrar iaevrted m rent• <br />iayf and trranagiag the carte and d t:dlecling tht rentab tierefrom. The baiartce remaining. if any. shall br syplied toward t!v <br />discharge d the mert;rtge indebtsdnesa. This assignment is to tetYr+inate Amt hecrene nttlt and void upon retetaar of thin tnoRgage. <br />