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tc>itether veldt all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto <br />7'O HAVE AND TO MOLD the above descrtbed preBtises orath all the prtvikges aed appitttenaBta tt etatB-ta ,lotL <br />al{ rents, issues and pte.tits thereofunto Mor,gagee, rorever. An% Mortgagor hereby covenants that Mortgagor iY tt~ atsd 1{ell( g[tiattd,~ <br />a goad dolt [n the prenuses above conveyed in [he law, in fee simple, and has g,xrd right and iawful authority to txtt:trey the stove, and <br />that the title so canveyrd is clear, fret and unincvmbrred except ss otherwise noted and that Mwt~o- tt~ fotrvm tssdr~nt and de <br />fttitd the tmtte to MortEagee against aH claims whatsoever. , <br />This. Mottga{e u gives by Mortgagoct to secure the perfottnantt of each agreement coatainad heaa~, and to seEpte~t6t~t <br />t B[ a Loan ice dte titxotntt of the Total of Paytntmts shown above, ttdtich loan being evidenced by a psBtaisiory nae bttatlt6l~atatttt t~e <br />~ Lut,earit6 atad tahicfi is fwtlter described ahtave• _ _ . _ .- <br />n <br />PROV1L7tED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon the expresscd . ortdiiion, that i(the lkltsrigagOa shag pay in trait ~ ~e=;tBtt- <br />fata a prominory nose bearing even date herewith in We amour[ set forth above, payable in instaBmmn aawdit-p~ tha tents theca <br />of taeBrt/ter vttt~ ingest as sat earth thereto, and tthaii pay a6 tatrata and asaes~teBts Levied ispntr said saBi stH[r betels Yts trwR ba- <br />t tttMagntB<, aed tteep the buildhtas on acid prentises trteBred for , trust ~ to dae indebtedBeee eeesreti iYarelq, Ms~if~- <br />ahle M tlttr std{ MoregBdee; dart these prexnts to be naN and v6{d, o~ierw~tee to be aced retwlt in tYll fiatee. ' <br />1`illMES ~E g ALSO ,TO ~ , AIfD CQPtCWt1F TO Bf, F'Lt01t TIME TO TLf/E, SlSC[!f~'TY ~'~ 15f11'11lM' <br />aF ~ a011t ~ L1FO~tr As Tim I~ORYCACL~ lWIY Fl~lit TOfE To 7'>AtE a t~lE L+t71t>i~ ,t <br />MOitTGAt~DR, ANfl EY1D'ENCEU BY A SI~fLF.!!R~fi'AL NOTE OR RTES. BUT NOT TO EX(gED T~ 1'OTXL ~F <br />2 . ~ R.R.-. UG... EXCIIt•'i' i~ AMY Ai9YANCFfi THAT MAY LIE MADE TO !-B3OT8LT T[it Si'aCUli#1'Y IP1 I:C- <br />@aE1RBAMCE itflTH THE TERMS OF THIS MOR7tGAGE. <br />Additional Terms and Canditi~ son the reverse of this agreement are made a pan hereof and incc:eporated herein. <br />QJ W1TNF.SS M7iEREOF, the said Mort@agors have executed these presents the day and year fast above written. <br />,. <br />~ or <br />-- _~ <br />-,~ „ ,,,~ <br />rrnet <br />~A'P£ UJp i+SF,$RASKA ) <br />SS <br />F~lJN7Y OF ~j jl _ ) <br />On thit_ dry o(~~~___ _` _ , 19 i 9 ,before me, the trndervgned a 1VOtary Pubiic, daly <br />onntnmstorted and gtulifted for acrd in seed crate and county, personally cartes aid 7urtith_ A_ WntfP <br />tS tree ttttavnt to bt the identical person or persons whose name is or names are affixed to the foregoirta imtrumrnt and acknowkd~ <br />' t6t ptecutton thereof to be his, her or thtir ~,>funtary u t and deed. <br />Nitnea my hand and Pkrtarial Seal !hc day rod year las! above wrttten <br />tjE, ,ryttr tint <br />iEftDateta. En. Jtr.1, te99 i r ~ ! NOTARY L'l1~.IC ~' <br />My expires the day of _ , t 9~ . <br />NOTK'E SEE O"TifER SIDE FOR ADDiT10NA1. TERMS AND COND{TIONS <br />NfiB. R.E. oa~ira,4! <br /> <br /> <br />L <br />