y ~ ~ _~
<br />.~ . ~.~ .r
<br />d.~ M;.,. ~i3'Y ~"~ ~iiP.re~'~=zCMTs ~'~~';:.-«1 ~ii'i ~i~ .~i:'t~~.y.,3 ~~~-..~-.•+:..x.
<br />"i-hu, i r ;~•;`:'#.ga?.r+r ..•il3 , ay -<,e z.a...ru:ciz,tr.A--, a3 ttereiYr}iF#c re frrrridrti,
<br />-..- __
<br />Thai flee tf, rtgagar-is the owner c, :-:,id prop~rfy in fee sirszp}e and has glad right err,' ia•r.~fui auttlorizy fn s: tf and
<br />^_anvey the sat~.e and "tita± the ;seta is free and aiear c: any lie.^. nr s?-netrmbranee: and that ?daz-fgager will =xarrar=_t-and defend -i?;e
<br />title to said prerni:,e~ _ aiz*.st tyre-claims-. of aSf-riersisna--'xtih:~rz=.srrr_+: er:- - - .
<br />~Tc gay irsrttediatel;• when -due grid payable a}. heraf tries;-special taxes. ~peciai asses-smenis, wain charges, sewer =,en~-
<br />iCr-. c?zar>e•,, ant'-ati~r taffies and ~•harges against :aid itraper?y, a_~td-ais.taae'7 i -:~d on fl=e z3eFt sr.~°ured hzr~y, azzd 1c~ furnish the -
<br />;i.,~~a;r>, sz}-=an reaui•st• with the orifinal at ~:ip;ieite receipt-s _iherefas. ~`hr Ma.t;=s;;vr agree that t're:e s:zalt be audeci Y:,
<br />each monthly payrnenT e ~,tuired hereunder ar under -t?le eciderzce of debt sceurad h~rebJ an amount estimated 'bq the ;d(urtgagee
<br />to be suffciertL-fi? snablc- the Mortgages fo pay, as they berrnte tine, aiI taxes--. a~~s~mer.ts. and stmiiar c}s~rg°s urn thN prtim•
<br />ises s:.8}act i;t~refa; any deficiency tss-aust• of the inauificiency -a-f such additionut paymeni~, shall tae- forthwith degosiied-by the
<br />aortga#;ar wish the :vorgagee upon demand 'ny fhe iviartgag^.•- fi nv default un%tar this paragraph shalt he deemed a <,!efuut# in
<br />payment of t-a_,es, a_~h-~:-,smeat.<, ,r sirniia: ehargNS requir~.u hsr-runc?r-r. -- -
<br />The ~*nzigagar agrFes tha# tilerz shelf else ?7e-addcz€£-tn each nlonthiy payment of principal-.anti-intsiest respvirEt}-here---_..-
<br />~un,~cr an amount estimated •b the Mortgagee to ll€= s'.zf&eient to enable the Mortgagee fn pay, as it becomes due, the insurance
<br />prenium on coy itlsura nca pakicy delivered to fhe :vfartgagae- .4ny deficiency }>"cause of the itvxufficienr,.• of such additional pay-
<br />ments =:^.ait 3-,e fathw•ith den,sited i?y the '?`.orfgugor wikh the Marigagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Ary default-vndcr this
<br />paragrt, ten snail be deemed a-detautf In tho payment of insurance premiums. Tf the gaiic±; nr faahcies deposited are <_uc}e-s, 3rdrte~
<br />acvrters or aft risk policies, and t9e deposit- are insufficient to pay fhe entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply ibe deposit to
<br />pay gzemiums on risks r:•Ytui:~ed 4o t>e loan rcKi by this mortgage. - - -
<br />- Payments m:,de fly khe tilurtgagor under fhe a}u>ve paragraphs may., at the opticm of the liartgagee, ire held -by ii and
<br />cammingted with athrr snch funds nr i4-. own funds Cor the payment of such items, and until sa applied, such payments r. re hereily
<br />ptedgFd as securiky Ear the unpaid haiance of the mortgage indebtedness.
<br />To procure, de{iver to, ana rnainitin for tt.e fxnefit of the Mortgagee during the life of this ma-rtgaga angina! policies and
<br />renewals thereof, delivered at least ten days }.•~efase the expiration of any such gaiicies, insurir:g against fire a..d other iraura!Y':e
<br />haz.3rds, casualties, and enntingencies as the ~iortaagee may require, in rn amount equal to the indetrtedness sacurxt by this
<br />Mortgage, and in lvmpancs acceptor-biP to the ~i orf-Magee, wifil ios_ payah[e ct_.zse in favor of ar::t it, fe>rm arce;:takri~ r€, rho, l:.rtga-
<br />gee. Tr, the event env patio}' is not renewed ati or hefara ten days oC its exirirstion, the Aortgagee may iisacure insurance on the
<br />improvements. gay the premium therefor, and such sure shalt l.eenme immediately due and payable with inferest at. the rate set
<br />forth ir3 said Hate anti! said and shaft tYe secured b}~ this mortgage. Failure on the part of the ki_ortgagar tar susnish -note r^newai=
<br />as see hereir. required yr failure to pay any sums advanced hereunder snail, at the option cf the Mortgagee. cnnstiiute a tfeiaulf
<br />under She terms of this mortgage. The .-ielive-p• of such lwlicies shaft, in the evert of default. constitute an a;siRnmert of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any. sums received by fhe 4{:,ztgagee by reasc?n of lass or damage insured against may be retained tsy the Marisa ;ee
<br />and applied tnwaid the payment of the debt hereby secured, or, at the action of the Mortgagee, such sums either whcfiy or in
<br />part may be paid over kn fhe T`iortgagor to he used to repair such buildings or to build new buildings in their ?t?roe c,r for any
<br />oilier purpose or obyect satisfactory to the Mortgagee u~i#hout afTe~cting the lien on the mortgage for the tvl[ amount secured here-
<br />by before such payrneni ever taxk place. -
<br />Ta promptly repair. restore or rebuild any buildings or improvements now ur hereafter on the lremises which map' be-
<br />come damaged or deaf rayESi; fn keep saki premises in goad et:neii lion and repel: and tree from any mechanic's lien or other lien or
<br />e?ztirzt of lien oat eagrassty suhardina€ed to the ?fen he reef: oat to sutler ar txrmif any uzttawtui use of or any nuisance to exist on
<br />said properky Her to permit waste an said fremises. zztzr to da any offzer act wi;rreiiy the property hereby conveyed s hall trecaine
<br />l~s valuaiile, oar to dimininli or imgair its value by any act c:r omission to act: to cnmpi~ with all requirements of ?aw with respr-ct
<br />to the martetaged pre:.zises and fire use thereof. - -
<br />: h~; -iu,,,l~ thss araer._:cn.s nr ~n.• l,~r~ th.. n:nt lu, i~lr~n ~,, ...,.. £'l h,. .. ~,.,..,. ,~f ~ _ .,.t?ie i=° - ...~-_,.-,.. ,-r °~-y?°-°-°°•~°-
<br />~........- .. -..... ,- ,. n_„:~_ .-_ mss.. `: ;.~ , . .=,a.,. ~ ................~,~
<br />proceeding, ar una'er the rzght of en-tinent domain, ar in arty otter manner, the ~.iortgabce s?left ne entitteu to au campensattons,
<br />vnRr~, and any ati'xr f'-~~:rtezi ar ._.... -i;errs':xr, a,u: , ha,i '€-rg 2n lilies, at -lis option, fa ~ t.,,mttn~, atip<:ar :r. arx7 i;i~~:tite--- ire t# -
<br />v~t ~ ~ ~~ ~ri+e v? pi v*_~-e~ili~S. o _ _ _ --r. ut`,> ~,:~~i TO~i~e a? 9etfic.~cTit r[l t:unl:@Ci.li>[I WtI7S ti:1 ['h fakinC :tr rfairl8~'e. fifi ~i6Cr1 -
<br />eornpensatiun. awards, dantagea: right of .action and prm~eede are hereby assigned to the 1`iortgagee, who may, after deducting
<br />tltenr[rarri a3t its ettpencets, release any moneys sn received by it or apply [he same an any indebtedtlass secured hereb-r•.'T'h~ ~fart-
<br />gagor agree~a to execute snch further astsignments of any eompensatian: awards, damages, anti rights of attic>n and pre~eeds as the
<br />Mortgagee utap requim.
<br />That in case of [adore to perform any of the covenants herein. the Mortgagee may' do on thc• i4tartgagar's hehatf everything
<br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee may assn da any act it may deem necessary to protect the !io=n t}zereof; that the liottgagar w-il?
<br />repKy upon demand cry moneys paid ar distwrsed tty the Riartgagec for any of the above purpctsrs, and such moneys together with
<br />intete8t tb€rean at the ra#e provided 'in said Hole shaft ix-come sn much addztiona} indebtedness hereby secured and may tze in-
<br />cluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid cut of the rents or proceeds u[ sale of said premises if nut nthetwiae
<br />paid; that it shall oat 1>e ab}ittalory utron i.he 14•Tortgagea tcv inquire iota the validity of any tiers, encumbranrns. or claim in ad-
<br />vanein6 moneys as abtrve:asrtnorized, but nothing herein contained tthalt be construed as requiring the Mortgagee to, advanc+c any
<br />rrns,:Fg-s for arty ouch taarpa~e nor; t~ do any art h€reu nder; and that fvfortgut<ee shal3 na€ irseur env perscanal (iat>ziity tstixause of anc-
<br />th3ng.,it eras} do ar amid. to da fsoreund.r.
<br />Tn the event of the defaultby Martgagpr in the payment of any installment, as required by the Note secured hereby,•or
<br />iri the performance of the obligation in this mortgage ar in tEre note swtvtpd thereby, the EiSartgagee shall lie retitled t€i-dei.larc-the -
<br />-- -2leRtt nri:ur~rr-itesrhy-dus^ end, payahie without reotjce, and tale ikiurdgagee shall br= entities:" at its aptian, wifttqut notice, eitherir} itself-- - - -
<br />nr nr t~, by,, r ,,,t•"t h, t~,, r~~ir. rt~ei•~->F•"~wif3_~wt-=ward +~ Ek:e• ~t_t':;a~..f wf a::ysaet;i• t_ fc:. ttt~ i:u•t~btF>~.:g_s
<br />ru ce€1 tKireby~r'to enter nfx n,-and-Lake` pos5esnion r>t the mortgaged pretaitses, amt to col}tit. anal tnreive the rents; issues atti# prafite'
<br />~- th^r;>uf, .aid aipp}y t-}ie sur'1 ~•:-.less ecst',F-vf cp..r:,tinn a-nd roli~tioiz, -upon flto- irtdebtestit~rs-recd-i•~ti -fy this rYiaitg= -said reitti,-.
<br />--- -- i33trt'-4artt4 prct°nta lrtrirg'ttateliyasxignett#othe irluctgagao aiaiurtltrr secutity-.far fhd-payment'-uf elf indebtedness securerf'Fiernby, "... -
<br />'F#ie $ort~age~~ftalt bevy the pawbt` to a~tpctiatrirtp agestt or ag@cr€ti it map desire-for the purpcer of repairing saic 7rrerrz-
<br />izzg~; rertting the_srame; 't'~iertirEg tote tcnBy„ revenues,and income. and it•tnay ~y out of said income all expenses incurred in teat-
<br />. fns -and man
<br />- agtng.t}te earns and -of -cotfording flue--rantais -iherefrani.- The. balance mmaining, if any. shaft tee apgiied tttwapd the
<br />riiac3targe of toe nnttrdgage 'sndebtedtiess. This .aiaaigatztent is to terminate and txrame Haft and void upon release of this Ytiortgagr.
<br />