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~ =~w <br />together with ail tenement>, heredi[aments and appurtenances beli~nging thereto <br />i't_i HAVE AND TO 1IQLD ilre above described premises with all the priviteges and appurtenances thereurte belonging including <br />ail rents, issues and profits thereof unto Mortgagee, forever. And Mortgzgor hereby covenants that Mortgagor is well and truly seised of <br />a good title to Ltte prcntises above conveyed in the law, in fee simple, and has geed right and lawful antrority to convey the same, and <br />tftai Etre title so cenaeyed is clear, free and unincuntbered except as otherwise noted and that Nlortgagar will forever warrant rind de- <br />fand the same to Mergagee against all claims whatsoever. <br />This h4artgage is given by Prtvrtgagvrs to secure the performance of each agreement contained herein, and to secure the gayment <br />of a Ivan in the amount of the Total of Payments shown above, which loan being evidenced by a promissory note bearing men date <br />herewith and whtclt is €urther described above. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and then. presents are upon the expressed condition, that if the Mortgagors shall pay in fuQ to the Mort- <br />gagee a promisson note bearing even date here~vitl. in the amount set forth above, payable in installmertts according to the terms Thece- <br />ef togetl;er :"::th interest as set forth therein, and shat: pay all razes and asseessments levied upon said real estate before the same lye <br />comes delinquent, and keep the buildinXS on said premises insured far a surn equal tv the indebtedness secured hereby, loss, if any, pay- <br />able to tl~e said Afortgagee, then these presents to be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in fitil force. <br />TI£[S MORTGAGE iS :iLSO TO BE ,, A1VI) CONTLRUE TO BE, FROM TIlOiE TO TIME, SECURITY FOR TIIE PAYMENT <br />OF SUCti SUM OR SUMS OF HONEY AS TtIE MORTGAGEE 3iAY FR0;1. TI4IE TO TLY.E IN Tlii; FUTLT°..E ADVANCE TfJ TI'.E <br />MORTGAGOR, AND EViDENCEL} BY A SUPF'LEA3ENTAL NOTE OR NOTES. BUT NOT TO EXCi~ED THE TOTAL OF <br />$ ?v*~, 054, l.4***..... - ..EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES TH?.T MAY BE i±~4AIlE TO PROTECfi THE SECURITY Lti AC- <br />CORDANCE kiTH THE TER.M1iS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />Additional Terms and iondi[ions on the reverse of this agreement are made a part hereof and incorporated Ttereitt. <br />e+m~• c r4 _~ fez ..._ _ ___~ lta:'„ _net.F.ed .he_ re3e~~ it~e d3 n,3 ..3~ fgrgiur vr~ttan <br />(~ 4r 12 [S=JU iT~%R~e i , .,~ asa .~,a~ - - y a y1 .~,. _ <br />~`i ,~ `-' <br />.~~. <br />'~' ortTgor f <br />- -- <~ +~'-fir .'"+'`.-1i, c°6'~•-5•== ~ ~ '~. <br />~: STAT£ OF N£I3RASKA 1 <br />SS <br />- C1?UNTY OF HALL ! 1 <br />tltt tliis,j~, day of TaNt,T~„gy 14 ~.3_ ,before me, 4he undersigned a Notary Public, duly <br />- come"~lis~otted gad qualified t'or and in said state and rcunty, personally came GLENN HOLLISTF.R, A SINGLE MAN ANr~ <br />AiAR~?I~ #~OI,LZS`TER AND ROSEANNE HOLLISTEli~_ HUSBAND AND WIFE OF EACH OTHER _~___ <br />tis mIt kiovfm to b6 the Identical person or persons whose name is rzr names are affixed to the foregai=°,g tnstru,-~ten€ and sclctso•~lzwgcd <br />the ei~egttipn thereof tv he his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br />,;W,~ .u my Itsnd and utarial Sea! file day and year last above written. - ~ _ <br />KIRK G. ~RNtJt.t~ ~~' ~'~^' <br />G£WERAt. NUTltRY ~ ~' <br />~ ~ A 6 r~ ?~1.aRY?LIRt IC <br />_ SATE t7F NEgIXq ~ <br />,s~..,.¢- 3 , l9 <br />iDiy eorrsenissla xp~l4lye 3~2 day of Fi-~J~ <br />NGTICE: SEI~ L)'FH£R SIDE F£}R ADI~ITIQNAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br /> <br />