'o-t~~€ih. ~+f~kl~'~i' ~.t~~i~ F" 3rl.""1'i°errc .Y"t'~1~'1 `J,th,r "3~3 ,utl:; ,xYir 7ii~c~,::
<br />'ia.:thr -Ma.sgar.,~;r. ,s the riwnsr-tf said ;,.,,tso€rttr <ks fee sim_artti .g4rad.-riir+tt arm $$wf;;) au :~,rry. f ?.-{{ acrd
<br />er>r:.ey the carne ;,n,a i hat thY ~aie is fzee aitrFc3rar nP aag ieri er r^.~sitistrrarrre; an:3 that -4i*r, tgagor vil. -,Dacron#- aaui :}ef~3 thr_
<br />toile fo sai;k -prenaiate, agai,gsC._tl3e'nss of ail y.>err~exr;r •~s;*?P:,-«~-. - - -
<br />Ta ,,a~ :-.merria; eiy ~rf^ien drre srtd' paXaltke a7f gereraY taxes; apeCial tax«•s speetal a,-ssr<xsmerts, water charges, _ ~e~er serv-
<br />`"~ ice ttarg~; anti other saxes arm-e#~:arg~s~i??ttt add fsre}~rty, an~~ll taxrx )e.-~nc; nn t_re :leh{ xeeure:i i.eresy, and ti7urn?ah tf~
<br />ts° Marfgagc~, upon r~queta' +t ttr the original or duplicate receipts therefor. fine Motgagor agree that #here chalk ht added tv
<br />^4_-~ each m!~tf{;iy payrt~nt required l:z<r-~andC: yr ::elder the .--;;idera~ rf deal ~CUred eereirg• an- azna.rr+t Cs:irn.,~i tyy e);~ t~ar#gagr
<br />to be st;.9ita~n2 to ~enalt#r the ~4f it€ag~ in ;xa3,-as they- lt,-enrse ~u€. ~:1 ',aicas. a~.e omercr- and aim tar cnarg~s o{~n *ae pram-
<br />~`-. ices s;nbjecE i rxt^; any deft-ierx,- because of the tit4ut?ittieney of ,s~eh _addsttana) paym<_n.s shall be fntl:with dEpoaife~i. by_.thr. --. -
<br />h4nrtgagor wttn -ur.~ !.fartgag~ upon x3er-.;and by {?~x ;Ufcrtgag^a. Anjr default under th=s paragraph shall be-deemerj aslzfauit-:its•-:
<br />- Pa,}ritterit irf-taxes. assesstneitt=, „r s;mils:-charges required hereender. - --- - ___ -. ---__ .... ... ..... ..
<br />'t`ile Mortgagor agrees that there s.a)l also he added- to cool! monthk -
<br />§ paymeai of.{rrtncipal- and interest -ret{:iiierl here-
<br />-~ under an amount ~astiritalerl by Ltte Mortgagee ~ be su2ttcien# to-enattle--the Mortgagee tU Pay. as it becomes due. the insurance
<br />t ,, premium on-any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee.-Anv uFFtraQrey because of tha-loco;-5cierxy of such.additioriril gay-:
<br />menu shall be iarthwith deposited by the bfartgagor with the Mortgagee upna demand by the Mortgagee. Any defaalk under-flit= -
<br />paragraph slra)! lie deemed a default in the payment of insurance pretiums. If the policy or poiicies.depnsited ate such aS.hume-
<br />owners or all risk- policies, arid the deposits are insufficient fo gay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may app)p the. depose! to
<br />pay premiums on risks required to 3.m insured by this marfgage. -
<br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs may, a{ the option of fhe Mortgagee, f>e-held'by it and
<br />commingled with other such fartds or its own funds for the payment of such items, and unti3 so applied, such paymen#s are hereby
<br />pledged as security for the unpaid balance of the mcr2gage indebtedness.
<br />To procure, deliver tn, and maintair. for the 1>enefrE of {he Mortgagee during the life of this mortgage origlnsl policies and
<br />renewals thereof, delivered at least ten days ftefore the expiration of any such policies, insuring against fire and other tnsura)s3e
<br />lz,:zara, ~arsaltiea, srul txrntingencses sa the Mortgagee may require, ire an amount equal to tine irtdehtedaeas secured by !ills
<br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to the Mortgagee, with lass payable clause in fame of and in farm aecaptabie to the Martga-
<br />gee. fn the event any policy is oat renewed on or Fresore ten days of its expiration, the Mortgagee may procure insurance an the - -
<br />irc..yr~rema:ts, pay ihx premium tlterefnr, and such sum shaif.)recnme i°mrrradiately due and- payait)e with interest aL fhe rate sei-
<br />forth in said note until paid and-.shalt Fe secured by this mortgage. Failure on fhe part of the Mortgagor to furnish such renewals
<br />_ _ ~ as-are herein xequired of failure to pay any sums advanced hereunder shad, a1 the option of fhe Mortgagee, constitute a defaitIt -
<br />under the terms of this mortgage. ~ he delivery of such policies shall, -in the event of default; cans{itute an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />- - Arty sums- roceived by the hfnrtgagee- by reason of loss or damage insured against may he retained by the Mortgagee
<br />and appfied toward the paymen{ of fhe debt hereby secured, ar, at the op#ian of the Mortgagee, such sumx zither +vhok)y cr in
<br />part may be paid over to the Mar#gagnr to be used to repair such buildings or to buitd'naw buildings in their place or for any
<br />other purpose or object satisfactory to the Mortgagee without affecting the lien nn the mm•tgage for the full amount secured here-
<br />- _ 6y before cosh paytnent ever torrk piacs. ~ - -
<br />- To nramptly repair, restore ar rebuild any hui)dings or-improvements now ar hereafter on the premi-sec which may tre-
<br />-. come damaged or destroyed; to keep said premises in good condition and repair and free from any mechanic's lien ar other lien nr
<br />-claim ~ lien oat expressly subordinated to the lien hereof; not ko suffer or permit any unlawfut use of nr any nuisance to exist an
<br />said property nor #o permit was#e on said promises, nor io do any other act whereby the property hereby conveyed sftaf3 become
<br />-v~+x~~--. nor b~ ds-nini~: ar it-:pair i~ :-aiu= by any act or omission to act: Yo eampty with al? r~z{ui~,ments of Saw -with respe<~,i
<br />to 4;t+a +nnrta:sed msmiase arert rF ,+~ thaawnf -
<br />That should the premises or env park thereof Ire taken or damaged 6y reason of -any ~~+k+l,c ~+nproverrmert ar coed^mnafian
<br />prxxeeding, ar-under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mortgagee shall he enkit)ed to all compensations;-
<br />- awe_igts: acid any othea payment tic tali®2 ftieretsxr, and shall be entitled, at its option, to cotamence, appear in and pzoaecutesn it~-
<br />Qw71 trraxte any action or praceecling, or to make any compromise cr settlement in eonnee2)nn with such taking nr damage. All sucfi
<br />contpetrsation, awards, damages, right of action and prcxoeeds--are hcrehy assignesd io the Mortgagee, who may, after- deducfing
<br />thetrfmm all its expenses, mleasa uty moneys sa received by it ar apply the same on any indebtedness secured her_ehy.'Fhe Mort-
<br />gi~sr"agrPea ta'eiteettte suo}r'firi#3ier assignraerits of arty campensafion, awards, damages, and'rlg-ht9-of'action-and pri~eeedg as they
<br />- --f+f+eee~`mat-~•-moire=. -_ ~ ~ _ :-. - ...: - - ~ -
<br />~,, .
<br />- That in ace of failure.ta perfarmanyof khe wvenants herein. the Mortgagee may da an the Mortgagor's bchal$-everything' '.
<br />- so- emenantrd; that the Mortgagee rosy also do any act it may deem necessary kit protect the lien iheraof: that the h'lortgegar will ~^-"
<br />-repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee far any of the ahrrve purposes, and such moneys tsgetlier with km~-
<br />G!it~rat t_>>a at £kte rate provid°f! in said Hate shalt dome sn much addifianal intlehtst3 near: hereby secur~l and may Ire in- ',~..,
<br />eluded in oily t~ecree foreck~ing this mortgage and be paid out of the rents or prrsceeds of sate of said premises if not otherwise
<br />paid; thtit it'ahal) not be nMigatary upon-the Mortgagee to inquire turn the validity of any lien, encumbrances, or claim in ad-
<br />- - vanci~tg.moneys as above author€zed, but ratising herein contained shall be construed as requireng- the tsfurtgagre fu advance any _
<br />moaeyse #or-.any such purpose nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shat! not incur any persona! liability because of any- - -
<br />ttk_+ng it7aAy da^r}r'+z>~f! ~ dtr-fraxsrz , -, .'
<br />7n the eYaat.of the.defautt. bg Mortgagor in tt~ paymuut of-guy inatailment, ss requir~i by.tite Nate scoured hereby, nr
<br />- - - in the: pafiotanance+of ilia d?Itgatyart-lei this martgagc or in the note secured thereiiy, the 141ortgagee shall be entitled {a rlatlarn-the ---
<br />dch# :.mitred hey d-~ a~3;py~r'a, Ri#tsut r.r,~ ar+d t~ SLiortgagvr= rtlia:l `~ entitled e: its option, :vithaut nofi~. eitlmrvy ~t9eli
<br />- or by a ri:~Ceiver to be appointed by the court thenrof, and without regard to kite adequacy of any security for the indebtednessse-
<br />eurt^u heren tu..errker - ,.. -
<br />Y. - rrPS3t Brut lake,-puessasutn of ih . mortgaged, prewaaee. ar}d to rxrlteet and,receive-fhe rents. issues and prot?tr
<br />thzra:,af, ani2 aPA23'. t~e rame,:.te~ ea5fa of ~rxttgn and ~o=±, u}atri t7te ~npss segyred _by this,murge- sped.. rents.
<br />issue4 and prc,$!a battle herehyas_tiign~d 26 the 1<Y„rig g e as4ur#%ersecitrkty jar !Tie pavmerik o~al! 'sndehte+dn~•_s seK ure;}~het«~ht•
<br />- ~.'k'.tsc R".or:gagc~ a}tAflTw~r+ Elm poccfr to appotrit anq agt+tit-srr.ageatast ~tinay~ifesire for-the.purpoae of repAiring~ said-., print-.
<br />ices; renting the xxme, 4'~illelf3Ab ~ijte rents. te:enue6 and inCOrifey-aml-it iaa)r-pay'Vytt-of-.SBid ttic'tirrt~aiF-: e?CpeCr34s'jnCtiltratd`ttr :r4At
<br />- >rg asd managirrr, the sstrit arl of rcllcN,ing t:te rtnta:s them`itora: fiht: batartre zemainkng, if any, shah tie applied toward the-
<br />- - illeelta;.yc rf..tl+x. rr~rtgage.itut~+~dness...-'f Risassiana'unY is. to f^rte mtd,~eotitr rtLt;l aml_vtiislarpctt{. relesise,af #kis mortgage.
<br />