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,. _ _ - -- - <br />togetlrzr with all tamer„„=_nrs. ;ezrzditamen's and appurtenances i~ei,~ging thereto <br />„„~, TJ IiAYE AND TtJ IiL3l.D the auavz described premises withal! titz privi?eges and: appurtenances thereunto belonging including <br />--,,, all rents, issues and profifts thereof unto Mortgagee, forever. Andllorigagcr hereby coveetants that Mortgagor is smell and ttul;• sized pf <br />a good title to the premises above conveyed in thz law, fn fee simple, and has good right and lawful authorty to convey the same, and <br />that she #itle so conveyed is c?ear, -free and uniixcuntbered except as otherwise noted anti that Mortgagor will forever warrant and de- <br />.: ~ fersd the same to Mortgagee agai;,st ail claims-whatsoever.- <br />t This P.iortgage is given by ltlortgagars tq secure the pwiformance of each agreement contained herein, and to secure the gayrnent <br />! o€ a loan in the amount of the Total of Payments shown above, which loan being evidenced by :: promissory note bearing even date <br />herewith and whir-h is furthar dessriberl above.. <br />P°2i G;JII3ED Al;.ll%AYS, and these presents ere upon the expressed condition, that if the Mortgagors shat! Iraq in ttrli to the>Ylort- <br />gagee agromissory note bearing even date heressdth in the amount set forth above, payable in ittstaHtrtents according to the terrrrs them <br />of tam Pher -with interest as szt forth therein,-and shall- pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate befoae the sattre be- <br />comes del~tngtrent; and keep-the buildings on saidpramiscs insured-for a-sum equal to the indebtedness see.ttred hereby, loss; if any; pay- <br />abii t€, the-said ffrrtgagce; then these presents to be nul! artd void, otfierwise to be aRCi remain in frill force:- <br />- THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSGt 7'O IIE ~ AND CQNTTNUE Tfl BE, FAOM TIME TO TIME, SECURI7'1` FOR THE PAYMENT <br />OF 5IIC;: SL".II flit SUMS OF MfltiEY iS TIt-€'±~10It"CGAGEF, A3AY T=ROifi TI14IE Tfl TIME TN THE FUTURE AI3VANC~ Tt? TIIF <br />Mt;RiG.~GOR, AItiD EE'IDENCED IiY A SUPPLEhII?fVTAL NOTE flR NOTES, BUT NOT T~ EXCEED'fliE Tfll`AL OF <br />S . , ,7~~~=+.~? ...... _ .-. EXCEPT FOIL A.IrI~' ALV~}I~IC~_TuAT !N.AY I3E a;EAD1e Tfl n>~s-r xI ~LIOTY I!+! ~!C- <br />CQRDAIdCE WITIi THE TER.~IS fli' THIS.M4RTGAGE. <br />Atlditiona3'I'erirs and Conditions on the reve~ of this agreement are rrtade a part hereof and incorporafed fierpirt. <br />li3l WITNIiSS ttr'HEREtJF, the said klartgagors have executed these presents the day and year first above wri~en. - - - <br />- Mortgagor <br />A#ortpafgtsr - <br />3TA'PE flF NEI3RASFi.A } <br />S5 <br />CvUN'C~' CIF ~ Hh2~_-. ) . <br />(1n tlns~~fl~Y of Deeetnbt'r t9 78 ,before me, the undersigned a Notary Public, duly <br />° gomntis~oned null qualified for and in said-state and county, personally came i~a_.rr~. F Carl~r,n and <br />_ Kasen ~. Car~.sorl ~ __ <br />i.,to me known to`bb' Lhe ]dentical person or persons whose name is or names are affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowfettged <br />' the execution tha`eof tote his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br />TiYltness my hand and Piatarial Seal the day and year last-above writ <br />CEtRRFt 1ta#T6i! - ri th9erdn <br />Rlu##ARI; ht. ~~ Ag7TARY BLIC <br />t ~ -R iI <br />~ T~~~ <br />` c ~tlnres trte ~ ~ day rrf ,~`,~;.. e , I G~ . , <br />Iift3TICE:.SEE UTIiI:R SIDEEOR ADi~ifI£)AIAL TER'tIS AAII3 CONDITI(1i~S <br />a3E0. R:E. - C>l?IGihdBtL - <br />- i~.~.: <br />i.:..~ <br />