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k'I I~,I 1~II41NI ' - ill '6.i,;v. 'li 111tk' ak.rL IN1 Itl11;.Ai7 IPI I°II IF -, <° ~ I{ ., a I~d'.d.'i:; ,i~l. : 4. ".!"i ~ ~ ~ p. -rL, ".'C:{: LEI @i~{1~~,J~"I„II:~y7,'1'dr. i4t <br />'li~pp';,IiF IiN{{` 4kl{.I~ I~.iIL : ., lu ,l.3LJ;~„Pb, 1,,,{~' ~~;l: qll' I; ,~, I~r'.I~:~'~IW ~F <Ii~lEl. ~.9,i I'J~ ~i.e' ~arygr~i~~,p. <br />_, ~ }a' . .~ ~, ~ ~ u _.~,~~ ~, r ip~!'~ ~". 1.;~',fi ~" , _~9 `•? a:'~==- =~a~ p?°~sv4d~i <br />. .. ~,, _ . F. ,. ,~;-, ~r y= g,~, ~i~grgr,r sl•,ai €~~ae a:.d u~liver a suppicrnentai nt~tn or notes <br />~~€ a ~r~ ~.._~ ~,,_Y~ s° gt~=r*gagr~ a~_* ~~ ~~ratztsn, zno~~etniatFOrr car ztrlproverrzent made at <br />'w;~ ~-sregug.,r's ~ •.-~~:; J_` ; r~r fs< n:art.~r,.aneE cf =aid pr~anssos> er for tams or assessments against the <br />sue, fret any x re:; elsevrlxere anthc~rzed =rereuzzder, maid note or notes 5ilalt F,e secn~ed <br />€~~~ ,_; a pal>; ;v'.Fa an#~ as fu:i} as iY tip advance evidenced thereby ;were included in the note fFrst <br />d~e_== a~~,3>;. ::ate sfzpp=?~_stal note nr notes shad liar interest at the rate provided for in the prin- <br />vipai i.*z-~~.eisr~ti.~'ss ar~d shall Fs pasa}zle in approsimat~h equal monthly payments for surh period as may <br />i~ ag*~ nrvn b~= the Fv •tgugo~ a :=d ~ortgagar. F'gis~ing tai agree on the maturity, the whale af. the sum <br />r suzzzs so advanced sl°ritll ~ due and payable thirty (1) days after demand 6y the Mortgagee. Fn no <br />e-ert sFFall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of ihs note first described above. <br />8. Fie hereby assigner transfers and sets over to the Bortgagee, to be applied toy+•ard the payment of <br />v the note and ail sums secured hereby incase of a default in the performance of any of the terms and eoildi- <br />bons of this mortgxge,or the said-note,-all the rents,- revenues and income to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises dtn'ink• such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid ;and the Mortgagee <br />shall have power to appoint azi; ¢gent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col- <br />iecting the rents, .revenues-and income, and it may pay out of said incomes all necessary commissions and <br />expenses isxenrred in renting and. managing. the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; tixe balance <br />remaining= ff nny, to-lie applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indel;tFdneas. <br />_ 9. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and amounts as Mortgages <br />may from time to time. require, on the improvements now ar hereafter on said premises and except ashen <br />payment for all such premiums-has theretofore been made under (u) of paragraph g hereof, w[il pgy <br />= promptly when due any premiums therefor. TIpan default thereof, biartgagc=e may pay the* sass. All <br />_ ehaali be vas i, a •.., _ _ _ - -...a i.,,, sa._ ar_....,.~~~~~ " I <br />- ua - fe°Y:U`v'Cac uy WiC 1'•iVl1 dinix t(IC )(JFI£IP.S azad r$nevrax~ r.rer~z <br />shall he held tly the lliortgagee and have att~atted thereto loss payable cltiuses in favor of and in forzrz <br />acceptable to the'~ortgagee. In event of lG3s 1!,;ortgagor will give immediate notice iFy mail to the Maxi- <br />- gam, who-may make proof of lass if not made promptly 6y ;~artgagnr, and aa::h insurance eaznpaay run. <br />earned is iierelzy azFthorized and directed to make payment for such loss directl}- tv the q[artga8ee inutead <br />of to the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee laintl}=r and the insurance pracee+ia. or env art th'uf. <br />_ may be apFrlied by-the Mortgagee at its option either to the reductiozi of the inciebt~lac~ h~rr~+y a~cureci <br />- ar to the restoration or a~epair of the property damaged, in event o_f foreclosure at his rag: nr nth~~r <br />transfer of title to the mortgaged property in extinguishment of the intlebtc>tinr:~:, ~ urNll herrtzy, ail <br />~ ~ right, title--and iFZteresi of the dartgagszr in and #xs any izuturatcce policies Ctia~lz i.x T ,rt,,, al?all p to thA <br />€ puF~haser oP grantee. <br />atl. ~ adz3itional and eullateral purity far tine payrtiaztt of the rlatc+ r{rr,8r$€x°ci, ee.;lli ail ~uzc+s to l~r esune <br />due under this mortgage, the igartgagor hereby assigns to the 3lortga all ie txu,lls~, iYr~t'+. re e -~ <br />nut, 2YZyait$es, rights, and either ben~~lts accruing to tFte Biortgar under un~` an<i ;e11 if€t one[ gxa 4ri~ <br />saw, 6>* during tlxe life cf this mortgage, e~teruted on said pF•eml, ~°ith tA~ x•±ght t~ zt~r=~ = azzxl r'rtt~~:4 <br />fair tize estate and ap~xly thz to said ind~lxtedzi as ~>@ll Mare as arryt~rr ftz~arF ix Tix4 c~riittitlC~v4 aY taun <br />~`E - -A~'~~k~-eta. jai?-ihe ~a.a_-~rs~nn mkt ,r~a~9.~d ~r,:.~ ~~r ~~: F c_~-~s~ ~~~ -~~ ~._~ - ~ - <br />sfxa haef ghaII 3•et 1zn x _i.F ~ 4fl .~. R'}ris ~,~.~, - - - - - - <br />- relflaA0. a1 Lllifl.laQrtYaQe~,=.z _ <br />- _-.~z.. z~--~ . ~ ~° ~°r >a.:u ~~z~-.aa+r.r~ sr yz ~ cs :r; s~ xs~ °=~, -~ n% <br />ptrese?at, reasonable treat and tear excepted, [7pan soy failar'e to n,z 7sznizxttilel.:lrF~izt~g~a.~, eat i~ar ap+ti, <br />zts&y muse reaaanalile maintenance work to be performed at flit t`t clt ~urtyt-gux, ?zax,y attaxsltzws z€ <br />- therefor Fly Mortgagee. shall Hear interr:at at tFle rate providc~.i tut ux cast` l~rirleiil iFttir.~ttt i}it>'r~x, dh$d: <br />therenpocF Dome a part of the indebtedn~,w seeurrti by thin izxatrumerzt, rntahty zirrti ~rz n t~F _~~ <br />cc~ier indebtedness secured i:ereby, and shall be ,payable thirty (tact} tiayl, at±r~r d,+cttaFx,,l. <br />12, If .the premises, or azcy part thereof, b»= cozz~emrxeti uz:,fir tl tx;~, s• ;rt ~*aFi;r~nt ~i~ +ur <br />'- aeeiuired for a public user *he rlarnag~ awxreled, the prcic'I~ ft}x tltt± taxkrng aY. +=r tie t)ffa, t~rati foe <br />i <br />- such aequieitiaxz, to the extent of the full atnoeu?t of r~lux~p~ i,n,t~i.t - ~s.r.~}_ ~~r <br />mortgage, ar here#y aaaiyned ti; the Ddartgag, and aisall bc. paid forthwith tt,;z<.itl ~.~rtga~aw, tt, bar <br />applied on arrt+gnt of the last matrrizrg installcFts +zf such inctebt~nrr~t. <br />_ s8. If ~e Moz~tg€rz~ fstiG~ #~ eke env payzztenta tvhkn duo, or tcl rar_I=1z•in ;~-~ anci ~`y v~:#e <br />_ izf t.lte ctatedtti€~r-s or sgre~rtrzetzts eantaitt irz this tnartgagr, or the szc~ats c~lrich it t#~s~r~1, tl <br />satire p~ineipai aura tend acerueci itFtiit shall at az becacizm: clue anti l~yalrle, at t`"r ~I<-tor, =~f n- <br />_ ~nrfBYUr~n..-• nn~i-thin '3'x~'-'#..~a"~~' ~. ~;'~agaA_ 14e ~' ~ -- ~_ ___ - <br />r-i2~:~ s~^xr•4-irieltFC3in~ this : ~' eatezzazitx airni~x riy Fi~3a Y~,m->~ar~ ,~~. ~ .b~ . <br />- - .=~:; <br />e t~ rho rims of comrnenri~ such azait, a reaaanatzia atttzrr-eyra f~, ~rir gz,cz~ pai±i 6y eht• ~'rzr.y~l~ <br />tldztzinistration ort Ft>v~it of or iil>ite7'~tic~ rzfth~ irzdetZtednena s~ur,~I ~r~~~= Q~., ii(,-t~ <br />~~ he included iutlxE der. ~ of fia'acit'g. <br />X~. If the imdeLt~ln+;ba t~tv.•ue^eci ~ler~rhy~at; gna~ranteeu na^ inenrrudtr , ~Ttiat ~ta1 L,; <br />at#c-lf :`late aad~~tctgttlationli isaneti tht:reiziltier and in effect on the date hnretaL aha}i worn t rtlthts, buts <br />alit} Iiabil:tiae of #fte lssrttes Hereto, sad any provisions of this ar other lnsti~tittaPxeeutar$ in e€zaxse~tiea3 <br />wlth:said i?tdeFate~drsesa whluh rue lncaifsiirtezxt with s Title er F€$~ic~ are ~r'e~ ~ tcx <br />cozzforrn cher+tsta. <br />- - The C6t!'enan#,a hereiYl rnn#win.+ii pksl# hi..rr ~r~i,.. +,.~ ,,... :..tea.:=~~~ may.. <br />--_r__.. _....., .,..,. ...o-nFrrva a+xw avxacttugca atz~u iniir`~ t+xl, tike <br />