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~~ii 'g lli.,, .. <br />1 -,.~ I,~,. ~ I~r~ i ,r~~~~lii~~~i~ .p, ~~[~.Ji,~ a,p;;r: ~ r .J -,~ .a~~il;'~s tir~~~ <br />r. ~ _ ,7 I` ~:~'~!,~Ir _i~ .,~*'.mL& f I?~. -~:;~~ ~C='ci.f. ]~TcxC~,il,l«P:'"s ;. <br />z- -- =- - __ ; -_ __ n , ~ - ,~ =_.x°. ;~Sor<srag3-r herobt relinu=.i9snfls <br />3 ,F„ _~ ,, ..,. c e ... xa,. _. •-4~atc-, ar a€1 rather ccrting~>nt ,.~tcrosts ©f <br />Fr: _ ;~~ ~ ~;c°~a'w- ~~~. ria~.+~ ~,~~~~ts arc ex~€:Prd ;r.~sd ciei:,~erecl upon the follas~~ng eonditirsns, to <br />v+-_~. <br />~tra~ :gag=3r ag:^e: ~ t~ say to file ~~TOx~gagee, ar order; tine aforesaid principal sum ~vit2x interest from date <br />,~t t:e ram r:f 2~~`i~ arm ~e ;~ ;,er c~nturr3 (a, 5 `i) r,~.r annum or. the unpaid balance until paid, <br />~^=e sazx = rincipal and interest shall be payable at the ot2ice of ~,prtgar~e Pltrs Zncczporated <br />~_ '~~? s~x~d, 1~~ , ar at yu~ it other place as the holder of the Hate may designate in <br />~:ritirg delivered or mailed to the ?:Eortgagor, in monthly installments of ~~„~p-h~_,-ad S 48j144 <br />i,~ol2ars t$ 235.48 }, cemmeneing an the first day of riar'ch , i9 ?9 ,and continuing on <br />tha first day cf ssrclx month thereafter until said Hate is fully paid, except that, if Hat sooner paid, the final <br />payment of principal and interest-shalt be due and payable on the first day of Fel~zuary 2409 ;ail <br />warding to the terms of a certain promissory nets of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The 1>Sortgagor further agrees: <br />1. He vritl pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefare provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any° <br />tirzre, withaat premium or fee, the entire indebtedness or any part thereof Hat less than the amount of pne <br />installment, ar one hundred dollars {$IOt).l}0}, whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited an <br />the dots: rseeived. Partial prepayment, other than an an installment due date, neesi not be oreslited anti! <br />the next fallowing installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earner. <br />Z, Together with, and in addition ta, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable undetr <br />tI?e fez rr~ ¢f the ntrte secured hereby, )~artgagor will pay to Mortgagee, as trustee. {under the terms of this _- <br />to ~.o'°~i as lf€r €?ia:iastci a~,a~w"'.a f au tlic-.uat ia~y of uwh- 1! Yvuiu until said iivic rs fully p~~;U <br />{¢} A sum equal tc> the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next b~ dry _ <br />acrd payable on policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the maz~tgagsld propsrz~,}r, <br />..glue .taxes and assessments next due on the mortgaged property (ail as estimated by the Murk <br />passe, and of which the Mortgagor is notified} less alt sums already paid therefor dividad by <br />the nurziber of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when sum mound r~t~, <br />premiums, taxes and ass~.sments will become delinquent, such sums to be held by Maz#gsg_ <br />in trust to pay said graurid rents, premiumse, taxes and special arsess=nta. <br />{b) The aggregate of the amounts payable pursuant to subparagraph {sx) and th9ae payebGa azr the <br />note secured hereby, shall be paid in a single payment each rzionth, to be stplrli~! ~ t#ie f~wY <br />ins items in the order stated <br />{i) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard ir~urance preaziuuse; <br />{tI) interest on the notes secured hereby ;and <br />{ui) amortization of the principal of said noEe, - <br />~1ny defreierrcy in the amauirt of any such aggregate rnunthiy l~yinerit ~!!, un iii -_ <br />by the 3lartgagor prior trr tixe dur ;iat{? saf thR ne-xt such paymerxt, coriatitirt~ an ~~ !_ <br />pia - - <br />u+.a, - t tY~a~~ :tal?; s~~t~*~~a tlj~ll,~32. k*3=triPi~~ Asir ~~ ~ "i~r~ ~-~ ~ - <br />... i?iF Sn)ui rrci l"i<ussil~i E;~' of aiir ?~~rS r~~~ ~ngn - ~t relnra i an ii i,,' -.~s <br />d.,~ aa~~--. th_ c ~~ ..,,. ~ ..., _ , <br />_-- , <br />Hess secured hereby, unless such proc-~~cjda art. saflte~iont to dih~ krar tt~ et ci r~ rrw ~«Li.nlx~mr art <br />al! proper. emits and experrzars soured tliercby. <br />~. It the tsrt~:l of ~e pzayzzaezrt~s zzrade by tiro l~or~r unilea~ {m) of tu~~r „ ~!~h~ l <br />emceed arnaunt of ~yzzser:ta actually zz~le by t Tttortg~r, z~ trt t'o: gr€?ur rata, t~ri amt <br />asameat8 or- incur grswriuzna, ae the case may be, such exe~a shai! ~ ert~iit~ lay ttte Bid <br />oft aphseggent payzezezits to be zzzade by ttie Mor~tgir for sttrlr it~m~ err. at ~iartg's a~i~z, as tz:. <br />shall !re rePupd~ to hS~ar. lf, hnw~v~r, aaclr ezth#y paynta shalt rz~ 2z~ aunt to psy au,h <br />ite~_whetr U-® aszz~ ahgll h~~ drn .az_rd Hwy, than # ~nr~ !! ~y t,x t M.~r ~,~.~~..., ~. <br />true~ee, any amount nsx®seary to make up the deflriency within thirty ($tl) clays otter written zi~icr, trcav- <br />the B'tartgagee suing tats auzaunt of the detficieurclr, which Holies rnagy br giti~zr by zrraiL if at any tizzy <br />ehstll tom' tai ortg, is wzrrdazice wEith the lrrav~s c.( <br />~, ! yme&t of thsr entire i raprearerrt~ad th$r~kry, ids, as trz~l~, !, <br />irz ttrp~tting floe arztaunt a! ouch izad+~tssslneaar, credit to ttre acctirrznt a! the Martz^ mty cz^edit <br />utnrrlated tzza~r tine pra~ri~icgra rr# {~} a! natra~r g _[i the amt t~ n fa <br />tt!e pmviaionp e?f ~!~ ir; a psthl~ -he p"*.1= v~ ~ ~.* if t <br />~8rtg$gee acquires tdie prarty attierwiso~ nftur def~ult~, t~ kturt8agi-~, as [?, ~±all ap~L~, at t <br />tame of the com-neneemeiit of su~eeciingc+, at a time the .~tzerty ~r~'j=~ x~,1«#Rt. <br />smarunt than rentaiaring to ,_,t t ~ortgagtu• .sr ~~} $ F sa A ±.; <br />interest aucruer2 arrd unpaid-arid t2re !>al~uc~Lot! t~+a_n- _-- u>tptil~ _ zsp€e, - -_ <br />d. The lieai of this instrument shsrll amain ~r°ftzll fQrct) end ~fect dvrfz~ say pa8tpanezzre! ar s+at~z~ <br />aion•~€ Elie time of payment of the indebt+e9s tsrzauypnrt tliet*2r+f ~:~~y, <br />5. He wilt pay all ground rents, taxes, esf~z, water .tea, a Wither g~vertrztzezztal-or ~!- <br />`-a2 c hal ~s f=uzes al iir ~'- 'mot!' n ~~ ~ au3 he ~til <br />- ,posi,;:,,-rs, la~~ .r;ps is t alt tastes levied uptw this <br />~ s s <br />9'rUrt4afl@. 92.:t1~8 dCbt 9ectrtNd thesettV; toveEitwr with unv crthwr taxaw nr-~a~vana~,rty~ wh~a~~~ .~~v r~n lwvia{1 <br />,,,fir ti, ~„ i+~ ~..ea~° `^ ttl'• 'tTa;~ ; `.~. ''mgat ltoidar c~°rz z`~'c~it rct~ce~ :zt nnc=airzrt of <br />t5,3c in.iylvfi Avr n ~nL.} ti, h F li fit, :l_.~-.~ ~.,~ aL..~.,,• " ~ a_,.: ~ ~~ i~ Q ys <br />bx"apT ~ he~ecz a^d n:: ~-tii t~rompeig relive]' tC8 r ~iai rzceipZ",~ i3r~reftr2 to the ;:artgagee. In ie[au2t <br />thereof L}re Mortgagee may ley the same,: <br />