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~t.._s ~ ~_~ ~ ~~ <br />Lender's ~.~ritu:tt agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage instrance premiums in the <br />manner pfatrided under paragraph ~ hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender ouruanr to this naragtaph 7, with interest thereon, s_hali became addi'tianal <br />indebtedness of Borrower secerrcd by this Rfat2gage, Unless Harrower and Lender agru:e to other terns of pagrnent, such <br />atnaunts shall 'se payable upon notice fram Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shalt bear interest from the <br />date of disaarsement at the rate payable from tin-se to time on outstanding principal under €he ivTote unless pavtnent of <br />inrerarat :.t :ucl-, ~sie would be contrary io applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or rake <br />any action hereunder. <br />tl;. 7nsttection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Hotrower nntice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />v, Conderrtnatton. 'The pracceds of any award er ciaim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />candemnaiion ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof, err for conveyance in lieu of condemrseion, are hertby assigned <br />and snail be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a Loral taking of the Property, the pr~ceds shalt be applied to the arms secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, geld io Borrower. Ice the event of a pantie! taking of the Prapcrty, unless Bprr'ower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied io the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to the*. proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately print to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Harrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, ar if, after notice i?y Lender ro Horrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award ar settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to resp27nd to Lender within 3t? days after the date such notice is <br />mailed Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property ar to the rums secured 6y this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Harrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly instat)me.nts- referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the amauni of <br />such installments. <br />F8. Barraiwer Niot Rrte~ed. Pxtension of the time Por payment ar madiHcation of amortization of the sums ~utod <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Horrawer shall not operate to release. in any manner. <br />the tiatrility of the ari$inal Borrower and Herrawer's successors in interext. Lende* shah not be required to commence <br />„_eYciing: g inst e~xFh s. ~~,u,r nr refiLCe t extend nine fnr navtirCnt err uthr~u~isc modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Harrower and Borrowers successors in interest. <br />fl. ~orttesrraace r9y tender Not a 1'Vaiver. Any farbearanee by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwise affardtd Rry applicable taw, shalt not 6e a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remutdy. <br />7°he pracureinent of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall net be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accu:ierafe the maturity of the indebtednetix secured by this Mortgage. <br />12. Retntediee L`amsat~ive. Att remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised eaneurrently, independeniiy or successively. <br />13. ~ete~aa's end Btt~tsd; ;4giat watt Severe! LrieidNty; Caption. 'The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shall bind; and the rights hereunder shah inure ta, the respective su~c~srrs and assigns of Leader and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 1T hereof. Ail covenants and agreements of Borrnwer shall be joint and several. <br />"Ttte captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Itifartgage are for canver~iersce only and are net to ~ ttsed to <br />interpret ar define the previsions hereof. <br />I4. Notice. Ex:~ept for any notice required under applicable law to 6e given in anothtr manner, fa) any notice to <br />Bc;rrowcr provided far in this Margase shalt be given try mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Harrower at <br />tif4 Proosrty Address or ai such ether address as t3orn,wer may designate l,y notice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />fh) any notice to Lender altatl isz gsvrn by certiKed rttaii, return rteeipt i~quussted, to benders addtx'ss stated herein or to <br />such other ac~rass as Lender ileac c:gnata by rt4rtcc to rrarer as provided herein. r~ny ns;iice provsi,'xl far in thi€ <br />~tort~,age shall l~ d~ tz~ h=ve hit gsvi'tt t+a t~rrx,w~t L-+r Under when given in the manner d=~ stmt hureiu. <br />#a =€~ ba,,,~ r _ar~ s~ , ~. ~.s,-. 'rt.s- r.,FR..,€ _.~,-:rtga~ err-,l~:.~;:triform -av~narsts far nati~snal <br />- =g~ ~-t::.R:;rtt ~......:..~v =4 et~1 vita ~~ R, ~~r t_,~3iE~, t- x},r,stirtto a ~~r f}rm -ur€ty itts+t-u-rr~?t~as~r=ng <br />~re~si prn4'_ jn~s `+,a'r,r3a s~sil ge ~i?22rn by t?ie -aw or ri% runsciicutrt~3 [n wntcfi ere i'i c~i!~a ~~ fl iv~'~~~• ,n <br />_e <br />~~~ i ~ ~.~~ gi~E °~ ~ ~'E t~.,.e ~ ~ :~ AI„e,* ='A Fr .Fla wieh annli.~~hdc la,v^ !~i~ch ~tutftict sthail ttui aH'~r't <br />L,rr ?,€avx~ic_,n~ of this M.,rt~aae ar the Alate which can L,cYgiven effect withc,ttt ttte convicting provision, and to title <br />orrd t$o provisions of itrG farerfgagc arrsl the l~lote arre :dared tuj `~ severable. <br />t6, Rwtx+ner"s t'opy Bormwcr shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of execution or afst:r recordation honest. <br />t7. 'iYassattPr a! ~ thy: Asuwmptban. If ail or any parr of the Property or au iniereat therein is said ar transferred <br />by Harrower without Lender`s prier written canseni, taxeiuding tai the creation of a Bert ar ertcttmbrettce subardiuate to <br />this Martgtrigr„ {bl the creation of a purchase money security interest for hausehald appliattces, tcl a tt•attsfer lxy devise, <br />ufescetiE or b3' aperat6ao cr# Iaw open the death of a joint truant ar (d) the grant of any leasehakl interest of thnre years or less <br />nai coittais:ing alt apti~n m purchtt". t_ens~r may, at Lender's aptiun. d~~iate all the sums soured try this Mnttgage to ere <br />iitttuestiaicly ds~ and payable. Under strati gave waived such option ur s=-cetcrate if, ptiar to the sale ar transfer. Lander <br />aatd titc person to whom the Property is to 6e sold e5r transfermd reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person <br />is satisfactory za Lender and that the iutrrest payable on nc~ sums secured try this lvlortgage shall be at such rate as Lander <br />shall t'aquest. if t ender teas waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and if l~orrower'a sttiu.^cxsar in <br />irtti h~ exa:::ted s ~xrittcet aes~~ztpticar :.greNrxient ~iEgttai let writing l±y Under, lender shall release 8arrvwcr fram ad! <br />tr~°stlar93 trti[~r t~rt~ R4at'tL ~ttd ttR.' in~e. <br />tf' C,euster u:xercises stash aptitrn w tsrt-ciertate, I~nder shall mail Borrower nariee of aeceteration in w:conlans~ with <br />pareljrapir l4 hetwxaf. Suctt notices shall provide a gtriod of not ietrt than l0 days fram the dale the natlce is mar~t~ within <br />which $arrawer may pay the sums rfiuiartxi due. it &+erower faits to pwy such Burns prier to rite expiratitm of suttr period. <br />-€.~:~`~' J. =:s3`.-c~"e nett°~.'c~-. m3f.':sE ~ `wf~a~a ~ ~=.v-u- . -arc u`~`c~` j~au~u:uu'' ~y ~*S~si+~-t' "~ lam- ~-_, <br />N:~t-t3rrrM ~ttvgrt~tt~'r'a. E~'rimver a l..ender furtt~r ci.venant aced agrtsE as [critows: <br />1B. ~1 ~# ~ ~ t? ~, a Darrovrr~e €~ et ~y ~ or <br />ei r ~ r srl~s use e~y wort ~y ~ ~ <br />IIwtr.pr3or to sscerot dnaH s no4Lre ~ ~nrtowuttt ar prtrvitFed hr 1 ti 6oseoE ~: fi# i9e tuertriry <br />~3 ts~oa - soh: x`~i a > s~ t ;~ des # ~ ~ ~ - <br />i9 ~ ~ f!e tined ~ t l ~ sEre aunts tuts air out beit+a+t+s tae d~ t~eriBed w tie rtttiro <br />iss tEes?~ttlikagt ef't~e + suunnattd ~ ~1de ~. tor,eeiotntra Mty ~ ~ sued :.te at rise qty. <br />tomes E~€tt~r ~ lfttstrer ~ ~e t w adhv oac+btt'rst{loa tiw. rit&bt eat tersert it t#e fos~eeG>Mwre <br />!}~ ~ a. ~ i•' ~ie~ dEt~tesm eat ierrewws to a tad toteel`esarE. Tit ~e ttretMA <br />- ~ f" :~ ~ riL .~d7.`-~' ..-` 4i '~ ~ 3~ 1~'0~ @Ri+i,}' ~+!`ty3,M,3,'i~ r!~ $~ tl~ s a t!Y <br />t-5~i kipsegege t,~ -_ _ l~,e vet f sad > i6tr~ 'i•,atc .rr ~ per. tr.~tr <br />he ktt ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ ref Tcrec`sassus. i[ otai net i~nsaed to, rooitr ai aocoateni=z•,y <br />~: !_~ -i~:,e~..~ ;~,>'.'s a:;~'n.-'~ _ ~ ::: ;erg ~ ~: cam,-' :~ea4 - ~_ ~g~g -, <br />FFarmwer shall httve this right [a have arty proeeeit+ngs begun by a.erxlavr to enfcxcu this Mortgage dsseoniinued at any rime <br />