~~ ~'t man ~. ($ r 3.J
<br />L3x~oa~. C:ort=.Na*at5. Eorrower and Lender cavtrant and aY;ree as follows:
<br />7.. i~.ayzzrtn;t of ~'rlrrsipal E Interest, Borrower shall protr:ptiy pay whet, due the principal of and interest an the
<br />indtbttdaegs evidenced by rise mote, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note., and the principal of and intemst
<br />:, eery Future Advances se~,rsred by this iv£artgage.
<br />~. fines far ~'~, Ipa~rttt€+~e. ~ulsjet to applicable tau: or to a wrtters v;aivar by ~-der, Harrower shall pa,°
<br />to Lender cn the Clay rnanthly instaflinenzs of principal and interest are payable under the Nate, uruii the Note is paid in foil,
<br />a street (herein "Funds` equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Marigage, anal graved rents an the Pro~rty, if any. plus one•twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-hvelf#h of yesrlp premitutt installments far martgagt insurance, if any, ail as rtasanably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender an the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />Tl'se Funds shall be ~seld in an institution the deposits ar accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (insluding Lender if Lender is surh an iustiiution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurancx premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for se holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said a:cavnt,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Harrower interest on the Funds and applicable Iaw
<br />~rmits Linder to mast such a cltarhe. Harrower and Lender may egret in writing at the time of execation of this
<br />Mortgags that interest an the Funds shall lac paid to Harrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Y.endar shalt net tae required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrowtr, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />- ptu-past far which each debit to the Funds was made. '1-ht Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by tilts Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of the Esselte held by Lender, together with the future monthly installmetts of Funds payable prior fta
<br />the due darts of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />as~nssttrtrts, inauratsct premiums anal ground rents as they fall duo. such excess shall be, at Barrowtr's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Harrower or credited to Bormwer on monthly installments of Funds. If the amaant of the Funds
<br />laid by Lender shall not be sttfftaient to pay taxes, asstssmert;s, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall .lue,
<br />Harrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the dePtciency within 30 days from the date natiee is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage, lender shall promptly refund is Borrowtr any Funds
<br />held by Lender. 1f under paragraph lei hereof ih.. Propeeiy is said or the Property is otherwise acquirt:d by Lender, Lender
<br />shalt apply, na later than immediately prior to the sak at the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Fundy held by
<br />L~rtrltr at the time of applicatizxit ~ a credit agaittst the sterns secured by this Mardgagt.
<br />3. o[ Irttyme~ti. Unless applicable taw provides otherwise, alt payments received by lxttdtr• uttdtr the
<br />:dot,: a.~td paragraphs 1 sad Z h~reaf shall be applied by Lender Cr: t in payment of «m.;;ants payable to Lender by Borrow-r
<br />tender paragraph 2 hereof. thin to irttertst payable on the Nate, then to the principal of the Nate, and then to iatertst and
<br />principal on any Future Advatrces.
<br />$. L't Barrowtsr shal# pay ail taxes, assessments and other charges, tetras seed impositions a#tributab'w is
<br />the Property which ttsay attain a priority purr this Martgagt, and leasehold paytntnis or grotmd rents, if any, in the manor
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, 6y Borrower making payment, when due, dicectty to tars
<br />payer therreof. Borrower strait piotnptlp furnish to Lender all natters of amotsvis dste under this paragraph, aril in the mat
<br />Borrower shalt make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly ftunish to Lender receipts evidencing such payments,
<br />&srrawta shall ptv_+mptly rfi~frargc any Bert which has priarsty aver this Mortgage; pravid~l, that Borrower shs?i net bt
<br />t+equit~t to discharge any such lien sa long as Borrower shalt agree in writing to the payment of the abligatian secured by
<br />st~.h li€.rs in a rtt~~r ec~ptahle t;} I,.'nsdsr, m strati n good faith contest retch tern by, ar altftrnd anfarcen:ent of sin'h litra iv,
<br />legal ptaxc~derTgs whic}t operate to prevent the enfareement of the lien or forfeiture of t""ne Property ar any pant. ther+~f.
<br />~. Ilarzerif Itt~rsrrce. Borrowtr shall keep the improvements now existing or htrtafter reacted on the Property ittsured
<br />against loss by hre, hazards included within the term "txiendtd coverage', and such other hazards as Lander may refit+irt
<br />and its ava:h atztounts and fat such periods as Lender mar require; provided, that Lender shall net require that the aanaunt of
<br />sv:.tt wverag>» ex:.~d that af'tt3unt of eo`otrage requir~-f io pay the sums stcurtd by this Fefa}rtgagc.
<br />~~ In}z~nc~ cs.~s` prav'urrsg rise lnz•.:rarscd shall i~ .;h~€n oy Ftarrau~.r su€aj~t to a#ptoval b3 Lender: prav6,
<br />that retch apprr2val r[Isall teat let unreasonably arlthheld. All prtrnislmc ors itssitrattCe petioles shall fi~ paid in t manor
<br />tvi ssrtt+~,r ttar~r~h ~ hert~sf or. if Est tsai£t its tools t~xxrser, by It;?r_~*w€r tn~in= ravtnent_ w_tt~ dir~'dv to the
<br />air Piaau ~c pvaiii aa:aaaw- ria~cvr ~i~~ a Yi t- - -"ckitui9ic ~" - - - _ [ [itiivc` a' [avo ui c~w~v
<br />r9.au~w in iavnranf amt in totes ar.~wwe•i.l. ru 1 .a,A...~ I~aut;+-r [xhall have the riuhta rn _hialri the esala~ias and arrssew,sls[rhor~il.
<br />and glarrawtir shalt prcurtptty furnish to Ltnc~r ail rttuwai naeicts sent all receipts at petal premiums. In the event a( laic,
<br />Biree;* _holl girt pramgt stance za :h; inatrrar:;c ..a.ri~r end Lenc#cr. L¢nd: r easy make p<~„at €;i tree if net .made prestiptly
<br />by potrowar.
<br />Ilnlt~a l.endtr and Borrowtr aihtnvist agree in writing, insurance practtds shalt lye applied to restaraticut or rtpasr of
<br />she I°etsperty damaged, provided such restaraGan or repair is economicall}° feasible and the security of th,s ]tit:acreage i
<br />npt thereby impaired. If such resiaratian oe relgair is ncot ecan..ntis:ally fcaaiblz car st the sccurat} oaf thee- hia.tgtl;r wasild
<br />bs irttpairsd, tits i,~tavraae~c prcxds shall rte applied to the suns st:eured by ttris h,ortgagz, v~;th the +:.'<t~ss. if any, pak3
<br />to Barrawer. if the Praptrty s a~atsdantsi br Harrower, ar if Borrower fails sa rtsparxl to Ltudtr within 3l; days from the
<br />data trotter is mailed by Laadtr to Bcrrawer that the itsssuauct carrier attars to stint a ciaini far tnsuratxe btsttfits, Linder
<br />is authoriza~d to cotkrct ane# apply the iosurastc~ prasus+cls at 1<~rtdtr`s aptiett eithee m r~t~+ratis.+rt ar t~pair of the Pra~pDtty
<br />or ur liras stuns urrrl ty ibis Mortgage.
<br />Gluier Ltneer sell Borrawtt athtrwsse agree. m writing. any sorb appiicaticm of pra€:etds try principal shall not exrtnd
<br />ar lu»tpane the due date of list rtrtrntltly~ installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 horror c+r cttatsge tfitt ansaunt of
<br />retch irutraL"mutts. tf uvder paragrapfs ltl tv;rcof the Yraperty is acquired h} Ltudtr, at1 rtghi, title and izttrrtst of BorraKer
<br />iii and to ~y it~tsr,t pct-sty in astd to thu tsres~~ tlt~t rssuliirag Erant datna ter tt~ P .testy p=+3t tr, list salt
<br />ar acxlvtCsiiian slsstt phi to Lcuds~r to tl~ e><tegt cif t$s sums stcttrcl lay this !vlortgage tutntr?sfatety prior ru such sett ar
<br />a~ttisition.
<br />d. Fri r~ a a! ~7t Lax~traidst C'~htms; Ptxu ld~ 1De~rAAa.. ~-tr
<br />l ~>x~ ~ ~sr=~ ~ -~;` :~"~-`-' :~-~' F~r~iiF n~iH ¢ti ~€:sTi',--`. irrs`F~"-.: jai i~ ~;sz~. cis i~ sr;,~~
<br />attar malt sassPtS' wren cst any ita~ tr tni~ tr-_ _a s3asT a Isnsenrl~ tt ins rrtr~r~_ ~ en a emit in a
<br />r.Orrtiruut~ ~ a plated uttil dtvelent, lfatra~a°er shaft ptrfotnt all esf f3€rtrawtr-s obtigaticsrss under the d~ls~ation
<br />ar r=~ia ~~ ~ t d~-sntirsita~ err pined unit dtvetnttt, t by-Isles r.~.riatts of tits
<br />`- .- ear i ~•^' _ °, ~ t~tittit a'est'uttsrs. !f a trsi'tttttti~at a~ ptar=tsti<d ctattt u
<br />rir~r is Cxxcaasai by Bnrrrnvcr seed r~ttxdad tr~tther with this Martgagt, the eovtnants and agreements rat atactt rie~r
<br />szrp~~i t~ ~s att~ tents ~f tilts Ma,>H ss if r;;c rioter
<br />o :~ ~ ~.
<br />~. eP ~ if Bcrrrr~wer fais< trs petfisrm its attwtn>}nts std agreenttt,a caiitairstci in this
<br />.'+~~[ ter B app aster or pru."dirtg i3 ccstrtztsettrsd whii~h materialfp affects L;knafer`s interest in the Praaptrsy,
<br />lhnlrsdits>ga ~iLrrat li~~ amirtt s:Qaaaur, in~lveneya t ~rtterst, ar arran~nts e'>f prcings involving a
<br />tw'rstpt ire '~'.. ~~; t.~ i`c Lr~~ opiuv`», z~`vn rtcrtl~ fa Barr"algae, may make reach apl~arattt~, disburse such
<br />ssttl t5~ls 3t ~ is tom,trey - to pratort iertr`s interest. incittdicsg, but nab limite+3 ta. dis.'rursement of
<br />rabeldr_t_ att~'a etsirii oaten the Fi`oaerty t~ stake rttaairs. ff Lerx'~r rtc2uitr~ maxrttpaRC instrrartct as a
<br />eaitditiatt of ntalsit~ t~-loan ztretl €ay this hiortgagta Borrower shalt pay the premiums required 4Ct maintain such
<br />itssttrgttsc Ire tit ttttti bui=lt di~x #9 tT~" r~ttltt'tr~tni iLar yltt~ itrsttret,~:tx ttrmin4tes in "n'€"aAtYla:z'e t"!:h l3a>rti>wtr's and
<br />