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Pia;`!; t,:.:....., "93:" ,7i ,',se t?,E' 1i~;~' f,,,T,_ ~.. fj 1. '-? t:14 _,'ti" .,~ - ,.-1.{, .. :t',J 9-1- !~-_S.2r,'a.YI, - unn 3 ..~7'=:i3d ar <br />ct a:~i,Is l~iu Fa.:3:crt- ;i~ v ..- ~. a,.. '.ill. ^§€. <br />-Ill: 1Corczrrssar~ri~Io!t ~elarcuecl, L?r ensio3v o_ :..., t.r:f ~cxr ~ .t,:.:3~ ~-..,,+p~t:'i: t3*_ta;~ ,zi ::t..n:t?~,ar,or, of ti:e suu,s <br />-.e.~ut:ed by i,l'ais :t.Iori'.gatge gn.~.atecl 1- c I...,.I? ~;.~ an.• - rt..:~=sfir ..... a„~,. ,s. V„~,r,rcrt-:er <i;all na;. r,;t;ra*~ to re}°: su, <br />•-- -;, xn_nner, the liat~iiiiy a: ti:e orig~sai l3arro;+•er z;;~`-' V~ar7C;;i~:" :~ s:;cce_soxx iri interest. Zander shall not taF <br />r~uired is ettmnxPnee prnceedi~s against suciz succc~x ,x L~ _e?~ .1 =~, eat-e td tir3e :ar payniFrtt n athei~ri:c tII'a3dify <br />amorti~atinn~ of the sunz.s secured uy tia;.s ~?artgage i;;• rea~an of :n=• denzat:ti t:ia:le by the original E:nr:rwer and <br />t3arrtilser's successors in intar~t. <br />11. Farsesreazce by ,Lsssdor Not c Wciver. any fnroearanee lip Zander in exerei~ing any right. er remedy <br />Seretmder, ar othern iso afforded lay applicable la,v, shall not tae s wan'er of ar preclude the exercise of any right <br />or remedy hereunder. The praeurement of inanrance or tl:e payment- of taxes or otixer liens or charges 6y Lender <br />shall not Se a wsiver of Lender's right io accelerate ttze maturits of the indebtedness secured by this ~Iartgage. <br />~ l2: Idamedieb Cusaul.~ive. ~1! reanedies provided in t>us ~I~.,•tgage are dWtxnet and enmutaii_ce to any other <br />„~ right ar remedy under this Mortgage ar afforded lay law or equip-, and znac he exercised concurrently, independ- <br />+~+. entiti ar sucre.~rvety. <br />• I~. Sacees~ors sad Assi3rs lsoz:rid; joist actor Several Idcbility: Captions. The cacenani_s -end agreement <br />~y izerein sontaineuz shall hind, and the right hereunder shall inure. ta, the respectiv+~ successors and assigns of Lender <br />and Harz•awer, sttbieet to the pravisians of laragraph t; ixereof.:11i cavenants and agreement of Eorrawer shall <br />a~ be faint and several. The captions arrl headings of the paragrap!xs ai tlzi4 Mortgage are for convenience ontp and <br />are not to be used to 9nterpret ar de&ne the pravisians hereo~- <br />C~~ lA. Platice. i1rr notice to Harrower provided far in this. \Inrtgsge shall he gix-en by mailing such notice by <br />certified mail addressed to Harrower at the Vroperty .address st;tte,t he!otx•, except for any notice reyuired under <br />parry aph IiI lzereai to be given to in the manner lirescribezi ltv alaPhcable law. piny notice provided <br />for ixa this Mortgage shall be deemed to have bent: given to Hornnccr evlaexa given in the nxanner designated herein. <br />15, Uaiforrst Mortgage: laoveraiug Law; Severa}filih/, 'I'bis lorsn of uxartg3ge combines xuxifarm covenants <br />for nation€~l use and Wan-uniform cavenants with limited varlet inns by jurisdiction to corstitute a tsrzifarm seczt- <br />rity ins•~rument covering real property This \fortgagc shall lie governed 6y the lszv of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. In the event that a,np pravisimx or clause of this Mortgage ar tlxe- Mote can$icts witaa <br />applicable tau`, such caniliet shelf not affect outer provisions of this Mortgage or the tirote whiCla can lze-given <br />effea;t without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of i.lte Mortgage and the Note are declared <br />to be severable. <br />- . n~d n__M..._ ..t, i.., F.....,...i.~_.1 . ., 4'...,......d ,..... ..F +1.:~ 13..,.+..o,.o o+ +lia +imn xf o <br />i0. I;tQiZ9YY~TS ~P~ tuwca ac,ua, uc cuaaaa,~aac~a a avxaavaaaacza ass ~aaaa ..av v~wg-• wu va.a. ..aua.. v. ..avv.a° <br />tion or $#ter recordation hereof.! <br />17. Traosfar of the property: Assumption. If all or anp pari. of the Property or an interest therein is sold <br />nr transferre€I by Harrower xvithaut Letder's prior written consent, excluding {a? the creation of a lien nr encum- <br />branee subordinate to ibis R`fartgage, {tit the creation of a purchase money security interest far household app&- <br />ances, (a) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of tan u}inn the death of a faint tenant or (d} the-grant of <br />any ieaselzold interest of three years ar less not eantaining an apt.ian to purchase, Leaxder xnay, at Leader`s option, <br />declare ell the sums sectrred by this Ylartgage to ize immediaiely clue and payable. Lender shall have waited-such <br />option tti aec%Ierate if, prier to the sale or transfer, Lender and tlae person to wham the Property is to be scald. nr <br />transferred reaolx agreement in writing that tlxe credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest <br />payshle nn the sums secured by ibis Mortgage shat! be at such rate as Lender shall reyuest: If Lender has waived <br />the option to accelerate provided in ibis paragraph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has oxocutc•ci a ,vrit- <br />ten assumption agreemont aeeept~d in writing by Lender, Lender shaEl release Barraat=er from all obligations tazdet• <br />this Mortgage and the Note. <br />if Lender exerei€ st,~lt aptinn to aeceleratrx, Lender shall mail Borrower entice n€ aeeeleratian itz aorda <br />ril.h parsg zptx =~ he.~_f. `=uch na*ir_ s.=~l! iarosi:l:~ ;~ ;ieriaci of foot lea= tlxan ;3Q dsyr 2ro*,r= the- dRt~ the Ott is <br />mailed witJxin which Harrower azzap pale the sums dcclareci due. If Borrower fti!s to pay sucix sunxs prior to :-ho <br />ezniraticn of such pcried, Lender may, evithotat. further notice or demunil on Burrower, invoke any rennedes per- <br />azit~~d lty gar~taph i8 lzerc^of. <br />Nna:.I_?3xr.n~ar (`nuwuar~rs_ Rc,rrau•fl,• ,zntl Leuiler t'urtlzer coysauaut and a~+•rt~c a5 faIlatva: <br />xa- a.~_ _'>~er_ z:_,~.s - s.,-~:.~- ~~ - z. J.3i!t.. -... , :....~~.~l,l~ i-i ?:t'r~~ - 3~ . - L'-~ rs3,~z'n,•.'~ 'r.~~t; ni . <br />covenant ar agreement of Borrower in this ~4tortgagc, including the cavenants; to pay titihen due any sums secured <br />lzy this ,l#ortgage, Lendes• prier to aceelertztion shall mail notice to l3orroiver as ;rravided in lzaragrat?it 14 ht=roof <br />apeoifyiag: il) the breach; f21 the action rectuit•eci to cure sac!: ln•eacla; t3) as date, eat less than thirty days <br />from the date the not-fee i= mailed to Harrower, 6y which such breach nmat Erc rurx•el; and tail that failure to <br />such breach an or before tine date specified iri the notice znay a•esu!x in aecelea•tatiun of the ;unxs scoured by this <br />:1ortgage and sate of the Property. If the broach is rot. dared on ar I:zefare the date specified in the azotice. Lender <br />at Fender's option-Wray ilectanr alt of the surxs securer! by this !tort„age to he imnzetliately clue aril payable <br />without further demand and may fareclase dais ~tartgxtge by }tzzlicia) laraceerlint;. Lender shalt 1zC ertitltvi to enlleet <br />in such proaeedinr; all axuenses of forcctostn•c. inclazling. Nett not linziitvl to, coots o7 docun~cutary evidence, <br />abstracts and title reports. <br />19. $arroavsr's Right to Eloi+aatatat, latwithstaaxling Lender's nccelot7ttiau of the suua€ scoured by this <br />I~ort~a~, l3orrnwer shah have itze right. to havt~ any icrncfrditxga begun lii.• I.t~nder to erafnrt•e this \lortgaga dis- <br />coutinu~ at'any brae prior to ontrp of a jtadgznent eztftttchtg this Mortgage if: ta) BarroK°,rr tat~ya Lander all <br />utttns which would lie' then due under this ~lartgage, the Note anti Hates aecnring Future Advaneee,zf any, heel rio <br />aoeetCratiau oceurt~ut; {b} Harrower cures all breaches of any other covenant ar agrcctneats of Harrower eon-- <br />- trcitis~-ttzrlrYS-Y2~-CC) 3vrrot~ur-jai- u[ ass ~arsfzr=exlrinst*s intttrrecd iav z.anzlrr-in-z.norc~int;-thr earerzarir: -- - <br />t~ of ~^*~~• Ceat;~ir~ .^ th.= ~Inrtyage and ;.- ezzfnreizt<„ Leteder'v ret,z~ie. ;,:s ,irncirlsd ~ ;?rtra- <br />gr&ph 1.$ herzzo~, including, but ant limited ta, rea_•iozzable attarncy'< fens: anti t+Ij Harrower takes such action ass <br />r ten r~astuzabiy teclure to assure that the tied- of this tortgage, I:eazdt=r's interest in the Property -and <br />Besx+nx>z~eac'e otligatiszti to pay' the sWms seetux~rl by rhi> Mortgage -shall contiimc uninrpaireFl. Lipan saoh payzuetit <br />t?!14T> ~ $>~rawr~r, thia_ ~~_tIt-r ~6figntis~ KeourCd_ haf-rhb~• ±hall rrtnain in- f ttll -farce and elTret as if <br />rm aauG;eratuc+B Sad rztacurrfld. <br />~0. Acsi~cut of liaaa6s: o~ t;t~ar. Leat-dieT iu Passessi>an. As additional security here- <br />- under, Rarrr?wer hereby zeeeigns tU Lend+~r the teati+ of th 7Prvperti~, lirdvided-that Borron`er shall, Prior to acceler- <br />` atism asxd€r parugrafah 1R hCr~aut s3r_~IratadQrztnetzt_af the I'~rtt,-Bare the rigizt to ealtect sad retain such rents <br />ss ~taoy've tirua due grad payal3t~. <br />t'.po[z asueleraiion under par~graizh_1$ hereof ar ahaafitrinri]~ii[==-ref the 1'rop>3rty. Lender, in per~an, by agent <br />a~by iudie~xlly atipcziut~l reeeiversizall;hc entitled Lr> enz~r etpcxa; take s?a~C~ion tzt and nzanatte the Property <br />and to cr,llect the rents of the. °r~izsty;-inelzttistsg thti€e t~sst clue. X71 rt.nt> cailecteri h~- Lender or 'the mceiver <br />ghTSl:ho ar~lirrl fiexf ±.cpsi~.nwet. of ~A.?~Tna~t~,~f _xxs»eaxxi~t-nf tlx?e Faun rtx.:ind rollc~etian of r..nt~, including, trot <br />not Iimit$rl to, receiver`s feet, tzreznium e a mceiver's bonds and rcasanalale atto ncy's fec.~. haul then to the sums <br />seenred by this A'loitgage. Letzdor attd the reacivea• shall he lizahJe to account only for thace rents actual!}• re,;t•ived. <br />