if ~ir~~aa~!er y~r a~~a;~, ale :,_.;•€oi :af- Y-: , . _ =~ is .:: ~ =~! K F'~,.~~,'_-, ,--;~~ .~: =cn.;... ~,~~.- ,.-.:... •-r.:.,F~
<br />;y
<br />..fti#.v", r=e ,ur..a til.ic - ,.rs.~eau.r_=, nr.x. ,,, 9..~ :a,ۥ pus 3 c '~M.,. r , .... t.r,.a.'. :=:r fc i-r~. ~i:;~ _ ...,,i-
<br />7
<br />i;,,a. r~ i'.~~3ader.~t ;-!z..: ti a ~, cr. ,:E~,,.z _<<<,.. r ~, r_ ,}_~z~,.-° i ai - ..- .._°. ....5,e,~. r.:trs.
<br />~R ,tapplicrititun 's:i Prraasnt~, v.~ey -,ar,l.~ z - ::a~st~° ri, a1.:, ct .~m.;.~.~~ a<- ,r~__ cu4 t a,t~~r? °~ +rr Lerd~rr
<br />r,ar~ea ieF+r Ii~Ta r a.i~r3,@5'at~r"i}s;~ps 1 ~~n,_ ~ l;, roc -',~I,a; r ai}~la2j~r ° .ir,l°~eri. nirrt . ~ ~~ E.n_. ~ cf atrtsa n €s~~~,k~i;: tF.
<br />L~erx~3er'izry,7~orrgareu~ tsniiez• paragrwgS; 2 a, ~er., f-,,€~ ~ ~wt~~~~r~~ l~~iy~•3a ~ cn flea ti~ctG anti ~:; E~ai~a,e ~?`=an;ieK. i,
<br />can}•. and then to the larancipa! of ilae _`k;3te s a - ?o ?r c -~~r ~ ~ F z„re ~! :. an..
<br />t ~. e;a~ • I.{ers;. L~;rrov:er sf,rlf p .. .~~_.G ~- ,._ ~- ~.,r~r~ `:..e ra ? ~tpas runs atLr;*;-
<br />::#s<ble to tl:e ~rorerty tvhic.li n:ay .ttai^ .. s...r~raty acct ±lz,.. ?fn.•tgage, and ,,.o.tt. r uts, tf any, at Lender's
<br />option in tae t*stnner pro•;idar.' under paragra;,:: 2 ^ere^` or sa~• F3arro..-er trakir;„ r,a<,.tei:t, •hsr d u€, directly to
<br />- the payee thereat. Harrower sftatl pmmpt.y s"urniwft to Lender ail rotiees ,~; amounts due under this pata;;h,
<br />and in the event Borracver shalt male. pa~naert. <!irert!}•. I3arro:.er shall prozn::t;g° furnish to Lender receipts evi-
<br />dancing such payments- Lzarrotler she!! ,ranz}.t ,- visa~l;~rgi ;inv Ii~n ~.-Lich ice;.:; ;,.>iorit~ over this llartgage; pr~-
<br />,~, vided, that Borrower shaft nai, be require to tii~°Izare an}• Bur!: Iir.a sc Iang as l3erres=per shall sft~€e in writing to
<br />~„ the payment of foe oltkigatian seeured by such trier, iaa :t manner acceptable to I+=odor, ur shall in good faith contest
<br />~, such lien. by, or defPrtd enforcement of sur'_ li€-:. in, Ies=r~l )%roce€rir_~;>; :~'t=.ic`. z.;~r.tr, to tre:•zn, tho €nfc~r~raent of
<br />the lien or forfeiture of the Property ar an ~ !;are t!tereaf.
<br />S: hazard Insurance. Borrower shs!I kec}a the iatuararemetats rox• cxtstine or Iaereafttr erected on the Prop-
<br />arty: insured against Iris by fire, hazards nariuded :ti~atlnn the form `eztcnded coaerage"..and s-ucb vt.her hazards as
<br />~ Lender may recFuire and in such amounts and for soot x clod , ~ c-odor n~s~- re,tut~c, pro;-icird. xitsi Le ;pier shall
<br />i,,,r not require iitat the amount of such coverage exceed t izat araaunt of cacerage required to pee the sums seeured'bv
<br />this ~+Iortgage.
<br />2'he insurance Barrier providing the insurance shat: be chosen bg- Botron-er subject to a}aprava! b;- bender:
<br />provided, ilsat such appravak shall nai be unressenabii• :vithheld.:1I1 premiums oa insura..sz f3aiicie; ?hall be paid
<br />at Lender's option in the manner provided under {?aragr=tlais 2 hereui or by Barrazver soaking paymet:f, whet. due,
<br />directly to the insurance carrier.
<br />In the event any policy is not renewed en or before ten days of its eapiratiat-, the Lender, to protect
<br />its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, gay the premiums and suck aeon shall become
<br />immediately due and payable with interest at the ra#e set forth in said note until paid and shall }~
<br />secured by this Aiartgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, ranstatute a de€aalt
<br />under the terms of this 14lartgage.
<br />All"insurance €tcilicies and renewals thernaf steal! tae in fonts acceptable to Lender atad shall include a standard
<br />nnwt~a_aa~ ntar~. in. fa-.rc_v~ ~,}f ~.3 ir. fvtTt:..,. ~r„~>;le t`• 7.:°°d°r i~°n i@r ol;all h~ ~ •h~ ^;,•~;t to l.v~u ti~°c ;',r"vi'°'°° °ciu
<br />_ renewals thereof, and- $orrower shall promptiv furnish to Lender aL renewal6notieesfand elf re^eipts of paid -pr~-
<br />utittms. In the event of lass, I3orrawer shall give prampt• notice to the insurance carrier and Lender, and Lewder
<br />--- may make ;aroaf of -lass if net made promptly Lty $orrower.
<br />= I.3nless Lender and Harrower atheru ire ;agree in writing, insurance proceeds. shall he applied tq restoration ar
<br />apair of the .Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is econouaiea!h- feasible and the security of
<br />this 1Lfrtrtgage i3 riot thoreby impaired. If such restagstion or repair is not econatnicsli}' feasible ar if the security
<br />of this i'lortgage would be impaired, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thi^a Rfortgsge,
<br />- with the etre~, if any, paid to $orrower. If the I'mperty is 3handaseti lay $armwer or if Borrower fair to respond
<br />too Lender within 30 days after notice by Lender to $orrower that the insurance carrier offers to settle a olaim for
<br />` inasurtenee bener'r`ts, Lender authorized to eolseet and apply t!ta• insurance proceeds at Lender's option eiti~r to
<br />restoration or repair of the Property or to rise sums secured uy this Mortgage.
<br />- LTalens Leader sod $orrower atharwise agree in u°ritirtg, ;any such appiiBatian of proceeds to principal sha.tl
<br />net erctei;d ar pastpane t-he due date of the mantlrly instal ftnrnt.s re#erted tx, in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change
<br />- . cf stt~h i~alrt±.~.
<br />- If t~ d~der rtars2ra_plt tt~ tt€~~o t~~~ ~:;,rarer i_~ r,~cirgd lss= t ~,uivr° a!1 r: h) ±itlY. Qnd i.zth,t .Yf u~~"'; ~'
<br />grid to any ir~urance ltolicic~ arm in ataci to the pr~~e~: ti.er°eai (to thc. extsztt of the sums ,t-cu~1 by ihi'a ;art-
<br />gage immediately prior to sur_it sale ar acqut~tiriani re`uiting tram cismatr to the Yea;ratty prior to the ale a!'
<br />$ -- ~~ + _ _ ~ ~~ ' :~ "~~~ ~- ,. ~ ~Ft a "- non =-
<br />° arty in eood rerair and shalt net perttut ar rotuntit wsate. i_nal-atrtnent u d_etericrstiutr of tne3Frg~rtPrty and ~hg3i
<br />comply wit:n tt~e prtrvisians of at;y lease, if dais iiortgage is tin u icaselaoltl. if this iiartgsge i4 an a conctas~iniutn
<br />-- -
<br />•.:rut, Barra :er shad p~.arm a;i of Harrower s a;b:igats~ns u;. iBz ~ ne c,~•larattvts of earidUmtttcurrx ar zitaster dean,
<br />_ tho by-laws and r~gulatiars of the condamirtiur.3 tzroject anti i_onstituent documents.
<br />7. Protectiaa act I.ender`as Security. If $artower fail, to I~erfarm the cavenantx and agree:ment~ Bantatned in
<br />this 1faitge, ar if any action or prace~~ding is Bvmnaetaced which tuaterially affects Lender's int¢rest in the PTOp-
<br />arty, including; taut net limited to, eminent domain, itasulycncy, curie enforcenaert, ar srrnugetttent:s or prot+ried-
<br />ings involving a bankrupt ar decedent, then Lender si Lender's option, upon notice to l3vrmwer, nisy make such
<br />' appearances, disburse such Burns and take such action as is tae..^essary tc protect bender's in#srest, 'tneluciing, but
<br />not limiteed ta, disbut~cinent of reasanabie attorney's fees artd entry upon the I'mpertp to tnslte repairs. Any
<br />atriatntta tii#bui~d by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. ayitlt 'snterest thereat., shall ttecame additiaual indebt-
<br />edn~ts of ,°~arrawer sc-t:ured by this liartgage, urileae $orrower and Lender agree to ether forma of payment, snob
<br />amatwts shad be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shalt bear inter-
<br />- azst fran3 tlt~ date of disbursetnnent at the rate stated in the Iaate unless payment. of interest at st:clt rate wnr_ld lie
<br />trsry to sppliea9le lain, in which avant ::ttch amt~unts shall hear intermit. at the highest into pr?rnti~ibla by
<br />appliiaetrle law, ~iothing vantaincd in this paragraph "z shafifi require Louder to incur any sxpeaee ar da any set
<br /># haraarred_er.
<br />& ~ Lender rriay utake or easier to !n tna$e eea.+onable entries noon anti inaoect9otte of the Pteur-
<br />arty protddsd ttisitT~nder;thall give F3arroa~or itatit~B priaz• to nnc rush insliPetinn sn~est~~it? reaAC_t?isle c
<br />ihts~ ~ €~ iiitier`r ~nt~r~s ih 'she a ropeitiy.
<br />~ ffitlssn. T'he proceeds of any iiward ar claim far datnagea, direct rir eansequentiai, in ~n~
<br />~i ate trondeairrs~ti~it ar $~trr_ taleirg.af the Priipurty.-or-!tart tlaerectf, or far c4nyegance in lied of. cgnds•
<br />floe, one. har+etty assigned and shall lee paid- to Leader. ,
<br />Ia tint of-a t,i taking a£ t~ied?repe;°tp: eit~ trrd~eeds sha%4 1te af~iliod ttt the satns seeured by this art-
<br />~> with i.lie $x; ~ may, pant t~ Borrower. i r. rttc evesrt of a psttzai taking of the Ptrtpc:rty; unleset Ffurt~rer
<br />atittl~sndsrtltrfalido a is w~tirlg, t!;are shall he•appi#eil to the st#tus see[tred by this A•£ortgage such prop~r-
<br />tfa*s of thsproceede ss s egtea3 to tha~'prcpartiar, whie'.a the ai2Taurit.t3f the sums secured lay this i+~fortgage imme-
<br />~- iltelyar'to t,'~€ date of taking Gearz to t11€ fair-staarleei z-ae of flee Prttpt irnntc'ztiately prier to-the d~ o€
<br />',.string, ni"uh'tae bnlii#cr. eitbe proceeds paid is iwrrower.
<br />If th0 Property is ahsLZioned by Rori•atver nr iF ftt!r nn~srN by ~a~.t~r in rrnwor that the nnn{lggtnnr .atTgm
<br />r .c ~ •
<br />- - t#i~rnHkYa. - a nt}: . etc f >Jo A.,~.~,~ il~ ~., ,ani, -t:.,. i a. r a
<br />...._ . - .. _. ~. .. ~;.,~, E g a~ _ ..h;rr ~ days as the note
<br />da= wi
<br />of Snell ~tatil•.P I.pnrinr , _.l.nrt . r? rn ~niir tsnri pk _ p}t .,... ....I. -r'-~nrFsr'~e-a~;t;an °ttl:@i' to r°iti,`rotr'~`,~r a,-
<br />L"oleos J.,ens3or and Bor.~tver othorw,se-agree in-writing, any s~zch application of proceeds to principal shall
<br />~,
<br />