99 .~. iV~:r f~
<br />t~fl~:it?6.•,, v,~,if°;+eus.a;__;€msit,.s3t c ,t,~t;,,;<3.Lit?, r.~.a°. 3i„tac,w.;;r sa.al'_ i,ra:y, ¢n. ami~u~a^t. rrf gill srt~~k',t~„v_~,e, ri~t~r..tuce £ra°.ttatu~,.e ,s. th;;
<br />a[,
<br />ruota~~u~ttaurr ~,~=,u'~rli~wtt:d uaii'~Gc~r paiur~atg;ralp$t ;~ '~,tterr~,of~.
<br />.~!raty aurn~slnarnts a..,h,t«aal by Luh~nrie~r erar+suat?i t~cn t,iu;t• l~rairaf:a.oliri '. aviil~7 tm~7rrr.~sz tlP,..tana, r~kaail herr,~ruurt¢ addr:i=na~i
<br />R~iv~w?~i.,A1,ux'k,ie; ~ k,lt ~idr~r.~~su,~w~tr !pauasutrt.•ti F^ay '4tl.ls ~'rc~rt;, xgv,: IL~Vt~i:1a_s~q '~i2aurro~P~s;ir ~rti~ l.~~ti ileur a,iproa~ ~~tn sutl:b~.e~ 9ernn~s oi~ &~:.)~ent, sueix
<br />amourts shalt ~ r,;ti~able~ uyc,ti nsTtigr;`.rarn Lender Po ui;rrtrw;:r rcquePirg },avi.'scnt tieerea and sl:al) ~ ,.ar inPeresi`rarn Part
<br />.~`. to of d:sbr :*serncr:t at rite rat, p yabie from t3zne r%s q me a ~,_rrandinajnrincipai under ?h"; Rime unites raymenr a€
<br />initrest. at s;:cit rate -a*auld bP coatran~ to a,~pticabte taw, in •~.h~h ~venr sP:; h a.~;.amnt, shah bear in[srest at the higizst rate
<br />pt„nissible under applicaiiiE law. l~athirg eentaireci it--. this paragrapr: 7 she)) require Lender to ic~ur any Expem~ or take
<br />asy c:io tiertuztder.
<br />8. Insgeetloo. Tender tray [rtakc or egos:: is be redo rcaEanab'.~ entries open and inspecti,3ns of the Property, providett
<br />that Lender shah give Bssn~owsr notice prior to an} strch ins,;~rirrn sperifyin, reasonable cause therEfar rtiated to Lender's
<br />inz,^:r_st in .#.:: P,'upctry.
<br />"~. ~os~,t[nr[atlon. ; ;e proc-;;ads cf en's award er claim far daq a3~s, dirt ar eansec~uentiai, in connes[iar: with ai9y
<br />condemnation ar other £eking, of the Property, or part thereof, or far conveyance ir, lieu of car,dernnarian, are hereby assigned
<br />~;.:? shad bi paid io I_tnder.
<br />?'? tt?e e=ant of a ~~"al taking of t?.c Prapert}'. the prr•e~=?s chaii be aE p3isd !o the sums secured by this ?vlortgagt,
<br />:viii: the excess, if any. paid to Borrawer. In the event of a par*ia) taking of the Property, ttnIess Borrower and I.e=eo'zr
<br />ctl*,eruise agree in writing, there shah be applied ,o the sums secured by ehis Moregage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />a~ is etsuai to that prapartian which the amount of the sums secured 6y this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />[akiag bears to rite fair market value of the Property immediatciv prier to the date of ta)-ing, whit the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If 4ht Property is abandoned by Borrawer, or if, after narice by Lender to Borrawer [hat the candemnar offers to makE
<br />an award ar settle a claim far damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after [he dafie such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is autharizEd 4a cal)eet and ap;aty the pros~ds, at Lender's option, either to restoration er repair of the
<br />Property ar to the sums secured by Phis Mortgage.
<br />IJrltss Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />ar pastpane the due date of the mot=t?,ly installments re€erred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change zi,e amo[mt of
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Plot Beltased. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this bfartgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shalt not operate fo rt)ease, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. I.Ender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such stitxESSar or rEfuse to extend time far payment or atherwist modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by [his Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Bormuer end Borrower's sussessars in inttrtst.
<br />rQ__.~__..Y~ ~_ •<oo« ' : >r ~~~ r, _ r_~__~_~ ~... ~~__ :_ -°----'~ir arty r.r{„, .,..~.. Ewa .~
<br />otherwise afforded by applicahie law, shall not beta waiverraf or preciude~therexereise of any such•right or~rerntdy~
<br />The procurement of inawance or the payment of taxes nr other tiros ar charges by bender shaft oat be a waivtr of Lender's
<br />right to asceleratt the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />12. Itestte~dtes Cat~u~tlva Ali remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by taw or equity, and may be exerEised concurrently, independently or su.sESSiveiy.
<br />i3. S~cesagra and Aaslgus Baand; Joint and Bourret I.iablHty; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shad band, and the rights hereunder shad inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Bazrawer,
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph i7 hereof. Ali covenants and agreements of Borrower shalt ;~ joint gad several.
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for sanvtnietrse only and art oat to bt used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />1d. Notiet. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, (a? any r[atice to
<br />Harrower grovided for in this Mortgage shad be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Harrower at
<br />the Progeny Address or at such other address as Borrawer may dtsignatt by natice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(b) any notice to Lender shalt be given by certified mail, return rECEipt requested. to Lender's address stated terrain or to
<br />sash ether addrt~s as Lender may ;iesignntt by nozuce to Horrowtr as provided herein. Ary Hazlet provided for in this
<br />I+lortgage shad be dt>mtd to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein,
<br />15. LI[[lforna ~Iartgage; Govttsitsg Lawt Sevtrairility. This farm of mortgage cambires uniform covenants for natianat
<br />ut~ artd trap-uaifat-m cavettaats with limited variations 6y jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instr.zment courting
<br />iEai ~riv~"-~ - i¢`3 ni['n a~a~c °ha<i' . c ~v -ica~i °= t~ ;a,J of [he inrrSdI.^[ -.. - - `--':: .,.. °' ur:r;y _- -°'-w. + - ~.
<br />-, ti~,a any pr;, 3iar zr fleas,: v. is MpngasFr ° [ht R?at~ ;:anftic -with sppi_ 3L~~ iav:~ - -1: r,.~;fi;~ ~s4all t:^tzsff;~:t
<br />oL~r pravisirv s of this *•±ortgaga ar :~ IvatE wlzislt sap. bt 9ivtn trttet withatt[~ its cL'nt?iEtin@ pmvl~n, ens tie v=im
<br />EJ~ I'^s'rn~'er s spy. Ho*r4wer than le ft st~i.hEd a cenfarta~ tiopy cf the hate and of this Riorreag4 at fire lirtte
<br />of taecutian or after rtsordation hereof.
<br />17. 'Ttrauater of the Propttty, Aaeumptlon. If alt or any part of the Property ar an interest therein is sold ar Cransferrtd
<br />by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, exclt[ding (a) the etas*.ion of a Tien or EncumbtatscE suhardinatt to
<br />this A•iortgage, (b) the creation of a gurchase money security interest far household appiianres, (s) a [ransfer by dtvi~,
<br />dtst'trte or by operation of low upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of any )Ea~hald interest of tht'eE years or Itss
<br />not containing an option to purchase, Lander may, at Lender's option, declare alt the sums secured by this Iv[ortgage to be
<br />immediately due and payable. I.endtr shalt have waived such option [n as;:tlera[E if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender
<br />and the person #a wham ihE Property is to bx. said ar transftrrEd retch agreement in writing the[ the credit of sash pe-:,xt
<br />is sati5fsctory io Lender artd that the in[erest payab); an the earns sECUred by this lvlart$a$e steal) be at sash rats as Lender
<br />shalt rtqutst, If LErrdtr has waived the option eo aectierate provided in this paragraph 17, and if Bartawtr's suscessar in
<br />iat2t'e5t has txESUted a written assumption agreement aceEpteu in wttiting by Lender, Lender shall relaast BarrawEF frrxtt all
<br />obligations under this MartFnge and thrc )volt,
<br />if I,trultr ExtrsisES such ;option to ~celryratt, LerdEr shah m3ii Harrower notice of acc:eltratian in accardanct wish
<br />garagrapit l~ hE;taf, h notice 5hai1 grov;dr. a ~.t:-~ of oat ::ss than 3t1 days €ram the daft the notice is msiltd within
<br />which Borrower may pay the soma dreiartd duE. If BrerrawEr faits to pay such sums prior to the expiration of cosh period,
<br />I.Epder may, withou4 #urther aaNce or demand on Barrawtr, invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />pr.. r r n...i,~..,.£~ a^~ r a c=am= ..~n~~. a.. ~ -,
<br />ig, +uerartottt gcet~edit?r. 7Fint twi irorldea ~ i? herersi, rrpota i3`wsr'n l'ir mS' :?ay etivtutts-t :~
<br />adrreeneent of $trrrowtr ~ t4[Ta Mas+e, ~ the covt»anta to pay when dde any ansna secured by thus 141ortgade,
<br />pn^Ihc is t [Mitt to ?'Ens~ver ~ provided! in par~raph- 14 tttmaJ s$tr:~'ittgt il) she lkset~6;
<br />#~) t tttetlos . to rasa @a'eseh; ~'J? a dates, not tkon 3+$ days fs the date t~ not#ee b aaaiied to Boss`ewtr,
<br />hq wAi&is>s iereactt rnuet'titt+ tw'td; and i4) faBurE to cure auth Drtach on or iterate the date apzcl~ in Me notke
<br />nor ~,$ao.'lid nxr ia~ ~S SSruss irsd by t , , f+turs by ~udiElsl IsrseeEdis,:$ a>~ s ~ the J'€~ucty.
<br />' tt >tusttkta ltd rrs-vrex of the r~ht m re~stNe acceietra#on and test t to amwea~t let the ta5rteioaru+e
<br />tip-Hots-o~vteetce of a adetauk os guy other r~ferut of laors~orrer to accattratloa seed forure. i€ tkt breaeh
<br />• is-eta! esered ng or Isrlo~te the dads apet~Asd in the notice, Leander >N Lendtr'a optlop ~' decEart eAi of the ausnx 5teured by
<br />t>a~ ~ Set be iittataiwcdiy dtiEe Ctpd payteitk without #arihcr demand and may fotsctoae by j ndielal prwteseiitsg. isudEr
<br />a~l ~ ht' s~kFt ~ $u:'h P~ sN t>rpE~ ~ Boretiosure, itreiu, hot xlat lilted to, fo8ts of drtFUflsentery
<br />rr, alXttraEta Sn$ t ~
<br />Ip, titesrett+~et's Il~hr tR Reluatailt. [vatwtths[anurpg txnaer~ acse`rtration of the sums secured by thrs Mortgage,
<br />$armwer shah-have the rcglat to have aey pros. edingS bEgun icy Ltndtr to Enfarct this Mongagt discarttinaed at soy tiros
<br />