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_i~. a` <br />I'w'ir i,,~,vty~ fi~~tr a=m'r'Wt. i§orrovir!tr ~tkC I . ,a;Ccr ~_k ! ~w9k2 '~ ~~ , iurl~ais~s:, <br />fl. ~'ttq~xtteamt al, ~R,'tttfll~+au~lh ante! Iftxt~~e iio r~===~.. -;l~itrii ,ar~7e ~•~,p tiultln,,., ~d'a[r. r.1t• tarntss.aiy.~~di z-31 _t=td ~ir~m~ter~i~a. ramv th~~ <br />_eir.tiGLe~udr..t.~ =,t!;:fL:rt~.ica3 1^rgr it}~~:. t~«c+ty,, frt., a..n~Lt a:a~3 la~t;.~ ; jai-rt.s a:.' i.-.;iir!s~.' ili tl,:~. FJCa=taa ait~rl I:'h~.; p-tvx3:ipttl o~C" attdua5ir~tast <br />art v;ry' frt€5,uc ,tcdvnsrac~s sassed 'b'yr tJ°ti:, 1r~iartgagc: <br />~.- s~ fo e.~..~ °.d :uran~. 8„t.° a agpii^~bie tan ,,. ,., :..~ ,. - b, L en::° ~^ . rh~!€ pa.. <br />,a z,.. - ,'? i« ~ Gv= t ~.nihiy instalfrre~s Gt prrn>rpai ~ni; irttyrest :v ,. paya'Ci? iF Ed~r'~pv ~ eta. ~'tliSI Lh~ vyic d~ 3~:rs [?5 tali; <br />sunt~thcrein ':~,~~,.s'; euat to one-*,ve:f#h o: =hr ~aarly iates and a;ssssrt~nts x'ric'r. may attain p:irrity o:~ar tF:is <br />Mort~c4gb, .and graun€~ rents an the Property, if rny, plus one-twelftft of yeasty premium inst:-='s.~-: na far ha~.~rd insuranc;., <br />plus one-t~°e;fth of yearly p.<-emzurrs itts#a4!rnunts ter anar2gage insuratce. if any, ai! as reasonab3y a;timated initis€ly a~,d from <br />tzme to tune by L ~nd~;r on tine tsasi3 cif a.:s~ssme^ts and biE1a and :easonah?e es:#:.xatas thereof. <br />'T'he a't:rt:fs shah be held in an instifutian the dept omits or ac:.aunts of 'which are im.>ured or guar nteed Ely a Federal ar <br />state aoens:y (including Lender if Lender is soon an ins±itutiar_j. Lender snail apply fife Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />irsuranc°, p.ytnit~~rts anti ~aund rents- Lender may not ;.barge f.;r sa i!aldirg and applying t; ;: Fur<ds, analysing salt( act:c~ttrt, <br />ar rcrifying sad compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays lorrower interest on the Funds and applicable taw <br />perr~.i*= Lr der to m~~ s~,:ch a charge.. i~^rrc;wtr and LVndwr may agree in u-iti:tg at the lithe cf ex~atiar. of Sibs <br />~iort~c ~a% interest oar the Funds shall ise paid to Harrower, and artless sueir agreement is made ar appficaltle law <br />requires such interest to ise paid, Lender shall hat be required to pay Harrower any interest ar earnings an the Funds. Lender <br />snail give to Borrower, withaui charge, an annual accounting of She Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and file <br />~.t,f.asc far which Poch debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are hedged as additional security lot the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amataht of the Ftutds Ereld by Lender, together with the future monthly instalirnents of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of zazes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shal€ exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance pnmitrms and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />prrmgSy repaid to Borrower ar credited t3 Harrower an monthly installments of Funds. if the amo=tm of the °unds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, a:essments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Sarro:ver snail pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the data entice is mailed <br />by Letrder to Harrower requesting payr_nent thereof. <br />Upon payment in turf of elf sums secured by this Mortgage, Leader shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under pazagragh f8 ftereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Leader, Lender <br />shaft apply, no Eater than iznmediatefy prior to the salt of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Lendet at t"u tithe of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. n of a seyaresES. Unless applicable taw provides otherwise, all paytncnts received by Lender under the <br />Ikate and paragraphs I attd 2 hereof shall be apgi~ed tsy Lendee first in payment of amounts payable to Lender f}y Harrower <br />irns'~r paragraph 2 hcric~f, titers to interest payable an thr t'w'o€e, then to the principal of the tioie, and t;sen to inierc-st and <br />prir~ipaf an any Fat-jre Advances, <br />d, t::lrarges; S.ieas. &arrower shelf pay off taxes, assessments and other charges, fines anti impositions attributable to <br />the Property which rosy attain a priority over this Mortgage, and feasehoid paytnenis or ground rants, if any, in the manner <br />=azidad undo psragrapft Z Itereaf az> if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, lynch dtte, dirt=cUy to the <br />pa}ae Yhereof. Borrower sitalf promptly furnish to Lender off notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the evtutt <br />t7awer siralf make payment direciiy, Borrower shall promptly famish to Lender receipts evidencing sorb payrr'ettts. <br />Borrower shalt promptly discitazge any lien which has priority over this Mortgage; provided, that Borrower shaft not be <br />regti Ted So discharge any such &eo sa fang as Bonawxr s.'tait agree in writing to the pay~rnent of the obfigatian sca=rred by <br />stx.It lion in a manner acceptable tv Lender, or snail in good faith contest such lien by, or defend enfarcetnent of such ilea iu, <br />f;gef graceedings wfticfr of>rratc to prevent the eafareemcnt of t:te Tien ar tt"orfeitur~ of She Property ar arty part thereof. <br />5. Hassrd lance. Borrower shall keep the improvements haw existing ar hereafter erected on the Property imurtui <br />against lass by tire, hazards included within She term "extended coverage", and ouch other hazards as Lett3er may requim <br />sad in such amounts aa!d for such periods as Lender may regain; pmvid~d, that Lender shall hat require that the amaum of <br />su:.h coverage exceed that amount a# coverage required to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />i~trrsrt~., carrier providing the insurance shall be cha3en by Harrauzr subi~t ro approval by fxrrder, provided. <br />mat :ri;it art~a$ small hat be unreasanabfy wiii~theld. Ail premiums on ittsurane4 pati;ics shall be paid in liar manner <br />tutsvd unt€t<r aaragtagh 2 hereof ar, if not paid in such manner, by Harrower leaking gayzncnt, when due, dirtxtty to the <br />i~~xxssriry u~ anti zixa;g thsreoL a:t i;, f~rtr a~--~p=fabi~ to f crtd~r and shalt in5iuda a gtandarzi tttartga~ <br />--- ~ « ~ -- -~ ,.: - c:.~able ;. d::r. ..z -_ - ..., :;§h: t:, bald t ~ packs a r::rs:.wafs ° --., <br />aiW ~Sarrc~wer shaft nramntly furnish to Leader~afi renewal txtrices and ell recrarat_s'ttf naid=nremfunzs_ In_ the event of Ease, <br />;r~ri7r+er shalt give prompt twttec to th=e insurance earrizr and Lender tnay tnakc prao[ of toss iF not made prorrtptiy <br />tfy-Ha*r~;~?t. <br />Untesx Lender attd Aorrawcr otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shalt be applied to restcratiott or repair of <br />4he Ptvpttrty damrgad, Provided such restaratian or repair is ecomunically feasible and tt~ security of this l,Iortgage is <br />:tot therdsy impaired. if such restoration ar repair is hat econamicaily feasible ar if the security of this ;tiiortgage watafd <br />ise impaired, the insurance proceeds snail be applied to the Burns soured 6y this biartt;age, with the excess, if any. Paid <br />to Harrower. !f tf~ Pro~rty is al;artdoned by Borrawz<r, ar it Harrower fails to rmpand to Lender within 3fi days tram the <br />date entice is mailed by T.endtr to Harrower that the insurance carrier offers to Bettie a claim far insurance hettefits, !.ender <br />is authorizaf io cctilect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender`s option either to resroratian or repair of the Properly <br />or to the starts secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless I,eetdsr and Borrower otherwise ague in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal steal! hat extend <br />ar pa6ipc'xrid the due dale of the niantisfy instafliTidnis retorted ?a in paragraphs f and M hereof 6r change the ainotini of <br />such insta{imenis. If under pazagraph l8 hereof the Property is acquired by Leader, all right, title and inter,~t of Harrower <br />in and to any insurance policies and in and w the prcx:oeds thereof resetting from damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />ar aerlttisition shafI pass to Lander to the extent of the earns soured by this 14iortgagc lmmezliateiy prior to such sale ar <br />aec~uisition. <br />ti. )rtsaervatioa cad IW~ateaame of Prog~erty; Lessehaids; Condot!siaiirms: P~nand Unit Ihrelopmeata. Borrower <br />shall keep the Property in goad repair and she!! hat commit waste or permit impairruent ar deterioration of the Property <br />,~ .r~rt., ry. , ~9 .~... ,... .a._a..- :-a _ ~ e~ ,e.:~ 3~!.3'"' ~.~ss F-d __ ____ - _. <br />tJe~t.:itsium a a p.aa.r tr-stt cl~.z;opy.E t, ,.,o, vHer ~..atl rfarm al a#X.,tzrraw~r'slo.,Iigstians un the u~frrafian <br />ar cavertants cnatiit~ or gtivt:rnin~ -the cirndaminium or planned unit develapmant, the by-taws and re$uiatians of the <br />ctyrtdmtzittiuin or pfasttted ttttii deveioptttent,. and constituent docuttrents. If a condominium ar planned unit development <br />rider is esectrt~d by Borrower rgsiud~3-tagetlt$t with. this Mortgage, the covenants attd agreetnrnts of suck rider <br />shall br incorporated into ttnd shall amend and supplerrseat the- covenants and agreements of Ehis Mortgage as if the rider <br />€~ ~-gam hi;r~zt. <br />~: ~a€sct~s of iLet!c'is Neer, I# Bonawer faits ti+ perform the covenants sari agreemenq eatttained in this <br />Iid~; or if atsy acticm ar prtxsee¢ing is L~crtittncttced which materiafty affects Lender's interest in the Prapeny, <br />idshtdiog, but ntrt ~rtiitcd tv, a#ttinent domain. insalvattey, ear}e enforcement, ar arrangements or proceedings invafving a <br />bar.tkrt~pt.sst'tlecet~t; Shea 1,:endet' stt l.~der's.aptian~ upau nofiix to Borrower, may make such apgearancrs. disburse such <br />ittrr3 -and to_v ;T.xh ~titA s is :.c~stessary to pmy~t Lender's interest, ircfuding, but hat limited ro, disbursemers of <br />reastrnab.e a#titrrrey's fae~ and entry upon tits Ist'iiperty to -matte t~pairs, if Lender required mortgage insurance as a <br />conditlaA of 1np t~? Ioau.secuted Uy this Mittt~agk, Harrower shaft pay the premitrttts required to maintain such <br />inauraru;e In effect ith#:I sue:h time bs the requir~rnoat-for such i[tsttranee terminates in aoeordancc with Borrower's ar+.d <br />