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<br />7F~~t~~ii~~~1 ~ ~. <br />and prosecute in its own r?arne in the action or proceedings, or to make any compromise or <br />,ettlement in connection with such taking or damage. All such compensation, awards, <br />damaoes, rights of action and prcc~~eds are hereby ,...signed to "Aortgagee, who may, after <br />~aducting ther~rom al! ofi its expenses, including at#orney's fees, release any money so <br />:.,,,,.ive.. ^y .t .,: app!, the ~ar~ on ar~y indebtedness secured :,ereby. M,rrtgagor agrees to <br />execute such further assignments of any cornaensation, awards, damages and rights of action <br />and proceeds as i•'~rtgagae may require. <br />!0. That `'ortyagor shall comply, at all 'rimes; with all federal and state laws, a!I <br />rr~uni^ipai ordinances anq aI! rules and regulations of any governmental entity having <br />,,.risdictien aver the premises, insofar os said taws, ordinances, rules and regulations <br />pertain in any way to the premises and their use. <br />!!. Tha` the Mortgagee, and any persons authorized Ly ±A~rtgaeee, shall have 'the righ# <br />to er:ter arrd inspect the premises at all reasonable times. <br />!~. t~tortgagor will net further mc;rtgage or encumber the stemless, or assign, or <br />a'`emct to assign, the rents, or any part thereof, from said premises. Mortgagor will <br />:not, except wi~ere the lessee is in default thereunder, terminate or consent to the cancel- <br />latic:n ,r surrender of arsy lease of the premises--, ar any part thereof, now existing ar <br />Hereafter made, or modify any such lease so as to shorten the unexpired term thereof ar <br />,o as to decrease the amount of rents payable t^ereunder,.:lr accept oavm:ents of env <br />instatiments of rent to became due under such eases for a period of more than one month <br />in advance. i~iorigagar will not execute any (ease ~, any ^ortion of the premises exr_ept <br />or actual occupancy by the lessee there>>nGar, will at all times ;rcmpfsy and faith?ally <br />per+.orm, or cause to be perfarmed, a!I of the cavenant~, conditions ar:d ac~ree*~nts <br />ontained ir; all {eases cf the premises new or boreal*er existing, an the part of t;:e <br />iGS5C:r thereunder to be kept and performed; ail leases :u -~~ the mortcaged premmises shall <br />.. :,~ farm ar~d substance satisfactory to ''r~r+gagee a^.:; ~~ thF op'ior, of h+artgageo, steal l <br />be assigned to t~ior#gagee. <br />f~. in the event that ~,ortca~Jr makes an assionmenf for the benefit of creditors, a <br />receiver is o twin?ed for the hr:,rtgar;cr c, for ,,.1 or ~ny part cf fibs premises, ar it <br />i:srtgagUr hies a r(t!on or institutes rrrocsedings in bankruptcy or is adjudicated a <br />r:anhr,:pt ,:nest an$ =_'ate law far ,- tell, ~. debtors or under The bankruptcy laws <br />of ,he ~r;ited Mate., ~r if any Cii the forago;nq eha{1 happen to any co-maker cr guarantor <br />1 .e pror;i~:s~sry .,,.~ setureu nereuy, *.h.en, cr at an`>~ tires thereafter, the whole of #hs <br />+;.. -.a_ ~cebteeness :..... al l other =..,:_ seou:ed b~~ this .mgr+Aage and any other securing <br />_.. .w :~^ co^. e_ =., ~,.rh tn,, .can shall income due and payable at once at the <br />tiler: c. ;he t•`ort_agee ar.d r-~;rtgagae st;al? be e^titte:'? too declare this rr~rtgage to be in <br />.a}a,i~- '!~ u~c~p._.:_.. o= one .,: .;re payments vr; the indebtedness or any sums _. <br />st4 . ad <br />:>~ ,hiv m~rtgac;e .mad^ s,• anyone; other than the `•'iartgagor oriar to ccnfirmatic,n of tore- <br />=1:~~u, _ =a+;? ,.ci i r:Ot r' :. ,',:T2 ~~°`c?rtgage2'S waiver of Its right 'T6 aCCeiBra to th$ <br />c,a4uritp• cf the aforesaid indebtedness an:d all o#her sums secured hereby. <br />JO re^:edy ..onferred u,.on or reserved to `~tartcagee <n ibis m~:,rtyage ar any o#her <br />n~ <br />~_~..riny agreement is intended to be exclusive ofi ar,y_ other remedy ..: remed<e5 Land each <br />ae;d every such remedy _^ail be cumulative, and shalt ce ,n addition .0 8verp• c#her remedy <br />,iven ..ereunder ar now ~r hereafter; existir,q at law, in equity cr statute. PJo de{a <br />~~ Y Y <br />..- ..mission e„ i~~.rtgagee to exercise arty .dht cr goner ar_cr~;ing .rpo^ any default she( I <br />i^.p=air any such right or pewee, or sh e.ll be construed to be a wa; vet of any such default, <br />ur an :i~{i ~;i es:_r'n ~g therelr ...., ,i eVe r`, poke •- end rc:"~dy gi4@'? by ,.,._ ::ti: tgage the <br />:~~rt-,agee e:ay be exercised~~rcr~ time to time as often as may be deemed expedient to <br />:,. ;c;agea. <br />l~. i~?ortgagor will i;eeF. a:~eo~_at? records and beaks c. ,., -:;:rt in accordance with. <br />neratiy ~cepted accounting principles and will deliver te~S~vrtgagee, within ~5 days <br />f ter The close of each of "rt~;agor ~ >i<cai years an [temzed tatem~nt certified by <br />a;~ officer c:t ':fortgagor showing al! ifert:s of income and exrense for the mortgaged property, <br />setting ,ortn in each case, ::. comparative toter:, figures far the preceding year. Througft- <br />out the term or 'this :,artoace, '";:r*gaQ`vr, wife, rdasor:ab;e prorptness, wit! defiven to <br />:'mortgagee such other inforr^aticn -th respect to tr:e mortgaged premises as tortgagee may <br />rcasor,ably request from time ~~ ti.:e. A.II-',inanciai stater-,ants shall be prepared in <br />accordance with generally a..._ ,-•ted accounting practice and shall be delivered in duplicate. <br />P+ow if said Pic,rtgagor shall pay or cae,se to be paid said sums of money when duR as <br />set forth in said -dote and in this instr_ment, ar,d any additional advances made, with <br />interest, as herein provided, ar~d shall have paid al! other indebtedness secured by <br />*his l~lartgage and shall have faitittuily and fully kept and performed each ano ail of the <br />covenants and agreements herein contained cr contained in said Note or any other Hates or <br />agreements for additional advances, Bien this conveyance shall be nu?I and void, otherwise <br />it shall. remain in full force and effect. <br />!' default shall be mode in any payment due on said ;Joie ar #hi=_ instrumen#, or on <br />any other notes or agreements for additional advances; cr in keeping the improvements nn <br />said premises insured as aforesaid, with loss, it ary, payable to said Association; or .in <br />payment of taxes or assessments of any nature upon said premises or this Nrartgage er <br />ir~deb#edness secured 'thereby, betcire the same become delinquent, if provision for advance <br />payment has not been made as described above, cr in the evert that the requirement for <br />advance payments is waived; or in the event that =~crtgagor fails to conform to and comply <br />with or should otherwise breach any of the conditions, oovenants or agreements cantain.ed <br />in this iAOrtgage, or the ;dote which it secures, or arty other notes or agreements for <br />