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<br />7~--~ tI~}~ 3 ~1 <br />z. <br />cllowed by law ar federal regulation. Principal amounts prepaid prior to maturity must <br />be in amour'~ts equal to one or s,~re subsequent principal payments. <br />3. That in addition 'to, ar',d together witi~, the montr,iy installmen#s provided for <br />under the terms of the aforesaid Promissory tdatr, an any other notes ar agreements fcr <br />and it'i post a~i `:ran Cf~'S as Drav!dad h@rein ;:.a rtgagnr wi 1 i t?;i}~ ~~. are arty ar re pay,-,ant to <br />Mortgagee an the first day ::r each „tenth until said i~otc- and the 'rota) indebtedness <br />.,cured hererly is fully paid, an am~aur•t estimated by I;"r~rtgagee to be. suffi~isnt fo enable <br />the ?•ar',gagee to pay ail 'taxes, assessments (general or special), ten±s, and ether <br />sirr:i!ar charges against the shave described premises, as the same beaarr~ due. Such <br />advance payments shall ne paid sac'? month together with the manth(y ir,sta!Iments provided <br />for' under the terms of said Promissory !Jots and any other Hates or agreements for <br />additional advances as provided herein in a sir.gie payment and sha11 not be, r,ar deemed <br />~_.~ be, 'rust funds but may Ge commingled w!th other suer, funds or the genera! funds of the <br />-lor'trra~ee, and no interest shat; be payable in respect thereof, tiartgagor shat! promptly <br />torw.3rd to '-"ertaagee all Gii!s fcr taxes, assessments and rents and fsbrtgagee will use <br />void advan;;e payments far the payment of said bills. i~lartgagee may, from time to time, <br />et it; option, waive, and after such waiver, reinstate any and sit pravisions of #'h is <br />;aragraph requiring such advance payments, by notice to '+~artgagor in writing, ylhile such <br />waiver is in effect, f;ortgagar' shall pa~i aiI taxes, assessments and rents as athero-:ise <br />prae~ided hereinafter. <br />&. If the total ct the :advance payments made by tr,e '-iortgagar shat{ exceed the <br />ama,unt of payments actually made by the "rear±eaGee for taxes, assessments er rents, as the <br />;.ass may Ge, such excess, at the option of the "%,or-tgagee, shall be credited by the <br />•iortgagee an subsequent payments to Ge made Gy t;.e '~tartgagar, ar refunded to the t~!artgager. <br />i` however, the mon,thfy advance payments made by the :`~for#oagcr shat! not be s'ufficien~` <br />ta~~ ,~ such taxes, assessments an,d rents, as the case may ba, when the same shall become <br />due and payable, then the t.~ ri'gagar shall pay to the"-brtgagee any amount necessary to make <br />u(i the deficiency, on or before the date when paymer<t cf such texas, assessments or rents <br />„ail a due. if at any time the l~~rtgagor shall tender to the ?~fiartgagee, in accordance <br />._: ... The provisions of the Plate secured hereby, fu4! payment of the entire indebtedness <br />represented thereby, the blortgogee shaft, in computing the amount of such indebtedness, <br />credit to the acc-aunt of the "•;artgagar ar•y credit balance accumuSated under The above <br />.:arac;rr;pi:. If there shat! be a default under ar,y of the provisions of this t•4artgage <br />rus:;itinC in a public sale of the premises covered herby ,~. if the P~Partgage° acquires the <br />property otherwise after default, the "=ortgagee sf:o!! apply in such manner as haortgagRe <br />5'taii determine .:e Galante c. advance payments -?hen ir, the funds occumr.<,!ated <br />under the above paragraph, as a credit against tyre indebtedness secured hereby. <br />5. That in thA -event any of 'the mer,thly advance payments oravided herein or rrcnthly <br />,nstaiiments provided far under the terms of said Promissory ?vote and any atY?er notes or <br />u:,reernents far additional advances have Hat beer: made by the tenfi. day of the month in <br />which such payment was due, a late charge of up to ten t!J) percent of the amount a# said <br />m,orrth!y pa•im.:~nt may be assessed by the .Associat!er: tc cover t;:e extra expense involved <br />in handiir;c delinquent payments. The Association s`;ail not ~e ab!icated to accept an.y - <br />rr,u*,thi~; pavmenr made after the tenth day of the month unless said monthly payment shall <br />:.~ accom; „led by the foil ar;~u,., of the isle charge assessed py the Assaciatlan as <br />provided 'Herein. <br />i;. To pay any and ail taxes, assessments (general or special), rents and other similar <br />~-,gross ie=:led and assessed against the ;;rer:ises, this iv~rtgaga, ar indebtedness hereby <br />.:~:ure:~, before they bec:;me delinquent, for which pravisions has not Geen made hereinGefare, <br />.and in default thereof the P•fortgogee r.:ay pay the, and all moneys so advanced with <br />interest s* I! F frarr, the date of such payment shall be re aid by %•iortgagor upon <br />per:;art, ar,d she! i be secured Gy tots '~?artgace. <br />?. That Ffortgagor °hi!i keep the improvements or: said premises insured against lass <br />;from fire, Lightning and other hazards included in the standard sxtended coverage endorse- <br />r:ent ,,lus flood insurance where required by ^~rtyagee) in an amount sot less than the <br />:,r:E.~id balance r;f the indebtedness secured hereby, with lass, if any, payable to said <br />Associatio,°:, !n a carnpany cr com}:anies acceptable to the Association; and should such policy <br />_. policies contain any evision that cau!d limit the insurance company's liability to <br />pav-the amount of arty lass ar damage up to the full amount fcr which policy is written,. <br />the amount of insurance to be provides shall Ge in an amount sufficient ta, at atf times, <br />fully protect The Association. If ~1ort~a:gor fails to pracure cr maintair, such insurance <br />ir, the r„ant:yr' specified herein, the Acsoci~ticn may, a't its option, pracure and pay for <br />such ieis:!ra~ce, and all rs~neys sa advanced with interest at !! ~ from the date of -- <br />such payment shall be repaid by Pliartgagar upon, demand, and shall be secured by this. <br />;•torteage. <br />ti. That the h'Iar#gagar will keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and <br />h~ithcr commit nor permit waste upon said land, oar suffer the same premises to Ge used <br />for any un!;wf:r! purpose. hrartgagar further agrees that without the written cor,ser,t of <br />;fame Federal Savings and moan na bu!!dings or additions to existing buildings shall be <br />erected tin d:a!f park'sng and landscaped areas shall be satisfactar!ly maintained. <br />3. That ir, the evEnt the premises or any part thereof be taken ar damaged by reason <br />of any public improvement or' condemnation proceedings, or under right of eminent domain, <br />or in any ether manner, •Sortgayee shall Ge entitled at its cptian fia cammer.ce, appear in, <br />