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<br />allowed by law or federal regulation. Principal anx~u,rts prepaid prior to maturity must
<br />.hc: in amounts equal to one or more subsequent prinr.ipal payments.
<br />3. That in addition ta, and together with, the monttrly installments provided for
<br />under the terms of the aforesaid Promissory i'dote ar~d any other motes or agreements for
<br />additienal advances as provided herein t.tortgagor wilt pay as an advance payment to
<br />t+!ortgag~e on the first day of .,uch .,tenth anti; .aid Note and ::: total inde`uiedness
<br />secured Hereby isruily paid, an amount estimated by P~~rtgagee to be sufficient to enable
<br />the l~'~artgagee to pay a}! taxes, assessments tcenerai or special?, rents, and other
<br />sirnitar charges against the above described premises, as the same become du€, Such
<br />advance payments shall be paid each month together wifih the monthly instalments provided
<br />for under the terms of said Promissory tdote and any other Hates or agreements for
<br />~additiorral advances as provided herein in a single payment and shall not be, nor deemed
<br />.o be, trust funds but may be commingled with other such funds ar the general funds of the
<br />t~tortgagse, and no interest shall ae payable in respect thereof. Mortgagor shall promptly
<br />forward to hortgagee all bills for taxes, assessments and rents and P+lnrtgagee wilt use
<br />,yard advance payments for the payment of said bills. bra rtgagee may, frarr, time to time,
<br />at its option, waive, and after such waiver, reinstate any and al! pravis}ans of this
<br />paragraph requiring such advance payments, i;y notice to R~rtgagor in writing. White such
<br />waiver is in effect, ~~~rtgagor shat! pay all taxes, assessments and rents as otherwise
<br />provided hereinafter.
<br />d. it the total of the advance payments made by tf?e mortgagor shall. exceed the
<br />amount of payments actually made by the f~ssrtgagee for taxes, assessments or rents, as the
<br />case may be, such excess, at the option of the t~rtgagee, shall be credited by the
<br />.k>rtgagee on subsequent payments to be made by the mortgagor, or refunded to the "Rartgagar.
<br />lf, however, the monrhly advance payments made by the ?1artagor shai! riot be sufficient
<br />tc pay such taxes, assessments and rents, as the case may be, when the same shah became
<br />due and payable, Cher: the yrartyagw;r shalt pay to the `~artgagee any amount necessary to make
<br />up the deficiency, on or before the date when payment of such taxes, assessments or rents
<br />snali be d:se. If at any time the FJiortgagar shall tender to the "•lortgagee, in accordance
<br />witn the provisions of ±he Note secured hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness
<br />re;;resented thereby, the t.fortgagee shay , in computing the amount of such indebtedness,
<br />credit to the account of the tjrortgagor any credit balance accurulated under the above
<br />paragraph. if there shall be a default under any of thv Drovisicns of this f>~rtgage
<br />resu}ting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby ar it the t~rtgagae acquires the
<br />roperty otherwise a`-a: :,sfault, the t~lart~-
<br />p a~gee shalt apply in such manner as Mortgagee
<br />s;:ait determine the balance of advance paym:er,ts then, remaining in the funds accumulated
<br />under the above paragraph, as a credit against the indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />5. That in the event any of the monthly advance payments provided herein ar month}y-
<br />installments provided for under the ter.^rs of said Promissory Nete and any other :-rotes ar
<br />agreements for additional advances have Hat been made by the tenth day of the month in -
<br />vrhiCtt such payment was due, a late charge o-' up tc tan (lv? percent of the amount of said
<br />monthly payment may be assessed by the Associatien to ccver-the extra expense invaivad
<br />in handling delinquent payments. The Association sP:at! not be obligated to accept env - _}
<br />monthly payr,~nt made after the tenth day of the month unless said monthly payment shat}
<br />ue accompanied by fibs foil amount of the late charge assessed Gy the Association- as - -
<br />prov,u<ed ~er_,.,.
<br />6, To pay any and al! taxes, assessments igenerai or special?, rents and ether similar
<br />charees levied and assessed against the premise, this €>~rtgage, ar indebtedness hereby
<br />secure-d, before they become delinquent, for which provisions has not been made here'tnbefora,
<br />and in default thereof .he Mortgagee may pay the same, and ail moneys so advanced with
<br />in?crest at 11 ~ from the date of such payment steal! be repaid by tw#rrtgagar upon
<br />demand, and shall bB secured by this ?"artgage.
<br />7. That ~4ortgagor e+ii! ;cep the lmpravements on said premises insured against to=s-
<br />(trcm tire, lightning and other hazards included in the standard extended coverage endorse-
<br />ment plus ilaod insurance where required by morteageel in an amount not !ass than-the
<br />ur}.i'sd uatanCe of the indebte;cness secured hereby, with loss, if any, payable to said
<br />As cciation, in a company ar companies acceptable to the Association; and should such policy
<br />or policies contain any provision that could limit the insurance company's-liability to
<br />pay the amount of any loss or damage up to the full amount for-which policy is written,
<br />the amount of insurance to be provided shall be in an amount sufficient to, 3t all times,
<br />,ally pr°otect the Association. if l>~rtgagor tails to procure or main#ain such insurance
<br />in th:: manner specified herein, the Association may, at its option, ~racure and pay for
<br />such insurance, and a!l manays so advanced wi#h interest at 11 ~ from the date of
<br />such. payment shall be repaid by Fiortgagor upon demand,. and shall be secured by #his
<br />[~lartgage. - - - - -._ -
<br />~• .That the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises ir. goad repair, ar-d
<br />neittt;er cgmmit nor p~rmEt waste pan sa}d land., nor suf#er the same prerrlses to be used
<br />far any un{awfut purpose,: Mortgages #urther agrees that without the written canser,t af~
<br />Hame,r=etfaraf Savings and Loan no bui'Idings or additions to axis#ing buildings shah be
<br />erected-and a!t". perk;ng arsd landscaped areas Shall- be satisfactbrliy maintained.
<br />9: That in the even' the premises cr-any pact therea# be taken ar damaoed by reascn
<br />of any pub-lie itrprovement er condemnation proceedings, or under right of eminent domain,
<br />or in any other manner, Mortgagee steal( be ecititlsd at its option to commence, appear in,
<br />