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<br />cU~SciJE '~iAi;:at l E AiVD CGN{~ ( E UNDEP,c3ERG VAiJ't,' 1 E, hush and and w i fa, each i n ti i s and <br />her awn r i ~ht an;1 as ,~,puus2_Qf~t~y ~Y},p~__ ____ _ __ _ here i n cal ! ed tt,e <br />1>NrtgayUr whether one or nx~re, in considc~ratiur, at TWO HL.IdDRED THCIUSAND AND NO/ICiO---___ <br />_ --------{joliars loaned tc said P4artgagor, does mortgage <br />to HGME FEDERAL SAV{!1G5 AtJU LGAiv ASSGCIATiON, its successors and assigns, the fcl{cwina <br />descrit;i;d real ssfiate in !-IA.LL County, iJebraska: <br />LGT ONE (!), TVti'G (2), AND NGRTH TWENTY-FIDE FEET (2?') GF LOT THREF (3t u,LL !i! 9ELR`.^NT <br />Alice i T f G"d T G Tt;E C! TY C)F GRAND I S LAND, HALL CCUPJI"Y, idEoP.ASKA. <br />and ail easements and appurtenances toc:sther with all buildings, improvements, fixtures <br />or appurtenances now or hereafter erected ±hersan, including all apparatus, equipment, <br />fixtures or articles, whether !n sir;gl2 units or centrai{y cor.trailed, used to supp4y <br />heat, yas, air-conditioning, water, light, power, refrigeration, ventilation ar other <br />services, and any other thing now ar hereafter therein or thereon, the furnishing of <br />which by lessors to lessees for an unfurnished budding similar to the one haw ar here- <br />after on said premises is customary ar appropriate, including, but not limited tq, screens, <br />window shades, storm doors and windows, carpeting and other floor coverings, screen doors, <br />awnings, bu!It-in dishwashers, staves, refrigerators, and water heaters and ail renewals <br />cr rep!acPmaents thereof (al! of which are 'sntendsd to be and are hereby dflc!ared to be a <br />Dart of said real estate whether physically attached thereto or nat.l Ths Association <br />is hereby subraoated to the rights at ail mort;;agses, lier.hciders and owners paid off by <br />the proceeds ofJthe loan hereby secured. <br />TO 'r:AVE Fur'D TO HG`LE the said pracsrty, with said buildings, improvements, fixtures, <br />uppurtsnancss, apparatus and equipment, ,,n to said .~sscciation, its successors and- assigns, <br />forever. <br />i.4arfgagor hereby covenants with said Associati.,, its successors and assigns, that <br />:.lartgagor !5 lawfully seized of said premises, that they arG frsa of encumbrarr•es, and <br />that Eiartgagar w'sl! forever warrant and defend the title `,, ,aid premises against the <br />lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />T E S . n,~i; ~,, ~ ! n ECC'RE . t ! , The paymen . _, .ote executed Gy 1~rtaaggr <br />to ohs Association bsarir.g wren dais here::ith ir• ,. ,= principal sum as set forth above, <br />..hi~n :cots, nrir~cipe! gnu interest, is payable ir, r,o~tthiy 'trsta6!»nts according to its <br />tGrr,s, wstt, a lino! maturity, unfass sooner pa:c, ..~, the }ct uGY of A,. 5t a <br />2J0-^~ Ths holder Hereof shall have the option t..-acce!srate the maturity aCr~the note <br />Eon which #hi3 rnartgage is given as security, at arty time after tit;; I ±h loan <br />year after first giving the :3ndsrsigned ar the then owner cf the premises described herein <br />a written r:otice three months !n of its ints~7t to do so. Any prepayment of <br />principal made by virtue of the exercise of this op•t;an s+talt bs without prepayment <br />prs;ni;;r,,. ~ ?1ry u t!onu- a ancss ma e by the <.ssociatian to ~ri'gagar, ar f~rtga~,. , <br />successors in title, far any purpose, at the option a# the Association, at any tuns before <br />tits release and cancellation, of this :'~9artgags, but at nu tiros shall this Mortgage secure <br />advances on aca~ur,t of said arigir.a! Hate and sue^~ addit;ana' advances in a sure in sxcflss <br />of T1~0 Hi~}fDRED THGUSA;dD A'dD iJOt 100---------°-----------------+~i i ors; pray! ded that nothing <br />,;:rein contained shall be r:;nsi;ercd as 1! .hs arruunt that shall bs secured hereby <br />i~h~n ad•rancsd to protect the s~:curity ~, in accordance with c;,venants contained in this <br />,,,rtgage. <br />iravided, nevertheless, ;rase presents are upon t^e Forlowing conditions: that whereas, <br />t!ta said i••fiartgagor is a member of said .,.,_-..,_.anon, has executed a Hate in writing to said <br />Asseciat!an to repay sum cf money, ,rith i~.r:~~°est, .,~ aymsnts as set #orth in said <br />,sole, and any ar.d alt additional advances, wit^ ,n+erast, and has agreed to abide by the <br />i;onstitution and 8y-Laws of solo Assaciatior~, and rules and regulations adopted by its <br />award of liirsctors; ar.d agreed and da hereb°f ogres: <br />1. Ta pay the indebtedness hsrebr,• secured promptly and in full compliance ;with the <br />terms of the aforesaid i'ramissory tots and any other notes ar agreements for additions! <br />advances as provided herein and cf #Et!s Mortgage and further agrees that at the solo option <br />of ~,artgagee the time of payment of the indebtsdrsss hereby secured, or any portign there- <br />of, may be extended ar renewed, and any portion of the premises herein, described may, <br />:ithaut notice, he released fra^.t thfl !inn hereof without re!sasinn qr a#fectin the sgna! <br />y g aer <br />liability of the Nr.~rtgaggr herein for ohs payment of said indsbtfldnsss then remaining <br />unpaid,-and not chance in the owcisrship of said premises shall release, reduce ar otherwise <br />affect any such persona! !!ability ~r the lien hereby created. <br />Z. t5ndsrsigried reserves- the right to prepay this Hate in whole or in part on any <br />installment payment date-prior #o years from the date hereof by the payment of ail <br />accrued interest to the date at such prepayment together with a prepayment fee equal in <br />arrr~unt to 180 days interest on the amount sa prepaid; and i# prepaid after such date there <br />shat! be ro prepayment fee. Tha prepayment fss sa charged she h not exceed the maximum <br />