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designated ar~d Sc;rowcs as the- Sewer and Kates ~actei~sian.Fund -for taster PYain 73~,stri.ct Na, 3s+4, <br />ter-the hates §urplus Fund. <br />SECTIt?N ~.-.This ordinance shall-be in force and take offect from and after tts gaasage, <br />apprare2, snd p~abiicatian, taithout the plat, as provided by law. <br />SECTI~JI4 b. This ordiaaace, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the office <br />of ttse register of Ieesds, Bali County, pebrasFra. <br />SECTION 7. After passage, approval, and publication of this ardiaanee, sF¢ti~e of -the <br />eseatian of said district shall be published in the Gzand Island Dailp Zndepeadent, a legal - <br />newspaper published and o€ general circulatiaa in said Citp, as pravide8 by la~+. <br />F~acted . ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ <br />~~ <br />62RP.ST: <br />City. er .__ <br />