<br />
<br />oRDZNANCE NO, 6377
<br />An ordinance creating Water Main District No. 344 in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska; defining the boundaries of the district; groviding for the Saying of a watr_r
<br />main in said district; providing for plans and specifications and securing bids; providing
<br />fos she assessment of sgecia2 taxes for constructing such water main; and pravidir.R the ,
<br />affective date hereof.
<br />SECTION 1. Water Main Aisirict No. 344 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is
<br />hereby created for the laying of a six-inch, or 15.24 centimeters, water main in Mill River
<br />Road and Wagon Road, from the existing water main in Stagecoach-Road.
<br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of such water main district shall be as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the east line of Olde Mill Subdivision and 350 feet,
<br />ar 106.68 meters, north of the north line of Stagecoach Raad; thence running
<br />south on the east line of Olde Mill Subdivision for a distance of 350 feet,
<br />or 106.68 meters, to the saucheast corner of Lat 22, 82ock 1, of Rlde Mill
<br />Subdivision; thence running west along *_he south Iine of Let 21, Black 1, of
<br />81de Mill Subdivision far a distance of 337.58 feet, or 41.934 meters, to
<br />the southwest corner of Lot 2I, Block 1, of Olde Nill Subdivision; thence
<br />running south an the south prolongation of the east line of Wagon Foad for
<br />a distance of 60 feet, or 18.288 meters, to the south line of Stagecoach
<br />~°- Road; thence running, west on the south line of Sta~.ecoach Road far a distance
<br />of 60 feet, or 18.2$8 maters, to the sou*_h prolongation of the west line of
<br />~ Wagon Road, thence running north on tP.e south prolongation of the west line
<br />o~ cn w of Wagon Raad for a distance of 192.5 feet, or 58.674 meters, to the sautheasC
<br />'~ ~ earner of Lot 15, Block 3, of Olde Bill Su'~divisian; thence runr=ing we-` on a
<br />~~ ~ ~ 1;.,~ parallel <o and 132.5 :eet. o; =.G.3~,6 cn€rers, south of the south line of
<br />ti o4„ Mill River Road for a distance of 1095 feet, or 333.756 meters, to the south-
<br />.-i
<br />.* ~ a west corner of Lot i, Block 3, .,f Oide ":ill Subdivision; thence running, north
<br />'S p on a line parallel to and 40 feet, or i2.i92 meters, east of the center line
<br />~z° ¢ of Blaine Street for a distance of 325 feet, or 99.06 meters, to the north-
<br />west corner of Lot 26, Black 2 of Bide 2?iil Subdivision; thence running east
<br />i an a line parallel to and 132.5 feet, ar 40.386 teeters, north of the north
<br />I line of Mill River Raad far a distance of l 095 feet, or 333.756 meters, to
<br />~~-` the northeast corner of Lot I4, Block 2 of Qlde Mill Subdivision; thence
<br />running south on the east line of Lot 14, Black 2 of 01de Mill Subdivision
<br />fos a distance of 107,5 feet, or 32_'rbb meters, to a point on the east line
<br />of l.ot 14, Block 2 of Glde MiII Subdivision; thence r~!ning east across Wagon
<br />Road along the north Iine extended of Lot 17, Black 1, of Olde Mill Subdivision
<br />far a distance of 193.06 tact, ar 58.$45 meters, to the east line a€ Olde
<br />MiI1 Subdivision, being the ~oirt of beginning, alI as shover. an t're plat mark+zd
<br />Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />SECTION 3. Said improvements shall be made in accordance with glans and specifications
<br />prepared by the Engineer for the City who shall estimate the cost thereof, and submit the -
<br />same to the City Council, and upon approval of the same, bids for the construction of such --
<br />water main shall be taken and contracts entered into in the manner provided by law.
<br />SECTION 4. The cost o€ construction of such improvement shall be assessed against the.
<br />property within such district abutting upon the street wherein such water main has-been so
<br />placed to the extent of benefits to such property, by reason of such improvement,. and a
<br />special tax shall be levied at one tide to pay far such cost of construction as seen as can
<br />be ascertained; and such special tax aad assessments shall constitute a sinking fund far-the
<br />payment of any w~rrarts oz bonds for the purpose of paging the cost of sucia water main is
<br />such district; and such special assessments shall be paid and collected either in a fund to
<br />