<br />y~
<br />21. $°u#ure f2dvuncas. Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option, prior to release of t}~is
<br />~ Mortgage, may make Future Advanr-rs to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall
<br />;,~ be sectored by this.Mortgage when evidenced by pn~mi_.sory notes stating that said Aotea are secured hereby
<br />except-that the: interest rate on the entire unpaid balance-and the term of the original loan, to the extent
<br />pern3it#etl by law, mAY be Adjusted an tll#? parties hereto may agree. At Aa time shall the priAcipal-atronAt
<br />of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not iACludiag sums advanced in aceardaA4:e herewith to pro-
<br />- `,~v- th2 ~ rnty:uf tl:iU Mot'~.~gab..> ax~o"_,ad t €vi~ AgI. ~mnuxEt nf- the Nnte PLus U~ ~: ~~~©© ~. -
<br />Pl~flVi~Ef3y FIf i~IFt%~R, that »repaymeAts of Prflncipal, as pravidetl fur iA paragraph 22 that follows are
<br />I re*_}ed t~ 3orrower or-are- made ahsalute non-withdrabie principal pr2payments prior to advancing ~_.
<br />'~ sums as permitted within this paragraph.
<br />22. ~:; - Fustd. Borrower may make pre3ta of ptriACi~l on rosy iAStallaleAt due data or
<br />it~smediately preeeding said date to be effective aA the due date following and prepayment shad be applied
<br />to installments last to become due under this mortgage. Upon regvest of file undersigned or either etf
<br />them, provided a defatait does not exist and they are the. owners of .the mortgaged Property, the-lender
<br />agrees to fure~ish to the undetsigned 1f141~ of such principal prepayments, unless advancement is-prohibited
<br />by the re~ult~tioAS of chartering and supervisory authorities then iA effect. All such advans~rrteats shall be
<br />secured. by this mortgage in the salAe marine;` and effect as if no prePaymeAts had heart made.
<br />g~. I{eleas>+. Upon payment of all sums seethed by this Marigage, Lender shall discharge this.
<br />Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall gay all costs of recordation, if any.
<br />Ix Wrsxrss W11ESeoF, the $ormwer has executed this iwlartgage.
<br />~.~ t `_ ~ ~...- --
<br />....-... ,.~ ~s. ~~snez .~ rrt~~
<br />~tCA436a A.s 23alt~.neZ ^-~r
<br />P*apsrty R.ddress Esst..6, ~raAd Islatxix_33ebraalca bd31_.._ .
<br />S~~ o;• N~a$AS>za _°--Hail.... _.._......_...---. _.....:Gotmty ss:
<br />tin this __......._.:....1 ~ day of _fi.~-n. ~-.- ---.., 1~ lt~__, before me, the undersigned, a ~+loy
<br />Public in and far said Ooznty, personally came ....Mario A,_ :4astiuez, act3. fit'itsme~a,A,_ Ma~tit;ce&,:.:~. ,.
<br />lnta~~td aAd ta3.fe ="~--°~----°_-_-°_--°~-
<br />personally known to me t,o be the identical Persons whose narr:es are a,~xed to the above and foregoing
<br />irwtrpAxent, as mortgagors, and each acknowledged said instrument to be his or her voluntary act an+d-deed.
<br />' otarial seal at Grand Island, N~bras$a..... the date last above wntteri.
<br />txel ! f ~../--~ _
<br />b'iy ~ 1. jygYkRtAt- ~f..?
<br />attire az *~eaa~aga 3Votary Public
<br />aotarEns exv :s
<br />e 4~ 9t lill$ t:
<br />cantered on numerscal index and filed for record. in the Ttegister of l'}eeds Office of-said C©u~tty, the
<br />..._:._;':...._:.: day of _..:.:_ ........:......._.:.....:., i9:_.,..:, at _. ...._._:..... o'clock amd _ ......... miAUtes -- -----. =M~,
<br />aAd recorded in Book .......................... of Mortgages at page --......... -._-, as lnstxumen# No, ;.:.:. :::::
<br />Fteg. of T:7eeds
<br />?rrt recorded io bz reluaied #o the
<br />Fll;.fi7' Z!'ED~I~lir` SA~%1NGS ANTS LOAN A~S~ZA'Y`FUN OF LfNCt3Ll•I
<br />. $"^_CS :A_^ic35 - M~ti~i,g AtlCIy.~E PfiOna. -
<br />- ~= 135 Cho. Cotnar C3lvei, i:t~pitl= P_O. Brix 52174, Lineoin, Ne. 685436-. -...475•Q522. - -
<br />- - _~ ^, 2101 So. 42nd St., QtnaAa - P.O. Box 6273, Omaha, Ne: fA8I4~" - -- - 554$4043 -
<br />- ~ 181. Ylest 2nd Si. rurats~,[sEatid--~ - - 1611 Miest 2ndSt., GtaraC-3510nd;.4Ve. 58$03 3844433 - -
<br />