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I <br /> <br />not extend or postpone the due date of fhc monthly in--stailnlertts referred to iu paragraph= 1 and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount. of such installments, <br />10. B4nower Nat Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification o£ amartizatian of the sums <br />secsared lay this 1~Iartgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest. <?f BormwPr shall not operate to release, <br />in any rtzanizer, the liability of the original Borrawel° and Barrati~er',s successors in interest. Lander shall not be <br />required t~ c~pl*nPatae laraceediatgs against such successor ar refuse to extend time far paytrent ar otherwise modify <br />amoz,,i2ation of the slams secured by this \Iaatgage by rPasota of any denrand made by the original Borrower and <br />Barra~er's successors in interest. <br />I1. P4rbeazance by Lender N43 a Wainer. Anyy forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br />hereunder, or otherwise afrorded b3' applicable taw, shall nat. be a tvaiver at or preclude the exercise of-any right <br />ar re,'nsdy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the papmert of taxes or other liens or charges lay Lender <br />shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />- 12. $emeda2s~`+uIIttclsiuve. -'tli reiitecii8~ pee:°idc3 In iiu~ ~iaii~ugc are u'iatti~ct v.nv' etlFilt~iatiVe-tv as)y atiter <br />right ar reITaedy kinder laiF \Iartgage 07' at~0ided li} Gait' at' rgkntq. sttd final' lM CxGTCiced fORCtirrently, Independ- <br />ently or successively. <br />13, sAUCCC+issors and .4asigas B4uad; Joint and Several Liability: ~apsioas. The cotenants and agreetents <br />liereir. contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall i:nlre to, the respective successors and assigns at mender <br />and Borrower; subject io the provisions of paragraph 1 i hereof. All covenaits and agreements o€ Borrower shall <br />be joint and several. The captions and headings of the paragraph. of this lortgage are for canyenicnee only. and <br />are not to be used to interpret er define file provisions hereof. <br />14, No#iee. _~ny notice to Borrower provided for ill this Mortgage shall be given by mailing such notire by <br />eertif[ed mail addressed to Borrower at the Yral;erty Addre=; slated below, except for any native required under <br />paragraph 1$ hereof to be given io Borrower in fhc Inarner prescribed b}- applicable lalc.:1ny notice provided <br />for in this ~Iartgage shall be deemed to Gave been given to $orroscer when given in the manner designated herein. <br />15, iTniforcu Mortgage; Cxaverasing Lacy: Severabil}ty. This form of mortgage combines uaziform covenants <br />for natranal use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. 'T'his lortgage shall file governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this ]iartgage ar the Mate conflicts with <br />applicable law, such canfiict shall not affect ether provisions of this 3ortgage nr the Nate which can be given <br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end 'the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared <br />to be severable. <br />l6. f;stz-rosver~ Copy. Borrower shall he furnished a conforrc;ed copy of this Mortgage at the time of eacecu- <br />Lion ar after reeardatian her+:oi. <br />i7. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold <br />or traasferred by Borrower without Lender ~ prior written consent, excluding i al the creation of s lien or enauin- <br />branel: subordinate to this \iortgage, {bt the creation of a purchase Islane5• security interest for household. appli- <br />antes, (,a) a transfer by devise, descent or Isy operation of law ulwn the death ai a joint tenant ar (d} the; grant of <br />any leasehold }mares*_ of three years or less not containing an option to purchase, Lender Inav, at Lender's option, <br />dPCiare all the sums secured by ibis ^+lartgagP to be immediately due and payahlP. I~°nder shall have waived such . <br />v~:ttar to ..~el° °*w. 'f ... -:.1° ` t^ansf° L°^d~r and the pe.~ to :+•han; the Pzope,~y as to uz said: ar <br />transferred reaelz agreement in writing That the credit of such person is satisfactory is Lender and that the interest <br />payable an the sums secured by t"his 'Iartgage shall be at such rate as i.ender =hall request. If Lender has waived <br />the option to accelerate provided in ibis paragraph I7 and i€ Barrawer's s[lceeaar in interest- has executed a-writ- <br />ten assumption agreement. accepted iiz <.vriting by Leveler, Leader shall rele::se Bor.~•asver from all obligations under <br />this Afartgage and the Vote. <br />If Lender exercises such option to acceleiaie, Lender shall :nail Borr-ewer notice of acceleration in aecardanee <br />svitli paragraph I~ hereof. ~uclt notice shall proc-ide a parted of not less than 30 days from the i}sic this notice is <br />mailed within which Borrower lua}• llal• the suzn; declared due. If Borraw•er fails fo saav such sums prior io the <br />expiration of such period, Lender may- :vitlkaut fur•iher notice ar :leluand an Ba?rower, invoke any remedies psr- <br />rnitted by paragrapl[ I>3 hereof. <br />~o1-ITwlrolr[+r t'ove*;x~n. Borros4er xnd Lendee ftu•ther covenant and agrr.e a, follows: <br />ltl, Acceleration; Remedies. Except as pravidc~l in l~ranraltl, 77 llercel"", upon Barrot;•er's breath of-airy <br />rovelzane. ar agreement ai Harrower in klkiw \Iortgsec. inclutiir.Q the caccnants to nay when due any sums 4eeu1•ed <br />ty this 3ortgage. Letzder ltriar to aeeeleration slnali nlnil r.o[icc to ilornnvcr ns lkravided in paragraph i4 hereof <br />specnging: llr the irreaeh_ (ZS the action requiredl to cure ,~unh lnrach: s3) a date, not ]t'4:; than thirtr• dots <br />from the:fatr flee notice fie mailed to }3arrower. Fr wl:iclt ; ue?~ i;rc;nel: must E;k• etart~, and t41 that. faiturc tar-cure <br />aunt b_e°3e1: an or betcr^ rite ~iaa=_~ s;rerif=a<t in ti=.e na[ir.~ t, r trawl[ in aerc•Et•raiion at the stlnis secumd lzy this <br />'tlortgagP and sale of the If the llrcaell s not cured nt: ar before the date sperifzPd in the notice, Lender <br />at Lender's option lual '~clart tti of th ns secun'tl lag ti i_ 'vlarteakti~ to be inlnlelliately due and payable_ <br />withoutfuYherdeniara and matt iarcTlos, t--.':. Mari,-arc by ,k.dicr_Il 1•reecedin~,. I,cnder shall he entitled to-collect <br />in such proceeding ail expense= of iclrt~,'i6surc~, ins•lu+iin~. lrtlt net hn:itc~rl lo, cast= of documentary evidence. <br />abstracts alsd title reports. <br />29. 84rnsavez's High! to $siastate, totv:srl,<tanFilu~- ,r;c':er's acceleration of ttte sunla secured by this <br />Mortgage, $orrawer shall bare the right to have env israc~lirt- l;egtin by l,r_=nder to entorre dais hiartgage d}s- <br />continued at ant tittle prior to entn• of a jadgment cnfapcin;` thi* llnrtgage if: tai $arrowPr pays Lender alI <br />slims which would ba then due under this ~lartgage. [hc A:ate easel Helps s<euring I'ktture Advances; it any, -had nu <br />laece3eratian occurred; ibl Borraw«ir rues all brearlte< , .,thee et.. =nt ar agrPen:ents of $arrp~er Evan- <br />€aisledilt this Iv3orYgage, (e, Bo7-rawer pars all assunatte rCl rn_t 77;rut vl b~• I ender in cnfarcing the covenants <br />aYd agreements e€ ~arri;R2 contained in ~h , 'larbs,~i;~- .tr~tl .I. c„tirteln~ ~-.ride-r'x r€•rnedic.: as provided in pare-- <br />-.graph is 1}eietrf, including;-but not limited ta, reasonable attarnev'.~ fee-: anti stl7 flarrawer takes such action as <br />Lendee-may reastsnabl}~ riquire to assure that the hen ©f thin :~iartgagc. Len:}Pr's interest in tfze"Pea}rei'ty and <br />~a ewer's tlbligstiaii to nay the sins sacurPd by thiz. lc:€t,s t .,`:ail continue stnimpairPd. i'pvn such pa}•ilterlt <br />and cure-t}y Bsrrrb4er tint, Nla~fggge and the oh$ga5iorss ~csared herchc ;;hail rezrlain in full fart-e and effect as if <br />no ~ecaleretion lied occurred, <br />20. Rssigmnent o{ Lientc; Aplxi~tment 4i Receiver; Lendl~z in As additianaf security here- <br />- wilder, f~ellTalVt r hembl aGvigss to Letnder'h'e'rriits-af the ~riaperti•, prariiled that Ilnrrntstir,shall, pr'lar to ac~ele?- <br />sitian utider paragraph sf? liei~af cr ahanlionrueni; of the I?operty, have the-right to collect -and retain such rents <br />aR theg Isecozne due and paya2alc. <br />.Upon acaelera€ios~ under paragraph I;5 l:eteof or abancianment of the Yraperty, Lender, in person, by agent <br />os by judicially :ippo}rated receiver shall he cntitleti to enter npan,-take ptr~ession of and au:naee the Frnperty <br />and to collect the rents of the`Prbperty. ineludirrg those. past due..All rents. col}ected by Lender ar the reserver <br />shall I>o a}iplied first to payment of the scats of n~arlagement of the Property and coliectiotl of rents, including, but <br />not litrsited to, receiver's foes, prelnimns an receiver's bonds and rs:asanable aitarnev's fees, aril :,hen to the sums <br />secured by this 4Sortoage. Lendee and the receiver shall lle liable to necottnt only far thane rents actually received. <br />