pat extend ar postpone tllc due daft of iJte monthi}= iu=tC~iitii€~rts t«-a~~~1 to in ps~sgraphs i end 2 llercaf or
<br />change the amount of such instailznents.
<br />its. I'«ozzgwez IsJoi R+xleased. iixtL'IiStan of the t'hre for psyntcnt. or tnadifieation of amortisation of the some
<br />sacur~ by this tgarigage granted b}• Lender to any successor in tuterest of Borrower sha11 not operate to release,
<br />in any manner, Else lisbiiily of the original Borrower and Barrow^r's successors in interest-. i<ander shah not be
<br />reyuireci to commence proceedings again t. such successor or retusc is extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortisation of the sums secured l,y this \io€tgrge by reason of an}- demand nradc l;}- the original Borrower and
<br />Barra~•or's sueaessazs in interest.
<br />1I. Pssrbec~rsxrtce by I~ntler lYot tt 4Slcdvez. .Any forbearance by Lender is exereisiag any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, ar atile_r'vrise afforded h}- applicable lace, shad not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />ar rarnedy hereunder. The proc.necneat of -insurance. or the 1>ayntent of taxes or otlser ifens or eicarges by Lender
<br />Ehali -pat i;e a waivel• of Lender's right is accelerate itFC n;ati:rity of #.1x2 indebte.`in°ss sv tired i;*_-his ~~artna~-
<br />22. Remedies Cumulative. Atl remedies provided in tills ;+iortgage are distinct nand euzrutative to any other
<br />right; or-remedy under Phis \iortgaga or atfa=.•ded by law ar e<luity. and ma}• be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />Pnf_,j'e3 ar eucoe~-grvely. -.
<br />Y%:s. autcessczs and Assiyina Ratu,3; Jai ;t ,u u Savazal Lia?~ility; Capri^~s, The eavenant? and agreements
<br />' herein eantained shall i;ind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective suecessars and assigns of Lender
<br />acid Barracver, sul>jeet. to the provisions of laragraph 1 ~ hereof. A!I covenants and agreements of Borrower shall
<br />~M he joint and several. The captions anti Readings of the paragr alrhs tit this ~ortgage are for eom•enienea only and
<br />are not to be used to interpret or define the pravieians hereof.
<br />~;, l4. Sdetiee. Any native to Barrowtr provided for in ±his \lortgage shall he giver, by mailing such notice by
<br />~ eertifietl mail addressed ter Barret er at rise Propert}• Address -tared Bela++', exce}tt for any notice required under
<br />j :ea... c ~ }•~ 7 1;~ .~ t'.,., 1~I,., lw.~y ins, Il-^.tinsa nrnyirlnr3
<br />! paragraph 18 isereof to be git'en Yo gorruc4er in the t-•^^' ^r I:r€::n,i.._.. ..pi;,I.....,... -
<br />CQ for in this \iortgsge shall he deetued to have been given to~Borrower ~vi:en riven in the manner designated herein..
<br />35. jjnitorna Mortgage; Governing; $EVerability. `phis tams of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />for national use and non-uniform covenant. cribs limned variations by iurisdiction to constitute a uniform se~u-
<br />rity instrument covering real prapertg. This yortgage steal's be governed by the lacy of the jurisdiction ir. wtlieh
<br />the Prapcrty is located. In the event that any provisiotl ar clause ot" tiffs ortgage or the Nate eon9iets with
<br />applicable la3v, such conflict shall not a;t°ect atlser Irrocisions at this Mortgage or the Note witiela can he given
<br />effect without the eonPlieting provision, and to this end ills provisions of the yiartgage and the Nate arc declared
<br />to tae severable.
<br />ig, $csrrower's Copy. Borrower shall he iurrished a coniorlned copy of this Mortgage at the time of exeeu-
<br />tion or after recordatiar. hereof.
<br />iT. firaraafar a# the Property; Asstunpiica If all nr any earl of the Propert}• or an interest therein u said
<br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written. consent, excluding i a'r *_he creation of a lien or enattm-
<br />hrance subordinatA to this 1-lartgage, {b} the creation of s purchase money securit.v interest for household appli-
<br />anees, le) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant Of
<br />any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an op±ion to nurchast}, I: ender may, st Lender's option,
<br />declare all the sums secured by this l•£ortgage to he imtnediataiy r.ue .zncl payable. Lender shall-have waived such
<br />option to accalarate ii, prior fo ti,o sale ar transfer, Lender and tl=~ l,~_~rson t-o whcrn the Property is to be said ar
<br />transferred retch agreement in writing drat the credit of such per_on is satisfactars to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable an the sums secured by this .Iortgagc steal! b2 at sue!: rsto as 1 Winder steals: rez}~aest. Ii Lenr?er has wu.. _d
<br />the option to aceeierate prarided in this paragraph i7 and if Banocvtr's successor in it,tercet t:as executed a writ-
<br />r_nn -vu?nption agreement accepted in +vriting by Lender, Lender shall rel~sse Borrower from ail obligat:ars under
<br />This ~.iartgage atsd the date.
<br />Zf Lender exercises such option is aceeierate, Lender shall mail Harrower notice of acceleration in aeeardanee
<br />cvi€h paragraph i~ bent=of.:~ur,=s notice shall provide a ,:eriai of pat lei Haan 30 days from rho data the notice is
<br />mailed s~.iiiain w}iiel; Harrower may pa}° the sums declaredl due. it" Harrower fasla to pay such sums-prior to the
<br />txpiratian of such ,., clad, Lender may. evitl.aut further notice or Aemantl on Barraarer, invoke say remedies per-
<br />u,~tt~'d ?~~- p.arn~r4ph i fie hereof. - -
<br />s;~:w-i tiliaRai ~'t7~Y; :: let i'~. ~arrv a's-er ~cnd L~it`uvr -«t; f.l'~r eC.'~;1.~. ~nrl a~;•~n 3v;__
<br />}$. A:we':sra'tie-s: fieznediss. Except as provi<lati ir. paragraph 77 hereot, upon Barror+•er's tiiesch of any
<br />r .~, _.. w-.,.:..,_. ,;,;, ;+, .ng #iae co•enaa--- - av e 2n 'c a
<br />ias°°- -t ar ° _ °_ .-oat c.f ;;n :~„ ~. in ..,.. `3iartgagc, ...cit~cl; _ :ic rrr ;t ,•I; doe ny sums secured
<br />b}• this Alartgage,.Lender prior to acceleration sha11 uxsii notice to Barmurr as pro+°idcd in ixarsgraph 14 hereof
<br />s~sif}°ing. iT} th€ hresci!; (mot tt:e action r2quSred to cure suc3; breach; t3} a da'ie, not less than thirty days
<br />fr;na the dater rho notice is anaiied to I3orrowa~r, ins which su«•I~ bs-cacn :noel be cwrd: anti t~l that lailurc to cure
<br />such t,reaelt on or before the. date specified in tine notice may result in acceleration of the sunLS secured by this
<br />ltsortgsge and sale of the i'rapcrt}•. Sf t1:2 bread: is rot curet? or. or before tree clefs specific{~ i^ the notice, Lender
<br />at. ! Winder'-s option may eleoiare s?i of the sums secured it this tiartgaga to be nntnttdiately due and payable
<br />without further demand and tray forectase 'this Mortgage br judicial proceeding. Lender sha8 he entitled to collect
<br />in sorb Y•raceeding u.l expenses of fareclos.are, iacltxiirg, teat not h.=sited ta, coats of doeumen#ar- e.•idence,
<br />abstracts and-title reports.
<br />I9. $orrowea•'a Right to Raiszstu:e. ?:atwithstanding T.ender's aeeeleratiars of the sums secured by this
<br />iVlurtgage, Borrower shalt have the right to have any proceedines begun by J.encier to enforce this liortg;#ge dis-
<br />eantinued at any time prior to e, try of a judgment enforcing this 3ortgage if: 4ai Borrower pays Lender -ail
<br />sums which would be then due under this \iortgage, ti.e `.+ote and notes securing Future Advances, if-any, had na
<br />acceleration occurred; ib} 3arrower cure. all hresei.e- of ant• other covenants or agreements of Borrower con-
<br />tained itI this lblortgage; (e} I3orrawer pays sit reasonabii eslretxses ineurreci by Lender in enforerrr~, the covenants.
<br />sad ag;~2raert°„~ ^f °erv :•~ eantained in this 4iazt~ge and i , eafarcing I.erzd2r's remedies as provided in pura-
<br />graph Ifi hereof, includisrg,-but pat limited to, reasanairce attornes'e fee:: and +d} Borrower takes such action- as,
<br />Ladder map reasonably require to assure Shat. the Tien of this liartgage, Lender's interest in the Property. and
<br />~;+rrtxFVer'? abligatian to pay the sum3-secured by this Mortgage shad continue unimpaired. Upon such ~payrnent
<br />end-cute ixy T'~trrrnwer: this- Ii4artaage and the obligations secured hereby shall reenaili in full force and effect as if
<br />no acceleration had occurred.
<br />~ t ~ zts; fi*,~o5ntmeatf of Itacezver, Leader in Posacssiom As addiiiona} security. hare-
<br />3~-tder, I3c~rvcr lreiebp assiiztss to :..ender the rents of the Property. provided that I3arrawer shall, prior to saeeler-
<br />anon twder paragraph lfi hereof or ab tidatiment of i•lie Property, bare the rigid to collect and retain such rents
<br />aathey i~rome-dot? anti pa}«abie
<br />Upon aceeleratiors ender iisragrapla i$ izereaF ar iibandonment of the Property. Lender, in lrersan, by agent
<br />ar cry--iud`sciaiiy appoipte€l eeeie* . hail be cntiLteil to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property
<br />and ta.cesilent fhe rent?. of the-Property..inelt}ding those past due. Ali routs collected i>y Lender or the receiver
<br />sEtall be applied final; to payment of the costs of management of rite Property and callecbion of rents, ineludirlg, 17u#
<br />nut limited to; receiver's fees, laremiums an raeeier's bonds and reasonahte attorney's fees. and then to the sums
<br />secured by this 3lottgage• Lender and the receiver shall he liable fn account. only for thane rents tactualh• received.
<br />