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If under paragraph 18 hereof tlae Property is cold or the f'ropert; is otherwise acquired by Lender; Lender <br />~hatl apply, na later than itnuiediata{y priar to the sale c,€ the Pro{wrt,}~ nr its acquisition by Lender, ;any c'untis <br />held by Lender :=t the time of ap{?liea~?oa ~ to rtdR :age?nst tlas ~, ut - =ucuroil by ,his 1ortgage <br />3. Ifgpliccrtiaa a€ payrnonts. Lnle.< ap{ hcabk bier p?•ovid~ otherwise, all {ray?nent^s rer?;iced by Lender <br />under the i`;ote and paragrap hs 3 ~ nd ? here=?f shall b,2 atpplied by I,cndc~r first in payment of amounts payable to <br />Lender Ery Harrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then fa in#ereut payable i)n the '_Vak.e and an Future dvanees, if <br />as~v, ;foal then to the {xrineipal of the ?vote and to t-h2 {?rinEripal of Future Advances, if any. <br />~, Charges; Cletus. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments ant{ ether charges, fines and impositions attrib- <br />'~~ utahte to 'the Property which stray attain a priority aver this llartgsge, and grauud rents, if an}•, at Lender's <br />option %n the manner provided under paragraph y hereof or by Harrower tnalcimg payment, wheat due, directly to <br />~; a?... ,.~„moo .t,~~~.-.t rtnrrnw2- s?=all nrarcctli tiantish to I,cader all notices of atncxtnts duc• under this paragraph, <br />- .. ~ rte, ~-° -~__ _..-- ------ -----~ -.. <br />'~"~ and in ttte event Barratser shat{ satakc payntexxt directly, Borrower sl?ail promptly furnish to Lender receipts evi- <br />dgneing stub pa}=meats- Borrower shall promptly diselxarge <•tny {en which has prim°ity aver this cio:,,gage; p-~o- <br />>~ v ided, that Borrower shall net be required to disehat°ge any such lien so long as Borrower shalt agree in writing to <br />flee, p;ryment of the ebiigatian secured by suelt isen in a manner acouptal:?e to bender; or shall in goad faitlx- contest - <br />~ seta:; ti€rs t,y, ar defer d cnfarce,.aent of such Iipn in, {egal proceedings tiltieh operate ko prevent the enforcement of <br />the liar. or forfeiture of the Property ar any {?art thereof. <br />5, L•icrztgrd i~urcmeo. Borrower shall keep fire improvements now existing or hereafter erected an the Prop- <br />erty insured against leas by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage", and s=~ch atleer hazards as <br />Iender may require and in such amounts and €or such periods as Lender mai• require; {srovided, that Lender shall <br />,_ net reouira that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums seeured'by <br />'this iviortgage. <br />The insurance carrier iaroviding the insurance shale be chosen by Borrower sutxject to approval by Lender; <br />provided, that such approval shall not be unreasonabi}• withheld. X11 premiums on insurance po{ieies shall be paid <br />at Lender's option in tl?e manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by Harrower making payment; when due, <br />directly to the insurance carrier. <br />In the eveni any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect <br />its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum shall become <br />immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said note until paid ants' shall be <br />secured by this iLfortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply naay, at option a# Lender, constita~te a dPfa=_It <br />under the terms of this ls+fortgage. <br />~Il insurance policies and renewals thereof shalt be nt form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard <br />mortgage clause in favor of and in form acceptable to Lender. Lender shad pace the right to lrotd the jolicies and <br />renewals thereof, and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender alt rene;•ral netices and all receipts of paid pre <br />nziuns. in the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notate to-the insurance carrier snd Lender, and Lemler <br />may make proof of ]ass if not made pramptty by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Bu*rawer otherwise agree in writing, insurance {:raceeds shall be applied to restoration or <br />repair of the Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is econoutieally feasible and the security of <br />this yortgage is oat thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is rot ecanum?rally feasible or ii the security <br />of this tortgage would he impaired; the insurance mroceeds shall I;e applied to thc+ sums secured by this i>xortgage, <br />?with the exeess, if any, paid to Borrower°. If the Properly is abancia=_ed by T,3orrower cn• if Borros<ver fails to respond <br />to Lendsr within 30 days after naiice by Lender io Berrawer that the insurance carrier offers to settle a Clair `^~ <br />insurance benefiis; I.xz•~1=.r is authorized to collect. and apply the is?snranee proceeds at Lender's option either tat <br />restoration or repair of the Property or to foe sums secured by this ~lartgage. <br />Unl?+?.: Lender anti Borrower oshenvise agree in writing, any suet; applisatian of gracea:s to p ncipat shall <br />not extend or postpone the due date of the snonthir installments ret'erred to in paragraphs 3 and 2 hereof or ol?snge <br />tine arnouni of such instathnents. <br />3f under paragraph 38 hereof the Property is acquired by Lender, all right, title and interest of Barrorrer in <br />and tt? any insurance policies and in and to the prac?eds ttaereaf Eto rite extent of the sums secured by t:isis ;~iort- <br />gage immediately prior to such sale or acquisitiont resulting fxront damage to the Property priar to the sale ar <br />acquisition shalt pat. to Lender. <br />w- ~.y~an ~d A2aiaaten~ice :+f Property; Leaseholds: Coadorniainms. Borrower shalt kasp the I*rap- <br />erty in good repair and shat? not r= ;-emit or commit waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Pro{.>arty and shsl3 <br />comply wiih :ire provssions of any lease, if this 33ort.gsge is on a leasehold. Ii this ortgage is on a condominium <br />. r - ~'-o-_ u ~ wt rte..,-.>, ., n„F<,_,,, . . <br />unit, Bonawas sltaii pe~arn? ati ai o.~awe ~ cuig°° -,_ odor s...° d° a ..~..,.. of :_,.nda.......__._ ,- *_*.~t?r dam, <br />the by-laws and regulations of the cortdominiut?r project and constituent dacumenta. <br />7. Protectiaa ai Leader's Security. If Borrower €aiis to perform fire covenants and agreements eontainetl iss <br />t15iS lortgage, or if any action or proceeding is ca?nn?enced whisk materially affects lender's interest in the Prop- <br />erty, including, but nai limited to, eminent dan?ain, insolvency, Cade enforcement, car arrangements or proceed- <br />ings involving a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at Lender's option, upon ratirc to Harrower, may tnske such <br />appearances, disburse such sums and "take such action as is necessary to orate ct Lender ~ inter?St, including, but <br />not limited to, disbursement. of reasonable attorney's lees and e^.try upon the Property to crake repairs. Any <br />amattnnt~ disbursed fay Lender pursuant to this paragraph', with interest thereon, shall b.-£eme additional indabt- <br />edness of Borrower secured isy this 3T_origage. LrnIess Borrower and Lender apace to other terms of payment, such <br />amaurts shat[ be payah{e upon ratite from Lender to Borrower requesting payment tltereaf, and sh alt t>nsr in'ar- <br />estfrom the date of diseurement :ai ise rate stated in fire tide unless paynxent of interest st such rate would be <br />contrary to apeticante lacy, in which event such amounts shaft bear interest at the highest rate permissible by <br />applicable law.'fottaing containei in this paragraph ,F si!all reauire lender to incur any expense or do any act <br />heSeundeF. <br />g. ~etioa. Lender may make ar cau.~ to ise trtartc reasoaalrte entries upon and inspections of the I'rop- <br />•, p vv;ded than r..ender sl;all give Burrower notice }=rior to amy stsoh inslceiion specifying reasonable cerise <br />thezefor related tar Leader's interest in the Property. <br />9, rmaaiioa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct ar consequerstisl, in eanrrsotiori <br />wztdt any candernnatian ar ether taking of-the Property, or part thereof, or for canveyati,~e in 1'teti of condecnria- <br />titan, era liera:by assigned snd ¢httll ire paid to lender. <br />In rite event of a rater taking of the Property, the proeeaits shalt be applied to the stuns secured by this-b3ort- <br />e, ~•ith the excess, if any, itaid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Properly, unless Borrower.:. <br />arsd Lezider afltertY agree in writ"tog, there shalt lie aplslied to the yams secured by this Mortgage such prnpor- -. <br />flow of the proceeds as is equal €a float proportion which the amount of the sums secured try this Vlat°tgage irnine- <br />•diatt:ly priar to the dais of taking lacers t4 tire.fair rttarket i-rtue of-the Prnperty irnnzediatety prior tea the date of <br />.taking, with #7iee Iralarfee qa the proceeds paid io Harrower. <br />If 6he 1?9p°rty ?s ~Ganderxed by ~'=rrotver or if-.after ncitice by Lender ica Bormwer that ttte condemnor offers <br />to nx~tce an awaa:d tar settle a darts far d~misges, ~ortrower fails tc-respoud to ,'.ender within 30 daps of the date <br />of su€h notico, _Z,enaier is authorized t.o coltAet and apply the-jarocQSds at Lender's option eitirar to restoration or <br />reptiir of-the Pzaperty.or totlt~ slims secured by this 3tiattgage. <br />~isilees Lender and Bormwer otherwise agree in writing, any such appticatton of proceeds to principal shall <br />,v <br />_~ '°~° <br />