~' =n
<br />`,cnaer's written avrzt-nsnt ar agpticabfe law. llorrovrsr slsall pay ?hz amount of all mor?gate insurance premiams in the
<br />rraa:assr pro°°-ri~tsd under paragrap~t ~ f?sreof.
<br />wry :.mounts dis``oursed by lender pursuant to tills paragraph 7, h•iktt irteresi therzoL?, shaft become additional
<br />indebtedness cf PiorroWrr secured by this r~orftagz;. Iintess Ba tower and herder ogres ?o o?her terms of pa3';..e=:t, such
<br />art?aunts shaft `es payab3s upon natirz frotrt Lender to Sorrovrer zzquzsting payment thereof, ..rd shall hear interest from the
<br />dots of disbursetnen! at the rate payable tram tints to rims on outstanding principal under the tvate unless payment of
<br />.. , 't cool: rate tvoutd ve caLttsary to applicable la W, ='n W?sirh event s=~ch nntaunfs shall bear intermit at the highest rate
<br />£3°.-PT€iSCSGI~ LIC3 der a~ip~licabic lzs~r. s~r'iirn~; i= ,a..za., :i: 'su s pa`°aL~-,Fit~ii . ~;:aii :' - <C I.~~,.'3-.L' ..,, ,a...~r ^y CnL:,.'t »' uP °,a~£
<br />a33_y £~'?tan lierettntf;.r.
<br />g, E-~er~a< I.sa~^r may make ar cause to be made rsasanabfe entries upon and insnzctians of the property, provided
<br />that I~nder shad give Horrowzr notice prier to any such inspzclion specifying reasonable cause there€ar rzfa?ed to I-seder's
<br />iuterest in fr=,c f3rap+.=z~iy.
<br />~ ~.€a-=det~frL. T;~~ pres~ds of any award ar itsits? far damaars, direct or carssastuantiat, in connect on With any
<br />tandemnatian or athrr ianir.g of the I`-reperty, or pact fhzrza€. ar for canveyanCe in lieu of eoadea~,natiar~, are heiGby assign w
<br />and shelf be pain Y^ Lender.
<br />In the ero•ent of a total Tatting of thz I'=ropcrry, the proceeds sr!aif fie applied to the suttzs secured by this Mortgage,
<br />vrif:'f ilse excess, if an}•, paid to e3orroWer. in the crew? of a perlial taking of the Property, unless I3arraWer and- Lender
<br />ot.ser:sise ogres ie evrf?iLtg, tf?ere sf3a21 be appited to the corns szcutt:d by this !'~ertgrge such proportion of ts'^.e prareeds
<br />s is egt:af to that pr„^;vartian wl::rft the amount of ±he sums sA_ured by chi= tdottgagz immediately prior to the data of
<br />Lakin; Fars to the fair market valae of the Property immediately prier tc 8he dat€ of ?akirg, wi?h the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />:f ?hs Property iS abansgonCd bV +~arrOWer, of if, after noliCe by Lender to HOiTawer that 4he Candt'.iRitor O~erS t6 make
<br />ar= award ar settle a claim far darnagzs, ~ariaWei faits to respond Ye Lender Within 3J nays after thz date such notice =is
<br />tnaii;~d, I~s±?der is author'szsd to taltert antf apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, ei?her to restoraiian ar repair of 4fte
<br />°Trflf~ry or to rh€ sums secured by :his Mortgage.
<br />I'~ .ass I_ecid_r and BOrraWer otherwise agree in w, icing, any such application of proceeds to principal shalt net extend
<br />ar postpone she due date of the tnant.ty instaflntsnts referred to ir, paragraphs i and 2 hereof ar thongs the amount of
<br />sack insiafitnents.
<br />'~~, ~o~ow~ ?~fot'_~eleesetl. ExtsnEian of ihs time for payment ar medifcatian of amorti~~iion of the sums secured
<br />by this fs~artgagz granted by Lsnazr to arty sttctessar in iatzrsst of T3errower shall r=ot aperats to release, in any meaner,
<br />ttae liability of the ariginat I3arraWZr and Borrower's successors in interest. LzWdzr shalt not bZ required to commence
<br />proreedinrs against such successor er refuse to extend time far payr:,ent ar othzE~i~ n:crdi:j amarti2aiian of the sums
<br />~„rsrc.' fiy this ._°or?gage f,y rzasan of arty de ~ and -ode b}. the o oaf Bar°av,~r antL• 5orrfl~ner's sutressars ir. intterest.
<br />~ ~, ><atht~ ~r,c? fey L~a~r f'dot a ;7aiver. ~ t~ny,farl~arancc by Lender in sxerrising any right or rstztedy hereunder, ar
<br />athenviss atZordsd by applicable EaW, sha21 not ('is: a waiver of er preclude the exercise of any such right ar retWedy.
<br />'; h4 gr~~ur :trot of •ssur;ince ar the pay;nent a€ taxis or other lien, or charbes by Lender sha?2 not be z ~•aiver of L.ender's
<br />right to acre?crate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by t:tis I:fortmagz.
<br />g~. i~nxmsdlts ~atmnfative. nfl rzmedi€s provided in this tLSortgage arz distiart and r~umufativz to any ether right or
<br />rerne~ty under this Mortgage or afforded by 3aW ar equity, and may bz exerci.=.=er; coneurrzn?'sv, indzpendentty er successively.
<br />l3. ~tta:cesars a3sd ~€~= 15a;..fd; ?oiat and feral I.iabifl?3•S v~"°i~r~s• Ths rovznants and agrzements hzr1in
<br />contained shall bind, and fire rights ;:etzunder snail inure ta, the rsspsrii•ra suc• essors and assi3ns of Lendzr and Borrower,
<br />-ufiect to rite provisions or paragrapft i7 h~mof. Ail rovetsants and a_erzsments of Borrower saaff 6s joint and seve.._~
<br />Ariz rarfiens and ltaaein~ _° 3r e gar rapes of this t~.ortgas° are ter cart>tnionce only and are not ?n fee used to
<br />,",Pi ~p,s G• ~' ;?° $nC tie pF::i't~t.^.n, .,rrMf. `
<br />~i3tis£. ~xra:pt far env natire required under applttabf:: law to be yven in auaii~c: ~aoie:cr, raj a na€i:.e t:,
<br />isarrowzr provided far in this Mor*.gage shaft be given by :Waiting such rotire by certified mail addressed. to Harrower aL
<br />t'te Frcfzrty ~dc,^vss or ai ss:h athn_r adtltvss as HorreWZr may d~:signate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />it? any notice to Lena,Mr shah av gi3°en by csrtii:ed mail, rerun receipt requs~+ied. to Leradsrs ad~-':E.ss staled fterein ar to
<br />st;ri? other address as Lena, r may designate by notice to Sarrowzr as pravids~i herein. nny notice provided €or in this
<br />~4ortgags shall ?^,e deemed to ?save been given Ea Bor;aWer ar Lender When given in Litz rctanner designated herein.
<br />'~a. ;<;ii€orn: 4iorttet ~€averalrtg Law; ~eteraltifity. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants for national
<br />e and non-aniform covenants With limitzd variations by jurisd'srtion to Constitute a uniform security instrument covering
<br />i_c- v~r" ~"::~ a=ty,cgc .,.rlf _- ~,^ __~ tz.. =f~ __ ~ __a :.~~ -- .5u=,._ _-, _ n,hrh _-._ tsrv,~rrv _ I~-a_t~rt, in thg
<br />event tftat 2n e' praviS;an or CfaL`Se of this ~+Ia?gage~ ar titeUZ4ate Cflni'tittS u'iLh applicable laW~ Stith Conffit? Shall oat affect
<br />other provisions of ?his ;Jiartgage or the ;:ate v«ltith can bs given effslt without tttz conflicting prevision. and to this
<br />.,_ ¢ e ;, .,=;,WS of tftl ;..^rgagr and : ° Nats a rzd to ~° sererablc.
<br />f ~~„ Itcyrrc,•~ver's Canpy. ~BarroWSr shelf hs furnished a ronfarned crpy of the Note and of ?h'ss Mortgage a? the time
<br />a` execution or attar recordation hereof.
<br />k~, '~ra>~sfar of the Propzrty> 3ssmntptlon. If nfl or nay part of the property ar an interest therein is said ar transferrrd
<br />b. Borraver without Lender's prier Written ransznt. axclu3ing (a} tfta creation of a lien or encamhrahre subordinate to
<br />?his xtortgaue, b) k t Creation of a putvfsasd rro c} selur~ty inner t for hausthold apptianres, (c} a transfer by dev5se,
<br />desee t ar hY operation of law upon the ,oath c,f a joint ?anent ar ?;?E tt;z grant of any leaseftald inisrzst of tf=.ree years or less
<br />na? cantainirg an apdan to purchase, Lender trtay, at i-ecdzr's option, decfarz ail the solos secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />'sms:.sdia?zty due and payable. Lzndsr shall have :valved such option to arrslcrate if, prior to the sale or transfer. Lender
<br />- rt s;;„ p=rsF:, ?^ :. ~ Pro; art, is €o t-e ~a;=d .~..,- -:mod ryas` aereezn3~nt n ;c,;ting the? the c-edit of such astson
<br />i^3 sa?'tsfattory to Linda: and t3tat the inter=eat dayahte on thewst:ms ~~•ured by this Mortgage shat! he a€ such rate as Leer
<br />sh~li Ligv~st. If Ls.:td,.r =:as waiaa£; t . _ _ . ~ to c~~{_; ace previttad lr, :his paragraph l7, and if Sarrasver's successor in
<br />ialerest has executed a w~it?en asst?n:u#~_:~ ~_ -<-;ntnY rccWp#ed in wrsting by I.ens3er, `s.erFder s$a!2 rzfease Horrawer from off
<br />obfigr~tiors and>r chi, ?~ioe rr§aga and etiti',i,>2~.P
<br />''<-f I.:u.?mer sxerL~ s suriz option to alczl::ate, ? colt°r -•,-"t ttaait Borrower notice of acce2Eraiioz-i in ateardance v<~ith
<br />paragrapfs l~.serwo€. ;such nCStia~ sl;aff provide a period cf : -•, less than 34 days from the date the na~sce is mailed within
<br />w;:ich ~a;raro-ter t_r,;:y pay tf?e s+2?:s d°y^fa;ed dt;e- If I~~t•rfl-rer =:1= to pay such sums prior to the expiraiiaa of such period,
<br />L2.nder may, i;it`,aut further na?lee ar dert?and on I3arraw•er. invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph l8 hereo#.
<br />Nor.-e.7Ntrc~rs Covax~w•rs. Rat ~vwer a„d I.s:nder €urtftar Covenant and agree as follows:
<br />?fi. `~.i:ccle~ti:&n; etnsts. Hx~at as uros•ide~3 ist trsgr~h I7 hereo#. tapoa ~.-rotver'a breach of nay rovem~ai yr
<br />~ae~. .$ nF rr~vver Its Yltls ~rlarte, ir~Iattllttg th£ coveaaazts to pay wbea date sae scams seccaegl by tfaia MhN~~e,
<br />:`aa• t° aa~€faraii~~ s~ €at r~t~~ tit r-a~: as gr$vcty ea Fsr~gaxa !4 hesenf s~e~ylag: ~1) the bseseh,
<br />t ~ ti<~n ae=_t:;.e 3 to ~uCh trrIa; #S} s date, tit Ire thaa ~ days frees the ~e tip eatfee is ea>3iled io Sorrower,
<br />,,r . , -,:t;th -r.i-,e ?ra ; ta€zsI ;~} ttxat fs~#tre to stare each breach oa or befaaie the date anti to the stttlat
<br />-, ,.. cior o, tam same seettx I*y t3ess l9i©r#e, fiuectosttre I:; jurltclsi 9¢oeesdi~-earl tale of i}te >PaaP~!Y-
<br />r?• ?' i=„~ ,r- srt€c~sirt §inarh~er cif ttte zig6tt m :el~siste after ncceiera aali tae tai io asseee ~ the foaec'tossae
<br />;-,-s-s:;fGr:€s~ ~€ ~ t~€a ~s-try ~tliea• €t~e of L*eonrer fs cele~a#&raa sad forecvrz. IH the 6rearif
<br />~ -: ~: • : uc ~#esre ite~ tl~e s~cd to the atstiaEe, I,eatltr at I.ttt~r's ogti~a stay deelaie till of the soma 5estered b}'
<br />to lairtFeyilptety s33t~ Pp}'~ sa~ttotat fttrelaer aaaa$ ;mod easy f~srezlose by j~tcial procettdlag. i.eader
<br />d to ; ttf ~ ~ ~~ ~ .~ #Orieltisa~e, iate`tt~, hsi t llra~eti ta, ew of r3oetatiseatars
<br />es°i~c _. stns s ~
<br />' t, arro~e~'s ~s~itt to ~ilef~tmte. idatWftftstanding.Lender's aels;sration of the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />Harrat~r:r sf:aff have tits right to have any prffce~diags begun by Lender to enfattz this Mortgage ~tiscontinued at any rims
<br />