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iti~es-v6, ref ~i.=-_.a n... ~. ..yrta~==.-i ~e.a. ~~..e.~d~'r Ci',-....., i SCE.; - K. f6}5{?r... <br />;r. Pnyr-stgsa; o£ ;?~~s=; aed i:sc.~=e,t. Iao,rosver shalt pro?raptly pay when due the grincSpai of and interest an ttte <br />indWbted:r•s e-vidcnc:>d by tic. Sate, prcpaytrxrnt and late charges as pravid,°.d in the Tame, and tits grincigaE of and interest <br />an any Frrture Advances secured by title Pltortgage. <br />=titn~ ft. ~€s~w:=td eg~t;~;'ti. uaject to agpiicalslt taw or to a written r:aiver c`ry Lender, norra':~er Shall pay <br />.., _. - -~ d=?' nt;;r.ihl} leas al;f„e,++?s ; pri ;:ipas and interest are payable ttndee the ;'ale, unisI the Sat: =s paid in full, <br />rosmW €nerett~~4~ttnas"? t_;r'_~t to onz-ewe3Fui of the yearly taxes and as::ssttsents wwhich rr3aY aF?air PricSri#Y over tPtis <br />R. ..~ x_~ ,.a ,.- - .a `.. r_ ;s a ' ,- t'sh £ . .,rim, Itna_~?g <br />- - - =rrt;-. - -° .u . - ° --rty', , pt~~ e. ~~ts~..t, e - mium .nsta._ . far it~w..rd in4i,rar , <br />>-~etiE gLa~t - rctl;.aiY] ..s.,~~33`i7€,. as zar IISt33l~agx6' i,tst~raflCe, tI a,lq, ddi ds r:,dsail3uiq c3#iai~ti i,uu _ sass teems <br />ks'ttt~, to kirete fry L ~rtclet on i?art basis, og assessments and bi3la and reasonabit estimates ihtreof. <br />'i"hz F+a3nd"s shah he ~~Id it an institution tlt depasi~ ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />s#ate ag?n:.y iinsit~ing l.tndt r if Lender is s+nc€t an iustit+uiian). sender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insttr~tce ~terriuttas acrd Grau*+e~ rents. L~nr€tr may hat cnargz far sc holding and spsiving tT'te f~uasda, 2naiyaintz said account, <br />ar v_rifying and c,.:m ..rag ~ ~~sstr,znt .~nu boss. unless Lendtr gays Harrower inttre:;t on il;e Fnetds and appli~rle law <br />j~s'r°,;E.~ l~der t make sttsii a shacg::. Borovrer and Lender nay agree in writing ai the lime of .°.xeeuiian o£ t't-+is <br />~art~~ #ai iniertst can ice Ftu•~ds shalt b~ paid #a Borrower, and unless suczs agreerntnt ;s made or ap;riieaisle lase <br />reanir~ such interest to ~ paid, Ltnd€;r 5<`tadl not le required to gay Barrawer any interest ar earnings on the Funds. Lendtr <br />sh~7l ojva to harrower. without sham. ?n annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and dti,iis to the Funds and ti5e <br />.t_, far wh~•h inel? dmb:t to E:h:; Ful?= was made. 'f'iR Funds arv plzdged as additeonal se:uriry fur Llte sums stormed <br />.t'.I. tv.°,s'ilEiS3itRf Vf `chi, r'tSnd3 i~3`v-id~-,° LGI2'.i't'r: S:Jg~€I[`r ~'~tii} '. " iJ3UrG i --.hey i - -e.z, _.,i _ z `s paya.' j.:t.^,r i.. <br />flit due datE~s of tax;:s, as=rssm;<rts, insurance pr2mia;ms and gr,^,nnd ants, shat3~exce;.dithe arxaouat required to gay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance preniums and ground rents as they fail aue, such excess shall be, at Barratctr's option, either <br />grcr#tptiy repaid to harrower a, credited to Harrower an rnantltly installments ot- Funds, if cite amount of the rands <br />Itt~id by Lendtr shalt hat bt stt~citnt to pa;' tares, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as tltty fall due, <br />8orrawtr shall pay to Lt;.der any aatauni nzczsazn^ to make up the deticienco within 3B days fram ire date notice is mailed <br />y Lewder to ;i,;rrawtr regttesiing paymem =,>tertaf. <br />FJpan payment ~ fail of alI stems secur;:d by this l~iostaage, Lenc'ter shasi promptly refund to Barrawer any Funds <br />heed ley Lander. If under garagragh i8 isereat the Pragtriy is card ar the Property is o?1tWrwist acquired by Lender, Lender <br />:.hail apply, no later than immediately prior to cite sale of the Property ar its acquisiiiea bg' Lender, any [=ands held by <br />Linder at trite time of apg>icadnn a.s a credit against the sums sacureri 'say this 3tartgage. <br />'s, Apr'~ratlon cal d'avmen~. Unless apolicahlc law procidss atherwist. all payments received by Lendtr under the <br />Sate and gang Ap}ss 1 and 2 hereof shalt ht appiitd by Lendtr first in payment of amauma payable to Larder by Barrawer <br />under paragraph 2 rtrtof, then io iatertst payaiaet an the Sate, then to the principal of the :gate, and then to dnierest and <br />prscigai an any Future Advance>. <br />4. ~harg*~s; Lltns. t~orrover shall pay all taxa~s, assessments and other charges, final and impasiiiens attributable io <br />the Property tvitislt may a#tain a priori.> over kits ~ie;igage, and ieasthald payntctfts ar gro:=nd rtnu, if any. in rite man€ttr <br />provided under paragraph 2 hertaf ar. if clot paid in such manure, by Borrower Waiting cane gent, when due, directly is the <br />pame thtreo£. 13orrawer sl:ail pronag=.'~ furnish to Lettdca aIi hailers of arzoue~, due unde,• this paragraph, aced in cite dvesat <br />varrawer sit Ott make ga}^rn:tat dirc~iiv. Barrawer shall prcrngay fumis to Lender r~.cuipts evidtneing such payments. <br />Iiorrc€wer shall prorn^~kly dzsz:harge ani•° Iitn ~,~€tiph has pri.^:icy avi;r this ?vier?gage; ,~rovicied. rhos Harrower shah hat , <br />recetir~.~_. to uistharge aav :?--~ It`z ~ 5- iana as isorroa,°er s'taiE agrzz; in v., a ti the pag~.nt of the abiigatiaa setur€d ?~y <br />st€4h?tn in a tttanttr accsQ~ble to Lender, or sl;alt in goad fai>it confect sash ]leer by, ar defend enforcement of sash lien in, <br />.,.,~:ti „1.:..h ,. e .,f,. :h® I:s £„~~ ..f v~ DP _ . rho ~f <br />i,~w ~. - - n .ac. _ ~ux4. xv' YreTVx„ xi.,, wax va v~.aaavx,. v_ x t. act.,, v, v v:cv.,. v .vt~°..,rtj^ x raj g:r# ~. ~~ . <br />.~ i3azsad xnsut~ncc.~~Barroever sltalf the improvements now existing or htrtafter erected an the Progtrty insured <br /> io5 by tyre, hazards iaclt,ded within tltt term "txte;:ded coverage", and such ochre haza~ls as Lender may require <br />arzd in sktcit arnaunt; a,-td for such periods as Lendtr may require; pravidtd, trai Lender stall hat ruire teak tt:e amtr•-tni of <br />3u~ ;coverage exst'eed chat amount of rtquirtd to pay the soma stcurtd by this iSSarFgage. <br />"floe irsuranct carrier providing the iesura_nce shall be chaser by Borrower subject to apgrova! by Lender; provided, <br />tLtat sash approval shall hat be unrecsonab's}` withheld. Ali premiums an insurance policies shall be paid in ttte manner <br />gravidez3 under paragraph 2 rer•;a£ or, if naE gain in suet manner, by Borrrnver making payment, when due, direciiy to fht <br />~~e~ll insurance palici2s and rsnttvals thereof stall b2 in form aceentaitle to Lender and shall include a standard marigage <br />clt;ttsa in favor cf and in fast ac~.piabit #a Lender. Lender snail have the rgitt to i:aEd tlse policies and rentwais thereof, <br />-- ~.~~ vY'v- sea ---~pily fttr-i;h tC :.ender ,,.- .:. ---s'a[ na` CCs ~ .~ aid reC~ipts of Qai1 p ciriiti-5 - ht event of lass, <br />Borroter shall give prontpi notice to the insurance carrier and Lender Lender may make proof of Iris ii' nut made promptly <br />by Bcrrati~er. <br />Ltnless Lender and t~orrawet o#heru~ise age,:e in writing, insurance prcc;eeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of <br />ihea'ro~rty damaged, provided such restar,:tion or repair is economically feasible and the security of this Mortgage is <br />Wei rherebyttnaairtd. £f sticit rester: tiara or rtgair is not ecanamicaiiy feasible or if the stsurtg• of this ~Sorigagt would <br />be itvt^aired, rise iasuran~ aroceeds sitar] be asiplied to the ;,`~ secured by this :Vfc .gage, with the excess: if any, paid <br />to zaorrrst'~-tr. I£ tI-,e P•rot:~rty is abandvnc,~l b3 Bortvwer. ar if Borrower :ails to respond to Leader witldin ss"a days fram the <br />date notist is mailed bg. L,endtr ko Borrower that tits insurance carrier otter to stale a claim for insurance benefits, Lender <br />~,~Ptar;_~f to sallev~ a?h T,A• i- list =ry - ~,is at Ltrader's a [ion tither to sevsiaratian or repair of the Pro ray <br />or fa the sutras stcnred bg• ti;ss ts1origager:,- <br />t~Inivs*; Lender and Be:rraa~:°er c#s;eRi : rte. in .kriiing, any sash applicaiian of prccetdr is principal shall-not extend <br />car i;v,k:;;atat cue dt~: close of ts`;.*rae,t;,"ti•. .,,nitnts referred ea in paragragi#s i and 2 hereof ar Chang: the amount of <br />stacu is„tali;i,ents. ?F crueler paragraph -.. ,_srtaf t;st Property is acquired by Lander, a.. right, title and intertsx of Borrower <br />in ate to ~- - - =.e ;~lieit~ ;Fens in and sc. `.ht proe:es-ds °` ~rtaf rasuiting from dsmagt to the Prai'iz ~y prior to the sale <br />ar ecq=+is:t£~n~shaii~pass ka Lend,, to the 2xienr a£ the cunt:-~~ c;,rzd by this Mortgage immediately prior to sash sale or <br />.,~ntsition. <br />~. ~rNa2iorp mad ?iialntrna?tsg of ~'srsperty, Ltasthotds; ~ondominiumst PiePttaert Unfit I3eveiogmeats. Barrawer <br />setaB ~ ti-,t ?rogyry in goad repair and shall hat commit eras€e or getrtii impairment ar deterioration of ere t~rooerry <br />a,~d elect;-] ca#npig :rill: ere Qsovisions of any I;,ast if this ?etortgagt is en a ieasehatd. IE this iRcrtgage is on a unit in a <br />cans'-cam=: _,~,t: or :3 _nlaranv~a nit dtvstogrietti, $arro+vtr shalE perform aIi of Bat;ower's atthgations under the declaratiorz <br />n€' ~ -- _-_ - ar guviznina. '=~ con~iantini~n, ar pLnnPd unit development, the dry-larva a_nd mgulakians of t:tt <br />ec-~dcr~tSr=in-it „r g;~~ d ;;°e, ~#t'~pm~rt, and cer~tituznt docurrteni,. if a ecrtdrrttiniutii or planned snit ut:~eiapment <br />rider is exeet?ibed by 3arro.ver and recorded together xviih this irlnrtgage, the covenants and agreetncnts of such rider <br />s~=aii by inA~t_,tra=~ into std shah atatend and s===pglement tut covenants and agreements of this Mortgage as if the rider <br />*~trt a o=ctet , ra~~¢. <br />~, z t^ sr£ I`s:#stlt~s ~,rtrlt„r, if Borrn;vtr `oils to ptrforr rile sovtnants and agreements cantainad in ibis <br />gs~~tgagt, sic if att7 acilon ur 't~r~.,dsng is catnttteneed wri,.h materially affects Ltndtr's intertsi in the Property, <br />ietciutli~tg, hot [tat limited to, trtasetent domain, insuivtncy, cads enforcement, or arrangements or proceedings involving a <br />_F.~c~,~,;~r3t75t ar dom. ddcrtt, that Ltn';ltr a# I..Nndtr`s option, arofl n^tice to Borrowe*, may sash appearances, disburse ouch <br />s~ ~s ~ ~ -A~d ~u ~, r,Yetnn _ ~_ ;.,ems:~t ! en's fat=tee, incIs_=ding, tit;[ nos Iin,ir~ to, disbursetttent of <br />r~_anabFa aetat°nnsg•'3 its ~„rt +rnrr-y ugc,~ t€:t Pt'opcr€v is triake .repairs. if Lender etc,++±ired mortgage insurance as a <br />Band=:tion of inakiag cite loan sreerad by title 4lortgaae, Barra-.ver shall pay the premiums required to maintain sock <br />iii&uras~se t'n triter uniii sash tithe as tltt requirement for sash insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and <br />