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_ r-�=�--:�;, `"'" ._..,.' ---���° <br /> ��. <br />- ��r <br /> � - subslantizlly eguivatent rnortg�a insurance coverage is nat aeailable.Sarrower shall pay to Lender each montl�a sum eyual to F��F <br /> � one-t�veifth of the ye:uly mort�K;e insssras�premiun�being paid by Borrower when the in�urance coverage lapsed ar c�esed to �-" <br /> � be in eEYeM.Ler.der�ill escepi.use an�erkvfl these paymcnts� a lass reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss res�rve� �;�:: <br /> payments mny no tonger 6e requited,ut th�crption of Ixnder,if mortgage insurance rnverage lin the amaunt and for the periad �-' <br /> a that Lendcr tequires)pravided by at�insurer ap�roucd by i..ender again b�cnm�nvailable artci es ubtaiaeal. 8orro�ver shall pay� <br /> the premiums required to mwinraan mortgage insur.nrtae in effeci,or to provide a loss reserve,until thz rec�uiremer.t for mnrt�a�e �� <br /> in4urance ends in aecurdance�vith uny written a�ment betvreen Borrower and L�nder or applirable taw. __ <br /> = 9, L�pet.�.Leu;ier or ita sgen!may make e�aso:t�1e entries upan and inspections of the Property. LendeP shatl give� 6" <br /> Sarrower notice ar the time of as priar to an inspeetion specifvin�reasonablc czuse far the ins�rection. <br /> 1 0. Coa d e s�t c m t ton. T i�e p r o c e e ds o f any aw a r d o r c t a i m f o r d a m a g e s, d i r c�-�t o r rn n s e q u e n t i a l, i n c u t t�t e c t i o n w i t h a n y� � <br /> rnndemnation or oEhe�tutcing of any part of tt�s P�ps7ty.or for canveyance in lieu o f rnn demnation. :ue here by s�sign e d an d� �'i <br /> shall be paid to Lender. -� <br /> •�;2 In the event of a tota!tnking of the Fmp:rty,tfite prQOOads shall be applied to the sums secured by this Serurity Inssrumen ,_ f� <br />�.; �vhether or not then due, with any exc2ss patd to Borrower. Tn the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair <br /> m�rket vnlue of the Prope�ry imm�cii�uely befmr.the taking is cjqnal to or greatcr than the xma�nt of the sums securzd by this <br /> . Security Inswment immediu:ety before the tu'rsng,aniess�orrovret arcd L�eruler�ierwise ageee in writing.the svms sectirzd�y ` � <br /> this Sezvrity inswrt�nt shF41 bs reduoad by tfir �naunt o6 the ptooeects multipdied by the following fisction: (a)the tatisl ` <br /> amnunt of the sums secac�3 immedis�ely b:fore the taking,divi�ed by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately �-`: <br /> 6efore the taking. Any bal:►noe sttall be paad to Borrowet_ In the cwent of a p�tixl�-�ng of the Froperty in w0.ith the fair Iiii�-0% <br /> market valae of the Propeity imsna;tinady before the takiag is less th�a►tb�A.-�auat oY t�a suaas secnred immediu.t3��befute the �`�-:: <br />� taking, unless Boirower and Lend�r oihe�vise agree in�vritiag or w�ltati�3icablE Im��othenrise pmvides. the praceeds shall __.._. <br /> � be applie�to the sums secured by this Sacurin,�Instrument wh,zther or nnt th�sums are then due. ___ <br /> If the Propetty is ab�ndonsd by Borm»ti"r,or if,after notice by Lenttet ta Horrower that the condemnor offers to maice ar -- <br /> award or settle a ctaim for dumrages, $orro�v�r fails to respnnd to Ler►dar within 30 days after the date the notice is giva�a. _ <br /> � Lender is authorized to oollect and appl}�ihe prrxee�s,at its optir�n,either ro restoration or repair of the Property or tu th�swns �-- <br /> s�urer�by this Sewrity InsnumEm,�vnethar or not thea dua �� <br /> • Gnle� Lender and Bono�a�r otherxite agree in writing. any applicatian of pmceeds to principal s[�all noi extend or �''= <br /> - post�ane the @ue dgte of the mvntht�pr�ymcrtts mfer�ed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tIt$amount of such payments. <br /> • 1�1.Borse►wzr Not Ytd�;f�a��a�n�re�y I.encter NaS a Watver.Extension of thc time for paymxnt ar madi�carion �_�'. <br /> af•�tion of the sums secut�l by this S�urity granted by Lender tn arry sucoessor in interest of BmTOwer sh�U - <br />;��� nat R�ate to relra�e the Iiabillty of the origival Barrower or�onower's sncoessoss in i�r�si. Leader shall nnt be requir�to �, <br /> carnmc�^ prnozedings again.K�y.successor in interest or refuse to eact�i timc fnr��ymr�;.or othenvise mndify amort'vation ��'�� <br /> .<_<: <br /> ati ti� sums sarured by titi€.73cscurity InstcumeQt by reason of any der�rus.� tn�le i3y iisr original Borrower or Barroaer's ���- <br /> successo�in imra�st. Any fi�rbearance By_Lendee in exercisin� any ri�3'u��e semedy shall uot be a�vaiver of or preclude ths ��_ <br /> +'.',;� exercise of a�ty.ri�3sh.oe'rame�y. �'' <br /> �, Su�rt�Qnd ��ts Booadt loin4 aad S�veru! Liahi9�¢y;�m�stg�ers. The covenants and agrcem�nts of this <br /> Sea�ris�? Lnatn�e�. shaU bind imd b�$fit the sacce�sors and as�i►gns of Lender and Borruwer, subjerl to the pmvisioas of <br /> ;���• pr�rxr�Zqsii 17. Barrawer's coVFS�xnts ansl a,gneements shall be joint and several. My Borrower who co-signs flsis Secvrity �` <br /> I�strnss�nt but dncs tt�t es�cut�the Note: (a)is ca-signing this Secarity In.suvment only to murtgage,grant and cvmrey that <br /> Eo�er's�he Proparty un�the terms of this Securiry Instruinen�@)is not persanally ubligated to pay the sums <br /> �: � �by this Sec�.�.rirj Inatrumm4:an�(c)agree.s that Lender and any athcr Borrawer may agKe to extend,mndify,forhear ar ;��� <br /> �..�. <br /> �• r�;a,-tray accommodutians;with ro�ord to the tertns of this Security insmunent or the Note without that Eonrower'f cs3tseni. <br /> �: .i. ..JL'3.l,oaq�nt�es.If tha Itisa►,�ured by this Securit�+I�strument is subject to¢latv which sets maximum[�+a;a.char$e�;, - <br /> '' and d�a lativ is finally intespr�.ad.s�that the interest or other laan charges colle�ceei QQ ca be collected in oonnecG�with the <br /> • . i� loas�exceed t1t�l�,mmitte�limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be�tz:ced by tt:e amaunt nea�sary to cedu���e charge �-;� <br /> '� to the pe�rnittbcGiir�it;and(bl any sums�dy collected from Borrot�rec�.�ch esceeded pzrmiued iimits will be refundad to <br /> '°�3 Eomo�v�r. 1.�t�s tQay choosE to m�lca ttus�refund by reducing the �iisrtipnl uwed under tko I��es by mnldng a dim� � : <br /> , payman�ta $brt�s�wer. If•a refund reduces principal. the reductiun v::J be meated as a partial �:s�pnyment without Sn-� <br /> . prapa���undar thrliat.. __ <br /> ' 1�.Na4ia�.Any nusia:to Borrower pmvided for in this Secunty Insaument sfiall be given by deliverna�ae iiy mailing <br /> ; it by:6tst cluts{nail unlass applicable law requiras ase of ar.otl:er method.The notice sirall be dimcted to the I�r�erty Address =_ <br /> t�.+.5,�• or aay ather$�Itnss 1Bnrrower designates by ondce to l,ender. Any natice to Lender shall ba�ar�by first class mail to <br />'���ir Lender's mdtlms��stsGeJ:h�rrecin or any other address Ixnder designntes by notice to Eorrower.Any a�:e provided for in this <br /> " �' Inscrnmsnt�11�bs deemed to t�eve been given to Eorrower or l.ender when given as provided in tivs par^�r�ph. <br /> �.Goti:�oi� L'qtw, SeverabSt24y. This Secoriry Instrument shull be govemad by federal law and tl�e tiurv of the =-_-- <br /> �.�;��:'� jtui�r�C:ibn in��vbi�ths.Doo��4y+is tocated.In the event that siry ptuvision or claus�of this S�urity Instrum���-rr�e Noto �` <br />.�°;:•� : aanflIc�witi��s�piiu�iil�i�r�.�wnftict shall noi affect other pmv�s�ons of ahla Security Instrument or the 1�Tore�rA�;a'�can be �,: . <br /> '•�+�-, gi �w�i:�ius'tranSicting pr�vision.To this end the tizia Se.curi Instrument�if the No:E:�dec[ared• — <br /> '�_i;, ,, vea effazt w; P t5+ <br /> c{.';i to 17C 5CVCIQbSL: . �:' _' <br />: �:1� <br /> 'i� ��• ' 16.BoROwer'S Copy.IBorrower shall 6e�iven one conformed oop��:Cthe Note and of this Sectiuity InsEruraect. . <br /> :•; 17.TraB.sfer of tt�e Frapp�ty or a Benefidal Inter��Borrower.If all or any part of thc Froperty or ang�i�e�s�t in it _—_ <br /> � is�aEtl or uaasferred(or if a beeeficial interest in Eorrowec i�sold or ttansferred and Borro�ver is not a natuial p�!r��)withaut �,� <br /> �er's prior written consent, l.ender mny, at its opM�., reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums sern::zd by this �� <br /> ,;�- ��. 5ecurity Insnums.�tt,How�ver,this opdon shal.2 nAt be exercisrd by Lender if exercise�s prohibited lt;�fr�eral iaw as of the data <br />'.,i,�I��;� of Securi A lttstnunent. � ' <br />"''`�;;� �f Lend��otvrcises this option,Lendes sh�ll give Borrower norice of aoceleSt�on.The notice she�^P�rovide a period of not [�F : <br /> .; 4 1��€.s��han�3U�days from the dste the notice is delivered or mniled within whIcA Bo�wer must pay aill sums��nG.�ed by this �'��`�• <br /> ,�.; Scxasrity ItumXm�nt.If Bomnwer fails to pay these sums prior to tho expiratian of tliis pqiod. Lender�^y invoke�c.y remedies =- <br /> r,:.., • p'�mitta3.L�y�°tllls Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borcower. <br /> i�i.':"'�'� lm:.i�ctrc�ative�s Ri�1ht to Reinstate. If$omower moQts certrain co,3diaons. Borrower shr11 have the ri�ht to huve - <br /> .,f ir,�� -- <br />;,'ir';,:, enfmrcem2ss7�s�f Hriv Sec�nty Instn�ment discondnued at any timo priar rn t3ia earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period� <br /> ������ a�ni�ea�ln Ita�tt�y specify for reinstatertcent) befoce sale of tho Propeny pursuant to any power of sale cantnined in this <br /> Sa:aiity�Insuument;or(b)entry of a jadgment enfoning this Sezurity instrument.7'hose conditions are ttwt Botro�;;�:(a)pays RyA�- <br /> Leralr.s all sums which then wauld be due under this Seu��iry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had moairred:(b) !�' <br /> _,� r.rrc,�any d.fault af any other covennnts or agraernents; 4�:� pays all expenses incu�sed in enforcing this Secvriry .nstrument. F-_-..,. <br /> .���,;:� in:Iuding..ti,���n�t limited to,reasnnable anomeys' fec�::�r.d(d)takes such action as�der may masonably require to assute <br /> - ti�,.�n U►�Uls��aP�iti�s Security Insirument. Leneis�s ngtus is the Property and Borrower's obli�ation[a pny the sums secu�d by �� <br /> rq <br />`'.'��' � this S�x,vi�S+ Imwmant shall condnua unchangeA. UrreJC� reinstntement by Bun+owar. thls Security Insuument and the <br /> mY�li�sEitmi sa;urod hereby shall remain fuqy effective ns i.f.nn aoceleration hud occan.�+f. However,this rigFtt to reinstate shall r3.-.. <br /> � nt��ay�tl���m�t�x case of aocelera.tian urtdcr paragaph 17. ��� <br /> dry: 5r.]6 0!lo,'ote; Cbmrbne of Loua Stnic¢r. 1'he :+tcte or a pnnial interesz in the Note (together witti �Izis Security h'�' <br /> ttnsrwm:a�)a�n,y�bs sold one or mnne times without prior notice to Borrac�er. A sale may result in a change in E�ze�tiry(knoivn - -- <br /> a�!t►t"Y1o.m,5ervicer")that eollects monthly payments due undsr the i�ac�and this Security Itasttument.There�yo may be one �-'•` <br /> a��m�ro changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Serviaer, �urtuwer will be `_ <br /> ,. g:+iu��tivritten notioe of the chnn�e in aocordanoe with paragraph 14 ubove and applicable la�v. The notice will swte Hie name and �= '� <br /> adiblt�s of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whIch paymems should 6e made. The notice will also wntn;n any other �i,ts� <br /> ii��tvnQStiot�required by applicable law. �, <br /> Ztl. kuzardaus Sul�stua¢es. Borro�ver shall aot cause or permit Yhe presence. use, disposal, starage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Substanoes on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the � `� <br /> • Praperty that is in violation of any Environmenta! Law. 1'he preceding two sentences shall not apply to ihe presenoe, use,or �; <br /> storage on the Property of smnll quantities of Harardous Substances that are gens.rally recogn�zed to be appmpriate to normal " <br /> r��.ide:stis!u.�s�!so snsi:eteictssiae�f tl:e Pr��r;. �?�-•: <br /> � ao Fatfi 3UZ8 91'30 ,:� <br /> va 3 019 <br /> • !. <br />- � � � . : � . :r • .� . . ' . .. ' � • t!. - '.� .. . . <br /> � . ,., <br /> . . .t�-. . " � .. ., , .. . . � . . . , r . . .. . �. . . . � .. .... . . . .. - <br />