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�'��S� �k�.�ti. <br /> ::.`�I' <br /> C/flti.. /� ��.._ <br /> �V� ?S. <br /> � The Fueds shafl be h.eld in an ir�stit�;don �vhose d^..posits are insure� by a federa! ageacy,�uin�ity, ar en�r <br /> (includin�Lender.if i.endet is such.n institution)or in sny Federal Home LAan Bank.L-ender shall apply che Funds to pay the �y: <br /> - ��row Itenss.Leader may esns charge Borrower for hoiding and a{splynna the Funds.annually anajyzing the escrow zccowu.or �:r:. . <br /> c�rify[n�the Escmtiv Items.untess Lender pays�rrovrer inter�est on the Fue�ds and applic�ble la�:yernuu Lender to rnake such �_� <br />':�;,; a charge.Hrnvever. Lender may require So�ro�YU t�F�Y��n�e charge for an indeper.dent real es�tate tax reporting service � <br />.L;;e< t;,,�i by Lendcr in ootutectiun with this toan, un�ess appZ�cable law provides othenv�se. Unless an agreement is made or �;_-;� <br />-- s�Fii.�btc t��r^�qui�iaierest to be paid.Les�der shail r,ot be requir�to pay Bflrrower any interest ur ea►iun3s on the Funds. "�F; <br />'=_��, 6orrov;cr and Lende�may agree in vs�ritin�,hawever.that iaterest s.hal!be paid on the Eunds. I.euder s�ail give to Hcjrrawer. ;�.,` <br />.{:_, s;����tt c3�;�c, aa annual acceuntin�of tAe Fund�,stra�vic�g crediu aicd debits to the Funds artd tte purQose for which each , t,��{' <br />;s•.. <br />,_ ,';, �l�bit to.tite�nnds was tn.^.de.The Funds are pied�ed as additiona!security for all sums secured by this Secunty[nsuument. «�Y.-_ <br />- If the Fands h�ld Esy[.ender excx�d the amounts Feo'�dtta1 to be heFd by appiieable law. Lrefider shall acmunt to Eorrower ,: <br /> ` �t�s the excess Funds in acrordance with th.reqairements of apptirsbte taw. If the arstount of the Funds held by Y.ender at any • �,;.¢:_. <br />=-�; ticns is aot sufftcient to pay the Essro�+Iteirs when dne,Lender may so catify�arrower in writing, such case Bot►�ower ���. <br /> shall pay ta Lender the amnunt necess�rY to m�tce up the defteier�y. �orro*xer sha11 make up the deficieney in nu mure than �;, ,� <br /> ° twewe monthlY PaYt� Lcrtdcr's sale distxeti�n. �����' <br /> xeti <br /> U�an payt�eut in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment. Lender shall pmmpdy refund to Borrower any �;,.r <br /> Funds i�etd by l.eader. If,under paragra�h 21.L.end�er shall acquuz or sell thc Progerty. Lender,prior co the acguisition or sale ;�Y <br /> ` of the Property.shall apply any Funds hetd hy L.end=r at the uate of aoquisition ar sale as a credit agaivast tfie sums secscred by �-�'-- <br /> this Se�.'uritY Ys�s4ruc�teat. � <br /> 3.Apglfcati,�n ot Paytrs�s.Untess applirabie law provides otl�.erwise.ali payments�received by Lender under parag�aphs �., <br /> �� 1 and 2 shall be agplied:first,to ang pn�paymenc charges due uadsr tRe Nore;second,to amnunts payable undcr paragraph 2: �,_. <br /> an <br /> third,to interest princtipai due:and any late cfiarges d�e uader the Note. �x; <br /> �',':t 4•C�arges;Lien�.�orravrer shall pay atll taxes.asses.smetus,charges.fines and impositions attribwable to the Property Fr�� <br /> which may attain priority over this Secvrity lnstrument,and leasehotd payments or gtound tents, if any. Bonower shall pay ��:_; <br /> these obligations in the manner provide�in pardgraph 2.or if nat puid in that manner.Bormwer shall pay them on time directly �,_�, <br /> w the petsan owed payment.Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph• _=°-__ <br /> If Borrower makes tbese payments dire�xiy.Borrower shall pror�dy fumish to Leader receipts evidencing the paymenu. �� <br /> Borrower shaU pruu�ptiy discLarSe anY liea which hxs priority csver ttus Seturity Tisstsument unless Borroaer.(a)agr�es in <br />� writing to the paymert of the o6ligatian seaued hy the lien in a manner acceptable to Leader;(b)contests in good faith the lien ��, <br /> , by,or defends againsi enforcement of We li�► in. legal prnceedings w1uc1► u► the I�ender's opinioa a� to prevent the <br />� ���' enfotcement of tiie lien:or(c)secures from the tialder of the liem an agreement satisfactory to Lender suL�:di�ing the lien to {__�- <br /> ,.�,•, <br /> this Securiry Instrumerit.If L.ender determines tlsnt any part af the Property is subjed co a lien wiuch IIcs.�attarn priori�ty over �'�=: <br /> .;t. shiy Se�uit�f Insn�ment,I.ender muy give Eorrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower sh�.t satisfy tRe I:en or talce one or �_�___ <br /> - .;�re of the astions set forth ahove wi�un I�days of the giving of nouce. �;,=- <br />. .�,�. g, Harasd oc ipeoperty Iasusauce. Boarower sha11 Yeep the improvements aow e�a.� or hereafter erected on the z..,r� <br /> Property i:uured against loss by fire, haaards included within the term"ext�ud�mvec�"�d a�►y other tiazasds,including } <br /> . :! floads or ftooding, for which Ixrtder requ4r�es insurance.This insuzance shalt t�IT--+.��`�the a�ounts and for the periods __ - <br /> that Lender requires. The insurance cazrier providing the insarance shall be�x�by�wer sub,jea to Lender's apgrc3val . __ <br /> .. wdich shall aot be une�asonably withheld. If Borroever faiis ta�ire2�in cove�.�e dsscr•.;�:�nve, I.ender L�isd�rs's !:. <br /> �. oprion.ebtain coverage w protect Lender's rights in the Propercy im�rdance w�th Pa�a�7. _ q_. <br /> pp insuraace pelir.z.s and renewals shall be accepublc a�.�a,ndLr and�: inctude a��andard mortgage clause. lr�nuer �.° <br /> . shatl have the dght tc�hw�the policies and renewals.I�Lendec se�r��s.Bor��e�shal�pmmptlY give to Lender a1t receipts of <br /> , d premiums aad rere�j�a1 notices.In the event of tess,Borro�;�r�6aA g�ve Rn�t notice w the insurance c�rries and I.ert�er. �'. <br /> �,��,"� �nder�y�make proaf of loss if aat xrnde prompLg���Barrowc�. <br /> `-�;_��:, . �T�„s.c E�ender anrl Borrawer ad�s�ise agree in wntu��ce proceeds shall he a.p�ir,���restora�on or repair of the �::: <br /> «; , property n�.�ged,if the reswratica•�r�vair is econamicxliy f�..�`3�ie aad I.cnder's securiry�s ic�ts tessened.If the restoration or � <br /> .-.. �� repatt is not econoauc�.l'p feasibfe cs 1Lander's security would ba Yessaned.the insurance pe*xr�shali be applied to ttt��ms ____ <br /> secured by this Secur.'r.yr l'�.suumeut. whether or not thea due;with any excess paid to Borr=a•et. If Borrower aban�er.�YE�e <br /> �,"�� Property.or dces not sna.cuzr within 30 days a norice�nm l.ender tiwt the insurance carrier has offerad co settle a claiII►,tlten _ <br /> F.ender may wllecx tt�+�i�suranoe rrxeeds. Lender may use the pmcee�s to repair or restor� the Property or to pav sutna __ <br /> '�"��. socuried by tfris Secudty lnstnuner�„�.'�ether or not then due.Thc 3(bday penad wlll begin wi�i.tI1C IIOtICe!S$I'+ICtI. . � <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower�claenvise agre�in wrlting, z��r application of procee�is n�principal shall not exti� or �,._'_, <br /> postpone the due daze of the montP�y paym�nts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or c8auu.�ze amount of the payme,.`r•s• If <br /> '� .� t�der paragrnpb 21 the 1'r.rperty is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to ar►y insurance poiici�s and procecds resutting from ---- <br /> datt�age to the Pm�pertp�pri.r to the acqwsiaon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums sectued by thns a�:�+ariry Ir'.suu�nent _ <br /> _. '��� "smmediately prior to t6e aoquisifion. •' —'�-- <br /> . �.�CUgaBCy.Preservation,Maintenan�e and Proiectfna a�t1�e Property,Borrmwe�s���A�ic�tioa,Leasehold4. <br /> ..,. � . Sorrc:�::ar^.s;all.occupy.esta6lisH.and use the Praperty as Borrow�r'�principal residence w��m c�gry Qays after the eaecutfon of �`° <br /> f�"`c' <. • ' - <br /> .,t�, ` th;s S�e�„�;;y Insuwn�nt and shal!wntinue to oowpy the Prope�.�:�8orrower's princip�t m�,vx�i�oe for at least one year atter � <br /> the date of oec►►pancy,untess Lender othenvise agees in writing,which cc�.a r�..shall not i�,r,��easonaLv�withheld.or unless <br /> extenuating circumsta.�s�ees e�cist which are beyond Borrower's control. Pr�c�v�sr r,hall r� destroy..�ge or impair the <br /> ' ,� �`.�-. property, altow the C�r�rerty to deteriorate. or coaunit waste on the Prc�a�ry- �3orrowe�:�`rall be in default�f any forfeiture ___ <br /> _- ( � action ca�pxra�eeding,�;}�eth$r civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's U�faith j�.:i:�wet wuld result in forfeiture of the � <br />. • •+ propem�rcv��therwise�'ater�ally im�s�r the lien created by tlus Seri..�ity Insts�.�:�nt or Lt�si6�r.'s security inierest. Borrower may _ <br /> . �, cure sw�p�t:i3fault�.i,� Fm�vided in paragraph 18,by�sing t.�e a�ian or pr�a�:ing to 6e dismissed wittr:u mcling --- <br />_ . I that, ��t�er's gc�s�l�;tith determination. precludes forfeiture of the Bom:swn�r's intet�esi in the Property or other.a�.erial <br /> impazr.�,�t aP the lie:.created by this Security Insuument or LcnBer's securis�l interest. Borrower�ri��?so�e in,c4.Aault if <br /> . Borr^-v.�.�uring the toan applicat�on process.gave mnterially false or inaccutate infom�arion or statemer��nr��.ender�rs 4'ailed ___ <br /> to pt�cc�nit.•�nder with nny material infomiation)in connection wtth tha laan evidenoeQ by t�e.Note,iaci�,r�i¢�;but r�t;.f�;�itei! <br /> - to,u���sr.a[aitions concemiag Eorrower's occupansy of the Fm�ty as a principal msidenc�.I(t`:Siis Secuc:4`,�lnstructu�sis i:�an a —_-- <br /> � lease�o:��.�onower shall oomply witi� all the provisions of t�he teasa. IP Bomower acq� feE tic[c a�t�e &r�fitrng�, the <br /> ?easehold and the Fce ti:!e shull not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in�vriting. <br /> . • 7.Ptoteettan u�1i"T�nder's Rtghts iB!he Property.If Farrower fails to i;ecfccm the covez�a�+ts and a�,�:a..^:.ents wntained in _ <br /> ahis Security Inst�ian�sx. or thete is a legal praoeedin�thut may significant�y.:�.qra:t Lendei s rights in tir�17�op�rtJr (such as a <br /> '�'' proor�dr,»�in bnnkr�.�pfcy.ptobflte,for condemnution or forfeitur�e or to enform_1'aws or�;�iisaons). then Lxnder ma.y�d��and _.___ <br />.�`����;.. '. , ��-.°.:: <br />�°;:��: :,• QsN inr��lu��ever is neoessary to protect the value of the ProFerty and Lender s rights in ih�:�roperty. 1-ender's actiuma moy <br /> �,d�ufir. �gi±tg any sums sesared by a lien which has priortc� over this Security Iiutnun►::�t, appearing in oourt, puying <br /> �;u���;tri�attomeya'fc�s and enterin�on the Property to make repaits.Although Lertder ir.ay take action under this paragraph ���_�•- <br /> 7.Lc:�i�r does not to do so. <br /> � Ara� amounts disbwsed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall 6ecome addiuonel debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> � Se�uit�+ les.strament. llnless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounu shull bear interest from the <br />' • date oF disbvrsement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower rcqaestin� <br />� � payment. � <br /> � g,Mprtggge Ivsnraace.If Lender required mortgage insurattce as a candition of making the loan secvted by this 5ecurity _ <br /> Intirument. T3orrower sl�ull pay the premiums required tA maintain tlse mortgage insurance in effect. 1f. for any mason. the _.__ <br /> ' mortgage insutance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effeci.Bortower shall pay the ptpntiums required to � <br /> . obtain coverage substantially equ�vaient to the mongage insurance previous{y in a wst substantially equivalent to the � <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If ___ _ <br /> !�'?- <br />_ �__ �s,�o+a Farm3U28 fft�JO �,�: <br /> • . �. • . � <br /> . ,. J� . . . . c <br />.. _ , � ,: � .. . o-1 ; .. , ': • . .. . . �. .' . • . <br /> . , . . . . � ,. • . , . <br /> � _ . . . .. • . ' . � • � ., - ... . • v. . _. � ' ,�,yn`.-.. . ... � .� . '. '� •� ' . . . - . . .. � - . <br />