<br />- ,.w~..
<br />' (6) To use the loan evidenced 6y the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government. - '" ~.. -
<br />(~ To pay wfien due ail taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lavvfdli}• atfs'e~rf' to r assessed
<br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in connection with water; wafer irgUts~~s~weter stack
<br />pertaining fo ar reasonably necessary to the use of the real property described above, and ~atl taxrfa err ass-3""'" eysm~levied
<br />ri{xin this mortgage or the note or nay iadebtednesr hereby secured or against any legal hoM crate or of
<br />said indebtedness under the laws of Neb:asks, and promptly deliver rv the Government without drmattd"tr~ipY3 evidencing
<br />suctr payatents:
<br />(fs) io keep=tlte property insured as required by and under insurance poiicties approved `vy the fovtrntnent and, at its
<br />reauesi, to deliver -such aalicies o the Government-. - - - - - -- - - - _ -
<br />;($}-To.s~iataia :mpten:ea•.s:in-gs~od,repaic.and marxe repairs required ~y tl.~-grxaxnt: mp°rata tlt~ prc,~Kytn a-good
<br />and husbandmanlike.,manaer, comply with such fwm conservation prattle{-s adidkt~ir`1ad~9~e asanagement plans as the
<br />Ciuvetnment-from ts`are to time may presetibe; and not to abandon the graper~~"caase or permit waste, lessening or impaii-
<br />~irt -Eke purity e~ae€eef keeeby, ix, wsthturt Eire written consent ~ the Government, cut remove, of lease any timber,
<br />gravel; os`I;-gas; coal, at's3ifter mi~tafs except. as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes.
<br />(f0; Tc tirnrplywitk°al- lawr;`ordtnantes, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />(12) To pay., or seir~urse -the Government for expenses reas~ably ne.:essarp or incidental to the protection of t}~ lien
<br />and priority `beieof ~atril !rr the enforceaeent of or the compliance with the provisions hereof and of the note and any sappie-
<br />fieritary agteeoreiR jvrliethet' before rn after default}, including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />lira ,proorty, casts„of tg~vsrding this and other instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />adverttsiag, sellie~, and conveying the property.
<br />(iii 3:eitlrer-the propeYcy nor any puriir;n tfrereaf rn interest therein shalt i;c leased, assigued, ~ .:nsfe:;ed, oe encuar-
<br />lrered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the arritten consent of the Government. The Govemmentr shalt have the sole and
<br />esInsive rights as mortgagee hereunder, including but oot Limited to the power to grant consents, partial releases, subardina-
<br />tiatis, and satisfaction, sad na insured holder shall have any right, title or interest in or to the lien ar any bemfits hereof.
<br />(i3) At all reasonable times the Government and its agents may inspect the property to ascertasn whether the covenants
<br />and agreements cattained herein or in any supplementary agreement are being performed.-
<br />(14) Tht Government may extend and defer the matur,'ty of and renew and reamortiae tfie detrt evidenced by the Wort
<br />or any indebtednc;s to the Government secured hereby, release From liability to the Government any parry so Stable thereon,
<br />release portions of the property from and subordinate the lien hereof, and waive an}• outer rights hereunder, without affecting
<br />the lien or priority hereof or the liability io the Government of Borrower or any other party for payment of the nett or in-
<br />debtedness secured hereby except as specified by the Govtrriment in writing.
<br />(IS) if at eny time it shall appear ro the Government that Borrower may be able to obtain. a I oan from a production credit
<br />asroeiation, a .Federal land hank, rn ether responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms
<br />fa loans fnr similar purports and .periods of time, Borrower will, upon the Government's request, apply for and accept such
<br />}pan in sufficient amount to gay the note cad any indebtedness recured hereby and to pay fa: any stack necessary to be
<br />purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such loan.
<br />(Ik} Defaulf hereunder shall constitute default under any otbet teal estate, nt under nay personal properly or other,
<br />security instrument held rn insured by the Government and a:ecated oc assumed t:y Br~rawQr, and d2fauit under any soh
<br />other security instrument shall constitute default hereunder.
<br />(I7) SHOULD DEFRULT actor in the perforauace or discharge of any obligation in this instrument or severed bo this
<br />instrument, or should any one of-the-parties named as Borrower-die of Ce d.-Glared an incompetent, a baak:atpt, or an - -
<br />iissolveat, or make an assignment far the benefit of creditors, the Government, at its option, with or without nonce, mav-
<br />(a) declare she entire amount unpaid under the note sad any indebtedness to the Government hereby secured immediate)y-
<br />due -and payable; (bj for. the account of Borrower incur and pay reasonable expenses t`or repair or maintenance of anti take
<br />possession of, operate er rent the' property, {c} upoh application by it and production of this instrument, without other
<br />evidence and vtitheut notice gf he of said application; have a receiver appointed for the property; with the usual powers
<br />of receivers-in Like cases, td) foreclose this instrument as provided herein ar by law, sad iej enfoice any and aII other rights -
<br />and rernedres provided herer`n or by present or furtre law.
<br />(28) The pracaeds of foreclosure-sale shall be applied in the fallowing order to the payment of: {a) costs and expenses
<br />irrsx at to enforcing or camglying with- the pravssions hereof, {b} any pricer Liens required Isy taw or a comppetent court to
<br />bt so -paid, (c) the debt- evidenced by the note- and all indebtedness to the Government secured hereby, Cd) inferior Iiens
<br />of r ~;rd tertniecd by =av= a€ a .:omp<tent enact to bt € paid,-iel at the Gevernarenr's option. any other indebtedness
<br />of-$arrower-owingg to or insu._d by the Goverumeat, and (f) any balance to Borrower. At foreclosure or other sale
<br />cd'afl ux atxjt part of the property,. the Government and its agents may bid and purchase as a stranger and inay gap the Govern-
<br />- sneiit's s#rate of the purchase price by cediting such- amount on any dahts of Botrawer oaring to of insured ~y the
<br />Gavecttment; in the order prescribed above, _
<br />{l9) Barrawer agrees that the .Government will not be bound by any present ar future State law, (a) providing for
<br />valt~attorr. appraisal, hnmcstead irr exemption of,-the pio~rty, (b) prohibiting maintenance, of an action for a ~ieficiegcy
<br />izrrl~ttitn_ e= lim_k+ng r}te ariaunt therei5f•or-the tsrne+vithin witich'such action must 6e'broughe, (c) prescribing any other
<br />stat¢te,ok iimEtations;,(d) aliawhtg any ri~ti•af redemption ar possession following any foreclosure salt, or (e) limiting ttte
<br />etanilifions-?irhicli,tl:e Gavtrr,ritLitt-may try regulation nngase, ittdudurg the interest rate it may charge, as a condition bf
<br />aggxovirtg a transfer 4f tree property Yo a new Borrower. Borrower expressly waives the benefit of any such State laws.
<br />Borrower hertisy rttingznishts, waives, and convey, all rights, inclta3te ar consummate, of descent, dower, and cartesy.
<br />
<br />
<br />
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