The Northwtest quarter o,f the Southeast Qaarter (NW~SE~) of Section
<br />Sixtee:> (lfi), Townslii'p Eleven (.11} Barth, Range Eleven (11), West
<br />©~' ~;he bth I':Po. _. Hall Caianty, Nebraska, together t~:1th access thereto `
<br />.aver-the Soti:th T*~1rty-t?~ree (3~) Feet of the-South Half of the
<br />,Vortr`easi; quarter oz •aiti Sect3.on Sixtee•~n x'16}, SUBJECT Ta A FIRST ""'
<br />nhl N`rcrAG~~ ~Sl i?\T~;r n_ A7etrUj~Ci?i'tan .T,r~~s.' .CtZ6-uratTCe ~Campany a5- - ~-
<br />r_coru'ed i~lay ?_3, 7.9?3 in Bo~~k 1~1 at Page X19, l~tartgage Records, .
<br />Fie Cistr:r ut" Deeds OiFice. Ha11 Catrr~c~~. ~Ntrbx~as~~~ arid-
<br />T.~e So~t?~e2st 6~uarber of the "dorthwest 6~uarFter (SEA-~It~1%a) cif $eetiori
<br />.Sixteen (16)", Township ~Ieven (11), Nord? R&nge,Eleven ell).;. West::,
<br />'cs,f the`€~t~i P.t+l_.; !i87_I tstiuri~Y; l~ei~raska, ,~U13.IEC`I` TO A'FTRa'I' ~~t~i'I`[~AGE
<br />:: ,
<br />in f~vt~r iii i~ietr•;~gfllit>#n Life Insurance Cam~an~* as ~~eordact Jartu~.ry
<br />1~1, 197b _on Fi3m Roll Ate. 1, Trtstrumei?t Pto. 76-18~, Register of
<br />Dee'c"[s Off`i'ae; HaII .County, Nebraska.
<br />~. _ ; - ;.
<br />togetltst with atl lights, interests, easeme-ts, heredrtaments and appurtemnces tkereurta belonging, the rents, issues, sad
<br />profits thereof and revenues andtncame therefrom, all'improvements and perximt property now ar later attached thereto or
<br />reasanabty riecessary ro eels use thereof. including, bnt not limited to, rangges, refrigeraeors, clothes washers,_clothes dryers,
<br />ar carpeting leursbased or ftnsR~_^t rn wltote or in part with loan funds, atI water, water sights, and water stock ppettarn~ng
<br />thereto, sad atl pa~ymints at any time awing to Bonawcr by virtne of any sale, lease, transfer, conveyance, or condr.;:racion
<br />of atiy p~ri theteo£ ar:ingest therein-all of which-ate ite:ern caned "the property"; '
<br />1k'yIIAVE s1tF~=TO btftLD tlte-propattY usta rho Gavere~n:eat and'sts assigns forevrz in fee simple.
<br />BOAAOStVEA for tumstlf; his heirs, eaeeutors, administrators, successors-and assigns WAARARPtS'Fi-iE,TITi.E co the
<br />_ ~aeuerty to-ihe t`overatuent ~2t it ~?vf:1 c1=;m3 and demands w*6arcnerPr e=cept-a y 1 ~~ _e„_smt+•anc__,-e:_ ^~_^ts,
<br />reservations, ar canvases specified tu7ernabove, and <:OV"rS3ANTS AN€) AGREES as fallawst "
<br />(i} T6 pay gramptty w$ea due any irtdebtedatss to the~roverntreettt hereby sectixed and xo inclemni€y-ens save ha;m-
<br />less ~e Gasern.nEet<sg?iinst eny loss under its F~ rP of payment oaf' xhe note bY_reason aE_any defavtt by Borrower.
<br />At afl times when the a rs held b an insured hotder,`Borrower shaII eonirnue to rnalce payments on eels note to the Govern-
<br />tr,enr, as csagprtirzn aggeeus for tnr ~ .
<br />{2) 'i`o pay to tire, Government such-fees grid other charges as n,ay now or hereafter be required by cegtdations of the
<br />€armer$ idatna Rd:~nus'tstratan:
<br />(3) If requited ti:~ C.avarnt3taistt, tie make additional rr,anthty Isaymenis of 1E i2 of the estimated' ano,tal vexes,
<br />assessments;;;ntsurance gremiuins and other ettar~es upon the tssortgaged precni€es.
<br />`lj -~thu ar na: th< note s insured by the Government;-the Gevernmt:nt atayat any. rely atlrer aiiittnnts
<br />requited herein to be paid by Borrower sad not-paid by him when duo, as acct as any costs and expcnses:fot-the preservation:
<br />f#otectit3r., to eiifnrcrgtent of this tier; as advances for the areount of 'Borrower. At"i street adxarices shall bear rnteiest at
<br />the me borne oy the, note tvhieh etas the: highest interest rate:
<br />f Sj /ell adrir ces by the Govetnmetst as descrrtbed in this rostrum€nt; with ingest, shad be itnmediaterY due and payaht~
<br />` ey ti~urawet' to ':c i=ovtrnmena without demand at the glace designated in the latest oats andshalt Ixe secured lterebp. P}o .
<br />s such advance. $Y the Uovernr,~ent shalt relieve Bonawer from breach of his covenant io pay. Snc~ advances, with intietest,
<br />',h. ~° repaid Ez~t .nc itist avaitabte coiiections raceivnd from Boirawer. Otherwise, any paY~titt epode-Fey $orrCtveer-may
<br />1tt apglsed on the note or say indebtedness to ¢he Government secured hereby iii-any order ?Jte Government dtterttiistes.
<br />t
<br />..._.
<br />.-
<br />