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<br />Leader's written agreement or applicable law. Borrowtr shall pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner ptvided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amauats disbursed by Lender pursuant to thin paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall became additional <br />6trdebtedaess of Borrowtr scoured by this Martgagt. Useless Borrower and Lender agree to other tertns of paymert, such <br />amounts shag be payahlt upon. notice from Lender to Httttower requesting payment thereof; and shalt bear interest from the <br />s°^i dam -` ~ a~.~ - ° "-:.~- rax pa~ab~ ,`.~-., to €.~ _ .° u•~s w=•i :::yet -°~r •d c ':eta u4 ~ ~j,. °-t s:` <br />M it:tertst at such rate would me contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amotmts shalt bear interest at the highest rate <br />p~-rmissibte mtder applicable lau*._ Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 alto!! require Lender to incur any expe~e ar take <br />~ any-aetion hetrvadsr. <br />S:" Tm'peation. LenderstaY make or cause to be made ressorrtablt tatrits upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />--~ that Lauder sturii give Borrtrwer ttotiCe prior to auy such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />- inte-es# ia,ths Pr~~crty. <br />4t- ColxJemnaNyin. 't'he proceeds of any award or claim far damages, direct or rnnsegtxntial, in canaxtion with any <br />condemnatign : oilier taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for coavayanca in lieu of condemnation, are fitmby assigned <br />and shall he paid to Lender. <br />In the .vent of a total taking of the Property, the. proceeds shah be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />wilt.-the ezCess, if any, paid to Harrower. Ia xhe event of s partial taking of the Property; uatess Borrower and-Lender <br />otherwise agree is writing, there she}t be apgfied to the slims cured by this Mortgage such- Praportian of-the proceeds <br />k as is equal to #hat proportion which the amount of the-sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the-date of <br />taking bears fa the fair market value of the Propertysmmediately prior to the dale of taking, with the balance of the-proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned hS' Borrower, or if, after notice hY bender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or stttte a claim for damages, $orrower fails to respond to Lender wihin 30 days after the date-such notitx is <br />mai}~, Leader is attfitotizPd to wl3ect and apply the proceeds, at Leader's aptioa, either ro restoration or t~iT' of the <br />Property ar to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Leader and $orrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of preCeeds to principal shalt not extend <br />or postpone-the due date of the monthly }nstalltnents referred to in paragraphs i and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. Harrower Not Released. F.tttension of -the time for payment or modification of amortization of-the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage gtaated by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shad- not agate to release. in city rnaanar, <br />the Hability of the ar}ginal Borrower and Borrawee's successors in interest. Lender shall not be tegtt5red to cctmmeneq <br />proceed?ogs against such successor or refuse to extend tome for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the- soma <br />secured by this Mortgage by maven of any demamt made. by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in iaterzst. <br />11, ForMwranee lip Lender-Nola tiYalvez Any fattrearance"by Lender iaexercisiag any right arremedy hetzttntier, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable Taw, shat} not be a waiver o€ or prechtde the exercise of-any such right ar tzmedy. <br />T1te ptocitretnentof irtstuance or the payment of taxes or ether liens or charges by Lender shalt net be a waiver of Lend~9s <br />tight to accelerate the saattrrity of ftti indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />12, 8enredles Canraiafire. Ali remedies provided in this ligoRgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right ar " <br />rzn!tdy under this Mortgage or afforded by taw or equity, end may }x exercised con ;nrrentTy, indepeadeat}y or su.-•c€sa:. `,` <br />13. ^~ smct '-s[gns Bovud; I~nt .and Seveeal [.iahillty; Cagifsns.. The covenants sad agrarneats herein. <br />contained-shall tend, grid the rights hereunder she}t inure to, the respective successors and aagigas of Tender amt liorrawer, <br />suhjeM io the provisions of paragraph t7 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Harrower shaIl be joint acrd several, --. <br />"Ffte_ rani*rms. a~ t?~d_~a,~,.. of tfie ~a~: nhe of rhi~a ~(ertn~age ~r~ _€n_r ~nny~.:nnn,- L.nhr an.i arp- rust to .tom 4n_ <br />interpret ar•define file pravisioas hereof. -- - _.~ ---- <br />14. Neut. Except for nay notice required under applicable law to be given in anethtr tna~er, {a} any. ntrtice to <br />Borrower provided-for in this Mortgage shat! be given by matting such notice by Certified mail addressed to Borrowtr at <br />the Property Address or ai s•.rcfi other address as Borrower may designate by noticx to Lender as provided Ir_rean, and <br />CuI any notice to Lender shalt toe given by certtfxd mail, return receipt requested, to Lender's add.-ess stated hetzin or ro <br />such other address as Lender may dtsig<rrate ley aatice to Borrower- as provided herein. Any. notice provided -for in this <br />Afortgage obeli he deemed to have bcert given to Borrower or Lender when given in -the manner designated herein. <br />15. [h~orai Mme: ~ lswt Sevstty. This fast of mortgage combines uniform covenants far national- <br />" u~ and n~•uni€arm taveaants w'sth limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security iasttvmtnt covtring <br />tzar property. This Mortgage shall he governed by the law of the jurisdiction in wh~h the Property is located. Iri the <br />event that any prevision or clause of this Martgagt or the Note conflicts with applrabls law, such conflict shall not affect <br />other provisions of this Mottgege or the Note which can be given ef€ect without tht Confi}cling provision, and ro this <br />end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared to ~ severable. <br />lfi.~.~:.z, ; ^,apJ. B~v?er ;haft bz furai>°:;zd a cant Formed of G'tt Nom asd of this Mar~sgt at tt~ t <br />of exceution or a€ttr recordation hereof. <br />17, TearoKer st ~ Prepeatp; hsaempt&tn. If alt or any part of the Property or an iattrett therein is sold or transftrt[d <br />by Borrower without Lender's -prior written consent, exciudmg (a) the cr`ation of a tier:. or enctanbraoce subotdiaate to <br />this Mortgage, fbt the Creation of a purchase money security interest for household appliances, (cl a transfer by devise, <br />descent or hY operation of law-sport the-death o€ a joint tenant or td) the great of any leasetrold itterest of-three years or kss <br />out corttalasag art aptEnat ro purCha~, Ltndtr may, at Lcr>~r's option, declare aH the-stores secured by this Mortgagt #a bt <br />iraaiediately dtx-aced payable: Ixnder shalt have waived such option to accelerate if, Prior to the-seta or trar~€er, Z.ettder _ <br />Bird the person tti whom the Property ?s to be sold or iraasferrzd reach agrcement in writing that tht credit of such" person <br />is satis€actaty to Leader and that the interest payable on the sums stciazd by this Mortgage. shall be at st~tt rate as Leader <br />shall rrgtxst. 3f I-ender less waived fix ap5on to aceeitrate provided in this paragraph 1?, aril ff Borrower`s attcaessor ro <br />}newest has exeeuttd a avrltteai assumption agreement attepted in writing by Lender, Lender shall release Bort~twer from all <br />abEiests under this Mortgpgt sad the Note. <br />if t-tadtr axtrcises serCli option to accekrate, Ltnaier shall matt Borrower notice of asetteratiaa in accordantt wi8t - - <br />ih t4 hereo*. Sr` tch notice shall provide a pgriod of not t~8 than Sit days- from the dots the notice ~ ittaited within -, <br />wtsielt Harrower may pay ttu atone derdared due. If $pirawer far7s to pay such-stutu;ptior to the exgiratian of sitdt period <br />Lender may, without frtrther rattier or demand on tiertvwer, iavoks any remedies permitted by paragraph 1 g het+eot <br />Neh-Uxtt~ee!tt tr¢VEtdATr#$: Bttcrasrterand Lender fttrttxr CougnatK atrcl agree as follwrs: <br />lat. le:~:rat#iarr; Reirea7iea. t~rcept ac ptovidd~i i3fipapia i'7' ;seieef, open Banrer~r'ts of nap <br />~«~ °: °..o°r~ ~ •; m'- • ;,.:6«rs2, ~... a: t.:a thz't~'tasnt; W pay,rs~ daa css ,atra saazd tsY ~ ~; <br />&,cader peter ?a acccleradoa shat! atsr0 notlce~ro )ktirowee as ytovtded In paraga~ to hereof spaces (}) lira ht; <br />t~)elxaettwc req>~4Yn coca aacls itn.>rn; t3l ~ sate, a~ ~ s~ ~ aay~ E<n~ nc~ dire rre wrt3ce ~ >~ to isae~a.~er; <br />by wtieA ~ treeach u+reat lee clued; ap.t {41 fiat fxfFare to cane melt breach on or taefart the date yeeNSsd lea t5ta <br />map r*svJt !a aertls~losi of the apmv secured "may thw Mortgage, forecksure by jud}cial proree3iog aasd arse nit the lam. <br />i7ze rzaSlce further inform Batttxtwes of the rfgitt to seimcHlle after acerkratlau artd the rigat to ascent M Re fame- <br />the noaettistencrs o[ a d¢fiuilt ar arrp otcler defenar of Borrowesr ro accHer,otbc and toircfeitna: $ tiie TareaeM <br />I8 eat csnzd oa rr betote ttsc-date a+pMrilltd m the agttce,' Leader at Leidxr's aptlan troy declare ~ at_}bt iaeeirad by <br />^..,fw ?kf~..~ge ~ he ?~cr.T?a!ety ~• era? psi °Y?rfiratt fertin. d¢araad °vst rosy fa:esltac 63' ; E I.eadei' <br />at:~ be etsiitkx +A r.~t to each jarrr_eedY.wg a8 =°xp>~ of f~ci^~rt, iacteti}ng, t-at not Hi~tet!-to, c~ u! daetsd~f~y <br />- - - nv[rtsoee, a~cracis and tYJe ietrOl$.. - - - - <br />~ti. Dosowrs'e-filet to tie#as3att. Natwitltstandiag Lender's aeceteratiort of the soma secured by this Mortgage, <br />Harrower sltnii have tlts.riQhc to have say proceedings begtttt by i.endpr to enforce this Mortgage: discontinued at any time <br />