<br />Utvtr+orut CovEauars. Borrower earl Leteder covenant and agree as fowhen.duB Site princi al of and interest en the
<br />1. Pay®ent of Priirc~al atad Immterrat. Harrower shat! promP$Y PaY P
<br />ittdelttetluess evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Nate, and tits principal of and interest
<br />an ang Mature Advances secured by this Mortgage:
<br />2„ _) for Tmr~ aa~d irce. Subject to a~licable law of fo a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to tinder unites day monfitly itts~allattut`s of tn+~~w "'' iai°~ are payable rtn~r the Hats, until tiu Nuts is paid in full,
<br />s..1 a teeter (heceffi "Funds") u7uai to one-twefftit of_ The yearly-taxes and-essessiiertis which- -may .attain Priority over this _ -
<br />&for~age; anti ym„ad ~etttu s+n the proptirty. ff anx; plus one-twelfth of pearly premitun insialiatents for havatd itisrtr2~,
<br />~ plus one-twelfth of yearly prr.~iutn iustaltmenta for mortgage insurance, if any, all=as reasonably estimated initially amt from
<br />~ time to time bg:izsdsr'ors the bads of assessments and bias attd rrasoa~sk estimates thereof.
<br />2t~_Ftt slid be t~id itt, an instittttioa the-deposits of accotatts af" which: ar$_ insured. or guaranteed by a Federal- ar -
<br />,state ag~tBy {loci®ding Lender if Letrdet is such art institittiaR). Ltrr3er -shall apply the Funds ~ pay said taxes, assrsametsts:
<br />insurance pt~saiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for su haidmg and-applying the Funds; analyzing said account,
<br />or veriffying and compiling said aascssmeats and bt71s, unless Leader pays Borrower iatett*st an the Fund earl applicable law
<br />{;~ p~tmits Lander to soaks sudt a charge Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of thr$
<br />l•, Mortgage that interest on the -Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless- such agreement is Words or applicable law
<br />rty*,tirrs inter6ai to lie mod. Lender shat( net be requiral to pay Borrower any interest or eatrtings oa the Funds. Leader _
<br />give to Borrower, without charge. as annasl aBCOUntittg of-the Fins showing eretlita sled delrifs W -the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional sectit}ty far the sums secured
<br />bp.t6'ss Mortgage.
<br />If tire-atntRmt of tits Fttada herd by Lender, together with the future tnansbiy installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes. assessments, itssurajaee preminnts and" ground rents, shah exceed the amount rtgtiired to pay said texas,
<br />assessments, ittstuance prerrsitsms and. ground rents as they- fall due; -such excess shall be, ar Borrower's aptiatt, tither -
<br />promptly rep!!fd to Borrower oz esedifed to 13orrovrer on maathiy installments of Funds. If the-amount of -the Fronds
<br />1~1 by Lender shall not be suflzC~tst to pay taxes, .assessments, i~uiattce prt;tnitttns and ground rents as they -fall due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Leader aay amount necessary to ntake up the deficiency within. 3Q days front -the dare notice is mailed
<br />by Letxler to Borrower rttgttesting' payitient thereof.
<br />Upon payment is full of all Gums secured. by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held b9 Lender. ff trader paragraph lg hereof the Property is sold or-the Property is otherwise aequsred by 3-srrdst, Leader-
<br />shall apply, txt later than immedfatdy prior to-the sate of the Property or its acquisition by Leader', arty Funds hefd ray
<br />Leader at tits titer of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />3. of Ft~vatents: Unless applicable law provides otherwise; ail payments received by Leadts-under fire
<br />Nate asst} paragraphs Y and 2 hereof shall ire applied 5Y Lender first in payment a€ amounts payable to lertdtr bfi $osawer
<br />under paragraph Z httaar€ they fo interest payable oa the Nate, then to the principal of -the Nola, and then to interest and
<br />prncfpai on any Futtut Advances.
<br />4, Ch~ea; Bests. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, 5nes earl impositions attributable to
<br />the property wbicgs tray attain a priority over this Mortgage, atsd leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph Z 6ertmf or, if not paid in such mamttr, by Borrower makitrg payment, when due, dir~tly to the
<br />.payee thereof. Harrower shell promptly furnish to lender aif notices of amounts due under this paragraph, stxl in the a-~'*t
<br />Bartxtwer short rooks pa3„~.ut directly, Borrower shall promptly fittaish to Lender receipts evidencing such-paYrncrsts•
<br />Bozrtnvtr shall promptly d'ucltarSc any Iitn which leas priority aver this Mortgage; provided, that Borrower shall oat be
<br />ttii}utied io dischocgeany such lists m Iong as Borrower shall egret in writing to the paytttent of the rrbligatit.it secured by
<br />strcit lien,ia a: manrrer acBe~ieab}e to L~a:,~::.;. s.1 i:. ~ fai'K , v::~w € v _h l~ by, ar ~-~ e_nfo3rsement of-such l~rt-in,
<br />} pings tfhich operate to prevent the enforcement of the tree or forfeiture of the Property or any part thes~rf.
<br />S: d;[avsurid 1!isitaaattee. Borrower shalt keep the improveutens stow exisrtttg or hereafter erected an the Property insured
<br />against by-fire, hazards included witlsin the term "extended coverage„ earl shah other haaazcls as Lender: nmy regtuse'
<br />and in~tu~ amounts and for such periods as Lender may rewire; Provided, that Lender shat! not-ra-quire that klte.atnouttt of
<br />such cow~rage eheeed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />•!ls insurance carrier g the insurance t be charm by Borrower subject to apptavat by Lender, provided,-
<br />that such approve! shall met be uareasanably withheld. Alt peemittrtu on insurance poiizaes shall. 6e paid to fire manner
<br />pYavitt ter va.~ 2 tf a3, if ~c p~idd€s _~ ••,°~°~,~, by Harrower making pa?munt, when doe, dirpctiy tt± the
<br />iitsurartce esrrfer.
<br />All insurance policies and renewals thereat strati be is form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard tnarlgagt
<br />clatzae la favor of and in form acceptable to Lender. i.sndcr shall have the right to hekf the policies attd renewals. therutf,
<br />earl Borrower shall promptly furaisb to Lear ail renewal notices and all receipts of paid ptemitmts: In the eventaf lass.
<br />Bur=owes shall girt prompt native to the imuraace carrier and Tinder. Lender may snake proof of l~s if trot treads pratnptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Ualew I,~der and Borrower otherwise egret in writing, ittsuranBe proceeds shaIl be applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Property damages, provided such resxoration ar repair is exonamisally feasible attd the security of this Mortgage is
<br />not theroby impaired. ff such restaratian ar tegair s teat economically feasible ar if the security of this Mortgage-would
<br />be impttued, the iasuta~e prxeeds shall be applied to rite stuns secured by this Mortgage. with the excess, if aay> paid
<br />to Borrower. If the ProportY is abandoned lr}' Borrower, ar if Borrower fails to respattd to Linder wftltia ail days tram flee
<br />d riot, is tttael~ by Les[der. to Harrower that the ittstuance Barrier offers to settle a tstaitn for insttgarrce bened~, Lender
<br />is` aittherizrd eft collect amt-apply rite insa!£-attce proceeds at Lender's option alter to resEttrai=att or repair of ~ proP~Y --
<br />or to rite stta~ sectnal fry-title Mctr;gage.
<br />7:lal~s'Lender.and Borrower otherwise agty~ in writing, any such agp}icatian of ptoeeals to principal shall nsK extend
<br />ar p,se the due Hatt of the monthly htstallntents re€trr~1 to 'rn Paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the atmranr of
<br />tnststlltttants. If under paragraph lS ht:~tf the P€operty is acquired by Leader, aIl right, u~ and interest of
<br />in-and to aay Sn~urattee peiicus and in and to the proceeds tt~rt~tf resulting from datnagt to the Property prier to tbe,sak
<br />air ~~,.<'ti_~*h shall pass to l,e~.°r to the extent of thB sums secured by this Mortgage itntmaliately prior m sucfi saw or
<br />acquisition.
<br />~." p t~ - of ~t itoee C-'-•-=-.'?[-~aaod UtsB 1?era4rp>seatz£ Eazroxrer
<br />alaalt Irk tht ~! ut god tepsix ate shall trot commit -waste or permit impairment nr demritiretian of fist: )i'roporty ,
<br />ate halt comp}y with rite pravisic~ of any lease if this Matt~ge is on a leasehold. If this Mortgage is an a unit is a ~
<br />z caFuinm., or a-~:unit development, Harrower shag perforni'aU- of-Burro`wet's-obGgatiaas:under-the itm
<br />ur s~i+euacts creating or govtrnittg the cpttdatftirrLttm or platmed utuC development, the by-laws Bad regtdatious of rite
<br />iitm or p}anped tutu t#twdopntettt, and caast3tueiit--documtttts. if a condominium at Qlaitncd uniE ~ ;,
<br />rider i6 executed by Bcrxavret' and tvecorded together with title Mortgage, the covenants' arm agteetuettts of ssuh rldEt' r
<br />stall Ire iacargurattsd into t-nd shall ate and Sztpglement the covensnts and a3rexmertts of this Martgs~,t as`if the ride['
<br />i `- were a psrtheteof. ;- - - _ --_ - .. - -- - - -
<br />~. prttiectlon ~ ~ fir, if Borrower fairs to perform the covenant, amt- ttg[esrt~nta containCd in this
<br />Mortgage, ~r i6- any action or Proceedin8 is cB;amcnced which assierially a$ects ;Lcredet°s= ipteetst is the F'ioptrty,
<br />inrietding, b+rt rt,~t limited to, emiatni domain. ira9aivency, code enforcement, or-artnta or praceediings iavol°itrB a
<br />hantnep or decedcn'-, t'rtza f.eodsr at Lenciu's option, upon notice to 8orroviar, may rttaltt-stint appearanens. di<bttime such
<br />settn zud take stv3t actiia as is necess,^,ry to protect Lender's interest. mclttdiag, but -oat limited to, msl>ursetoent of
<br />reawnable aturrneyr fees earl entry upon the Pro}xny to make repairs. if Lender i~}uirtti mortgage insurance as a
<br />condition of making die ;oars secured by this Nlor[gage, BOrtower shall pay file prstnitmts ttgnired tp maiataio such
<br />iusurance in tBe<:t uteri; strip lime as t>~ taluirernent far such iabnr8nce terminates is accordance with BarPmvver's and
<br />