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<br /> <br />allowed by law or federal regulation, Principal amounts prepaid prior to maturity must <br />be in amounts equal to one or more subsequent principal payments. <br />~. That in addstion to, and together with, the monthly installments provided for <br />under-the terms of the aforesaid Promissory Neste and at~ry other notes or agreements for <br />additianai advaHCes as provided herein t#3rtgagar will pay as an advance payment to. <br />l~iartgaga;e on the f i rst day of each.- mori~th until- sa i d 4ate and the #o#a i i rdebtedhess <br />secured hereby is ,fully pg.fd, ati.amount estimated by W,ortgagee to be sufficient tv enable <br />the "~rtgageero pay_aii-.taxes,-.assessments fgsnerai-ar sped-ai) rents, and-other <br />similar charges against the above described premises, as the same become-due.- Such <br />advance payments st;ai! be paid each month together with the monthly installments provided <br />for under the terms of said Promissory Note-and any ether notes or agreements-for <br />additional advances as provided herein in a single payment and shall not be, nor deemed <br />to be, trust funds- but may be commingled. with other such funds or the general funds of the <br />Mortgagee, and no interest shah be payable In rasped thereof. Mortgagor shall promptly <br />forward to Miortgagee all bills -for taxes, assessments and rents and Mortgagee will use <br />said advance payments far the payment of said bins. fdartgagee may, from time to time, <br />`at its option, wive, and after such waiver, reinstate any and all pravis-ions of this <br />paragraph requiring such advance payments, by notice to Mortgagor in writing. White such <br />wa7ver is in effect, hbri'gagor shall pay all taxes, assessments and rents as otherwise <br />provided hereinafter. <br />~r. 1t the total of the advance payments made by the Mortgagor shall exceed the <br />amount of payments acfiualiy made by the h'brtgagee for taxes, assessments cr rents, as the <br />case-may be, such excess, at the option of the Mortgagee, shall he credited Ly fibs <br />`~,drtgagee on subsequent payments to be made by the Mortgagor, or refunded to the Mortgagor, <br />if, however, the rRanthty advance payments made by the i~artgagor shalt not be sutficierst <br />to pay such taxes, assessrr,ents and rents; as the case may be, when the same shall become <br />due and payable, then the Mortgagor shad-pay to the P4artgagee any amount necesssry to make <br />up the deficiency, on or before the dafie when payment of such taxes, assessments ar rerete <br />sHait be due. if at any time the Mortgagor shalt tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance <br />with the provisions of the tJofie secured hereby, tutl payment of the entire indeb#edness <br />represented thereby, the P-0orfigagse shall, in comp!.~ting the arx~unt of such indebtedness, <br />credit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance accumulated under the above <br />paragraph. if #here shalt be a default under any of tf;e provisions of this Mortg~~,. <br />resulting in a publ'- sale of the premises covered hereby or if the Mortgagee ergo"rtes the- <br />property otherwise altar default; the Mortgages shall apply in such manner as ~krrtgagee <br />~„o{l determine-the balance of advance payments then remaining in the funds accumu#ated <br />under the above paragraph, as a credit against fibs indebtedness secured hereisy: <br />5, That ir, fns event any of the monthly advance payments provided herein or.manthly <br />instattmsrsts provided. for under the-terms of said Promissory Nots and any outer notes or <br />agreements for additions! advances hays ngfi been mods by the tenth day of tbs.-month in <br />which such payment was due, a {ate charge of up to ten tl4J percent of the amours' of said <br />rmmthiy payment may be assessed by-the Association to cover the extra expense involved <br />iri handling delinquent payments, The Association shall nofi be obligated to accept. any <br />mor,tftiy payment made after the tenth day of the month unless said monthly payment shall <br />.,e accompanied b; the folk amount of the late charge assessed by the Associat#on as <br />provided 'Herein. <br />b. Ta pay any and afi taxes, assessments tgenerai or special?, rents and other semilar - <br />cnarges levied and assessed against the premises, this h+.ertgage, ar 6ndebtedress hereby <br />secured, before they became delinc,uant, for which provisions has not been made hereinbetore; <br />and in default thereof the h~ortgag2e may pay the same, and all moneys so advanced wi#h <br />interest at It a from the date of such payment shall be repaid by tAartgagor upon <br />demand, and shall be secured by this N'~artgage. <br />7. That t~lartgagcr will :seep the improvements on said premises insured against lass- <br />ifrom firs, lightning and ether hazards included ir, the standard extended coverage endorse- <br />menf plus flood insurance wHere required by martgacuee) in an amount not less ttaan the- <br />unpaid batance of the indebtedness secured botchy, with loss, if any, payable to said- <br />A;,vaciatiaH, in a company or companies acceptable to the Associat-ion; and shootcf such policy <br />a,: paiicies contain any pravisian that could limit fibs insurenee company's tiabitity to <br />pay the amount-of any lass cr damage up to the -full amount far wh'tcti,poiicy is wt`it#en, <br />the amount of ir~suranee to be provided shell be in err amount sufficient to-, at alt times, <br />fully prefect ttie Association. if Mortgagor faits to procure ar maintain such:, insurance - <br />in the manner specified Hare,., the Assaciatiar, gray ar i=rs option, pradurs-and pay-`ar <br />such insurance, and ail r~nsys~so advanced with interest at fit ~-from the date.-cif <br />such paymen3 shall pe repaid by W~rtgagar upon demand, and shali_ be secured by-this <br />~. ~eaT ttfe,i~tcrtgpgar Witt keep the buildings upon.-said premises.-in geed repair, and-- <br />- r,ri:ne- ~;xrsmlT riot" per^r`rt waste upon Bald i-and, nor softer the same premise's-to be usstl - <br />i:;r any unlawful purpose. 'Mortgagor further,agrees-that without fihe written Consent af• <br />Home h~deral Savings and Loan no buildings or additions to exl5Tittg buildings shad he <br />c'r-acted a~d~t!par~ing end landsr:~NOr cress sha(I ba s;3 tls`ec'ttiri3y maintained: <br />y. ihar in the a~ani the premises or any part thereof tie taken ar damaged by reason <br />~` and p blic, imorovcmant cr rondemnatian r,roceedtrgs,_or under right of eminent-domain, <br />in soy-<>th~r rr,3nnar, Mc,rtg,~gpe shall be ~~nti#{ed at its option to commence, appear in, <br />