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<br />7~"°(j~}cJQV.~ OPEPJ EPJD MURTGAGw'. <br />WILLlAh1 p. GRAIJGE ,tip MARY G. GRANGE, husband and wife, Pach in, his and her own ri-ht and <br />as spouse of the other herein ca!{edg the <br />~tiiortgagor whether or.e or more, in consideration of THPRTY ~[NDu5.4ND ~JjZ(y0/100------------- <br />--------- - °---------------------------°-----BoPtars loaned to said r~~ortgagar, doss mortgage <br />to HtJME I=ELIERAL S.AVti~tGS APd!3 LOAN ASSOG!AT1(1N, i#s successors and assigns, tree to! lowing <br />described teat estate in HALL Caunfiy; Nebraska: <br />T'riE EASTERLY TidEPdTY-TltiO ~2z) FEET Dr LC)T T4v0 t29, fN BLOGK SIXTY-FIVE (65), IN THE ORIGiT+IRt <br />Td4MEl, N04i GiTY 4r- Gt?flNp fSLANl7, -HALL GOUNTY, NE$RASKA-. <br />arid. ail easements and appurtenances together with till buildings, improvements,-fixtures <br />or appartenarcces now or hereafter erected thereon, including a!1 apparatus, equipment, <br />fix#urRs or articles, whether to s.ngS2 units o. centra!i, ontroiied, used to supp;y <br />heat, gas., air-conditioning, water, light, power, refrigeration, ventiiatian or of-her' <br />services, and any other thing now or hereafter therein cr thereon, the turnishinj of <br />which by lessors to lessees for an unfurnished bu!!ding similar to-the one now ar here-` <br />after on said premises is customary er appropriate, including, but not timtted to, ser.€en=, <br />window shades, storm-doors and- windows, carpeting and other floor coverings, screen doors, <br />awnings, built-tn dishwashers, stoves, refrigerators; and.-water heaters and aE-f renewai5 <br />pr rspdacemants thereof tat! of which are intended to bs and are hereby dec(tired to 6e a <br />part of said teat estate whether physically attached thereto or riot.) -The Assaetattan <br />is hereby subrogatc;d to the rights of ail rrmrtgagees, lienhatders and owners-paid off bq <br />the proceeds of the loan hereby secured. <br />TQ HAVE Ac`dp-Tt? H()LD Ihs said property, with said bui idings, improvements; f'r ~"~res, <br />appurtenances, app.,..,tus and equipment, unto said Association, its successors and assigns,. <br />fore'9ur... - - - - - - - - - <br />Martgajar hereby covenants with sbid Assaciatian, its successor's aril assigns,-that- <br />t~rtgagar is lawfully seized of said premises, that shay are Eros of encumbrances, and <br />that iV#artgagar will forever warrant and defend the title to said premises against the <br />lawful claims of till persons whomsoever. <br />TH('S h~RTGA6E i5 CIVEN TO SECURE: (!) The payment of a Note executed by kY~rtgagor <br />t~ the Assocr~;`iah bsarirg Sven date here:.ith in the principal sum as set Earth above, <br />wl+iWn Ncte, nrircipal gnu interest, is payable in rxanth!y instaEimpnts according t0 its <br />tarrr;s, with a final maturity, unless sooner paEd, on the tst day of January , <br />ig44 Tt~..>;-a6-de:~~ergof:stia.i•t--lave-its-~sg~+ea-#s-as~uls=a#4-#aa-c~a#uc12~r_c.f;_whe_ao2~ <br />---w#~ic-kt- i-~t-c~ag~-;-ski=r$~-as-~uF.#q,-at-aay-tirac_~##~c_#b~---------------3c--- <br />-aft-~i~s~~i-wing ~ti4-Mi#4)A~KSi-~d-gF_~~S6~.Sixea-awcsz-o#-$!~@-pLauu58s-described_her~i~ <br />-a--4rr~'ri-•Pen•-not-rce~ tt-t~r+t-ia~-+-r~~dv~assa-a€-i-ts-i•w#sa#-*e-de-~. Arty'R'rrs~aY'r~t#'~t't <br />~^*rn«ti~-•ta••by-~;-r-;~~ ~+r?.~~.~'i-s~-~=f~i-s~-ki•c~--s!`~6i--~-axi-'t~+awt-~~~P- <br />t~t~i~mr. f2) Any additional advances made by the Association to Mortgagor, ar Mbrtgagar's <br />successors in ti tie, for any purpose, at the option of the Association, at any fitme before <br />tt'~e release and cancellation cf this hkprtgage, but at no time snaf# this Mortgage secure ' <br />advances on account of said Hats and such additional advances to a sum in excess <br />of 7HtRTY THutiSAidp AtJp id0/P00--- ------mot tors; provided that rmtfiin3 <br />herein contained shall be c...,>!dsred as limiting the arrr~unt that shall be secured hgrety <br />when advanced to protect ±hA ;ecurty or in accordance with covenants contatned En this <br />P~ortgage. <br />Pravidad, neverthsiess, these presents are upon the following conditions: that whereas, <br />tare sold Mortgagor is a memter of said AssaciatEoc,, has executed a Hate in writing to said' - <br />Hssacietion to spay sum of rrx3ney, with ;mares#, in payments as set forth to said <br />s'Jat.s, and any and alt additional advances, with interest, and has agreed to abide bq the <br />iAn5titution and ~3y-Cans of said .R3saciatian, and rotes and regulations. adopted by-its <br />Board ofi ELI rectors • a ~d aa-Qaft ?_.,.r do naryc.., _ . <br />E. To pay the indebtedness hereby secured promptly and in fu{! compitance with the <br />tents of the aforesaid [rrxnissory Note and any other nofies or agreements for addtttartai <br />advancas as provided herein and of this Mortgage and further agrees that at the sots option <br />of Mar-f~gagee;the ttme ot'paymeRi of the Indebtedness hereEay secured, or any portion there- =: <br />of,-may bs exterrdeit:a: renewed,- tired any porfiion of the preriiises herein described may, <br />wjtnout notice, be ref'eased from fihe lien hereof without releasing or affecting the personal <br />liabil-i-ty-pf' tti'# F+#cirtgagor herein foc the~.'payt~ent of said indebtedness then remaining <br />unpaidt: ar;d rat change ir: the c:wnsrahFp ij.{ sold premises shaiE release, reduce or otherwise <br />affect any.. such ps'tsc~ra! I iahi f icy or the. }ion hereby created. <br />Z, Utzr#ersigne~t reserves tho right -kEtis note in whole or In par# on any <br />instaiPment payment :date-prior to ~ -}ears .f ram the-date hereo# by the payrren# of at! <br />accrued interest`. to fihe date of suety prepayment together with a prepayment fee equal in <br />anxiurit #a lii0 days infsrest on the amoun~ so prepaid; and if prepaid after such dots there <br />snaJf be no prepayment fee. Ttte p.repayment fee so charged shall not exceed the maximum <br />