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Ilt~oanr Covtsx;txrs. Borrower and Leader covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. PRva~at of >` and Interest. Borrower shelf promptly pay when tine the pr-itrcipaT of aad interest oa-the <br />utdebtedaas svidgnesd by the Nine, prepayment aad tats charges as provided in the Note, alto the principal of and interest <br />•r on any F¢tuee Advances secured 6y- tieis 2+3ostgage. <br />~, T+aads tar Tams arM faaaesaee. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />+'i to Lender an the day aionttily itzstalitEtents of ptincipai and iataest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in €ttil, <br />c j a aen taer'ein runds'~) equal m otra-twelfth of the yaari3 tarF, a,:.= asses~--ne„ts wl, ~•h try ata»r priorl°-y over This. <br />_ - Iutorte, alto ta2d annxs an Yl~ pl!operty, if any, plus- ane•tsvelft8 of yearly-premium iastailtna[[ts far hazard insurance; <br />pI=.~,ozat-twelf'li esf yearly p'emiurn inata@msnts for fnartgagc ittsstrancc. i# any, all as raisottabiy estimated initially and faotn <br />time to: tirr> Lender oa the basis o€ asresameots and bibs and reasonable osGmates thereat. <br />'i9~ts,Fuads shall 6e Iseid in as institution -the deposits or accoua~ of which ere insrsad or guaiatit~d by a Federal or- <br />stpte agen^y (ittciuditig Leader if i.endcr is elute an itatftutiari;. Lender shall apply €ix Furw's to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />msuraace prerttiums a~ ground rents. Leredzr may not charge for so holding aad applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />~ or verifying and tottrpt~ing said assessments and bills, uatesa Lender pays Borrower interext on the Funds and appFtcabfe law <br />- R permits Leraler to taake such a charge. Borrower aad Lender may agree in writing at t~ time of execution of-this <br />Miortgage that Interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and eintesa such tagreernent i$ made or applicable law <br />regtsirei;-such interest ro be paid, E.ettder shall not be requtred'to pay Borrower any imerest or earnings oa the Futids. Lerida' <br />shall glue to Borrowtr, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits ro the Funds anti- the- <br />- h purgtsse for winch each debit to the Funds was made. The-Foods are pledged as additional secwity for the sttras secured- <br />- by Chits Mortgagt. <br />If the. amotmt of the Funds held by Lender, together with -the- futwe monthly installments of Ftmds payable prior to <br />ttte dt~ dates of taxes, assessments, itisnrance prtmr`ums and ground rents, shaII exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, iasarance premiums and ground rents as they faiF dye, such excess steal! be, at Borrower's option, either <br />` prosap@y repaid ro Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly itistailments of Funds. If the. amount of the Fusels <br />held by Lender shall not be suffkarat fo pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground reran ~-they fall dire, <br />Borro',s+Er shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 34 days from the date-notice is maim <br />by Lender ro Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Lipon payment in full of all stints secured by this Mortgage. Leader shall promptly refund to Borrower any Elands . <br />held hY Lender If under paragraph I8 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is othcrwisc 3.ender, Leader <br />ahait apply, no later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Landes any Funds held - by <br />Leader at the daze of application as a credit against-the sums secured by Lt[is Mortgage. <br />3. ~ Payments. ilnless applicable law provides otherwise, alt payments received by Lendzr un~r <br />Noes and paragraphs i aad Z hereof shag be applied by Leader fast in payment of aaiouorts payable W Lender by Borrower <br />urufer paragraph Z hereof, then rotnterest payable- an the Note, then [o the principal of the Note, and then ro inta'est and. <br />principal on say Future Advances. <br />4. Cues; Ems. Borrower shall pay aH taxes, assessments and outer charges, fines and impositions attributable to <br />the Property which may attaut a priority over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground rents,. if any, in-the manner <br />' provided under paragraph Z hereof oa, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when titre; ditactty zo <br />payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts dire under this paragraph; attd'in tlta evem <br />Borrower shall -make payment d'treetly. Borrower shalt prortrptiy furnish tee Lender receip[s evidencing such paymurts. <br />Ststrowet shat.ptonsptly°disrJtarge any Lieu which has priority over this Mortgage; provided, that Borrower shall oat. oe <br />requirtd ro di~harge-any sorb lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payraeat of the obligation secured I?Y. <br />such ~ in a mannecaceeptahle `n I;en~r, or shall irx good faith contest sudr ikn by, or defend enfottxnsont of such lion is <br />~„ t- ,. <br />lager proceeaings which operate m preverpt the eaforeement of the :tzu or forfxittu-e of un Proper;,- or any- p.-- h- <br />- ~ Hoard Iasaeaace. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Properly tnsurcd- <br />agaitnst lose by fire; hazards incltrdcel within the term "extended coverage., and such other hazards as Lender mar r~rnre <br />aad im sut:h amounts and for such periods as Leader may require; provided, that Lender shall not require that tire. amount'of <br />Huh coverage excced that amount.-of coverage- required to pay the sums sccrrred by this Mortgage. <br />'The i~israttce carne: prot!iding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subjcet to approval by Lender,- provided, <br />that attclr approval. shah nat. be unr+easonabiy withheld. Ali- pretiums on instrrartce policies shall be paid in the manned <br />provided-under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not-paid in such mares by Borrower making-payrnwt, when due, directly ut tt~ <br />. irzsirrd carrier: <br />All insurance policies and rtmewala thereof shall be in form acceptable to Leader and shall include a standard auutgage <br />clause in favor of aad in form acceptable trs Lender. Leader -shaft have tl[e right zo hold the policies and renewals thereof; <br />and Iloatnwer shall prompdy furnish to Lauder all renewal norices and ail re -eipts of gam premiums. k the event of loss;. <br />Borrower shalt give prompt notice to the irrsurancc carrier and Lender. Leade, may make proof of loss if not made prom~ly <br />by Borrower: <br />Unless Lender aad Borrower otherwise ogre` in •.vrating, iusuran-.e proceeds shalt be applied to restoration ar repair of <br />the Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is econarriicaily feasible and the security of this Mortgage is <br />not thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is not economieaiiy feasible or if the security of this Mortgage would <br />be impaired, she insurance proceeds shall be applied to the soars secwed 6y [his Mortgage, with the excess. if say, Paid <br />to Borrower. B the Property is abandoned 6y Borrower, or if Borrower fails to respond to Leader within 30 days- fiom t~ , <br />-dale sustsx is mailed by Lender to $oreower [hat the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for insurance benefits, Lender <br />is.atrtlttirireetl to eon and-apply the insurance proceeds at Lenders option either ro tesloratioa or repair of the Progeny <br />or to Ilia secured by this Mortgage, <br />tlatcss Lander a~ Borrower otltetwise agree is writing. any sash application of proceeds ro principal shah nor extend <br />os postpone the due date of t~ monthly ins+altmeats refer[ed to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 hereof or change the,amount,~F <br />sttclt iostailraerus. if uriaer paragraph l8 hereof the Property is acquired by Landes all tight, title and interest of Bonowsr <br />ire aad to-say i~ttraa~ee ~iaes aad itt and to-the proceeds thereof rtsithing from damagE to tkie Property prioi to tl~ -sale <br />or acqua3itisia shall pass ro Lender to the extent of the sums secrrred by this- Mortga~ immediately prior to sifch -sale. or <br />,__ <br />€iaa aad 1-4nlateantaee ~ Pio~rtg; I.esstehoids4 Cam Plantced U~ IEsvalapmga~: Borrower <br />she[! tt~ the Property iu good repair aad stroll not r:orrrmii wash yr ~ i~t i p •r::.~:- r c1i~~ _:•*s ~±1• ai,« v;•_~rty <br />aad she![ CoEttp3Y. withtbe pLCt'Ilidita-of any ksae if this. Mortgage is on a LeaseAiaid. if-this Mortgagtt is as a unit in a <br />condoroiniutr. or a- plann;xl unit developttient, i3oCrower shall perfurtn alt of ]9ottttwet''s t#6iigaf-tabs. under the declaraticm <br />or wyeeants creating or gov+e[ning the condominium or;plaancd ttrirt develdpaient, tbs. tiylav~s and regtitations of tits <br />candaminitxtn or planned wait devcioprrtent, and canstititedi dociuaeiits. If a co{tdprairrii[a or planned unit deve}opmani <br />`.tier is executed by Tlonower and recorded tcrgcthtr wi[h rttis Mortgage, the coven~nfs- alto ag[eeaiepis of such rider <br />shalt 6s; incorps*rated into and shall amend and supplerrr•nt the rovettartts and agreements of rte`s Mtsrtgage:as if the rider <br />were a part hneof. <br />7. Ptotocftoty of lender's Szrmit;~. If Iiarravvt:r fails to pertarse the covenants and agreiAM conWiaed in thin- <br />'". Mortgage, or if suY action. or prvtecfling is :arameaced which ;nateriaily_.alfects Lender's i$ietest is rho, Property, <br />iuciuding, but not limited to, eminent dotaain, insalvettcy, code 2aforczmettt, or arrangAmsnfs air proceed9ngs involving a <br />haal>nipt or decadent, then 6_etsder at Leader's option, upon notice to Borrower'-may rnake.arch appe~arantxs; distsnrse such <br />n4•m alto take shit action as is necessrtry to protect Lender's irterest, iricluiGng bttt rest fimitetl' to; dis6utseme[[t of <br />reasor+at+le attncacy's fens and ertrj upon t}se Proveny'ta ma#e acPairs.:- If lender t~trft~ mortgage itisuratsce as a <br />condition of m.-aicing the lean secured by this Mortga~, Eosrowet shall. pay: rho premi»ms required ro mafutaio such <br />inattrarscs is effect [u[til such time as tb_ n3uitumoat foz s+klt i+ttsusauce term9nates in aix~tdance with Borrower's and <br />