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<br />Ti3I~i!iif3li'€`t~#LGE ~ .3t}th .: ...... day of .. : Novemtter , 4 - , <br />f~~~..,:~~--..~:.rx.~'~~~,~'~~,~.s~XF~.L~~vI~t~..A~?t3. iAS.P,.I~IASP~7.f~tta:Cttt~'.A„ Fd.7.~-!, ~_.."E:ett~tl'#5 <br />i ir. cptrcn;a n .... ..... . .. . . „ ... _.... , ; ~ •'Horroatrm'"l. -8ttct the Niar~gage~ ~Iotrte Federal <br />Saviags and ]Jcsa ~ ~a ot~tti~ti ettsl ~ under tdte taws of Tate E7nited Ftawx.of <br />Anoeri:a, whom is ~i 9gM1t~it I,ttCUStSLer®et, (irstt>ut Iislattd, Nabreiska thereia "I:e~tdsr'-'! <br />Wxaa>ras,,iigrra~ger is imi@hted to J.eadcr in the prineipai snm of.. "ftdE~ITY F I Y~: THt3:i,5,l~Fr, FI Y~ .HG''I{1~D <br />Ati1t3 vQI ~ GG------- - - - .....'_ , . --"ISoliars, tvfiicfi in~l~tiness is evidences by iform~r's rtata <br />dateii.......Nov~n~t'. ;3D, ,~'~~$„{herein "Note"j, pmvuiing far mantfiiy instailmeats of prittcipal and <br />- with tine balance of the indebtedness, if tort scroner paid, dtM tt~ payable on, :.[3ecetnbor..f, .Zpt7t .. . <br />... <br />Z"o Sacoxe to Lender (aj [fie repaymena of the iadebtedness evidenced by the Note, with intereat'tfiereaty _d4e <br />pIlymcnt of all other stints, with anterest tfiereon, advattced in- accordansx ttereeiitfi tq protect t&e security of tfils <br />Mortgage, aacd the performance of ttu cYSVettants and agreements of borrower izemin rnrtfaitted, and {b) [fie tep~ymerrt <br />of ate-Esters advances, witfi intemst tfiereon, [Wade to Barrovrer fiy Lender pursuant Lo paragragfi 2l fiereo€ ('herein <br />K~ fiitr-aucis")s Ekirro~zr lees Y Q, grant and costvey to Lander- [fie foito*iving described prc>Ferty <br />Located itt the Cemmaty af............ Mill . . ...................... . St$te of Nebraskac <br />%vT Frr'fa {2k ifs 3cflCK 71hJ {2) lFv etiEi~ra A^vi'lt'fi{~k TO TnE CITY {)F-6RAt~t~ tS~A~iPi ~nL~ <br />i~t.Al7Y, iVEBf2NSKA. <br />wiii;iiaas~i~eatidt~s~oF: .. .. .~4`~:~~.#.Gtt~tls~.s. .uiau4:~s.E.a,-,,d..:: ., - <br />csti..~t tc;prt <br />', . .. ~i2t;fi3SISl _ . ~~$G) . ~hPrrirx "Prpr~Y~r dct~re>g"1 - - _- <br />.... r --- <br />i8ta3G ieittf Zi7i Cbtls] - <br />T'i1OETHP.R eiizh aft Lhe iinp:avemerlLs now or iterc~ftcr erectrd on the property, and aii eaxntenltg, ti~hte., <br />ap}turtenanx`s, rents, royalties; mineral, cut tend gas iiglns and profits, wzti;r, water rige~ts, and water stacY, and all <br />u sir u.~ w' v.awi~r.ft ` t« r' ;.it ..f F. 1~ .ont fe nit n 1v 1 _ _ <br />~Yrvp: y, a ^h. in^.mttt¢._r..zr_me^_ a a~+it~ns tt!errt_, s el_ to <br />dazmcrl to ire and remain a part of thi; property cavereit 11y Fftie Mortgage; attd aft of the faregaing, tagetlsec with said <br />propcriv {or the leasa#triid estate if tits Mortgage is on ie leasi:halcl) era herei.'7 referred to as the "Property>. <br />$us~~:.7~-etiants Lhat l~rr~awct is lax~f~:lty seised ia+ tiz>' estate t~reby conveyed and has t~ cighitia-mttrtga <br />grgitt ats3 convey ilie Property, ihct •$e P[aperty "sa stttencumbercl, and t1saC Borrower will waeanr; amd defend <br />generally [tie tfitle to t$e Property agsimt all claitnfi and dettaands. subi~et to any d-,.clarat2~&, easanents or ttstrietians <br />listed in a sclseduie of i;xceptiafiis;~rei~sa~e in as;~ title inst.r-ance policy insuring Lender's interest itt-[fie Property. <br />#~1A~i4AA --r to < semil~-e; a5--=-~antttmrac t~tt~ ;tlzsal,~l~r <br />