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~."'" <br />-- ,,,~- <br />not extend or postpone the due date ai the nronfldy irstnlhucnts referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or <br />change else amount of suohrnsiallme~ts. <br />1t1. ;Xartorrar Not Released.- Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums <br />" secured by-this ~Iartgage granted l;y bender to any sireecssor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release; <br />ip cry manner, tt`re liability of the anginal .Burrower-and Borrower's sueeessors in interest. Lender shall eat be <br />required tti tmnrmence proceedings against.suclt-successor or refuse to extend time for payment or atharwise modify <br />smartizaiian of tho sums-secured by this llartgage by ieasou of any demand made by the original Harrower and <br />Borrawer`c sueeessarasn srterest. <br />:•f. P~;~a Isy~r :~rrt a ~dtssver. Any forbearanea by Lender in exorcising any right ar remedy <br />hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable lat<°, shall eat be a waiver of or preclude the exercise pf any right <br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or t}ts payment of taxev or other liens ar charges- by Lender <br />shall oat be a waiver of Lender's right- to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />12, >iss ~ul~¢tive. All remedies providedtn this _llartgaga are die-tinet and cumulative to any ether <br />right or remedy under this Mortgage or afforded try Ian• or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independ- <br />ent}y rnsuccersively. <br />1.3. Successors turd, Assigns Bouad: Xoint oxrd Several Liobility; Captions. The covenants and agreements <br />~ herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective sucecssars and assign of Lender <br />~ and $orrawer, subject to the provisions of paragtap}r } i hereof. AH covenants and agreements of Borrower steal; <br />;`„ 1>e faint and Severn}. The captions and headings of the l;sragralrhs of ibis Mortgage are for convenience only and <br />ate net to be used to interpret or define the provisions irereat. <br />~ I4. Notice. Any notice to Bonawer provided for in this `.iortgage she}! be given by mailing such natiee by <br />eertified mail addressed to Borrower at. fire Property Address stated below, except tar any notice required under <br />paragraph IS }tercet to 6e given to Harrower in the manner prescribed by aplrlicxble law. Any notice provided <br />~ for in tP~is'..r,,.guse she}i he deemed to have been gn•en to Borran-cr when siren in else manner designated herein. <br />~ lb. Unifoun Mors <br />gorge; Gnvemuag &tivrr; Sevartrbility. This forni of mortgage comb=~es uniform covenants <br />far nations] use and non-turiform covenants with ]invited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This Mortgage steal} he governed by the law of the jurisdiction in wliieh <br />the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this 1lartgagc ar the Nate eonfls'ets with <br />applicable taw, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this \Sortgage or the ItiTOte which can be given <br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the llortgsge and the Nate are declared <br />to be severable. <br />Z& I3osrowei s Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this ltfartgage at the time of execu- <br />tiara ar after recordatior. hereaf. <br />i?. ?rtzaefer of tIte Property; Rsstuaptioa If all or sny part of the Property ar an interest therein is sold <br />or transferred by Boriower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of s lien or enatmi- <br />brattce subordinate to this. Mortgage, (}>) the creation of a purchase money security interest-for household apgli- <br />ances, {c) ~ trans#er by devise, dc: rent or by operation of lan- neon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of <br />any Iea~hold interest of thr»e years or less not containing ar, apf.ian to purchase, Linder may. at Lender's option, <br />declare all the sums. secured by this Mortgage to be }nimediateIy due and payable. Lender shall Irate waived a.._.. <br />option to accelerate if, ^°~r to the sale ar transfer, Lender and the person to wham the Property is to be said ax <br />transferred reach agreement in writing that +_he credit of such 1>ersou is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest <br />payable an the servos secured by this ~+iartgage shall be at such ra%e as Lender shaii request. If Lender Isar waived <br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph I7 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed a writ <br />ten assumgtian agreement acceptrxt in xvriting by Lender, Lender shall release Barmwer frorri alt obligations under • <br />this Mortgageand thes~7ate: <br />Lf :Under exercises such option to acct}crate, Linder shall .nail Borrower notice of acceleration fn accordance <br />wiGlr paragraph I4 hereof. $uch natiee shall provide a period of not less than 34 days from the date the notice -is <br />mailed ;ritliin which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. Ii Harrower fails to I;ay such sums prior to the <br />expiration of sneli pentid, t-ender rnay, without further notice oe demand an Harrower, invoke env remedies per- -- <br />muted. by paragraph I8 hereof. <br />fox-LT~rt=axr Cavx~ra~~. $arrawer and Lender further covenant and agree- as fa3lmvnc <br />i@. Aceel~-eriitra: Remedies. Except as provided in .paragraph I7 hereaf, upon Borrower's hreach:of say <br />covenant or agreement of $arrower in t}cis ;liortgagr. inctutlsng else eovensns to liay when due any sums secured <br />by this \iorigage, bender Irrior to acceleration ,halt mail notice to Borrower as pmrided in parxgraplr 24 hereaf <br />specifying: {1) the breach: f.~) ttie action required to cure such l;reaelr; i3l a date, not less than thirty--days <br />from the date the naiice is mailed to Horromcr, hp whit}r stash }}rexeh inust }i~ cured: and t41 that failure to cure <br />such breach an or before the data specified in the notice ntay reuli in acceleration of the sums secured. by this- <br />Yfortgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is not cured os. or before the date specified in the- notice, Lender <br />at Z•ender`s opQian may dee}am all of the sums secured by this ~3artgage to be immediately due and payable <br />without further demand and may fareclase this Mortgage 6y judieial proceeding. Lender she}f be eiititt8cl to ea2leat <br />in such proceeding all expt;nses of fomclosum, including; htri not limited to, oasis of documentary evidegee, <br />abstracts and title'reports. <br />19. Roaovrea?s Right to RaSastate. ~'atwitlratantiing Lender's aeceieratian of the sums secured by this' <br />Mortgage, Bvrrut4er shall haae the right to have any proeeet}ings begun by Lender to enforce this Vfortgage die- - <br />ctaiinuttrt at any-%igre prier io miry of a judgment. enticing this Mortgage if: fat Harrower pays I:efrtier iii <br />semis-wlriclr irsjuld be then dtte under:this 3°tartgage, she ;iote anel notes securing Future Advariet~, if snyr had no <br />accel~rationoceurred; {b) Borrrower cures-alt brearltes of any. other covenants or agreements of Borrower con- <br />taint}d:inthis mortgage; {£} Btiirower pays all reasanahle e>f~rensas irtcuried by I:ender in t:rforcing-,the covenants <br />and ~'afBorrower contained in this ~fartgage and-in enforving Lemler's remedies s~ provided in Para- <br />- graph T8 hereof; iiichrding, but not Eiriited to, reasonable attorney's lees; -anti fdi- Borrower talsea such-action as <br />Leender-;nay r'ensvaably teatrire to nesr,xP that else lien of -this lfartgage, Leridera interest: iii the Property a:rd - <br />Botr~wer's ohligstipn to pay the sums secured Iiy phis 3itirtgage shall c+zritinae rcrtimpaired. Iljian-such pa}•nrent <br />atu} our© 6p $orrmxer, this ?4ipittgsge and the otiligaii~sa~cured_ hereby: shall-remain-iii full_fnrce and effect as if <br />no aeeeieration had occurred. <br />2ft: 1s~gnmmt of RaaYS; ;rita3aas of Rxaivas; le~},Gr in Pvsaea~n. t~s additional security here- <br />under, ~orrewer hereby ar~igns fc Lender the mute of tl:e Prupeny, jrintided chef Borrower sh~tP; prier to acceler- <br />ation underparirgraph 18 hereof'or abandonment of the Property, here the rihhi to collect and retain such rents <br />ab they bzcome <Gre and payable. <br />U}roe aecelerauote unrier tr&ragraph f8 herco; or~ttariatdnment of the i'rotierty. Lender, in-petsari, by agent <br />or by judicially appointedrececcrahall he entitled ter enter upon. take passrssinl7 of and manage fhe Property <br />-scat to caiitici, 'the renis of the Property, inciudirtg rhasojsast;hate- :i}I irnic caiscetc!1 by 3:ender or the raeeiver <br />shall be appliFd f rat to payrnenf of the eruts of management of the Yrnperty' and collection of rents, including, but <br />not lirait~l to receiver's feev, premiums an receiver's basscis anti reasanab}e attorney's fees, -and then to ttie aurae <br />scoured }sythis litartgage. Lander end-th~rae~vershaft be Hable to tsceount anlc for those rents actually received. <br />