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_~ <br />3-, <br />' If under parsgrapli ?8 tiereoi the Proterty is Bald or the Property is otherwise acquired by Tender, Lender <br />shall apply, na rater than irnmadiatety briar to sic sale of the Yraperty or its acquisition 1}v bender, uny Funds <br />' held by Lender at the time of application :as a credit against the sums secured irr Htis :~tartgaga:. <br />3. Applie+~xtian of Paycneats. Unless applicable laµ• provides athercvise, all payments rareived by Lender <br />under the Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 irerebf shalt be applied is}~ Lender. first in payment of amounts payable to <br />_ - Lender by i3orrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest laayahle on: the ?kote and 'on Future Advances, if <br />cry, and-then to theprincipri at' the date anrj to,the itrincipal of F'ikture Advaur~s, if any. <br />4. Ckurgear3aeaes. Borrower error! pay all farces, assessments and rzther charges, fines and impositions attrih- <br />utable to the Property wliiah may attain s priority: aver this 3lortgaga, and ground rents, if any, at bender's <br />option in the.manner;pmvided-zraiderparagraph ~ lfereaf ar Iay Borrower makuzg payment, when due, direatls to <br />the payer-tl~f. -~aheccar shs,l F,i~r~.zy fu~~ti to Lar~r all netie2s of aziioun~ -cute finder tlZis paragraph; <br />and in the event florrovrerslzail make payment directi~; Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender ieceipts evi- <br />ele'rieingstrah -payments; Harrower shall promptly disalzaige any lien wyrich has prierity-ever this Zlartgage;-pra- <br />vided,that B+irmwer shall not lac required to discharge any such lien so tong as Borrower shall agree irE vrritirig to <br />thepayment of-the obligation scoured by such Lien s x manner acceptable to Lender, or shall in good faith aontrst <br />£`; suehliep by, or.defend enfpreement of scab lien in, legal proceedings which operate to pracerit the enfarcernent of <br />CX the hen: or fnrfeitazro=of the Property or any part thereof. <br />~ 5:'flazead'lnsurunse. Borrower atzall keep the itnpmvcments now existing or hereafter erected on the Prop- <br />. C: i orty insuredagairtsttoss by fire, tisaerd§ inalr~deii witlein the term "extended aoserage", a:td such other hazsrdp as <br />Lender may require and in such amounts apd for snort periods as Lender`mayrequire;-provided; that. Leader shall <br />v~ not require that the amount of such. coverage exceed that amount of caveiage required to pay the sums seaured'by <br />flue lklortgage <br />The insurance carrier piri-riding ±he insurance shalt lac chosen by $orrowar subject to approval by Lender; <br />provided, that such approval. shad not. be unreasonably withheld. AIi premiums on insurance policies shall be paid. <br />at Lender's option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 liereaf or by Borrower making payment, when due, <br />direatiy # kke in~e_rnnrp ~AtR'IPS_ <br />Ia -the event any policy is not renewed an or before ten days of its expiration, the Leader, to protect <br />its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum shall become <br />immediately-due and payable-with interest at the rate sat forth in said note until paid and shall be <br />secured by this Mortgage. Failzrre by Borrower to eorrply may, at option of Lender, constitarte a default <br />under-the terms of this-~IOrtgage> <br />All insurance policies and: renewals thereof shall be in faun aocept$bte to lender and shaltrnciude a standard- <br />- mortgage clause in favor of-arid in form acceptable t~ Lender. Lander shall have the right to bald the policies-and <br />renewals. tlrereaf,,and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all renewal notices and alt receipts of-paid pre- <br />- micros. In the event of loss, Borrower shad give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender, and. Leader <br />may make.proai of loss if not made promptly by Borrazver. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceed. shall he applied W restoration or <br />repair of the Property damaged; provided such restoration or repair is econorir;caity feasible and the secztrity of <br />this i4lortgage is natthereby impaired. If such restoration ar repair is not eaanomicatly feasible or if-the seczirtLx <br />of this ~••#ortgage would be impaired, the insurance proceeds shall ire applied tq the sums secured hy,this 141ortgage; <br />avitlr the excess; if arty, paid to Barrower,'If the Property is a6andan~ by Borrower ar if Borrower fad-ta <br />tra Lender within ~r :._ys after notice lty Lender to Harrower that the insurance carrier offers to settle: s claim €or <br />insurance benefits, Leniier is-authorized to eoileat and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's-ojriion either to <br />restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums scoured Ia}- this lfartgage. <br />Unless Loader and- Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall <br />oat exteeid orpostgane the dire dates af'the manthty installments referred. to in paragraphs land-2 hereof or ahsage <br />theamaugt of such>installments: <br />if under pa~grsph l$-hereof the ,Property is acquired by Lender, alt right, title and- interest of <br />and to any instrrnace policies and in and to the proceeds thereof tto the extent of the sua:s scoured. by this :avlozt- <br />gage.imntediately prior to kuch sale or acquisstioni revuiting from damage to the Property prior to the sale or <br />a.-•quisition ah;iil pass to Lender. <br />& Preaervafion road A3rantetsnnse of Property; Leaseholds; ~oadorniniuws. Borrower shall keep the Prnp- <br />arty in good ropair and shall oat per*nit ar commit waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Property and:-shall <br />comply with the provisions a# any lease, if this \lortgage is an a leasehold. If this Ylarigage is on a aondominizzrrr <br />unit, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's abiigations under the declaration of condominium or master deed, <br />the 6y-laws and regvlatians of Lhe condominium nrajeet and eonstituant documents. <br />7. Pze#eclioa.o€ I endez'a;3ectulty. if Bo_~rawar faits to perform the covenants and agreemetrts contiRirzed in <br />t}zis ~+foitgage; ar ii any soften or proaeeding_is commenced which mxteriaily affects Lender's interact in the- Prop- <br />esty; ineIudingr but oat Iimited ta, eminent domain; insaheney, code anfar. meat, or arrangements- ur proceed- <br />lags involving a bankrupt or decedent, than-Lender at Lender's option, upon notice tra Borrower, may;rna}ce s!toli <br />appearances, disburse such sums and take such action as is neaossary to protect Lender's interest,. inciudingi rant <br />oat-lixnited'to, disbursement of reasonalale attorney's foes and entry upon the Property to crake --repairs: -6ny <br />ameant~s disbursed by Lender pursuant to this.paragraph i, with interest thereonrahaIt became aduitioiial L~+lebtr. <br />edriess of 8arrower scoured by tizis 3Sortgage. Unless Bozro~var and Lender agree to other terms of papmsnt, szieh <br />arnounte shall ire payable upon r=otae frazn Lender to Borrower requesting payment thezssof, and shall dze~•: itzter- <br />€mm tie date of disbursement at the rate stated iri fhe Note unless payment of interest ~t such rate wouidbe <br />a~iatrary to ~ppliaatile Iaw, in which event such amounts shall-bear interest at the hig'nest-.rata permissilale by <br />appllcabte law. ;vTothing cantaine.-1 in this paragraph :shad require Lender to incur any expense or-fin cry oat <br />h~r2uncler: - - <br />8. +~:, Lender map-make or aau_~e to he trtada raasonahle entries. upon and iiispecfions of the Prop- <br />- e~Y, Fn>z'ided That Lender stroll give Borramer natirr_ prior 'tea any such inspcztion specifying reasanabte cause <br />i,I;erefor reisf'edtsrlRntlci''s interest in the t'raperty. <br />;~ be pa-+x~s o. rata awaed ~r cretin-fr~r dx;trsg~, dlix'.ct or t:omequentisi, an aonirrecfirian <br />with any cordcnrsnatiorior tttirer tzki~g of the 3?rope:Rty, or iyart ti;ereof; br tar conveyance in tieu:of-candemua- <br />- lion, are hereb}• resigned andsilsll lac paid ta.Lender: <br />In the event of a total fa~kurgof the Property,-the proeeecls she!] lie applied to the sums aecJred_hy this ~oSt- <br />- gage, with the excess, it any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a .partial raking of the Pra{iertp, caress Bt#'autire_r= <br />cola' L>;rra,rr oilierwise agree~in writing, thare_siralitie. appiie~tto fhesums secured hythis ~lortgsge such }aropur-- _ <br />flan of the proceeds as is alual to that proportion whie}: rho amount of the sum: secured by this ~4ortgage irnate- <br />.diately prior fo+,ha date of taking bears to the flair urarket value of the 1?ropart,• irnniediately prior to-the date~s+f <br />taking, wzth the balxnae ui the prac~aeds paid >.o Berrow•er. <br />If the Protwrty is abancianesl by BorroSre* o s` after notice by Lender to Barrostar that-the condoumor cars <br />- - ka iratEe an aWB~ Or r3ettte a alai:n for darna~'~,BarTOwer Ia115 io resj;Gn%.~ Lender'w'ittzin 3"Ti <lA,~~'S a€he'di~ <br />of scab notice. Lender is sutltariaed to rutleet and appir file praeeetli; nt Lender's option either to rAstioratian ar <br />repair of thePzrpQrty ur_totbe sums scoured by this .lfmtgiige. <br />Unl~as Ls*zder°and Barra>.srs-,sathssrn•ise agree in ~~ritiz:g, any snarl application of pmoeeds to principal-shall <br />;x <br />