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<br />AGREEMENT, OR A MEMORANDUM TH~RI=OF, SWALL B~ FILED AND R~CQRDED WITW THB ;COUNTY OF <br />RECORD, AND ANY SUCW TWIRD PARTIES MAY PROCEED AT THEIR OWN FINANCIAL PERIL. <br />8, Maintenance And Repairs. Tenant/Buyer accepts the Property "as is." Landlord/Seller shall make the fallowing'` <br />repairs/improvements: ,_ ~T N),~ <br />before ~~ or "("enant/Buyer may da so and deduct the cost from the monthly rent. <br />Landlord/Seller agrees to make any repairs needed during the first 60 days of this Agreement, after which <br />Tenant/Buyer shall be fully responsible for all maintenance and repairs upon said Property, both interior and exterior, <br />except for habitability and major repairs including, but not limited to, structural, heating/cooling, and sewage/septic. <br />9. Covenants Of 7enantlBuyer. Tenant/Buyer will not use the Property for any unlawful purpose and will conform to all <br />laws and ordinances, agrees to pay all utility bills and charges, and will surrender the Property in as goad condition as <br />it now exists, reasonable wear and tear excepted, should this Option not be exercised. <br />10. Covenants Of LandlordlSeller. LandlordlSeller shall pay for and maintain fire and extended coverage insurance on , <br />said Property in the amount of at least $_~ a ©~i and shall name Tenant/Buyer as additional insured on a <br />Landlord Policy, a Dopy of which shall be provi~de~to Tenant/Buyer, and Landlord/Seller agrees to allow Tenant/Buyer <br />to legally hold, occupy, use, and enjoy the Property without interference toy Landlord/Seller or any person associated <br />therewith. Landlord/Seller also grants Tenant/Buyer the unqualified right to sublet. - <br />11. Breach By Tenantll~uyer. If Tenant/Buyer shall fail to keep and perForm any provisions of this, Agreement,: or if. <br />Tenant/Buyer shall abandon ar vacate the Property, Landlord/Seller shall lawfully be entitled to ehter :into laid <br />Property, take possession thereof, and enjoy the same as if this Agreement had not been made. <br />12. Breach By LandlordlSeller. If LandlordlSeller fails to convey said Property according to the terms and conditions of ~~ <br />this Agreement, ~Tenant/Ciuyer shah be entitled to reimbursement for the cost of all repairs, rnaintenance,.,and <br />improvements in addition to all other rights Tenant/Buyer may have in law and equity far the enforcement of ohs <br />Agreement, including, but not limited to, breach of contract, specific performance, and damages. <br />13, Insurance. In the event of loss or destruction in whole or in part of the Properky, Tenant/Buyer may proceed to closer <br />accept the insurance proceeds, and pay Landlord/Seller the agreed upon amount (or make the necessary repairs and <br />:continue) or else declare this Agreement null and void, releasing both parties from any and all obligations hereurid~r: . <br />14: Title. Landlord/Seller shall convey marketable title free from all but the listed encumbrances and shall furnish a "hold <br />open" policy of title insurance from a reputable title insurance company at Landlord/Seller's expense so showing <br />15. Closing Cvsts. TenantlBuyer shall pay all closing costs associated with this sale, with taxes, insurance, and the like j ' <br />prorated between the parties, with each party paying their prorated share. <br />16: Right Of Assignment. Tenant/Buyer shall have the right to assign this Contract or any interests thereof, which ,wild . <br />release original Tenant/Buyer from liability and substitute assignee in TenantlBuyer's place. '~ <br />~~~ <br />,;:~: <br />17. 6indfing Clause. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of all respective heirs, executors, administrators; <br />successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. <br />1~.. Lrt~gation. If litigation is brought forth to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shalt recover <br />reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. <br />19. Entire Agreement. This Lease/Option represents the entire Agreement between Landlord/Seller and TenanUBuyer <br />and may be amended only by a signed Addendum between the parties. <br />Landlord/Seller: ~ ~~.~ _ Date: ~ 3 ~,,~ ~ y"~_ <br />Landlord/Seller: T Date: ...r ~: ~ ~ ~~ . <br />rN <br />TenantTBuyer: _ Date: •'7'x.7 -~~C-~`p <br />Tenant/Buyer: ___W _~~~ ~_ ..~ Date: _ .~ <br />~k. ~, <br />