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1/11/2010 3:53:52 PM
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~ : ~ ~~'` ~ 201000241 ~`_ - <br />4... <br />.EASE A~I~EEIVIENT VV'ITH ®PTI~IN T® {PI~RCHASE READ, ~S7";A,T . <br />Tfa'is .ease%Option Agreement is made and entered into this d3 day of ~urc~„ C~ by and` between <br />P~ f hereinafter referr~$ to as Landlord/Seller, and <br />_ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ and assigns, hereinafter referred to as 7"enantll3uyer. <br />In consideration of the payment of rent, the obligation of Tenant/Buyer to perform all minor repairs and maintenance <br />during the term of this Lease Agreement, and the mutual understandings concerning the promises and covenants <br />contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: <br />together with all improvements and appurtenances, hereinafter referred to as the Property, and including the following <br />personal property: __~l_ rc~ ~ 1 ~r ~ ~`° ~ cccn- c~ ~~r- <br />2. L~ Term. The term ofi this Lease/Option shall be far a period of ~_ months, beginning on <br />~~ a ~ .and ending on ~c,~1-~„/„~Q. l~he initial term of this Lease/Option may ,be <br />extend d by 1"e ant/Buyer far ~_ addition period(s) of the same number of months at the sole discretion";of '' <br />Tenant/Buyer. Written notice shall be provided to Landlord/Seller no later than 1 q days prior #o the expiration _of„a <br />Lease period should Tenant/Buyer elect not to renew; otherwise, said terms shall renew automatically. _ <br />3 Ren# Payment. TenantlBuyer agrees to pay Landlord/Seller the sum of $ ~OC~ per month, beginning on . <br />'~ r~ucakS~ D3 , mac{~ as rent for the Property during the initial term of this Lease and continuing throughout any <br />exte sions ther ofi. All rental payments shall be due and payable an the 1st day of each month and late after the <br />1.0th. The sum of $ ~ of each rental payment shall be credited and applied towards the purchasr~ <br />price of the Property if, and only if, this Option is exercised; otherwise, all monies paid shall be hereby relinquished <br />and forfeited by Tenant/Buyer and are nonrefiundable. A late fee of ~~% or $ / 3 S _ shall apply for <br />any rental payment received later than the 10th, and a fee of $_~~,~ shall apply for each returned chick: <br />4. Option To Purchase. Tenant/Buyer is granted the exclusive right to purchase the Property herein described_dt~ring <br />the term of this Lease Agreement, and any extensions thereof, except for the exclusions listed in Paragraph 6.' ~" - <br />5. Purchase Price. Tenant/Buyer agrees to pay, and Landlord/Seller agrees to sell said property for the total. sum of <br />$ 1 Cr G(3_ payable as follows: Option Consideration: $~~„ due and payable when <br />Subtena~r is found. Additional Monies: $ ~ µ 3 i due on or before ~~~us~ ©~~z' ., 3.of ~,,~ (or <br />when 'closing takes place) only if Option is exercised by Tenan#/Buyer. Aside from Option Consic~eration'~an <br />Additional Monies, Tenant/Buyer agrees to pay off any loan balance(s) due at the time of the exercising of this Option: <br />6. Cancellation. Tenant/Buyer shall have the unqualified right to completely rescind this Agreement, and the covenants <br />thereof, within 30 days of the date it is signed by bath parties. The fulfillment of this Lease Agreement is contingent <br />upon Tenant/Buyer finding a suitable Subtenant/Buyer within 30 days. lJntil a suitable Subtenant/Buyer is.fourld~ #dr <br />the Property, Landlord/Seller may continue to market the Property. Landlord/Seller may. also list the Property~with ,an ; <br />agent providing that "Tenant/Buyer and assigns" is excluded from such listing. If Landlord/Seller produces a bond fide ' <br />.written Offer prior to Tenant/Buyer securing aSubtenant/Buyer, this Agreement shall be canceled at LandlordfSeller`s <br />,:.written. request. Such request must be delivered to Tenant/Buyer along with a copy of the accepted Offer. Once a. <br />Subtenant/Buyer is secured, Landlord/Seller loses any right to cancel. After 3D days, this Agreernerit is <br />'; Inoncancellable by either party (except as noted in Paragraph 13). Tenant/Buyer must notify Landlord/Seller in. writing <br />of any intent to rescind this Agreement. <br />7. Encumbrances. Landlord/Seller warrants that the total of all liens, whether of public record or not, are as ~follows_ <br />(A) A first mortgage in favor of c ~~~ ,,.,, in the approximate <br />amount of $~ ~ ~~ , tto (B) A secn~nd mortgage in f vnr f ~ ~ , - <br />'/~.,~'' ~~ in the approximate amount of $ .~ (C) Other; <br />N~ NOTE: ALL LE I]ERS AND'TIiaR~_ <br />PARTIES ARE HEREBY PUT ON NOTICE AND DULY WARNEC7 THAT ANY MORTGAGES, LIENS, OR Lll?~'IONS <br />OCCURRING SUBSEQUENT TO THE DATE OF THIS LEASE/OPTION AGREEMENT ARE HEREBY DECLARE17' <br />BY LANDLORb/SELLER TO BE NULL AND VOID AND OF NO LEGAL FORCE AND EFFECT. A C0P1C C?F TNIS <br />Y <br />Property Description. Landlord/Seller agrees to lease and Tenant/Buyer agrees to rent the real estate located at <br />
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