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<br /> (���rawr No11t�N�d,ExtsnWon ol t!N dm�for paym��l or modlticaUon o1�mortl�don of tl�eum�waur�d by thl�
<br /> D�ed of Tru=t a►anUd by L�nd�r W�ny succ�awr in InbrNt ol Bonow�t�hall not op�r�t�to rN�aw.in�ny rtwnn�r.tho Il�bllly
<br />�'��'��� of dN oripinu BoROw�r and Borrow�r's wccusora In inter�i�Lend�r�hill nol be nquiad to comm�nce procwdinpt�p�init
<br /> - -- = such wcc�s�o►or nfuw to�xt�nd qnN lor paym�nt or othtrw�modiy amoNutian ot th�eum s wcu��d by thl�M�d ot Trwt
<br /> -�-- - �
<br />•_��__ by na�on of�ny d�m�nd�msde by the oripinal Borrower and Borrower'�aucces�ors in i�teraft —
<br /> - --� -
<br />- �� (p)��ndM•�powMt.Without ellecqap the tlebllity ot any olher peraon Iloble for the payr�wnt of any obliqation ere n � -
<br /> ,�, mendon�d,Nnd without albcGnp th�N�n or charpe ol thh Dsrd of Trwt upon any poNon of the P�opeAy not then or therNofor�
<br /> -s�__°� relassd as�ecuriry lor ths lull emount o1 all unpaid oblipatlons,L�nd�r may,lrom dmo W tlma�nd wlthout nodc�(I)relea�e any
<br /> �_� person w Il�ble,(if►extend th�maturity or alter any ol the term�of eny wch obllyetions,(Ilq�rant other Indutpencss,(Iv)relea� _
<br /> ���-' or reconvey,or cau�s to be relsa�sd or nconveyed at any dme at Lender's option any percel,portion or all ot the PropeAy,
<br /> — (v)wke or ralsaae�ny olh�r or additional security lor any obli�etfon h�rein monGon�d,or(vi)mak�compo�idons or othor
<br /> �� an�npemente with dabton m ral�tlon th�reto.
<br /> ---;.-?."�:^ _-�.
<br /> ' ° - -- (o) pwb�uane�by t.�ndM Not�Walv�r.Any torbearance by Lander in exercielnp any Npbt a remedy hereunder,or _ _
<br /> -=`'°'�J°���p othsrwi�e alforded by appllaabla lew,ehall not be e walvar of or preclude the exercl�e ol any such ripht or remedy. TAe
<br /> --.- procurement of inturance or the payment ol taxes or other Itons ar cherpea by Londer shall not be a woiver of Landw's�Iphtto --
<br />- - ^-+��-•� accslerats the maturity o1 the indabtedneaa aecured by thfs Deed of Tru�L __
<br /> �—�-��-"�� �d)8ucassoa�nd AsWpM 8ound:Joln��nd Sw�a�Ll�bl��C�PHon�•The covenants and apreemenla herein con- _
<br /> --�-""�.: tained�hall bind,and the riphts heraunder shall inure to,the re�pecqva�uccesaors end aaf�ns ol Lendar and Trusto�.All
<br /> ._.3tPr.•: covenanb and apreemonW of Trustor$hall be�oint and aeveral.The cepUons and headinps o1 the parapraphs of this Med of -
<br /> �'' T►wt are lor eonvenlonco only and are not to be uaed to Interp�et or deline the provislona hereol.
<br /> --_';��.-.�--i j (e) ppuMt fot Notlep.The partlee hereby reQueat that a copy oi any notice of detault hereunder end a copy of any notice f`
<br /> -A===!�!t. of sale hereunder be meiled to each parry to thia Deed of Trust et the addre�s set forth above In the manner presc�ibed by
<br /> ...;.
<br /> '�-iT.�;�' applicabla law.Excopt for any oth�r nadce required under appliceble law to be given in enother manner,any notice provided
<br /> -��'`''��: for In thfs Deed of Tru�t ahall be piven by mafling such notice by ceAilfed mail�ddreased to the other peRlea,et the address wt �:,Ty
<br /> �•��'=k�^ ' forth ebove.Any nodce provided lor M thls Oeed ol T�ust shell be eflecpve upon mailinp in Ihe manner desiynoted herein.If
<br /> �" `��� Tnwtor is more than one person.notice aent to Me addrFea set forth above ohell be noUce to all such penon�.
<br />-=-- J -� � � ; (� Insp�cUon.Lender mey meke or ceuse to 6e mede reasonabte entrlea upon and Inapectlona of the Properiy,provided
<br /> --���t=cr;�` � thet Lender thall pive Trustor nolicq prfor to any euah inspection speclfyinp rea4onable causa theralor relat�d to Lendor'�
<br /> -� . fnWreat in the Proparty. --
<br />.:w.'-�' , � (�) R�ea�v�y�nq.Upon payment of all sums secured by thia Deed o1 TrusR Lender shell requestT�uatee to reconvey the
<br /> =;,y�� Property and shall eur�ender thia Deed o1 Truat and All�otes evidencinp indebted�esa secured by Ih is Deed ot Trust to Trustee. �
<br /> _— ��~>-;- ,_ ,. Tru4tea thall reconvey the Property without warranty and wlthout charpe to the peroon or penorn lepally enUtl�d fharoto. �'�'
<br /> �`''�i''`•��-�'�*x ` Tnntor shell pay all coste of recordation,if any. -�--
<br />-�,�7'r1�1.:1:'_�a�+f
<br /> __ _ --__ �}�) p��p��erty g�ct�r�ly AgrMm�n� As additfonel tecuriry lor the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby yrants �
<br /> ,,� � Lender under the Nebratka UNio�m Commercial Cade a eecurly Interest In all Ilxtures,equipmen6 and other personel properry
<br /> �-.�� "`,u,�;.�, uaed In connection with the real estate or improvements lacated thereon,end not othe►wise declered or deemed to be a paRO1
<br />,,�:.,��. .:,
<br /> - the real estate seeured hereby.7his instrument shall be construed as a Securlty Agreeme�t under said Code,end the Lender _
<br />��.�,�,�;;_:;.•��� , ahell have aU the riphts and remedles of a secured party under said Code In addidon to the righta end�emedies created under -._
<br />-_���hY;�� and accorded the Londer pursuant to tMs Deed of Trust,provlded thet Lender's righta and remedles under this paragraph shell
<br /> �� � . �� be cumuletive with,end In no way a Ifmitation on,Lender's riphts and remedies under any other�ecurlty apreement Wpned by
<br /> ��� .: Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> ,.` .��ri;:; � t:: (i) Ll�m�nd Eneumbnnce�.Trustor hereby warrants and repreaents ihat there ia no delauN under the provislons ot any
<br />�'?�- � ` :e.. mortpepe,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract descrfbing all or any pan ot the Praperry,or other contrecl,inatrument or
<br /> ti�;�y� , ..:,,,�,. ayreement constltutlnp a!len or encumbrance agefnst all or any part of the PropeAy(collectively. "Llens"�,exlatinp aa of the __
<br /> dale ol lhfs Deed of Truat,and that any and all existfng Liens remain unmodflled except as diacloaed to Lender�n Trustor'a �„
<br /> � a�'�� written disclosure ol liens and encumbrances provided ior hereln.Truator shell Ume1y pertorm all of Trustor's obHpatinns, �
<br /> �d �• •; covenents,representetfons and warranties under any and all exislting and future Liena,ehall promptly lorward to tender coples ���;�
<br /> .r{;`: .. ..����- .'� ol all notices of defeult sent In connection wAh any and ell exist�ng or tuture Llens,and shall not wiihout Lender's prior wrilan �-
<br />_ - � ' � . vir:,,. ; consent in any menner modify the prowswna ot or allow eny tuture advances under any exiatinp or tuture Liena. �;_
<br /> _ ,p�;�,.,. :��M •, Q) Appllwfton o1 P��n�nb.Untess atherwise requlred by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder, including wlthout Ilmitedon i
<br /> ,�"`! • � � paymenta ot princlpal and fnterest,insurance prceeeds,condemnatlon proceeds and rents and prWits,ahall De applled by �
<br /> ,,,. .,; "� Lender to the amounts due end owing irom Truator and 8orrower in such order as Lender in ns sole d�scredon deems de�IraWe.
<br />°�� � _ (k) Sw�rablllty.Ii any provlslon of this Deed of Trust conllfcts w11h applicable law or Is declared mvalld or oU�e►wlee
<br />.;'.,'." : ' unenforcea6le,such con8lct or invalidity shall not aNect the other prowsons of thls Deed ol Trust or the Note whlch ean be :.
<br /> �' " • glven efl6Ct wlthout the confliatlny provis�on,and to th�s e�d the prov�s�ons ot this Dead ot Trust and the Noto aro declared to be
<br />_ Y.,s^' �everebte.
<br /> -- ...`,•;. �. (1) T�.The terms"Truetor"and"Borrower"shall fnclude both sinpular and plurel,and when the Trustor and 8or►ow6r "-
<br /> �, �:. ..
<br /> - �,. � ate the tame person(s),those terms as uaed fn thls Deed ot Trust shall be mterchengeable. -=
<br /> + ' .,. . �• -
<br /> �-_ „ (m) (�i or�rnlnp t.�w.Thls Deed ol Truat ehatl be governed by the laws of tho Stete of hebreaka. �,-
<br />' � � Tnlstor has executed thfa Deed ot Trust as of the dete wrinen above. �;,�
<br /> . . . ��,�„�1��C'�� _.
<br /> , . � • Truata ��
<br /> „ • --E1-3"liiIIQf.'t��E��� � �. .
<br /> �
<br /> ., .. f.
<br /> E .
<br /> � :'
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