���• � �� I�J��'��,_ _ � �jc�4a.�.._
<br /> I FfL —
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<br /> �.�:�� I�e.... - '
<br /> �'� 92-- l U01'�4
<br /> __ NN Prop�ny Is so t�k�n a d�rt���d,l.�nd�r�h�ll hav�th�oDUan.In ib�otr�nd�bwluM dl�crMlon,M apptY dl wch Proc«d�.
<br /> dIM d�duotlnp tMl�ftom N)co�b�nd�xp�nta Incurrid by Il In Qonn�odon wlth woh P�ocNd�,upon 7uiy Ind�bNdnN�s�ouhd
<br /> Mr�by and In sucb ord�r as L�ndar m�y d�t�►min�,or to�ppiy dl wch Proc»d�,�ft�►weh d�duodoo�,b tlw r«bntlon ol lh�
<br /> �,=a Propsrly upon wch condiuons as L�nd�r m�y dN�rrnin�.My�ppllc�don of ProcMds fo Ind�bt�dnq��hall not�xt�nd a postpon�
<br /> �v;�est-�� th�dw dau of�ny paym�nU undu th�Noq,ur cun any dd�ult th�nundW or 1»r�und�r.My urnppll�d Iwid��II b�p�id b
<br /> Y:�ivi�.►�+rr,�;,y.; Trwtor.
<br /> --� �� - 6.PNIo�nNnc�by L�ndw.Upon th�oecurrsnco ol m Ev�nt of Wl�plthsr�undsr,or If�nr�Ct i�qk�n Or Iplll proCNdlnp
<br /> '��''����-'�, _-. comma�ced whlch mat�rlally�Hacts L�ndar't interest In ths PropeAy,Lender may in fb own dl�crsdon,b�t wlthout oblip�tlon to do
<br /> w,ti so,and without notic�to or d�mmd upan Trusta and wlthout r�ls��fnp Truitor lrom any obtpadon,do�ny act whbh Tnutor h�s `
<br /> .�, - �pr�sU but hfls to do and m�y�Iflo do any oth�r act It deoma neceaary to protect tM�scurlly h�no1.Trustor sh�N,immsdtatoly
<br /> � s
<br /> ,_;:�_.,� upon demand thorefor by Lender,pay lo Lende�dl co�la and expen�es Incurred and sums e�pendod by Londu Io conrnction wlth
<br /> lhe exorclas by Lender of tha forapoinq riphb,topethw wlth Inte�eat thereon et the detault�ate provldad I��l8e Not�,whlah shall bw
<br /> -- -•—�� added to th�Indabtodneas fecurM honby.Lend�r=h�ll not incur any li�billry b�aauss W anylhinp it may do or omlt to do
<br /> - s:;.'y --� h�reunde►.
<br /> ���'�` '� 9.Nuardaa Mabrl�ts.Truator ahall keep�he Property In aompliance with all applfcaEle lows,ardlnane��and�pul�tlans
<br /> _�_Y�4
<br /> '�^ rolstlnp to indushlal hypiene or envlronmentel protecUon(collectively relerred to hereln cs"Environmental Laws"►.Tru�tor�h�ll -
<br /> �-�`_''-� � keep the?roperty Irae frqm a11 subtfances deerned to be hazardoua or toxic under any Environmental Lsws(coll�cdvety rden�d to
<br /> l,;� hereln as"Hazardoua Materlala"1.T►uator hereby warrants and represente to Lender that there ere no Haza�dous Materlals on or
<br /> .]i
<br /> --- --'� undwths Propehy.Truator hereby apreea to Indemnity e�d ho�d harmleas Lender,ita dl�ecton,of�cers,employaes�nd�penb,end
<br /> �`'��°`� eny auccesfors W Lender's Intereet,lrom+�nd ayainstAny and all claimt,dame�ea.�osaes and Uabilltles arl�fnp in connetUon wlth.
<br /> _���:.r the presence.use,dlaposal nr tranaport o1 any Hazerdous Materlals on, under,Irom or about 2he Property.THE FORE(iOIN(�1
<br /> ��:� 10. Mtlpnm�nt ot Rrnb.T�ustor hereby assigns to Lender the rents,i�sues and proffta ot the Property;provldet!Ihat Truetor -
<br /> .�_`�,{���_.
<br /> ��•� �k shell,undl the oCCUrrence of an Event ot Default hareundor,have the ripht to collect and retain euch rents,Issuei and prufits aa they
<br /> T '�"A�`,�f"S'�" � become due and payable.Upon tha occurrence o1 an Event oi Defau�t,Lender may,either In person or by apent,wlth or wlthout
<br /> � `•�tib�-�
<br /> -_- �"w,•�, bringing any actlon or proceeding,or by a recelver appolnted by a court and without reyerd to tiie adequacy ol ite ascurlty,ente►
<br /> �',��i upon and fake poasession of the Properly,or eny part thereo(,In Its own name or in the name al the Tniatee,and do any aata which It
<br /> Y .;±�����' deema necossary or desirable to preservp the value,rnarketablllry or rentabiUry of the Property,or any part lhereot o►Intereat thereln,
<br /> ���� �•��. -v� •~ Intreese fhe Income therefrom or protect the aecurlry horeof and,with or�vlthout taking passesslon of the Property.aue for or -
<br /> �``�rt°��= � �f'` otherwlse collect the rents, Issuea and proNta thereol,Including those past due and unpaid,and apply the same,less costa and
<br /> ' � w.�,: expenaes ot operadon and cotlectlon fncluding aROrneys'feea,upon any Indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order as Lender
<br /> ^��� . . .� mey determine.The entering upon end;aking possbssion ot the?roperly,the collectlon of auch renta,Issuea and prollts and the __
<br /> ! �:� ;� epplicatlon thereof as atoresaid,ehell not cure or walve any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done In,
<br /> t. � response to auch default or pu�suent to s�ch natke ot detault and,notwithstandinp the continuance in poasesslon of the Properly or
<br /> ��` z the collecdon,receipt and epplicedon of rents.Issues or proflts,and Truatee and Lender ahell be enqtled to exerclse every�ipht�
<br /> -- _ _���_ __-_ �+rovtdpd for fn eny ol the Loan InsUUments or by Iaw upon occurrence of eny Event ol Defauli,l�uludfnp without limltatbn t�e rlphf
<br /> .:.Ta��_��) �. to ex3rctse the power of sale.Further,Lender's rlphts and remediea under thle parayraph ahall be cumulative wlth,ancl In no way»
<br />-.,��.. '�gl,�;����r*� IlmltaUon on,Lender's�Ights and remedies underany asslgnment ot leases anG rents recordedayeinstthe Property.lender,Truuee
<br /> _� 4 � -•` and the receiver shall be Ilabte to account only lor those rents actually recelved.
<br /> _� '��� '•i °�'�LL� 11. Er�nb ot Whui�The following shelt constitute an Event o}Delault under thls Deed ot Truat
<br />'-���"t� `=• ' r=�� (a) Fallure to pay any instellment of princlpal or Interest ot any othe�sum secured hereby when due;
<br />`��;�' �� (b)A breach of or default under any provislon contelned in the Note,lhls Dead of Trwt,any ol lhe Loan InstrumeMa,or eny _,
<br /> -�•...,�
<br />-'-gcc� ":: ' ~�., other Ilen or encumbrance upon Ihe Pruperty; r°
<br />;_.�;� ...,a.�.,,;;. � (c)A wrlt of execution or attachment or any slmller process shall be entered a�afnst Trustor whlch shell become�Ilen an =_..
<br /> _,�,., '��` ���. ..' tl+e Property or any portbn thereof or interest thereln; __
<br /> _. ,�� _,�,,,�_ ,,,,� (d) There shall be flled by or agafnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or luture tederal,s�ate or othar
<br /> - slatute,law or regulatlon relaUng to bankruptcy,Inaolvency or other relfef for debtors:or there shall be appointed any truetee,
<br />', � , �;� ,,, , recelver or Ilqufdetor of Trustor or Borrower or of all or any pa►t ot the Prope►ry,o�the rents,iasues or protlta thereol,or Tru4lor
<br />,� , �;;•� . • or Borrower shell make any general ass�gnment lor the beneht o(creditors; _
<br /> "��• �'"'-'��''•'"' (e) The sale,transfer,IeaBe,asslynment,conveyance or turther encwnbrance of atl or any part of or eny Interest in tho
<br /> �; ... .,,.�t'.ii --
<br />� . n n....•:�_ .
<br /> °'P'���, ° PropeAy, elther volunlarfly or involunterily,without lhe expresa �Hrltten conaent of lender; provlded that Trustot ahall be
<br /> ` '"���- �_.-�S�Ct.����.�;�..� , permitted to execute a lease of the Prope►ty that doea not conteln an optlan to purchese end the term ol whlch does not exceed =-
<br /> - ��:�,} . „ •:��• .: une year.
<br /> '.�:;�( ��'f( • .• (Q Abandonment of the Prope►ry;or p,_
<br />-�_��.•., >¢;r�_-.-: .b (p) If Truator la not an indlvidua�,the issuence,sele,trensfer,asalflnment,conveyance or encumbranceof morethan a totel _
<br /> -� `• . y?I;
<br /> y;=: •` ��f� � � o} perce�it of(if e corporatlon)ita Issued and outstandfng stock or(it a pahnershlp)a tofal ot percent of
<br /> °' �; '�l partnarship interests during the period this Deed of Trust remains a lien on the Property.
<br />-_•'-•�;;. ' .�,�� . � 12. R�m�dIM;AceN�ratlon Upon DHault.In the event ol any Event of Delault Lender may,wltAout notice except as required t►y -
<br />=y�:��� :�,��� � lew,declare all fndebtedness secured hereby to be due and peyeble end Ihe seme shall thereupon become due and payeble
<br />`••<-.:} �•• " wlthout any presentment,demand,protest or nWice o1 any kind.ThereaRer Lender may: =;
<br /> _ .' .�' � �T +'-�`,:,',';r:' � (a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granled herefn, and Trustea shall thereafter cause Truetars
<br /> `� °� - ``�` Intereat fn the Properly to be aold and the proceeds to be distrlbuted,all In the manner provided in the Nebreske Trust Oeede I'
<br /> ,,,.. .._:y,i,:,,; .
<br /> ��.y,i, � Ack �i
<br /> , �v. (b) Exercfse any and a!I riyhts provided lor fn any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occur�ence uf any Event of _
<br /> . :.{ Defauik end `
<br /> " ` (c) Commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mo�tgaye,appoint a receiver,or spec�t�cally enlorce any ot lhe !�
<br /> : ,;L. . . ..
<br /> '�`'•`.�• covenants hereot
<br /> ,r, No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender Is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herefn,ln thQ ;
<br /> • • loan Inatruments or by law provlded or permltted,but each shall be cumulative,shall bo in add�tlon to every other remedy glven i"
<br /> '�,.,;�� � hereunder,In the Loan Instruments or now or hereatter existing&t law or In eqwy or by statute,end may be exercised concurrenlly, __
<br /> Independently or succesalvely. �
<br /> ;,:�: 13. Tnn1M.The Truatee may resign at any time without cause, and L�nder may at any tlme and w�thout cau3e appolnl w !�
<br /> � �; � .. auccessor or substitute Truatee.Truatee shall notbe lable to any party.Including wdhout Ilmitation Lender,Borrowar,Trustor or any r:
<br /> • purcheser of the Property,fa any loss or damage un less due to reckless or willf ul misconduct end shall not be requfred to take eny
<br /> ' � � actlon in Connectlon with the enlorcement of this Oeed of Trust unless indemn�fied,in wnt�ng, lor all costs.Compensat�on or �
<br /> expenses whlch may be associated therewith. In adddion,Trustee may become a purchasernl eny 881e of the Property Qud�Cial or
<br /> � ., • ...
<br /> _��.....
<br /> --.,_ .. . . . . .. .
<br /> �--° unaer me power or saie g�aniev nern�ni.pU2fipUntl ii�a aaia u�aii�� niiy Nwi�Ai�Ji ii�&�ivi�v�i�. a5 M�v:.:w v��8�::v So�.....,
<br /> Property es a whole,o►�n separate parcels or �ots at Tr�stee's discretion.
<br /> .. •� 14. F�s and Exp�nws.ln the event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse of power ol sale.Trustee shall be ent�tled to epply •
<br /> • „ any sele proceeds ffrst to payment of all coats and expenses ot exerasing power ul aala,���cludmg a4 Truste3's feea,t�nd Lender's
<br /> • end Trustee's etlorney's tees,actually InCUrred to extent perm�tted by appliCa6le lew.In fhe event Borrower or Trustor exerases eny
<br /> rfght provlded bv law to cure an Event of Delault,Lender shall be ent�tlad to recover trom Trusto�au costs and expensea actuany
<br /> InCUrred as e result ol Trustor's default,inctuding wdhout�Imitetlon all Truatees and attorney's tees,to the oxtont pormlfted by
<br /> pppllcable law.
<br /> --- 15. FuW��AdvancM. Upon request of Horrower, Lender may, at Rs optfon,make addd�onal bnd luture advancea and re-
<br /> � advances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,wilh interest thereon,shall be secured by th�s Deed ol Trust At no t�me shall
<br /> , the prfncipel emounl ol the indebledness seCUrgd by Ih�s Deed of 7rust,not����ts edvenCed to protect the secunty of Ihis
<br /> Oeed of TrusR exceed the orlflfnel princfpal amount stated herefn,or S whichever�s yreater.
<br /> , �
<br />