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' ,. , . -' . - <br /> .. . •,,'- _ �`�.� <br /> ..4��_ ..iMl� - ��: .. �• -- <br /> _�'_ ,� <br /> ..__ ...i��r.�� <br /> 92-- i o0i57 <br /> ,a ���.. <br /> ��� /�xro�Nof RM��d,Ext�ndon ot tA�tlm�for paymant or madNlontlon ol iunoAlsadon of th�µ�ms Neur�d by thls _ <br /> ONd ot Trutta��ntad by I.�nder 10 any wactitor In Interast ol Borrower ohall nM aperets la ralnM,In�ny mann�r,tho Il�bllity <br /> 01 fh�orlpi�Y)BortowK�nd Borrowor's wacewon In inlsre�t.Lender�Itall nat be requlred lo comm�nc�procNdln���paln�t <br /> , _____� wch wco�aor or r�tuw to�xtend time far psyment or otherwise mc►dly amaAlxatlon al tho wm�aaw�d by thl�ONd of Trwt G <br /> by rwwn o1�ny demend�made by the odpinal Barower end Borrower'a�ucceoeoro In IntorosG -- <br /> (b�,�dK'�pow�n.Wilhaut�flectinp the NablNry o1 a�y other parsan Ilable lor Me peymant o1 any oblly�tlon h�r�ln <br /> msndaned,md wlthout slfeatlnp the Ils�a aharpe ol thi�Qeed o1 T�u�t upon any portlon o11he Propsrry not th�n or thentotoro <br /> rNeveedae laourfty far the full smount of all unpaid oblipationa,l.andar.may,lrom time to Ilma and wlthout noUcs(I)rete��s�ny <br /> peroan�a Ilahle,(II►exland the meturily or alter ony ot the terma of eny auah oblipellono,(lii)praM other Indutpence�,(iv)rel�ae� <br /> a reoamey,o�cauae to be releaaed or reconvayed at any time et Lender'e optlon any percel,portion or�II ol the Property, <br /> ._ (�teke or releaee enY other or addldonal secu►ity lor any obllpation hereln mentloned,or(�q maka composidons or odwr <br /> - - ,;� urangampMa wlth debtas in relatfon thereto. _ - <br /> (a) Fofi�rana�by I.�nd�r Not�W�Ivu.Any forbearenca by I.endar In axercisinp a�y ripht or remady hereunder,or <br /> otherwi6e aflo�ded by appllCeble law, ehall not be a welver oi or preclude the exercise of eny such rfpht or remedy.The <br /> - -� procurempnt oi fneurence or the paymeM ef terea+or ather Ilena or charpas by Lender aheN notbe a waiver of Londor'�ri�ht b <br /> -__- ___,i3� eooel�prata the matu�iry o1 the indabtedness sen�uted by this Oeed ot Truat, <br /> • (d) 8uoa�s�o►s�nd AalOn�Bouad;JaiM aed 8�n►al Wbllitri C�ptlom.The covenent�and epreamente hereln con- ��-• <br /> __.,_� Ol�ed ahall bind,and the►iqhts hereunder shalo inure to,the reapective euccessore and aealpne of Lende�and Truator.All -1 <br /> - aovena�ts and apreemenw of Trusta ehell be�oim and saveral.The capliono and headfnps otthe para�aphs oithia Deed of = <br /> - �� ��°�=�4;w� ' Truat e�e tor ccnvenlance only end are not to be uaed to inte�ret or define the provislons hereot. <br /> ___..,�:;;t;;�� (e) p�pqp»or ppqcu.The partles hereby r�quesl that a cppy of any notice of delault hereunder and a copyof eny nodce ��:: <br /> "_,,� ol sele hereunder be mailed to each pa►ry to thie Oeed o1 Truet at the address set lorth above In the manner prescdbed by �� <br /> eppllaAble lew.Except�or any other notice requlred undar eppllaable law to be given In another menner,any nodce provided �: . <br /> br in this Oeed o(Truat shall be piven by mailinp such notfce by ceRifled mell addreesed to the other partles,at lhe address aet ���': <br /> ''� Iprth above.Any notice provided for In this Daed o1 Trust ahall be efleative upon maAing in the menner desipnowd hereln.If — <br /> Tru�to�le mnre the�one peraon,notice sent to the addreas set lohh above ehall be notice to all wch penons. _. <br /> (� �nsp�ation,l.ender mey meke o�caufe to be mede reaeonable enlrles upon end inspoctfons ot the P�operty,provlded —_ <br /> -�_ - thet Lende��hell aive Truator noUc�prla to any auah I�ispecllon epanllylnp reaooneble cauq Ihallor rNabd to Lond�r'� <br /> ------=t Inlerait In the Praperry. <br /> ��''� (q) R�oonvryano�.Upon psymenl 01 aU�umf tecured by thle Oeed o1 T�uat,Lender ahell rpueet TrwUa to r�convey th� -- <br /> PropeKy and sh�ll surr�nder thl�Deed of Tru�land all aote�evidenainp Indebtedne�o�ecur4d by fib Os�d ol Tru�t W Tru�tN. <br /> iu� Tru�teo tfuiN ��aonwy th�PropsAy wlthout warronty and with�ul nha►pa to Ihe pareon or psnom Ip�lly entltl�d th�nto. <br /> Truaor�h11N p�y�11 aost�oi ncord�pOn.If any. <br /> y r�rA-:X';.A (h)P�nonN Prop�A►ii�a��Aprwmmt.As addlllonal securily lor Ihe peymenl ol lho Note,Trwtor ner�by prants °- <br /> _-�. I.ender under the Nabra4ko Unllorm Commercl�l Code a seaurfty IMereet in all tixlures,equlpnwnt a�d other psrsonal prop�rly _ <br />- '==�� % uced 1�eonneatlor�wlth the nal estete or Improvemento located Ihereon,and not othenvlee declared or deamed to be a part ot _ <br /> ,-,-�T:A�`' � the�aal sstete feCUnd heroby.Thle InstrumeM shall ba aonsirued ee a�eaurly Agreement undar said Code,and the Lender <br /> .-� ',;,,,�;n�" ehall heve all ihe rf�hts and remedie�01 a secured parly under eald Code in addllfon to tha rlphts and remedies created under _ <br />- ' end aaaorded the Lender pursuant to thfs Deed ol Trus1:providad that I.endar's riphts end remedles under thia peraflroph shall <br /> - -.-�--'"?' 6e cumulaUve wlth.ond fn no way a Ilm►fatfon o�,Lender'e►Iphts sod remedlea under any oth�tacurity epreement�Ipned by — <br /> - -�'�r � Bor�owerarTruetor. -- <br /> (i) Ll�n�and E�aumbraaaN.Trustor hereby warrents and represente Ihet there le�o delault under the provisions of eny — <br /> ----• mortyeye,deed of trust,lease or purchase contrect descNbing all or any peh o1 the Property,or other contracR InsUument or c,_.; <br /> --=�° '�v..a��:� . sgreement oonelltuting a�len or encumbrance apelnsl all or any part o11he Property(coNecdvely,"Liena"►.existin�es ol fhe �.:_ <br /> �'�R`�=°''��' ` ' dete of thia Deed of Truet,and that any and all exfstinp Llens remain unmodlfled except as disclosed to Lender�n Truetor'a �_� <br /> ''��`"- w►ftten diecloaure ot Hena and encumbrances provided tor herein.Truslor ehell tlmely perbrm all of Trustor'�obllgaUona, '- <br /> r.-�- <br /> - covenants,representations and warrenUes unde�any end all ex�eltlng and lutu�e Llens,shell promptly torward to Lender copies �;.� <br /> _�. .� , _ � af all noUces ot default eent i�connectfon with any and all exisling or lulure Liene,and shall not without Lender'e prbr writWn L_�_ <br />-= ,., ��y�. i consent in any manner modily the provislons ot or allow any future advances under eny exlating or future Uens. �_�, <br />_ ' �• Q) Appllo�Hon ol Paym�nu.Unless otherwise requlred by lew,auma pa�d to Lender 1►ereunder,mcluding without IlmitaUon �^ <br /> -_ - -,••�� "� poyments of principal and Mterest,insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceeds end rents and prolfts,�hall be applled by _ <br /> -- i.�""` . Lender to 1he amounts due and owfng(rom Trustor and Borrower m auoh order as Lender in Its sole dlscredon deems destrable. <br /> c'.:�;��;�`.;�` ;.'' (k)Sw�raWlHy.M any provlaion ot thfs Deed ot Trust con111cte with appllcable law or Is declared invaNd or otherwfae �°-. <br /> �•� unenforceable.such contllct or invelidiry shall not alfect Ihe olher proWeona ot thie�eed of Trust or the Note which can be ,_ <br /> _���� •-•� piven eifeot wilhoW the confllctM�provfsWn.and to thls end the provieiona of thls Deed ot Truat and the Note are declared W be � :, <br /> �•:,�f y"„� severeble. � '� <br /> �.�_�,..;, <br /> �-��-,' �.s� p)T�nna.The terms°Trusto�"and"Borrower"shall�nclude both ainguler and qlural,r�nd when the Trustor and Borrower <br />'-F=��_�;,;�:_,��{, :; are the same pereoMa).those terms as used in thfs Deed o1 Trust ahell ba IMerchangeabie. <br /> � •�;;';.�?,;.;•' (m) Gor�min�l�w.This Deed of Trust ahall be governed by the INws ol iho Slale o� Nebratka. _ __ <br /> '"v Truotar hao exeauted thle Deed ot Trust as of tha date wriflan above. <br /> . ..,. .i:;'�y1t,� . �y•�. <br /> .,�.,__ . � K SQ11Q 4ty,� � �:.. <br /> ' . `.L.'��.c_...= ' � <br /> � � patrsaia K �11QTrustor , <br /> �.�- <br /> �.,.:. <br /> � � �� <br /> 0 0- .. <br />:L'....,e:a.:�,�w„aG.�:i , �.. <br /> .-.__-__---__.._ F <br /> \ ' � . <br /> " V <br /> ' :..1, � <br /> • ! <br /> 4 <br /> . . � <br /> , <br /> ., � � <br /> � � <br />